• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Medicine(KM)

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Principle of major acupoints composition: focus on Four Command and Star Twelve points (주요 경혈 구성원리 고찰: 사총혈과 천성십이혈을 중심으로)

  • Da-Eun Yoon;Heeyoung Moon;Yeonhee Ryu;Younbyoung Chae
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.235-242
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: In order to select proper acupoints, it is important to understand the principle of major acupoints composition among 361 acupoints. Methods: We investigated the composition of major acupoints from Four Command points to Star Twelve points based on the classical medical texts. We reviewed the common principle of major acupoints composition. Results: First, major acupoints are chosen to treat the targeted diseases associated with the corresponding meridian channels and these acupoints are located in distal part of the body below the knee and the elbow. Second, main acupoints are supposed to be the representative points among acupoints with similar indications. Main acupoints can be selectively to treat a specific disease or condition, rather than be used for general effect simultaneously. Conclusions: We demonstrated the major acupoints from classical medical texts and revealed the common principles of major acupoints composition. These findings can help Korean medical doctors to choose more appropriate acupoints by understanding the principle of major acupoints composition.

A Study on the System of Collaborative Practice between Korean Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine for Dementia based on a Case Study (증례를 통해 본 치매의 한양방 협진 모델 연구)

  • Lee, Go-Eun;Yang, Hyun Duk;Jeon, Won Kyung;Kang, Hyung-Won
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.211-228
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : This report describes the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of Collaborative Practice between Korean Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine for two dementia patients. Furthermore, through these cases, we suggest a model of collaborative practice between Korean traditional medicine and western medicine for the treatment of dementia. Methods : Two patients suffering from several symptoms related to dementia received collaborative practice between Korean traditional medicine and western medicine. Physicians of deparment which paient first visit interviewed patient and patient's guardians, discussed the symptoms and the status of the patient. Since then, the medical team made a differential diagnosis based on the results of brain imaging, hematology, urine test. and apprehended the status of dementia by the neuropsychological test. Korean traditional physicians examined the physical symptoms and identified the pattern of dementia in Korean traditional medicine. Following this, they decided on the method of acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and herbal treatment. Western physicians decided on the type of medication after consideration of the patient's other medical conditions. Every intervention was decided by both Korean traditional physicians and western physicians after discussion. The medical team provided education on dementia and counseled the guardians. They also wrote the paper for using the long-term care insurance for the aged. Results : Two patients showed no improvement on the neuropsychologic and activity of daily living tests. However, the patients' subjective physical symptoms were improved. The collaborative practice between Korean traditional medicine and western medicine improved the patients' and guardians' satisfaction. Conclusions : Through these cases, we propose a model of collaborative practice between Korean traditional medicine and western medicine for dementia categorized diagnosis-test, treatment, prevention, management. More specifically, we supplement qigong and psychotherapy which was inadequate in these cases.

Systematic network analysis of herb formula in Traditional East Asian Medicine discloses synergistic operation of medicinal herb pairs with statistical significance

  • Lee, Jungsul;Jeon, Jongwook;Choi, Chulhee
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.11.1-11.5
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    • 2015
  • Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) prescriptions typically consist of several herbs based on the assumption that the herbs operate synergistically and/or cooperate on several related pathways simultaneously. This is a general concept that is widely accepted in TEAM, but it has not been tested systematically. To check this assumption statistically, we have text mined traditional Korean medicine text the Inje-ji(仁濟志, Collections of benevolent savings), a text that contains more than 5000 herb-cocktail prescriptions. We created herb-pairing network based on herb-herb pairing specificity and performed a systematic network analysis. Herbs were shown to be used selectively with other herbs and not randomly. Moreover, herb pairs were more specifically associated with symptoms than were single herbs. Single herbs and combinations of herbs specifically used for diabetes mellitus were successfully identified. As conclusion, herb-pairings in TEAM are not randomly constructed; instead, each herb was selectively used with other herbs. In terms of statistical significance, herb pairs were more specifically associated with symptoms than were single herbs alone. Collectively, these results suggest that it may be important to understand the interactions among multiple ingredients contained in herb pairs rather than trying to identify a single compound to resolve symptoms.

The Discussion on Treatment Based on Pattern Identification in Guidelines for Traditional Chinese Medical Treatment of COVID-19 in China (COVID-19 중국 진료방안의 변증론치에 대한 고찰)

  • Sanghyun, Kim
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2022
  • After the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, the national health commission of the people's republic of China distributed guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Based on that, each region of China made guidelines for traditional Chinese medical treatment of COVID-19 applicable to clinical field. Under the hypothesis that each region's guideline contains regional characteristics, a comparison was made on pattern identification among each region's guidelines and central guidelines. At the beginning of the analysis of the cases, opinions on pattern identification vary from region to region, and the diversity is mainly reflected in the early stage of the disease. When the guideline is organized to a certain level due to the accumulation of clinical cases, there is a strong tendency to enumerate various types of pattern identification. It means that as a specific infectious disease progresses, it can appear in various cases due to variables. In some guidelines, disease stages were analyzed by only a limited pathological mechanism, but no regional characteristics were found here. Rather, it may mean that unique characteristics for disease can be derived.

Should Korean Medicine doctors use modern diagnostic medical devices? Survey result of public perspectives (국민인식을 기초로 한의사의 현대 진단의료기기 사용 법제화 필요성에 대한 제언 : 설문조사를 중심으로)

  • Juchul Kim;Byoungcheun Hwang;Manki Hwang;Seungmin Kathy Lee;EunHee Yi;Jungtae Leem
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.94-105
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study investigated public opinion on the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors. Methods: A questionnaire looking into perceptions on the use of modern medical devices was developed. It was distributed by a third party and data was collected. Results were analyzed through frequency analysis, chi-square analysis (χ2-test), frequency and cross analysis using R program. The measurement variable in the study was the respondent's perspectives and expectations on the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors. The maximum significance level was 0.05. Results: There were a total of 3,000 responses and 80.8% of the respondents replied that there is a need for government-level discussion on endowing rights to Korean Medicine doctors as supervisors for safety management of radiation generating devices. Also, 83.3% of the respondents agreed the use of ultrasound imaging equipment in Korean Medicine clinics should be legalized. Conclusions: According to this study, respondents strongly support the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors. This is the first study to investigate public opinion in this area and it provides a significant insight into the public needs and desires for a wider scope of practice for Korean Medicine in the healthcare system.

A Study on Public Nuisance in Seoul, Pusan and Daegu Cities Part I. Survey on Air Pollution and Noise Level (공해(公害)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) 제일편(第一編) : 서울, 부산(釜山), 대구(大邱) 지역(地域)의 대기오염(大氣汚染) 및 소음(騷音)에 관(關)한 비교조사(比較調査) 연구(硏究))

  • Cha, Chul-Hwan;Shin, Young-Soo;Lee, Young-Il;Cho, Kwang-Soo;Choo, Chong-Yoo;Kim, Kyo-Sung;Choi, Dug-Il
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-64
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    • 1971
  • During the period from July 1st to the end of November 1970, a survey on air pollution and noise level was made in Seoul, Pusan and Taegu, the three largest cities in Korea. Each city was divided into 4-6 areas; the industrial area, the semi-industrial area, the commercial area, the residential area, the park area and the downtown area. Thirty eight sites were selected from each area. A. Method of Measurement : Dustfall was measured by the Deposit Gauge Method, sulfur oxides by $PbO_2$ cylinder method, suspended particles by the Digital Dust Indicator, Sulfur dioxide ($SO_2$) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) by the MSA & Kitakawa Detector and the noise levels by Rion Sound Survey meter. B. Results: 1. The mean value of dustfall in 3 cities was $30.42ton/km^2/month$, ranging from 8.69 to 95.44. 2. The mean values of dustfall by city were $33.17ton/km^2/month$ in Seoul, 32.11 in Pusan and 25.97 in Taegu. 3. The mean values of dustfall showed a trend of decreasing order of semi-industrial area, downtown area, industrial area, commercial area, residential area, and park area. 4. The mean value of dustfall in Seoul by area were $52.32ton/km^2/month$ in downtown, 50.54 in semi-industrial area, 40.37 in industrial area, 24,19 in commercial area, 16.25 in park area and 15.39 in residential area in order of concentration. 5. The mean values of dustfall in Pusan by area were $48.27ton/km^2/month$ in semi-industrial area, 36.68 in industrial area 25.31 in commercial area, and 18.19 in residential area. 6. The mean values of dustfall in Taegu by area were $36.46ton/km^2/month$ in downtown area, 33.52 in industrial area, 20.37 in commercial area and 13.55 in residential area. 7. The mean values of sulfur oxides in 3 cities were $1.52mg\;SO_3/day/100cm^2\;PbO_2$, ranging from 0.32 to 4.72. 8. The mean values of sulfur oxides by city were $1.89mg\;SO_3/day/100cm^2\;PbO_2$ in Pusan, 1.64 in Seoul and 1.21 in Taegu. 9. The mean values of sulfur oxides by area in 3 cities were $2.16mg\;SO_3/day/100cm^2\;PbO_2$ in industrial area, 1.69 in semi-industrial area, 1.50 in commercial area, 1.48 in downtown area, 1.32 in residential area and 0.94 in the park area, respectively. 10. The monthly mean values of sulfur oxides contents showed a steady increase from July reaching a peak in November. 11. The mean values of suspended particles was $2.89mg/m^3$, ranging from 1.15 to 5.27. 12. The mean values of suspended particles by city were $3.14mg/m^3$ in Seoul, 2.79 in Taegu and 2.25 in Pusan. 13. The mean values of noise level in 3 cities was 71.3 phon, ranging from 49 to 99 phon. 14. The mean values of noise level by city were 73 phon in Seoul, 72 in Pusan, and 69 in Taegu in that order. 15. The mean values of noise level by area in 3 cities showed a decrease in the order of the downtown area, commercial area, industrial area and semi-industrial area, park area and residential area. 16. The comparison of the noise levels by area in 3 cities indicated that the highest level was detected in the downtown area in Seoul and Taegu and in the industrial area in Pusan. 17. The daily average concentration of sulfur dioxides ($SO_2$) in 3 cities was 0.081 ppm, ranging from 0.004 to 0.196. 18. The daily average concentrations of sulfur dioxides by city were 0.092 ppm in Seoul, 0.089 in Pusan and 0.062 in Taegu in that order. 19. The weekly average concentration of carbon monoxides(CO) was 27.59 ppm. 20. The daily average concentrations of carbon monoxides by city were 33.37 ppm. in Seoul, 25.76 in Pusan and 23.65 in Taegu in that order. 21. The concentration of $SO_2$ and CO reaches a peak from 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. 22. About 3 times probably the daily average concentration of CO could be detected in the downtown area probably due to heavy traffic emission in comparison with that in the industial area. 23. As for daily variation of the concentration of $SO_2$ and CO it was found that the concentration maintains relatively higher value during weekdays in the industrial area and on the first part of the week in the downtown area.

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Effects of Spatial Accessibility on the Number of Outpatient Visits for an Internal Medicine of a Hospital (공간적 접근성이 내과환자의 내원일수에 미치는 영향 분석: 대도시 일개 병원을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo;Moon, Kyeong-Jun;Lee, Kwang-Soo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2016
  • Background: This study purposed to analyze and understand how spatial accessibility of patients influenced the number of outpatient visits for the internal medicine of a hospital. Methods: A hospital with 100 beds in Seoul, South Korea provided data from 2013 January 1 to 2013 June 30. Euclidean distance and road ares were used to represent the spatial accessibility. Patient level data and dong level data were collected and used in spatial analysis. Dong level data was converted into grid level ($500{\times}500m$) for the multivariate analysis. Hot-spot analysis and generalized linear model were applied to the data collected. Results: Hot-spots of outpatient visits were found around the study hospital, and cold-spots were not found. Number of outpatient visits was varied by the distance between patient resident and hospitals, and about 80% of total outpatient visits was occurred in within the 5 km from study hospital, and 50% was occurred in within 1.6 km. Spatial accessibility had significant influences on the outpatient visits. Conclusion: Findings provide evidences that spatial accessibility had influences on the patients' behaviors in utilizing the outpatient care of internal medicine in a hospital. Results can provide useful information to health policy makers as well as hospital managers for their decision making.

Distribution and Drug Resistance of Salmonella Causing Enteric Fever in Taegu Area of Korea (대구지방에서의 장열성 Salmonella의 분포와 항균제내성)

  • Park, Jong-Wook;Suh, Seong-Il;Chun, Do-Ki
    • The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 1987
  • Salmonella strains isolated from blood in the Dong-san hospital, Taegu during the period from 1971 to 1986 were studied for species distribution, drug resistance, and R plasmids. The number of strains was 2,527 and all of them were classified into S. typhi and S. paratyphi A. Approximately 300 strains were isolated in the period from 1974 to 1976 and 1978, 268 in 1982, and 204 in 1983, but the numbers isolated in the 1980's have a tendency to decrease as compared with those of the 1970's. S. typhi occupied 85% or more of strains isolated until 1976, but the isolation frequency decreased yearly with some variation, and S. paratyphi A increased gradually from 1974. Only 4 strains of S. paratyphi A were resistant to some drugs, and the resistance was not transferred to E. coli by conjugation. S. typhi resistant to drugs were 15 in 1971 through 1973, 24 in 1974, and 13 in 1975, but afterwards only few resistant strains were isolated. These strains were resistant to two or more drugs; chloramphenicol(Cm), tetracycline(Tc), streptomycin(Sm), sulfisomidine(Su), ampicillin(Ap), and kanamycin(Km) and no strain resistant to other drugs tested was found. Strains resistant to 3 or less drugs didn't transfer the resistance to E. coli by conjugation. There were 15 strains resistant to four or more drugs, and were isolated in years from 1972 to 1976. These strains transferred the resistance to E. coli, and the resistance was considered to be mediated by R plasmids. Transfer frequency was higher at $25^{\circ}C$ than at $37^{\circ}C$ and patterns of transferred resistance were Cm, Tc, Sm, Su; Ap, Km; Cm. R plasmids having markers of Cm, Tc, Sm and Su were classified into Inc H1.

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Epidemiological investigation of equine hindlimb ataxia with Setaria digitata in South Korea

  • Hwang, Hyeshin;Ro, Younghye;Lee, Hyunkyoung;Kim, Jihyeon;Lee, Kyunghyun;Choi, Eun-Jin;Bae, You-Chan;So, ByungJae;Kwon, Dohoon;Kim, Ho;Lee, Inhyung
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.75.1-75.7
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    • 2022
  • Background: Since 2013, the number of requests for diagnosis for horses based on neurological symptoms has increased rapidly in South Korea. The affected horses have commonly exhibited symptoms of acute seasonal hindlimb ataxia. A previous study from 2015-2016 identified Setaria digitata as the causative agent. Objectives: This study is an epidemiological investigation to find out risk factors related to the rapid increase in hindlimb ataxia of horses due to aberrant parasites in South Korea. Methods: An epidemiological investigation was conducted on 155 cohabiting horses in 41 horse ranches where the disease occurred. The surrounding environment was investigated at the disease-causing horse ranches (n = 41) and 20, randomly selected, non-infected ranches. Results: Hindlimb ataxia was confirmed in nine cohabiting horses; this was presumed to be caused by ectopic parasitism. Environments that mosquitoes inhabit, such as paddy fields within 2 km and less than 0.5 km from a river, had the greatest association with disease occurrence. Conclusions: Most horse ranches in South Korea are situated in favorable environments for mosquitoes. Moreover, the number of mosquitoes in the country has increased since 2013 due to climate change. Additional research is required; however, these data show that it is necessary to establish guidelines for the use of anthelmintic agents based on local factors in South Korea and disinfection of the environment to prevent disease outbreaks.

A Case Report of Injury of Other Nerves at the Wrist and Hand Level After Repetitive Work (상지 반복 작업 후 발생한 손목 및 손 부위의 기타 신경손상 치험 1례)

  • Kim, Young-ji;Park, Jeong-su;Sung, Hyun-kyung;Lee, Ju-ah;Kong, Kyung-hwan;Go, Ho-yeon
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.847-854
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    • 2016
  • Background and Objective: The Korean agricultural population is now rapidly aging. Older people in rural areas are weak due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this case is to report treatment of injuries to the nerves at the wrist and hand level by Korean medicine. Methods: The patient in this case was a 74-year-old male. He had injured nerves at the right wrist and hand level due to agriculture work. We treated him with acupuncture, herbal medicine, etc. Results: The patient showed the first sign of recovery of his wrist after 13 days treatment. After 37 days of treatment, his wrist movement was restored to a nearly normal range. He showed the first sign of recovery in a finger after 19 days of treatment and his grasping power increased from 0% to 60%. The cold sensation in his hand and arm also disappeared. Conclusions: We cannot generalize based only on this one case study. Nevertheless, this report suggests that Korean medicine may be an effective treatment for injury of nerves at the wrist and hand level.