• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Tidal Flats

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Community Structure and Health Assessment of Macrobenthos in Tidal Flats along the West Coast of Korea in Spring and Summer (서해안 갯벌의 춘·하계 대형저서동물의 군집구조 및 건강도 평가)

  • Ong, Giho;Jeon, Seung Ryul;Koo, Jun Ho;Park, Jong-Woo;Jeung, Hee-Do;Kang, Jung-Ha;Cho, Yoon-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.500-509
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the characteristics of a macrobenthos community and sediment environment and assessed the health of tidal flats along the west coast of Korea. A survey was conducted from Ganghwa-do to Mokpo, Jeollanam-do in April (spring) and August (summer) 2017, and April (spring) 2018. The sediment grain sizes in the Chungcheongnam-do region were coarser, and the sediment in the Gyeonggi-do·Incheon, Jeollanam-do, and Jeollabuk-do regions were finer. A total of 140 macrobenthic species were collected from this study and using a cluster similarity analysis of the macrobenthos community, they were divided into four groups. Group2 was associated with Manila clam farm stations, and Ruditapes phillipinarum, Nephtys polybranchia and Lumbrineris nipponica were dominant. Group4 included some sites with finer sediment composed relatively, and Eteone longa and Nemertea unid. appeared at a high frequency. From the health assessment of the western tidal flat, the ISEP and BHI indices had a "High status," and the AMBI index had a "Good status." In conclusion, the tidal flats along the west coast of Korea have good ecological health. However, pollution indicator species such as Theora lata and Capitella capitata have appeared in some areas. Therefore, periodic administration and interventions are necessary to prevent deterioration of the tidal flat environment.

Seasonal Variation of Surface Sediments and Accumulation Rate on the Intertidal Flats in Hampyong Bay, Southwestern Coast of Korea (함평만 조간대의 표층퇴적물과 집적률의 계절변화)

  • Ryu, Sang-Ock;You, Hoan-Su;Lee, Jong-Deock
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 1999
  • Grain-size distribution and accumulation rate of surface sediments on the tidal flats in Hampyong Bay, southwestern coast of Korea, were investigated in a sequential interval of 2 months for the period of 27 months (1994. 10~1996. 12). Seasonal variation of grain-size distribution is prevalent on the Shimock tidal flat in the southern side of the innerbay, rather than the Anarc tidal flat in the northern side around the baymouth. This variation, in particular, more distinctive in the areas around the both high and low tide water levels. The Shimock tidal flat shows typical seasonal variation of sedimentary processes, expected under monsoonal climate. Deposition of tine-grained sediments in summer dominates over erosion in winter, resulting in an annual accumulation rate of 3.7 mm/yr. In contrast, sedimentary processes on the Anarc tidal flat is abnormal that have experienced slight deposition of fine-grained sediments in the winter and severe erosion in the summer time, showing a negative annual accumulation rate of -49.6 mm/yr. Erosional processes in this area is interpreted due mainly to change of strength and direction of tidal currents, caused by the artificial construction of dyke for reclamation in the mid-tidal flat. As a result, It is immoderate to conclude whether sedimentary processes of Hampyong Bay is erosional or depositional at current situation. Further studies on sedimentary budget at the entrance to the bay are needed.

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A study of seasonal variation of the residual flow before and after Saemangeum reclamation (새만금간척전 .후 잔차류의 계절변화에 관한 연구)

  • 신문섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.10c
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 1999
  • The land reclamation area of Saemangeum(Kunsan) is located between 126$^{\circ}$10' E~126$^{\circ}$50' E and 35$^{\circ}$35' N~356$^{\circ}$05'N at the western coast of the Korean peninsula. The are many small islands including extensive areas of semi-diurnally flooded and dewatered tidal flats. The reclamation area of Saemangeum has a range of 5.6m spring tide and the maximum tidal current speed is about 1.41m s-1 in ordinary spring tide. Most of the sediments deposited on the tidal flats are transported from the Geum river, the Manjyung river and The Dongjin river. The soil in this area consists of silty sand with the depth of 10m to 30m . The wind in winter is strong from the direction of northwest. In the past twenty years, land reclamation projects for agricutural purpose or industrial cocmplex have been mostly implemented along the western coast of Korea. Saemangeum coastal area is being constructed the33km sea dike and 40, 100ha reclamation area. The purpose of this study is to find the residual circulations in four seasons after the dike construction by a robust diagnostic and prognostic numerical model. Heat flux at the sea surface in January ,May , August , October was asopted on the basis on the daily inflow of solar radiation at the earth surface, assuming an average atomospheric transmission and no clouds , as a function of latitude and time of year(George L.P.J.E William, 1990). The discharge from the Geum , the Mankyung and the Dongjin rivers was adopted on the basis of experience formula of river flow in January , May ,August, October (The M. of C.Korea, 1993) . Water temperature and salinity along the open boundaries are obtained from the results of field observation s.

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Spatio-temporal Variation in the Benthic Environmental Conditions and Salt Marsh Vegetation in Donggeomdo, Incheon, Korea (강화 동검도 염습지 식생의 분포와 저서환경조건의 시.공간적 변화)

  • Lee Hyung-Gon;Park Heung-Sik;Hong Jae-Sang;Je Jong-Geel;Lee Jae-Hac
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.39 no.spc1
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    • pp.180-188
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    • 2006
  • We examined the effect of salt marsh vegetation on the benthic environment in macro-tidal flats at Donggeomdo, Ganghwa, on the west coast of Korea. Nine stations were established along a transect across the tidal flats, including salt marsh, and field sampling was conducted monthly from July 1997 to June 1998. During the study period, environmental parameters fluctuated as follows: salinity, 15.0 to 28.2 psu, exposure time, 613 to 702 hr/m, inundation time, 28 to 117 hr/m, sediment organic carbon, 0.71 to 1.34%, nitrogen, 0.07 to 0.16%, sulfur from 0.07 to 0.22%, mean grain size from 6.3 to $6.9{\phi}$, water content from 19.4 to 44.4%, water temperature from 4.4 to $20.4^{\circ}C$ and temperature of the surface sediments, 2.7 to $31.1^{\circ}C$, in total, seven halophyte species were sampled and found to be vertically distributed across the tidal levels. Carer scabrifolia, Suaeda maritima, Limonium tetragonum and Phragmites communis dominated the upper zone of the salt marsh, Juncus haenkei, Triglochin maritimum and P. communis dominated the middle zone, and Suaeda japonica predominated in the lower area. Principal component analysis (PCA) and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling revealed that the zonation of halophytes was related to environmental variables such as salinity and exposure time. The halophyte communities were likely related to the organic content of the surface sediment.

Tidal-Flat Reclamations and Irrigation Systems of the Kyodong Island (강화 교동도의 해안저습지 개간과 수리사업)

  • 최영준;홍금수
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.535-561
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    • 2003
  • The Kyodong Island on the Yellow Sea has experienced dramatic transformations in the process of massive reclamations of tidal flats. Consisting originally of detached several islets, Kyodong became an integrated island country with the establishment of sea dikes across the salt marshes. The coastal plaines passed through four distinct stages of development. During the nascent period from the Early States to the Koryo Dynasty, strategic considerations led up to the establishment of causeways and garrison farms as well as private land plots. The relocation of regional headquarters of the navy into the island made the reclamation of tidal flats a systematic project during the period of Chosun Korea. The implantation of a large-scale estate by Japanese capitalists was the most characteristic feature of this region's geography during the colonial period. Present-day Kyodong displays various agrarian landscapes of standardized land plots, reinforced sea dikes, and automated agricultural machinery. Throughout the periods irrigation systems have sustained the panoramic transformation of the agricultural geographies of the Kyodong Island. The local people afflicted by a chronic deficiency of water came up with ingenuous irrigation systems such as springs, paddy reservoirs, reservoirs, tanks, artesian wells, and pump stations.

Variability of Sea Water Characteristics and Sea Levels Due to Climate Change and Appropriate Adaptation Strategies in Gyeonggi Bay (한국 경기만의 기후 변화에 따른 해수 물리적 특성 및 해수면 영향과 적응 대책)

  • Suah Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2023
  • This paper studies the effects of global climate change on Gyeonggi Bay and appropriate adaptation strategies. Located along the west coast of Korea, Gyeonggi Bay is renowned as one of the five most important global tidal flats (wetlands). Due to climate change in Gyeonggi Bay, the water temperature is predicted to increase by 1.44 ℃ by the year 2100, the salinity to decrease by 1.1 PSU, the sea level to rise by 35.2 cm, and approximately 150.5 km2 of the coast to be submerged due to the rising sea levels. Adaptation strategies to combat negative impacts of climate change on the ecological environment of Gyeonggi Bay include 1) supporting the self-adaptation capability of Gyeonggi Bay's natural environment to be sustainable, and 2) protecting lowlands adjacent to tidal flats and low-lying areas of the coast against human involvement to reserve more space for upslope shifts of biota with rising sea levels.

Seasonal Variation of Carbon Dioxide Flux between Soil Surface Layer and Atmosphere in Unvegetated Tidal Flat : Beolgyo Tidal Flat (비식생 갯벌 표층과 대기의 이산화탄소 플럭스 계절 변동 분석: 벌교 갯벌)

  • Kyeong-deok Park;Dong-hwan Kang;Yoon Hwan So;Won Gi Jo;Byung-Woo Kim
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we analyzed seasonal variations in carbon dioxide fluxes, concentrations, and soil temperatures over three years in unvegetated tidal flats in the Beolgyo area. We also investigated the correlations between carbon dioxide fluxes and influencing factors. The average carbon dioxide flux was positive in summer and autumn but negative in winter and spring. A positive correlation was observed between carbon dioxide flux and soil temperature in spring whereas a negative correlation was noted in summer. In summer and autumn, as the soil temperature increased, the carbon dioxide flux decreased. In contrast, in spring and winter, as the soil temperature decreased, the carbon dioxide flux increased. Overall, this study reveals the significant influence of soil temperatures on carbon dioxide fluxes between the surface layer of the tidal flat and atmosphere.

Prediction of Cohesive Sediment Transport and Flow Resistance Around Artificial Structures of the Beolgyo Stream Estuary

  • Cho, Young-Jun;Hwang, Sung-Su;Park, Il-Heum;Choi, Yo-Han;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Yeon-Gyu;Kim, Jong-Gyu;Shin, Hyun-Chool
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2010
  • To predict changes in the marine environment of the Beolgyo Stream Estuary in Jeonnam Province, South Korea, where cohesive tidal flats cover a broad area and a large bridge is under construction, this study conducted numerical simulations involving tidal flow and cohesive sediment transport. A wetting and drying (WAD) technique for tidal flats from the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) was applied to a large-scale-grid hydrodynamic module capable of evaluating the flow resistance of structures. Derivation of the eddy viscosity coefficient for wakes created by structures was accomplished through the explicit use of shear velocity and Chezy's average velocity. Furthermore, various field observations, including of tide, tidal flow, suspended sediment concentrations, bottom sediments, and water depth, were performed to verify the model and obtain input data for it. In particular, geologic parameters related to the evaluation of settling velocity and critical shear stresses for erosion and deposition were observed, and numerical tests for the representation of suspended sediment concentrations were performed to determine proper values for the empirical coefficients in the sediment transport module. According to the simulation results, the velocity variation was particularly prominent around the piers in the tidal channel. Erosion occurred mainly along the tidal channels near the piers, where bridge structures reduced the flow cross section, creating strong flow. In contrast, in the rear area of the structure, where the flow was relatively weak due to the formation of eddies, deposition and moderated erosion were predicted. In estuaries and coastal waters, changes in the flow environment caused by artificial structures can produce changes in the sedimentary environment, which in turn can affect the local marine ecosystem. The numerical model proposed in this study will enable systematic prediction of changes to flow and sedimentary environments caused by the construction of artificial structures.

Sedimentary Environments in the Hwangdo Tidal Flat, Cheonsu Bay (천수만 황도 갯벌의 퇴적환경)

  • Woo, Han Jun;Choi, Jae Ung;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Choi, Song-Hwa;Kim, Seong-Ryul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2005
  • Cheonsu bay, which is typically a semi-closed type, is characterized by various environments such as channels, sand bars, small islands and tidal flats. The construction of Seosan A and B sea dikes from 1983 to 1985 might continuously change sedimentary environments in the northern part of the bay. In order to investigate sedimentary environment, surface and core sediments were sampled at the Hwangdo tidal flat and adjacent sea in June and October 2003. The surface sediments consisted of five sedimentary facies. Generally, the surface sediments in October were changed coarser on the tidal flat and little changed in the subtidal area compared to those in June 2003. Sedimentary facies analysis of three core sediments suggested that wave and tidal current were relatively strong in the tidal flat near Hwangdo, whereas the energy was relatively low in the tidal flat near channel. Sediment accumulation rates in the Hwangdo tidal flat during 11 months indicated that sediments deposited in the central part, whereas eroded in eastern and western sides of the tidal flat. These caused that sea dike changed tidal current patterns and sediment supplies.

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Water Quality Simulations After Completion of Saemangeum Reservoir Construction (새만금호 완공에 따른 수질변화 모의)

  • Suh, Seung Won;Lee, Hwa Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1B
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2008
  • Water quality simulations on the Saemangeum inner reservoir have been carried out using EFDC model to understand water quality variations caused by abrupt physical changes due to closing of tidal barrier. According to hydrodynamic simulation, model reproduces not only outer regional dynamics but also inner superelevation very well. Calibration and verification of water quality models accomplished using observed data taken before closing. Also sensitivity tests regarding riverine discharges and tidal flats were done. Due to enlarging of always wet zone caused by super elevation on inner tidal flats, predicted DO decreases at that region as a result of SOD. Moreover shrink of mixing zone after closing of dike causes deteriorating of water quality showing DO as 2 mg/L during summer at Mangyeong and Dongjin estuaries, however it does not spread to middle part of the reservoir. Vertical stratification occurs after closing and shows vertical differences in DO concentration at least 6 mg/L to 7 mg/L in summer season. Most part of the reservoir is getting stratified and it leads to an oxigen deficit zone near bottom.