• Title/Summary/Keyword: KOMPSAT image

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Satellite monitoring of large-scale air pollution in East Asia

  • Chung, Y.S.;Park, K.H.;Kim, H.S.;Kim, Y.S.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.786-789
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    • 2003
  • The detection of sandstorms and industrial pollutants has been the emphasis of this study. Data obtained from meteorological satellites, NOAA and GMS, have been used for detailed analysis. MODIS and Landsat images are also used for the application of future KOMPSAT- 2. Verification of satellite observations has been made with air pollution data obtained by ground-level monitors. It was found that satellite measurements agree well with concentrations and variations of air pollutants measured on the ground, and that satellite technique is a very useful device for monitoring large-scale air pollution in East Asia. The quantitative analysis of satellite image data on air pollution is the goal in the future studies.

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Wind Retrieval from X-band SAR Image Using Numerical Ocean Scattering Model

  • Kim, Duk-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.243-253
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    • 2009
  • For the last 14 years, space-borne satellite SAR system such as RADARSAT-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT ASAR have provided a continuous observation over the ocean. However, the data acquired from those systems were limited to C-band frequency until the advent of the first spacebome German X-band SAR system TerraSAR-X in 2007. Korea is also planning to launch the nation's first X-band SAR satellite (KOMPSAT-5) in 2010. It is timely and necessary to develop X-band models for estimating geophysical parameters from these X-band SAR systems. In this study, X-band wind retrieval model was investigated and developed based on numerical ocean scattering model (radar backscattering model and hydrodynamic interaction model). Although these models have not yet been tested and validated for broad ranges of wind conditions, the estimated wind speeds from TerraSAR-X data show generally good agreement with in-situ measurements.

Effects of Atmospheric Refraction on High Resolution Image Geometry (대기 굴절이 고해상도 영상에 미치는 영향)

  • 신동석
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1996
  • The effects of atmospheric refraction of rays on the geometry of high-resolution images such as the KOMPSAT-EOC images are described. An atmospheric refraction mechanism is modelled and the geometric errors caused by the refraction are calculated from the model simulation. This paper shows that a maximum geometric error of 1 pixel (7m) occurs from the standard atmospheric condition. Severer geometric distortions in images cause from an atmopheric abnormality.

Policy Direction for Promoting the Satellite Data Use in Public Sector

  • Kim, Young-Pyo;Sakong, Hosang;Park, Sung-Mi
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 1999
  • With the ready access to the high resolution satellite image data, users of and areas covered by satellite image data are constantly on the rise world-wide. Korea will also be able to take full advantage of the satellite data once the KOMPSAT is successfully launched. Harmonizing satellite data production and application technology and users' needs, along with the guiding policy is essential for promoting satellite data use. Up to now, the Korean government has mainly concentrated on developing production technology for the satellite units. However, the imminent task of independent satellite data production demands a promotion policy for satellite data use. In this context, the policy is defined as an important medium for identifying the role and status of satellite image information at the national level and also Preparing the legal as well as systematic foundation for producing, building, distributing, and packaging satellite data. For example, in the countries with the advanced satellite technology, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, digital ortho image and digital elevation model (DEM) are mandatorily included in the National Geographic Framework Data through policy measures. In addition, in order for the efficient provision of the satellite data, separate organization or agency is being in operation for the exclusive production and distribution of the satellite data. The present paper aims to examine the role and status of the satellite data as well as their current status and problems in Korea in reference to the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, and finally to provide the policy directions to promote the satellite data use in public sector on the basis of the preceding analyses.

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Characteristics of the Electro-Optical Camera(EOC)

  • Lee, Seung-Hoon;Shim, Hyung-Sik;Paik, Hong-Yul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 1998
  • Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) is the main payload of Korea Multi-Purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT) with the mission of cartography to build up a digital map of Korean territory including Digital Terrain Elevation Map(DTEM). This instrument which comprises EOC Sensor Assembly and EOC Electronics Assembly produces the panchromatic images of 6.6 m GSD with a swath wider than 17 km by push-broom scanning and spacecraft body pointing in a visible range of wavelength, 510 ~ 730 nm. The high resolution panchromatic image is to be collected for 2 minutes during 98 minutes of orbit cycle covering about 800 km along ground track, over the mission lifetime of 3 years with the functions of programmable rain/offset and on-board image data storage. The image of 8 bit digitization, which is collected by a full reflective type F8.3 triplet without obscuration, is to be transmitted to Ground Station at a rate less than 25 Mbps. EOC was elaborated to have the performance which meets or surpasses its requirements of design phase. The spectral response the modulation transfer function, and the uniformity of all the 2592 pixel of CCD of EOC are illustrated as they were measured for the convenience of end-user. The spectral response was measured with respect to each gain setup of EOC and this is expected to give the capability of generating more accurate panchromatic image to the EOC data users. The modulation transfer function of EOC was measured as greater than 16% at Nyquist frequency over the entire field of view which exceeds its requirement of larger than 10%, The uniformity that shows the relative response of each pixel of CCD was measured at every pixel of the Focal Plane Array of EOC and is illustrated for the data processing.

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Region of Interest (ROI) Selection of Land Cover Using SVM Cross Validation (SVM 교차검증을 활용한 토지피복 ROI 선정)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul;Youn, Hyoung-Jin
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2020
  • This study examines machine learning cross-validation to utilized create ROI for classification of land cover. The study area located in Sejong and one KOMPSAT-3A image was used in this analysis: procedure on October 28, 2019. We used four bands(Red, Green, Blue, Near infra-red) for learning cross validation process. In this study, we used K-fold method in cross validation and used SVM kernel type with cross validation result. In addition, we used 4 kernels of SVM(Linear, Polynomial, RBF, Sigmoid) for supervised classification land cover map using extracted ROI. During the cross validation process, 1,813 data extracted from 3,500 data, and the most of the building, road and grass class data were removed about 60% during cross validation process. Based on this, the supervised SVM linear technique showed the highest classification accuracy of 91.77% compared to other kernel methods. The grass' producer accuracy showed 79.43% and identified a large mis-classification in forests. Depending on the results of the study, extraction ROI using cross validation may be effective in forest, water and agriculture areas, but it is deemed necessary to improve the distinction of built-up, grass and bare-soil area.

Classification of Natural and Artificial Forests from KOMPSAT-3/3A/5 Images Using Deep Neural Network (심층신경망을 이용한 KOMPSAT-3/3A/5 영상으로부터 자연림과 인공림의 분류)

  • Baek, Won-Kyung;Lee, Yong-Suk;Park, Sung-Hwan;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_3
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    • pp.1965-1974
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    • 2021
  • Satellite remote sensing approach can be actively used for forest monitoring. Especially, it is much meaningful to utilize Korea multi-purpose satellites, an independently operated satellite in Korea, for forest monitoring of Korea, Recently, several studies have been performed to exploit meaningful information from satellite remote sensed data via machine learning approaches. The forest information produced through machine learning approaches can be used to support the efficiency of traditional forest monitoring methods, such as in-situ survey or qualitative analysis of aerial image. The performance of machine learning approaches is greatly depending on the characteristics of study area and data. Thus, it is very important to survey the best model among the various machine learning models. In this study, the performance of deep neural network to classify artificial or natural forests was analyzed in Samcheok, Korea. As a result, the pixel accuracy was about 0.857. F1 scores for natural and artificial forests were about 0.917 and 0.433 respectively. The F1 score of artificial forest was low. However, we can find that the artificial and natural forest classification performance improvement of about 0.06 and 0.10 in F1 scores, compared to the results from single layered sigmoid artificial neural network. Based on these results, it is necessary to find a more appropriate model for the forest type classification by applying additional models based on a convolutional neural network.

GEO-KOMPSAT-2A AMI Best Detector Select Map Evaluation and Update (천리안위성2A호 기상탑재체 Best Detector Select 맵 평가 및 업데이트)

  • Jin, Kyoungwook;Lee, Sang-Cherl;Lee, Jung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2021
  • GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) AMI (Advanced Meteorological Imager) Best Detector Select (BDS) map is pre-determined and uploaded before the satellite launch. After the launch, there is some possibility of a detector performance change driven by an abrupt temperature variation and thus the status of BDS map needs to be evaluated and updated if necessary. To investigate performance of entire elements of the detectors, AMI BDS analyses were conducted based on a technical note provided from the AMI vendor (L3HARRIS). The concept of the BDS analysis is to investigate the stability of signals from detectors while they are staring at targets (deep space and internal calibration target). For this purpose, Long Time Series (LTS) and Output Voltage vs. Bias Voltage (V-V) methods are used. The LTS for 30 secs and the V-V for two secs are spanned respectively for looking at the targets to compute noise components of detectors. To get the necessary data sets, these activities were conducted during the In-Orbit Test (IOT) period since a normal operation of AMI is stopped and special mission plans are commanded. With collected data sets during the GK2A IOT, AMI BDS map was intensively examined. It was found that about 1% of entire detector elements, which were evaluated at the ground test, showed characteristic changes and those degraded elements are replaced by alternative best ones. The stripping effects on AMI raw images due to the BDS problem were clearly removed when the new BDS map was applied.

The Method for Colorizing SAR Images of Kompsat-5 Using Cycle GAN with Multi-scale Discriminators (다양한 크기의 식별자를 적용한 Cycle GAN을 이용한 다목적실용위성 5호 SAR 영상 색상 구현 방법)

  • Ku, Wonhoe;Chun, Daewon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1415-1425
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    • 2018
  • Kompsat-5 is the first Earth Observation Satellite which is equipped with an SAR in Korea. SAR images are generated by receiving signals reflected from an object by microwaves emitted from a SAR antenna. Because the wavelengths of microwaves are longer than the size of particles in the atmosphere, it can penetrate clouds and fog, and high-resolution images can be obtained without distinction between day and night. However, there is no color information in SAR images. To overcome these limitations of SAR images, colorization of SAR images using Cycle GAN, a deep learning model developed for domain translation, was conducted. Training of Cycle GAN is unstable due to the unsupervised learning based on unpaired dataset. Therefore, we proposed MS Cycle GAN applying multi-scale discriminator to solve the training instability of Cycle GAN and to improve the performance of colorization in this paper. To compare colorization performance of MS Cycle GAN and Cycle GAN, generated images by both models were compared qualitatively and quantitatively. Training Cycle GAN with multi-scale discriminator shows the losses of generators and discriminators are significantly reduced compared to the conventional Cycle GAN, and we identified that generated images by MS Cycle GAN are well-matched with the characteristics of regions such as leaves, rivers, and land.

Deep Learning-based Keypoint Filtering for Remote Sensing Image Registration (원격 탐사 영상 정합을 위한 딥러닝 기반 특징점 필터링)

  • Sung, Jun-Young;Lee, Woo-Ju;Oh, Seoung-Jun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.26-38
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, DLKF (Deep Learning Keypoint Filtering), the deep learning-based keypoint filtering method for the rapidization of the image registration method for remote sensing images is proposed. The complexity of the conventional feature-based image registration method arises during the feature matching step. To reduce this complexity, this paper proposes to filter only the keypoints detected in the artificial structure among the keypoints detected in the keypoint detector by ensuring that the feature matching is matched with the keypoints detected in the artificial structure of the image. For reducing the number of keypoints points as preserving essential keypoints, we preserve keypoints adjacent to the boundaries of the artificial structure, and use reduced images, and crop image patches overlapping to eliminate noise from the patch boundary as a result of the image segmentation method. the proposed method improves the speed and accuracy of registration. To verify the performance of DLKF, the speed and accuracy of the conventional keypoints extraction method were compared using the remote sensing image of KOMPSAT-3 satellite. Based on the SIFT-based registration method, which is commonly used in households, the SURF-based registration method, which improved the speed of the SIFT method, improved the speed by 2.6 times while reducing the number of keypoints by about 18%, but the accuracy decreased from 3.42 to 5.43. Became. However, when the proposed method, DLKF, was used, the number of keypoints was reduced by about 82%, improving the speed by about 20.5 times, while reducing the accuracy to 4.51.