• Title/Summary/Keyword: Kompsat-3A

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  • Chang Eun-Mi;Shin Soo-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.653-655
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    • 2005
  • More than 70 percent of terrestrial territory of Korea is mountainous areas where degradation becomes serious year by year due to illegal tombs, expanding golf courses and stone mine development. We elaborate the potential usage of high resolution image for the monitoring of the phenomena. We made the classification of tombs and the statistical radiometric characteristics of graves were identified from this project. The graves could be classified to 4 groups from the field survey. As compared with grouping data after clustering and discriminant analysis, the two results coincided with each other. Object-oriented classification algorithm for feature extraction was theoretically researched in this project. And we did a pilot project, which was performed with mixed methods. That is, the conventional methods such as unsupervised and supervised classification were mixed up with the new method for feature extraction, object-oriented classification method. This methodology showed about $60\%$ classification accuracy for extracting tombs from satellite imagery. The extraction of tombs' geographical coordinates and graves themselves from satellite image was performed in this project. The stone mines and golf courses are extracted by NDVI and GVI. The accuracy of classification was around 89 percent. The location accuracy showed extraction of tombs from one-meter resolution image is cheaper and quicker way than GPS method. Finally we interviewed local government officers and made analyses on the current situation of mountainous area management and potential usage of KOMPSAT-II images. Based on the requirement analysis, we developed software, which is to management and monitoring system for mountainous area for local government.

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RPC Model Generation from the Physical Sensor Model (영상의 물리적 센서모델을 이용한 RPC 모델 추출)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Kim, Jae-Bin;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.4 s.27
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2003
  • The rational polynomial coefficients(RPC) model is a generalized sensor model that is used as an alternative for the physical sensor model for IKONOS-2 and QuickBird. As the number of sensors increases along with greater complexity, and as the need for standard sensor model has become important, the applicability of the RPC model is also increasing. The RPC model can be substituted for all sensor models, such as the projective camera the linear pushbroom sensor and the SAR This paper is aimed at generating a RPC model from the physical sensor model of the KOMPSAT-1(Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) and aerial photography. The KOMPSAT-1 collects $510{\sim}730nm$ panchromatic images with a ground sample distance (GSD) of 6.6m and a swath width of 17 km by pushbroom scanning. We generated the RPC from a physical sensor model of KOMPSAT-1 and aerial photography. The iterative least square solution based on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used to estimate the RPC. In addition, data normalization and regularization are applied to improve the accuracy and minimize noise. And the accuracy of the test was evaluated based on the 2-D image coordinates. From this test, we were able to find that the RPC model is suitable for both KOMPSAT-1 and aerial photography.

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Surface Sediments Classification in Tidal Flats using Multivariate Kriging and KOMPSAT-2 Imagery (다변량 크리깅과 KOMPSAT-2 영상을 이용한 간석지 표층 퇴적물 분류)

  • LEE, Sang-Won;PARK, No-Wook;JANG, Dong-Ho;YOO, Hee Young;LIM, Hyosuk
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this paper is to propose a methodology for surface sediments classification in tidal flats that can combine ground survey data with high-resolution remote sensing data by multivariate kriging. Unlike conventional methodologies that have classified remote sensing data by using pre-classified sediment components, a new classification methodology presented in this paper first generates sediment component fraction maps and then classifies the sediments on a final stage. For generating sediment component fractions, regression kriging, as one of multivariate kriging algorithms, is applied to integrate ground survey data and remote sensing data. First, trend components of sand, silt, and clay are derived through regression analysis of ground survey data and spectral information from remote sensing data. Then, residuals at sample locations are computed and interpolated to generate residual components in the study area. Finally, the sediment component fractions are computed by adding the residuals to the trend components and are classified on a final stage. A case study at the Baramarae tidal flats with KOMPSAT-2 imagery is carried out to evaluate the classification capability of the proposed classification methodology. Through the case study, the proposed methodology showed the best classification accuracy, compared with the conventional classification methodologies. Especially, much improvement of classification accuracy for fine-grained sediments were also obtained. Therefore, it is expected that the presented classification methodology would be an effective one for surface sediments classification in tidal flats.

Analysis of KOMPSAT-5 Orbit for Radargrammetry (레이더 측량기법 적용을 위한 다목적실용위성 5호 궤도 분석)

  • Lee, Hoon-Yol;Jang, So-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.351-358
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    • 2008
  • KOMPSAT-5 will be launched in 2010 carrying a SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) system to obtain high resolution images of the earth surface regardless of weather or solar condition. In this paper, the orbits of KOMPSAT-5 and the imaging modes of SAR were analyzed for radargrammetry, and the best image pairs were suggested. We set the pass number from the nearest orbit to a given ground point and selected image pairs for radargrarnmetry, with height sensitivity of parallax higher than 0.5 to achieve enough height resolution and with the value lower than 0.8 to avoid errors from geometric distortion. On the equator, for example, where the distance between two adjacent passes is fixed to 95 km, we solved the orbit geometry and found that the image pairs with the pass numbers of 3-2 and 5-3 are suitable for radargrarnmetry. As the examples with arbitrary latitude, we selected Daejeon and Sejong Antarctic stations and calculated the orbital elements by using STK software. Three image pairs (5-4, 7-5 and 8-5) were found suitable for radargrammetry at Daejeon while 10 pairs (8-6, 9-7, 10-7, 11-8, 12-8, 13-9, 14-9, 15-9, 15-10 and 15-11) at Sejong Antarctic station.

Geolocation Error Analysis of KOMPSAT-5 SAR Imagery Using Monte-Carlo Simulation Method

  • Choi, Yoon Jo;Hong, Seung Hwan;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2019
  • Geolocation accuracy is one of the important factors in utilizing all weather available SAR satellite imagery. In this study, an error budget analysis was performed on key variables affecting on geolocation accuracy by generating KOMPSAT-5 simulation data. To perform the analysis, a Range-Doppler model was applied as a geometric model of the SAR imagery. The results show that the geolocation errors in satellite position and velocity are linearly related to the biases in the azimuth and range direction. With 0.03cm/s satellite velocity biases, the simulated errors were up to 0.054 pixels and 0.0047 pixels in the azimuth and range direction, and it implies that the geolocation accuracy is sensitive in the azimuth direction. Moreover, while the clock drift causes a geolocation error in the azimuth direction, a signal delay causes in the range direction. Monte-Carlo simulation analysis was performed to analyze the influence of multiple geometric error sources, and the simulated error was up to 3.02 pixels in the azimuth direction.

Improvement of KOMPSAT Imagery Locational Accuracy Using Value-Added Processing System (부가처리시스템을 이용한 다목적실용위성 영상자료 위치정확도 개선)

  • LEE, Kwang-Jae;YUN, Hee-Cheon;KIM, Youn-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.68-80
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    • 2015
  • To increase the utilization of the KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT) series imagery being developed pursuant to the national space development program, high quality images with enhanced locational accuracy should be created through standardized post-processing processes. In the present study, using the Value-Added Processing System(VAPS) constructed for the post-processing of KOMPSAT imagery, location correction experiments were conducted using KOMPSAT-2 and -3 imagery from domestic and overseas regions. First, 50 pieces from each of KOMPSAT-2 imagery were selected from South Korean and North Korean regions, and modeling was conducted using GCP Chips. According to the results, the Root Mean Square Errors(RMSE) for South Korea and North Korea were 1.59 pixels and 2.04 pixels, respectively, and the locational accuracy of ortho mosaic imagery using check points were 1.33m(RMSE) and 1.90m(RMSE), respectively. Meanwhile, in the case of overseas regions for which GCP could not be easily obtained, the improvement of locational accuracy could be identified through image corrections using Open Street Map(OSM). The VAPS and reference materials used in the present study are expected to be very useful in constructing a precise image DB for entire global regions.

Iterative Precision Geometric Correction for High-Resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상의 반복 정밀 기하보정)

  • Son, Jong-Hwan;Yoon, Wansang;Kim, Taejung;Rhee, Sooahm
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.431-447
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the use of high-resolution satellites is increasing in many areas. In order to supply useful satellite images stably, it is necessary to establish automatic precision geometric correction technic. Geometric correction is the process that corrected geometric errors of satellite imagery based on the GCP (Ground Control Point), which is correspondence point between accurate ground coordinates and image coordinates. Therefore, in the automatic geometric correction process, it is the key to acquire high-quality GCPs automatically. In this paper, we proposed iterative precision geometry correction method. we constructed an image pyramid and repeatedly performed GCP chip matching, outlier detection, and precision sensor modeling in each layer of the image pyramid. Through this method, we were able to acquire high-quality GCPs automatically. we then improved the performance of geometric correction of high-resolution satellite images. To analyze the performance of the proposed method, we used KOMPSAT-3 and 3A Level 1R 8 scenes. As a result of the experiment, the proposed method showed the geometric correction accuracy of 1.5 pixels on average and a maximum of 2 pixels.

The Ground Checkout Test of OSMI(Ocean Scanning Multispectral Imager) on KOMPSAT-1

  • Yong, Sang-Soon;Shim, Hyung-Sik;Heo, Haeng-Pal;Cho, Young-Min;Oh, Kyoung-Hwan;Woo, Sun-Hee;Paik, Hong-Yul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 1999
  • Ocean Scanning Multispectral Imager (OSMI) is a payload on the KOMPSAT satellite to perform worldwide ocean color monitoring for the study of biological oceanography. The instrument images the ocean surface using a wisk-broom motion with a swath width of 800 km and a ground sample distance (GSD) of<1km over the entire field of view (FOV). The instrument is designed to have an on-orbit operation duty cycle of 20% over the mission lifetime of 3 years with the functions of programmable gain/offset and on-board image data compression/storage. The instrument also performs sun and dark calibration for on-board instrument calibration. The OSMI instrument is a multi-spectral imager covering the spectral range from 400nm to 900nm using CCD Focal Plane Array (FPA). The ocean colors are monitored using 6 spectral channels that can be selected via ground commands. KOMPSAT satellite with OSMI was integrated and the satellite level environment tests and instrument aliveness/functional test as well, such as launch environment, on-orbit environment (Thermal/vacuum) and EMl/EMC test were performed at KARI. Test results met the requirements and the OSMI data were collected and analyzed during each test phase. The instrument is launched on the KOMPSAT satellite in the late 1999 and the image is scheduled to start collecting ocean color data in the early 2000 upon completion of on-orbit instrument checkout.

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Extraction of Ground Control Points from TerraSAR-X Data (TerraSAR-X를 이용한 지상기준점 추출)

  • Park, Jeong-Won;Hong, Sang-Hoon;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2008
  • It is possible to extract qualified ground control points (GCPs) from SAR data itself without published maps. TerraSAR-X data that are one of highest spatial resolution among civilian SAR systems is now available. In this study, a sophisticated method for GCP extraction from TerraSAR-X data was tested and the quality of the extracted GCPs was evaluated. Mean values of the distance errors were 0.11m and -3.96 m with standard deviations of 6.52 m and 5.11 m in easting and northing, respectively. The result is one of the best among GCPs possibly extracted from any civilian remote sensing systems. The extracted GCPs were used for geo-rectification of IKONOS image. The method used in this study can be applied to KOMPSAT-5 for geo-rectification of high-resolution optic images acquired by KOMPSAT-2 or follow-up missions.

Model Calculation of Total Radiances for KOMPSAT-2 MSC (다목적실용위성 2호 MSC 총복사량의 모델 계산)

  • 김용승;강치호
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.211-218
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    • 2001
  • We have performed the calculation of total radiances for the KOMPSAT-2 Multispectral Camera (MSC) using a radiative transfer model of MODTRAN and examined its results. To simulate four seasonal conditions in the model calculation, we used model atmospheres of mid-latitude winter and summer for calculations of January 15 and July 15, and US standard for April 15 and October 15, respectively. Orbital parameters of KOMPSAT-2 and the seasonal solar zenith angles were taken into account. We assumed that the meteorological range is the tropospheric aerosol extinction of 50 km and surface albedo is the global average of clear-sky albedo of 0.135. MSC contract values are found to be considerably greater in the MSC spectral range than the total radiances calculated with the above general conditions. It is also shown that the spectral behavior of model results with the constant surface albedo differs from the pattern of MSC contract values. From these results, it can be inferred that the forthcoming MSC images would be somewhat dark.