• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean National Nutrition Survey

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A Survey of Need and Purchase Intention for Meal Kits - For Children's Foodservice Managers in Changwon Areas - (어린이급식소용 밀키트 필요성 및 구매의도에 대한 인식 조사 - 창원 일부 지역의 어린이 급식담당자 대상 -)

  • Seo-Jin Kim;Jae-Hee Park;Hye-Kyung Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2023
  • In this study, a survey was conducted on the development of meal kits for children's foodservice to increase the convenience of the cooking process. It was performed among the foodservice managers in the 141 children's foodservice facilities registered in the Center for Children's Foodservice Management about meal-kits in Changwon areas. The survey results were analyzed according to the children's foodservice scale type. The biggest problem in a foodservice system was "difficult to purchase food ingredients directly every week" (38.4%) in small-scale children's foodservices, and "difficult to use the served menu without modification" (38.2%) in institutional children's foodservices (P<0.001). The most important factor when choosing the meal kit was "quality" (41.1%). Respondents on having an experience with using the meal kit were low at 34.8%, and the reasons for not using the meal kits were "expensive" (67.3%) and "not fresh food ingredients" (18.4%). The main reasons for not using children's foodservice meal kits were "expensiveness" (64.4%) and "necessity of adding disinfection process" (16.1%). Most of the reasons for not wanting to use children's foodservice meal kits were that they did not trust the safety of the meal kits. The use of meal kits in children's foodservices may reduce the preparation process and increase the efficiency of foodservice although the safety and quality of meal kits should be guaranteed. The appropriate hygiene management standards need to be set, and HACCP should be applied to develop meal kits for children's foodservices.

Milk Intake is Associated with Metabolic Syndrome - Using Data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007~2010 (우유 섭취와 대사증후군의 관련성 - 2007~2010년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Lee, Chang Jin;Joung, Hyojee
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.795-804
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to examine associations between milk intake and metabolic syndrome. The subjects included 1,928 males and 3,103 females, aged 19 to 64 years, from the data of 'The Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey 2007-2010'. Daily intake of milk and dairy products was obtained by a 24 hour dietary recall method and divided into two categories by equivalent weight of one serving. The average individual intakes of milk and dairy products were 59.4 g and 74.1 g per day respectively. Milk intake was inversely associated with metabolic syndrome (OR: 0.69, 95% CI: 0.54~0.89), central obesity (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.62~0.91), and hypertriglyceridemia (OR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.59~0.90). The total intake of dairy products was also inversely associated with metabolic syndrome (OR: 0.74, 95% CI 0.60~0.92), central obesity (OR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.62~0.86), hypertension (OR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.65~0.99). The association between intakes of milk and dairy products and metabolic syndrome was significant in women, but not in men. These results indicate that increased consumption of milk and its products is associated with a reduced likelihood of metabolic syndrome and metabolic syndrome risk factors. Further research on causal relationship and dose-response association between milk intake and metabolic syndrome risk is necessary prior to applying the observed results in nutrition policies and programs to prevent the metabolic syndrome.

Optimization of Average Food Consumption Data for Koreans in 1990s (한국인을 위한 식품 평균소비량(1990년대) 자료의 최적화)

  • Lee, Su-Rae;Lee, Hyo-Min;Huh, Keun;Lee, Mi-Gyung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2000
  • In Korea, food balance sheet and national nutrition survey have been conducted in parallel by Central Government for several decades. However, the gap between the two statistics became larger to reach an intolerable level in recent years, likely due to the limitation of dietary survey method in spite of the drastic change in dietary habits after industrialization and urbanization during last three decades. The currently available data from national nutrition survey was optimized by taking in to account of the food balance sheet. Adjusted consumption data for individual food items during the period of 1991-95 were given in tabular forms for groups of cereals potatoes sugars & sweets, legumes, nuts & seeds, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, dairy products oils & fats and fishery foods. Conversion factors of processed foods including wheat products, soybean products, Kimchi and dairy products into their raw materials were tentatively proposed. Great differences between supply data and intake data of food commodities were pointed out to be likely due to the seasonal variation and ignorance of processed foods and dining-out in the national nutrition survey. It is recommended to utilize these optimized food intake data as the nationally-representative one until new data from the national health and nutrition survey undertaken after modified procedures since 1998 are obtained and verified in future.

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Survey Study on lunch box of Senior High School Girls in Seoul City (서울시내(市內) 여학생(女學生)의 도시락 실태조사(實態調査))

  • Lee, Myung-Sook;Song, Nam-Soon;Rhee, Hei-Soo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 1971
  • To evaluate the results of nutrition education in high school, the contents of the lunch box of senior high school girls were surveyed. Among 540 students in Attached Senior High School, College of Education, Seoul National University, 403 girls who had carried a lunch box were selected as a subject. All the nutrients except vitamin D given in Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances were calculated for the foods in lunch box and compared with the Recommended Allowances for Korean people, and foods in lunch box were also considered as a food groups. To see how many students had an interest about their own nutrition, people who packed lunch box were also checked. Results are as follows 1) all the nutrients except iron and niacin of lunch box were low when compared with Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances for Korean people 2) Over 50% of calorie, protein, vitamin $B_1$, and niacin were provided by main food-rice, although other nutrients were principally from side dish. 3) Side dishes were few in kinds and chiefly salty foods such as preserved and processed foods were in the lunch box. There was no consideration in cooking method. 4) There may be a fault in nutrition education in high school because, there were only few students who had an interest in their own nutrition.

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Status of Early Childhood and Maternal Nutrition in South Korea and North Korea (남북한 영유아 및 가임기 여성의 영양상태 비교)

  • Shim, Jae-Eun;Yoon, Ji-Hyun;Jeong, Seong-Yeon;Park, Mi-Na;Lee, Yeon-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the nutritional status of children aged 5 or under and women aged 20 to 34 years between the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea (DPRK: North Korea). For the source of nutritional status of North Koreans, the DPRK 2004 Nutrition Assessment-Report of Survey Results was used. As the comparable data of South Koreans, the anthropometric data for children and women were obtained from the reports of the Korean Pediatric Society and the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, respectively. The blood hemoglobin data of South Korean women were obtained from the data file of the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey and analyzed. In regard to the North Korea, the Prevalence of underweight (weight for age Z-score < -2.0) in children under 12 months was about $10\sim15%$, and thereafter progressively increased until 30 to 35 months reaching 30%. In South Korea, the prevalence of underweight was less than 3% in most age groups both in boys and girls. In North Korea, the prevalence of stunting (height for age Z-score < -2.0) reached 20% in children under 12 months and increased with age over the level of 50% in children aged 54 to 59 months. In South Korea, the prevalence of stunting was less than 3% in children under 12 months and was less than 10% throughout the age groups. Maternal protein-energy malnutrition and anemia were assessed for the women aged 20 to 34 years using mid-upper arm circumference (< 22.5 cm) and blood hemoglobin level (< 12g/DL), respectively. The prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition was 39.6%, 30.7%, 31.7% in North Korea and 12.5%, 5.0%, 1.5% in South Korea fir the women in $20\sim24,\;25\sim29,\;30\sim34$ years, respectively. The prevalence of anemia in the North Korean women was about $34\sim36%$ while that in the South Korean women was $15\sim18%$. In conclusion, the disparity of nutritional status in early childhood and maternity between South Korea and North Korea is so huge that active and well-planned nutrition support policy and programs for women and children in North Korea is imperative to prepare for the future unified nation.

Selecting items of a food behavior checklist for the development of Nutrition Quotient (NQ) for children (어린이 영양지수 (NQ, Nutrition Quotient) 개발을 위한 평가항목 선정)

  • Kang, Myung-Hee;Lee, Jung-Sug;Kim, Hye-Young;Kwon, Se-Hyug;Choi, Young-Sun;Chung, Hae-Rang;Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Cho, Yang-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.372-389
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study is to select a simple and easy measurable food behavior checklist for the development of Nutrition Quotient (NQ) for children, which reflects children's diet quality, as well as to evaluate the validity of the items in the food behavior checklist. The first 36 items in the checklist were established by an expert review, modifying the preliminary 50 items in the checklist, which had been selected by a literature review and the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. 341 children in 5th and 6th grades at an elementary school participated in a one-day dietary record survey, and later responded to 36 food behavior questions of the checklist. Pearson's correlation coefficients between the responses to the food behavior checklist items along with the mean nutrient intakes of the children were calculated. From the result, in which responses of food frequency and food behavior items showed certain association with the dietary record data, a second checklist with 22 items was selected. A survey was conducted by using the second checklist. 1,393 children in the 5th and 6th grades at 12 elementary schools in metropolitan cities, such as Seoul, Busan, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, and Incheon, participated in the survey. Further, an exploratory factor analysis was performed. After the analysis, 19 items (10 items from food frequency and 9 items from food behavior) were finalized as the food behavior checklist items for the NQ. The final 19 food behavior checklist items were composed of 5 factors: 'Balance', 'Diversity', 'Moderation', 'Regularity', and 'Practice'. This study is a significant first trial to establish a comprehensive system for evaluating children's food habit and diet quality. This checklist might need continuous modification and revision reflecting the change of children's dietary life and the social environment.

Analysis of Educational Demands for Diet Education of Middle School Students in Daegu (식생활교육을 위한 대구시 중학생의 교육 요구도 조사)

  • Cho, Eun-Mi;Kim, Mee-Ra
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.7
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental data for development of textbooks and guides on diet education for middle school students. A survey was conducted for 250 middle school students in Daegu, who have completed the nutrition courses. The data were collected from the results of a self-administered questionnaire. The results obtained by this research are as follows: 1) For the education for dietary habit and attitude at school, more than half of students answered 'not being done'(55.1%), and 'needed'(41.1%). 2) When educating food and nutrition at school, both boys and girls preferred 'classes using media such as movies and slides'. 3) The boys wanted to learn 'proper dining etiquettes'(23.5%), and girls wanted to learn 'weight management'(43.8%) for further courses of food and nutrition(p < .001) in the educational demand analysis.

Association between Vitamin C and the Prevalence of Obesity among Korean Adults - The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016-2017 - (한국 성인의 비타민C 섭취와 비만 유병률의 연관성 - 2016-2017년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 -)

  • Jang, Eunyoung;Kim, Yookyung;Shin, Woo-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.571-582
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    • 2021
  • This study investigates the relationship between vitamin C intake and obesity prevalence among Korean adults. Based on data of the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2017), a total of 1,356 participants were included in this analysis. Increasing the dietary vitamin C intake resulted in a significantly decreased occurrence of BMI obesity prevalence (p for trend=0.0194) and WC obesity prevalence (p for trend=0.0452). Moreover, increasing the dietary vitamin C intake of Korean adults having a high frequency of eating breakfast resulted in significantly decreased BMI obesity prevalence (p for trend=0.0406) and WC obesity prevalence (p for trend=0.0432). Among the Korean adults who ate out frequently, decreased BMI obesity prevalence was determined with increased intakes of dietary vitamin C (p for trend=0.0193) and total vitamin C (food and dietary supplements) (p for trend=0.0429), whereas significant decrease in WC obesity prevalence was observed with increased dietary vitamin C intake (p for trend=0.0484). Our results provide conclusive evidence that consumption of dietary vitamin C is associated with obesity prevalence in Korean adults, according to their habits of eating breakfast and frequency of eating out.

Risk of Metabolic Syndrome according to Intakes of Vegetables and Kimchi in Korean Adults: Using the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2010-2011 (한국 성인의 채소와 김치 섭취량에 따른 영양상태와 대사증후군 위험도에 관한 연구: 2010-2011년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Yoo, Jae-Eun;Kim, Jin-Su;Son, Sook Mee
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.507-519
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the relations between total vegetable and Kimchi intakes and the risk of metabolic syndrome (Mets) in Korean adults. Methods: This study used dietary intake and health data of 6668 subjects aged 20 years and over from the 2010-2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Daily intakes of total vegetables and Kimchi were assessed by 24-hour recall data. The odds ratio of Mets risk according to daily intake of vegetables and Kimchi was analyzed, respectively. Results: The highest consumption of total vegetables was associated with a lower risk of abdominal obesity (multivariable adjusted OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.33, 0.93) in men and lower risk of Mets (multivariable adjusted OR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.47, 0.94) in women. Kimchi consumption was not related to the risk of Mets in both men and in women. However, a higher intake of Kimchi was associated with an increased risk of elevated blood pressure (Q1 vs Q5, multivariable adjusted OR=1.34, 95% CI: 0.95, 1.90, P for trend= 0.0261) in women. Conclusions: A higher intake of vegetables was associated with decreased risk of abdominal obesity and Mets in both men and women, respectively. A higher consumption of Kimchi was not related to the risk of Mets in both in men and in women. However, a higher intake of Kimchi was associated with an increased risk of elevated blood pressure in women.

A Study on Sources of Energy & Macronutrients from Korean Dishes by Area (지역에 따른 주요영양성분의 공급음식에 관한 연구(I) -에너지 및 3대 영양소를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Haeng-Shin;Park, Mee-Ah;Kye, Seong-Hee;Moon, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 1996
  • The dietary intake of nutritional elements by Koreans as determined by the Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Nutrition Survey have been reported for $1969{\sim}1993$. But these data were based on not dish but food. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare dish sources of energy and macronutrients (carbohydrate, fat, protein) in the diets of three area (large city, small city and rural). Dish sources were evaluated from two-day record obtained in the secondary analysis of the 1993 Korean National Nutrition Survey. The result, large city and small city had higher fat and protein intake than did rural. Otherwise, carbohydrate intake among rural was higher than those among large and small city (p<0.05). The primary dish source of energy and macronutrients was cooked rice for all area. The percentage of cooked rice in daily carbohydrate intake was 52.64% for nationwide, 48.40% for large city, 50.52% for small city, 61.79% for rural. The cumulative percent of top 10 dish sources to carbohydrate for large city, small city, rural were 78.02%, 81.16%, 85.69%, respectively. These was higher than cumulative percent of other macronutrients. The milk as good protein source ranked 3 for large city, 6 for small city, 22 for rural. The major dish sources to fat were cooked rice and pork that prepared by various cooking way. These results show that the major dish sources of energy and macronutrients were cooked rice based of Korea traditional consumption pattern. The most of nutrient intake consumed some dishes for all area. The dish consumption pattern was generally similar between large and small city. But rural was different from other area. Threfore, nutrition educations and interventions should be targeted to each area and should be attended with studies that comparision of dish sources to nutritional elements by specific age-sex groups.

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