• Title/Summary/Keyword: Jun

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Regulation of c-Fos and c-Jun Gene Expression by Lipopolysaccharide and Cytokines in Primary Cultured Astrocytes: Effect of PKA and PKC Pathways

  • Suh Hong-Won;Choi Seong-Soo;Lee Jin-Koo;Lee Han-Kyu;Han Eun-Jung;Lee Jongho
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.396-401
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    • 2004
  • The effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and several cytokines or the c-fos and c-jun mRNA expression were examined in primary cultured astrocytes. Either LPS (500 ng/mL) or inter-feron-$\gamma$ (IFN-$\gamma$ 5 ng/mL) alone increased the level of c-fos mRNA (1 h). However, tumor necro-sis factor-$\alpha$ (TNF-$\alpha$; 10 ng/mL) or interleukin-4 (IL-1$\beta$: 5 ng/mL) alone showed no significant induction of the level of c-fos mRNA. TNF-$\alpha$ showed a potentiating effect in the regulation of LPS-induced c-fos mRNA expression, whereas LPS showed an inhibitory action against IFN-Y-induced c-fos mRNA expression. LPS, but not TNF-$\alpha$, IL-1$\beta$ and IFN-$\gamma$, increased the level of c-jun mRNA (1 h). TNF-$\alpha$ and IFN-$\gamma$ showed an inhibitory action against LPS-induced c-jun mRNA expression. Both phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA; 2.5 mM) and forskolin (FSK, 5 mM) increased the c-fos and c-jun mRNA expressions. In addition, the level of c-fos mRNA was expressed in an antagonistic manner when LPS was combined with PMA. When LPS was co-treated with either PMA or FSK, it showed an additive interaction for the induction of c-jun mRNA expression. Our results suggest that LPS and cytokines may be actively involved in the regulation of c-fos and c-jun mRNA expressions in primary cultured astrocytes. Moreover, both the PKA and PKC pathways may regulate the LPS-induced c-fos and c-jun mRNA expressions in different ways.

The Change of c-jun Promoter Activity in TPA-Induced U937 Cells Infected with Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) (TPA로 분화된 U937 세포에서 사람 세포거대바이러스에 의한 c-jun Promoter 활성도의 변화)

  • Park, Chung-Gyu;Kim, Dae-Joong;Kim, Jin-Hee;Han, Tae-Hee;Hwan, Eung-Soo;Choi, Myong-Sik;Kook, Yoon-Hoh;Choi, Sung-Bae;Cha, Chang-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Society of Virology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1999
  • Transient transfection assay has been done to evaluate whether the c-jun activation would be prerequisite to the induction of permissiveness against human cytomegalovirus using in vitro cell model in which U937 has been induced to express CD11b and CD14 to become potential monocyte/macrophage cells by TPA treatment. U937 cells were treated with $10\;{\mu}M$, $50\;{\mu}M$ or $100\;{\mu}M$ of TPA. The cell morphology change was observed and the expression of the CD11b and CD14 was confirmed by FACS. Differentiated cells were transfected with pJLuc reporter vector which contained the wild type murine c-jun promoter spanning the SP1, CTF, ATF/CREB and MEF-2 binding sites upstream of the firefly luciferase gene. After 48 hrs of transfection, the cells were infected with HCMV Towne strain and the luciferase activity was assessed at 1 hand 4 h pi. The transfection assay showed no activation of the c-jun promoter at 1 h pi, instead, it showed 2 times increase of the its activity at 4 h pi. There was no difference of the c-jun promoter activation between TPA treated and untreated U937 cells, implying that c-jun activation might not be prerequisite for allowing cells to be premissive to HCMV, although HCMV infection itself could activate c-jun promoter.

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Improving an RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol using One-time Random Number (개선한 일회성 난수를 이용한 RFID 상호인증 프로토콜)

  • Yoon, Eun-Jun;Yoo, Kee-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2009
  • In 2008, Kim-Jun proposed a RFID mutual authentication protocol using one-time random number that can withstand malicious attacks by the leakage of important information and resolve the criminal abuse problems. Through the security analysis, they claimed that the proposed protocol can withstand various security attacks including the replay attack. However, this paper demonstrates that Kim-Jun' s RFID authentication protocol still insecure to the replay attack. In addition, this paper also proposes a simply improved RFID mutual authentication protocol using one-time random number which not only provides same computational efficiency, but also withstands the replay attack.