• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korea Design Standard

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Relationship between Phase Properties, Significant Duration and PGA from the Earthquake Records of Mw 5.5~6.5 (Mw 5.5~6.5 지진동의 위상특성과 계속시간 및 PGA와의 관계)

  • Choi, Hang;Yoon, Byung Ick
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2019
  • The phase properties of ground acceleration records from Mw 5.5~6.5 earthquakes are analyzed. The interrelationships between phase properties and significant durations, as well as PGA, are clarified through both of theoretical and empirical approaches. The probabilistic characteristics of phase information is also discussed based on previous studies and it is shown that circular normal distribution is the most appropriate probability distribution for the phase angle and phase difference. Whereas those variates can be modeled by Gaussian random variables. From the survey results on the frequency dependency of the phase statistics, a simple model is introduced, which is possible to express the frequency dependency of phase information. It is also shown that the significant duration can be controlled by appropriately chosen standard deviation of phase difference for 4~8Hz frequency band and additional consideration of phase scattering in higher frequency band through a series of Monte Carlo simulations. The source of phase scattering effect is also pointed out and discussed.

A Study on the Flight Vibration Specification of High Speed Vehicle using Response Analysis (응답해석을 이용한 고속비행체의 비행진동규격 연구)

  • Hwang, Dongkee;Song, Ohseop
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.723-730
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    • 2018
  • A well-designed flight vibration specification enables the optimum weight design of the Surface-to-Air or Air-to-Air Missile, improves the maneuverability of the flight vehicle, improves the engagement of target, and increases the price competitiveness of the components and the missile system. Conventional flight vibration specifications are used by using a somewhat higher standard as suggested in MIL-STD-810C, or based on accumulated data from developed similar missile systems. In this study, we confirmed the validity of FEA response analysis by comparing response data obtained by FEA and response data of real product. Also we proposed that each specification that reflects the structural characteristics of the place where the components are mounted is required instead of verifying all the components by a single flight vibration specification.

Drift Ratio-based Fragility Functions for Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams (대각보강된 철근콘크리트 연결보의 변위비 기반 취약도 함수 개발)

  • Lee, Chang Seok;Han, Sang Whan;Koh, Hyeyoung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2019
  • Diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams (DRCBs) have been widely adopted in reinforced concrete (RC) bearing wall systems. DRCBs are known to act as a fuse element dissipating most of seismic energies imparted to the bearing wall systems during earthquakes. Despite such importance of DRCBs, the damage estimation of such components and the corresponding consequences within the knowledge of performance based seismic design framework is not well understood. In this paper, drift-based fragility functions are developed for in-plane loaded DRCBs. Fragility functions are developed to predict the damage and to decide the repair method required for DRCBs subjected to earthquake loading. Thirty-seven experimental results are collected from seventeen published literatures for this effort. Drift-based fragility functions are developed for four damage states of DRCBs subjected to cyclic and monotonic loading associated with minor cracking, severe cracking, onset of strength loss, and significant strength loss. Damage states are defined in a consistent manner. Cumulative distribution functions are fit to the empirical data and evaluated using standard statistical methods.

Analysis of Temperature Rise and Operation Time of Differential Spot Type Detector in Case of Mattress Fire in Multi-family House (다가구 주택의 매트리스 화재 시 차동식 스포트형 감지기의 온도상승 및 동작시간 분석)

  • Kim, Seo-Young;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2021
  • This study developed a scenario to understand the reaction rate and operational time according to RTI value of rate of rise detector in each type in case of fire mattress. In the results of analyzing the reaction rate and operational time of detector in each scenario, in case when installing a single detector, the elevated temperature per minute was raised to 8℃/min ~ 9℃/min. In case when installing two detectors, it was raised to 9℃/min ~ 10℃/min. In case when installing three detectors, it was raised to 10℃/min. The horizontal distance between detector and mattress was 1.8m~2.5m. Whenever the number of detectors was increased, the horizontal distance was decreased. The operational time of detector was within maximum 540 seconds and minimum 420 seconds. As the research tasks in the future, there should be the researches on the effects of reaction rate of detector on the evacuation in case of fire through the result value of RSET by setting up the latency until the detector operates, and the researches on the safety by understanding if the operational time of detector is suitable for the evaluation standard of performance-centered design.

An Experimental Study on the Optimization of Stern Appendix for New Generation Korean Fishing Vessels (차세대 한국형 어선의 저항성능 최적화를 위한 수조모형시험 연구)

  • Lee, Min Kyung;Kim, Su Jin;Yu, Jin-Won;Lee, Inwon
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2021
  • Korean coastal fishery suffers from profitability degradation due to a decrease in fisheries resources, pollution in coastal waters, fuel coast increase, and market opening for aquaculture products. The next generation Korean fishing vessel aims at the improvement of energy efficiency, enhancement of crew welfare, and safety. These purposes can be accomplished by adopting a new standard hull form with improved resistance performance and a modernized residence facility on the deck. In order to improve resistance performance, this study attempts to optimize design variables for stern flaps for three kinds of fishing vessels - coastal multi-purpose, coastal trap, and dredged nets. A series of model tests for these fishing vessels was carried out in the towing tank of Pusan National University. The results indicate that for some cases, the stern flap caused the stern trim of the vessel to decrease, leading to the resistance reduction.

Identification of Authors and ethics of Research based on KODISA Case

  • ZHANG, Fan;SU, Shuai;YOUN, Myoung-KIl
    • Journal of Research and Publication Ethics
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.11-13
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The author wants to specify scope of research, identify without giving burden, prevent unfair identification of the author, admit of production of the outcome, enact rules of identification, and build up foundation of development. Also, this study defines scope of publication of outcome of research to prevent unfair identification of authors and admit of them. Research design, data and methodology: The study described literary research, standard research, phenomenon research, and empirical result without methodologies, statistical analysis and scientific test and investigated operation system of KODISA cases. Results: At publication of findings of the research, researchers shall identify the ones of production of the finding to allocate help of the research. Conclusions: Scientific journals shall be controlled to develop ability and to grow up and have a system. Researchers shall give direction of other scientific journals. The study made efforts to be a model. KODISA Edition Team shall make an effort to keep and develop. So far, no regulation of identification of authors has produced disturbance so terminologies should be uniformed. Researchers shall keep rules of identification of authors to uniform and regulate identification of authors, conditions of authors, and order and correspondent authors. KODISA enacted rules of identification of authors for the first time in Korea to develop science.

A Study on the Public Architectural Planning System from a Local Regeneration Perspective - A Case Study of the Public Architectural Projects in Seoul - (지역재생 관점의 공공건축 기획시스템 현황과 개선방향 - 서울시 공공건축 기획 사례를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Hye-ryeon;Lee, Woon-Yong;Lee, Jung-Hyung
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to reconsider public architecture as effective resources for the local regeneration and draws a couple of issues based on analysis of planning status and cases from the perspectives of local regeneration. Through the analysis, this study suggests following as ways of improvement of public architecture planning: first, in order to secure systematic management of local regeneration, it is necessary to build up a dedicated organization or collaboration system that organically links and manages public facilities. Also related criteria that include the feasibility study, preliminary examination system, conduct review of investment and review standards need to be supplemented. Second, it is necessary to establish an integrated plan including the periphery of public architecture in the aspect of integrated urban planning, and to set up a selection of location standard that supports public architecture be a local center. Lastly, to activate local communities, the study proposes diversification of ways of combining programs and a process for participation and operating funds.

An Analysis of 'Comprehensive Plans for Gentripication in Seoul' and Suggestions for it's Improvement - Focused on 「Special Act on the Rocal Collaborative Development」 - ('서울시 젠트리피케이션 종합대책' 분석 및 개선점 제안 - 「지역상생발전 특별법」 내용을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Su-young;Shin, Jaeseop;Choi, Jaepil
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2018
  • "Special Act on the Rocal Collaborative Development", proposed by Seoul in late 2015, aims to promote win-win cooperation between local economic players and the development of local communities. However, since it is not possible to ensure its effectiveness by signing a local collaborative agreement, the rights and duties granted to the Parties to the Convention shall be more clearly defined. In addition, it is feared that the application of a uniform standard to businesses that wish to restrict the operation within the local collaborative development zone could prevent the operation restriction based on local characteristics. Accordingly, based on the FBR system in the U.S., it is possible to define the business as a "uniform store" and to determine the possibility of a uniform store to be sold through zoning plans in the region by the Local Collaborative Community Council.

An Analysis of Factors Affecting Fear of Crime Considering Geographical Characteristics - Focused on Women in 20's who are Vulnerable to Crime - (지리적 특성을 고려한 범죄두려움 영향 요인 분석 - 범죄취약계층인 20대 여성을 중심으로 -)

  • Byun, Gidong;Ha, Mi-kyoung
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2020
  • Recently, women's fear of crime continues to increase in space of everyday. By the way, the fear of crime has the spatial properties as crime. Therefore, The purpose of this study is to evaluate the spatial dependence of fear of crime and to suggest the physical environmental factors influencing fear of crime. For this, a spatial regression analysis using spatial weights was conducted based on the location data of the fear of crime measured through a survey. The results of this study are as follows; First, the fear of crime felt by women in their twenties who are vulnerable to crime has spatial dependence. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the spatial characteristics in analyzing the environmental factors affecting this. Second, in order to reduce the fear of crime, it is necessary to improve the environments of old housing and entertainment facilities. There is also a need for ongoing management. Third, careful consideration is needed in the installation of CCTV and street lights, which are factors influencing the fear of crime. It is necessary to establish a reasonable arrangement standard for CCTV and to analyze the street lighting in detail.

The Applicability of Aesthetics of Appropriation for the Discussion on Architectural Plagiarism (건축 표절 논의를 위한 미학의 차용 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Youngsun;Choi, Jaepil
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2020
  • It is the juristocracy in architecture to judge the architectural plagiarism by copyright law. The architectural plagiarism should judge by architectural criticism. From the point of the criticism to discuss architectural plagiarism, the study on artistic imitation should be preceding. The current discussion on architectural plagiarism doesn't consider artistic imitation. Therefore, the result of the discussion only focused on whether the building is plagiarizing or not. From the point of architectural criticism, there should be three considerations, which are creation, imitation, and plagiarism. In the study of Aesthetics, it theorized artistic imitation as the appropriation. With the understanding of the appropriation, contemporary art is developing the discourse on plagiarism beyond the boundary of plagiarism fundamentalism. The purpose of this study is to apply the appropriation to the discussion of architectural plagiarism. The study introduces the discourse on architectural plagiarism rather than judging it with copyright law. There so the study categorized the aesthetics standard of appropriation art, then apply it to the architecture cases. The architecture cases subjects of analysis are the glasshouse by Philip Johnson, National Museum of Australia by Howard Raggatt, and the Meiquan 22nd Century in China. At the point of the appropriation theory, the glasshouse is the only architectural appropriation, and others need to apply the evaluation criteria of plagiarism.