• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Scientist Network

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Analysis of the Differences in Perception about Scientists between Science Class and Convergence Class Applicants in Gifted Science Education Center (과학영재교육원의 과학반과 융합반에 지원한 학생들의 과학자에 대한 인식 차이 분석)

  • Park, Seon-Ok;Lim, Hyo-Sun;Chung, Duk-Ho
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1019-1034
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of convergence gifted students through the their perception of the differences about scientists between Science class and Convergence class in gifted science education center. Consequently, this article reports that there are differences in the perception about scientists was distinction between applicants of Convergence and Science class. Science class applicants mainly recognized scientists as pure scientists, but Convergence class applicants recognized scientist were including mathematician, artist, architect, etc. Also Convergence class applicants thought that affective domain including 'effort', 'patience', 'interest' was more important that Science class applicants. On the other hand, when they described the scientists, Science class applicants knew their achievements as scientists more specifically than Convergence class. And to conclude, the characteristics were different between Convergence and Science class applicants in gifted science education center. Based on the result of this study, this paper suggests the following: Firstly, conceptual study is urgent about convergence gifted students in their definition and characteristics. Secondly, information regarding the criteria to select student for convergence class in gifted science education center. Finally, when teaching convergence gifted students, attention should be paid to their characteristics such affective domain.

Development of a Model of Brain-based Evolutionary Scientific Teaching for Learning (뇌기반 진화적 과학 교수학습 모형의 개발)

  • Lim, Chae-Seong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.990-1010
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    • 2009
  • To derive brain-based evolutionary educational principles, this study examined the studies on the structural and functional characteristics of human brain, the biological evolution occurring between- and within-organism, and the evolutionary attributes embedded in science itself and individual scientist's scientific activities. On the basis of the core characteristics of human brain and the framework of universal Darwinism or universal selectionism consisted of generation-test-retention (g-t-r) processes, a Model of Brain-based Evolutionary Scientific Teaching for Learning (BEST-L) was developed. The model consists of three components, three steps, and assessment part. The three components are the affective (A), behavioral (B), and cognitive (C) components. Each component consists of three steps of Diversifying $\rightarrow$ Emulating (Executing, Estimating, Evaluating) $\rightarrow$ Furthering (ABC-DEF). The model is 'brain-based' in the aspect of consecutive incorporation of the affective component which is based on limbic system of human brain associated with emotions, the behavioral component which is associated with the occipital lobes performing visual processing, temporal lobes performing functions of language generation and understanding, and parietal lobes, which receive and process sensory information and execute motor activities of the body, and the cognitive component which is based on the prefrontal lobes involved in thinking, planning, judging, and problem solving. On the other hand, the model is 'evolutionary' in the aspect of proceeding according to the processes of the diversifying step to generate variants in each component, the emulating step to test and select useful or valuable things among the variants, and the furthering step to extend or apply the selected things. For three components of ABC, to reflect the importance of emotional factors as a starting point in scientific activity as well as the dominant role of limbic system relative to cortex of brain, the model emphasizes the DARWIN (Driving Affective Realm for Whole Intellectual Network) approach.