• Title/Summary/Keyword: Joining factors

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Estimation of Fatigue Crack Propagation Life for Weldments by using Mk-factor (Mk-계수를 고려한 용접부 피로균열진전수명 평가)

  • Han, Seung-Ho;Han, Jung-Woo;Lim, Jeon
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.243-245
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    • 2004
  • Failure mechanisms of weldments under fatigue loads are interpreted that multiple collinear surface cracks initiating along weld toe propagate under the mutual interaction and coalescence of adjacent two cracks. To estimate fatigue crack propagation life for these weldments, the stress intensity factors of the multiple surface cracks have to be calculated which are influenced strongly by the geometrical complexity of weld toes and attachments. The Ak-factors derived by a parametric study can be introduced for the effective calculation of the stress intensity factors taking into account the geometrical complexity. The fatigue life was estimated by using the Ak-factors and the method considering the propagation mechanisms of the multiple surface cracks. The estimated values showed a good agreement with the measured fatigue life experimentally.

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Behavior of Weld Pool Shape and Weld Surface Deformation as a Function of Spot-GTA Welding Position for 304 Stainless Steel (Spot-GTA 용접자세에 따른 304 스테인리스강 용융지 표면 및 용접부 형상 거동)

  • Kang, Nam-Hyun;Park, Yeong-Do;Cho, Kyung-Mox;Singh, Jogender;Kulkarni, Anil
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2008
  • Effects of gravitational orientation on gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) for 304 stainless steel were studied to determine the critical factors for weld pool formation, such as weld surface deformation and weld pool shape. This study was accomplished through an analytical study of weld pool stability as a function of primary welding parameters (arc current and arc holding time), material properties (surface tension and density), and melting efficiency (cross-sectional area). The stability of weld pool shape and weld surface deformation was confirmed experimentally by changing the welding position. The arc current and translational velocity were the major factors in determining the weld pool stability as a function of the gravitational orientation. A 200A spot GTAW showed a significant variation of the weld pool formation as the arc held longer than 3 seconds, however the weld pool shape and surface morphology for a 165A spot GTAW were 'stable', i.e., constant regardless of the gravitational orientation. The cross-sectional area of the weld (CSA) was one of the critical factors in determining the weld pool stability. The measured CSA ($13.5mm^2$) for the 200A spot GTAW showed a good agreement with the calculated CSA ($14.9mm^2$).

Prediction of Weld Penetration and Deposited Metal Area in Accordance with Weld Parameters in Tandem Submerged Arc Welding Process (탄뎀 서브머지드 용접 공법의 용접조건에 따른 용입깊이 및 용착면적 예측)

  • Park, Se-Jin;Nam, Seong-Kil;Kweon, Chang-Gil
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2011
  • Submerged arc welding method from both sides is generally applied to the welding of main panel manufacturing process during ship construction. The tandem SAW method is applied to improve the productivity. The various weld defects that occur during tandem SAW method are melt through, incomplete penetration, undercut and overlap etc. It could be thought that the reasons for these defects are mainly lack of prediction ability for penetration depth and deposited metal area. In this research, total 5 kinds of welding factors for experiment like current of lead pole, voltage of lead pole, current of trail pole, voltage of trail pole and welding speed are adopted. Weld tests are carried out for the analysis of variation effects of these factors on penetration depth and deposited metal area. Based on the test and analysis results, it is possible to obtain the prediction equation for the effect of these factors on the amount of deposited metal and penetration depth. As per the verification of the results by additional tests, it is confirmed that the prediction equation, include a error margin of ${\pm}2mm$ for penetration depth and ${\pm}10mm2$ for deposited metal area.

The Characteristic Test for Gage Factors of Strain Gages in Cryogenic Environment (극저온 환경에서 스트레인 게이지의 게이지상수 및 변형률 측정에 관한 연구)

  • 김갑순;주진원
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.2205-2213
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    • 1993
  • The characteristic test for gage factors of temperature self-compensated strain gages at cryogenic temperature is presented. By joining the international round robin test on electrical strain gages at cryogenic temperatures, the gage factors of three kinds of widely-used strain gages are obtained at the room temperature, the temperatures of liquid nitrogen and liquid helium. The calibration system which produce precise bending strain is by mechanical loading at cryogenic temperature. This paper also presents the creep characteristic of strain gages at maximum strain level.

Factors affecting the mechanical properties of aluminum alloy laser welds (알루미늄 합금 레이저 용접부의 기계적 성질에 영향을 미치는 인자)

  • 윤종원;이윤상;박현성;신현일
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.131-133
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    • 2004
  • 차체 경량화 소재인 냉간압연 알루미늄합금 판재는 대부분의 경우 연신율이 15%이하로 연신율 35%이상인 차체용 강판(SPCC, SPCD, SPCE 급)에 비채 성형성이 나쁘다. 알루미늄 합금 용접부의 기계적 성질 및 성형성 또한 모재에 비해 열화됨이 알려져 있다. (중략)

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Friction Weldability of Grey Cast Iron - by the Concept of Friction Weld Heat Input Parameter - (회주철의 마찰용접 특성에 관한 연구 - 입열량 이론식을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Ho-Shin;Bang, Kook-Soo
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2014
  • Joining of grey cast iron by fusion welding has much difficulties for its extremely low ductility and low toughness because of the flake form of the graphite. And the brittle microstructure, i.e. ledeburite may be formed during fusion welding by its rapid cooling rates. By these kinds of welding problem, preheat and post heat treatment temperature must be increased to avoid weld crack or welding problems. In order to avoid these fusion welding problem, friction welding of cast iron was carried out for improving joint soundness, establishing friction welding variables. There is no factor for evaluating friction weldability in continuous drive type friction welding. In this point of view, this study proposed the parameters for calculating friction weld heat input. The results obtained are as follows ; 1. There was a close relationship between tensile strength and flash appearance of friction welded joint. 2. Tensile strength was decreased and flash was severely oxidized as increasing frictional heating time. 3. As increased forging pressure $P_2$, flash had a large crack and tensile strength was decreased. 4. As powdered graphite by rotational frictional force induced flat surface and hindered plastic flow of metal, tensile strength of welded joint was decreased. 5. Heat input for continuous drive type friction welding could be calculated by the factors of $P_1$, $P_2$ and upset distance(${\delta}$).

Characteristics of electrically conductive adhesives filled with silver-coated copper

  • Nishikawa, Hiroshi;Terad, Nobuto;Miyake, Koich;Aoki, Akira;Takemoto, Tadashi
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.217-220
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    • 2009
  • Conductive adhesives have been investigated for use in microelectronics packaging as a lead-free solder substitute due to their advantages, such as low bonding temperature. However, high resistivity and poor mechanical behavior may be the limiting factors for the development of conductive adhesives. The metal fillers and the polymer resins provide electrical and mechanical interconnections between surface mount device components and a substrate. As metal fillers used in conductive adhesives, silver is the most commonly used due to its high conductivity and the stability. However the cost of conductive adhesives with silver fillers is much higher than usual lead-free solders and silver has poor electro-migration performance. So, copper can be a promising candidate for conductive filler metal due to its low resistivity and low cost, but oxidation causes this metal to lose its conductivity. In this study, electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs) using surface modified copper fillers were developed. Especially, in order to overcome the problem associated with the oxidation of copper, copper particles were coated with silver, and the silver-coated copper was tested as a filler metal. Especially the effect of silver coating on the electrical resistance just after curing and after aging was investigated. As a result, it was found that the electrical resistance of ECA with silver-coated copper filler was clearly lower and more stable than that of ECA with pure copper filler after curing process. And, during high temperature storage test, the degradation rate of electrical resistance for ECA with silver coated copper filler was quite slower than that for ECA with pure copper filler.

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Optimization of GMAW Process Parameters to Improve the Length of Penetration in EN 10025 S 235 Grade

  • Deshpande, M.U.;Kshirsagar, J.M.;Dharmadhikari, Dr. H.M.
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.74-78
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    • 2017
  • In auto ancillary fabrication industry, GMAW is a very useful & important welding process and EN10025 S 235 Grade is common material used for manufacturing of two wheeler chassis. This research gives the detail influence of welding process parameters such as welding current, welding voltage, wire speed on the penetration in EN10025 S 235 Grade mild steel material. The experimentation of this research has been carried out by using three factors, three level Taguchi DOE method. To analyze & optimize the welding parameters & characteristics, analysis of variance, L9 orthogonal array & signal to noise ratio are used. Length of Penetration in addition to the depth of penetration is major concern in fillet welded joints, as the penetration decides the strength of the welded joint. After analysis of penetration in all 9 welded samples, optimize parameters readings verified & found probability value within 0.05.From this research it is come to know that welding current & welding voltage is major parameters which affects the penetration in welded joints.

A Study on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviors for Weld Joint of Steel with Various pH Values in Synthetic Sea Water (인공해수의 pH에 따른 강 용접부의 응력 부식균열거동에 관한 연구)

  • 유효선;나의균;정세희
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 1995
  • This paper was performed to study the utility of the SP(small punch) test and the AE(acoustic emission) test in the evaluation of SCC(stress corrosion cracking) susceptibility for parent metal and bond line of HT80 steel-weld joint by SAW(submerged arc welding) with the various pH values. The loading rate used was 3*10$^{-4}$ mm/min and the corrosive environment used was synthetic sea water during the SP test and the AE test. According to the test results, the SCC susceptibility of the parent metal was increased in the order of pH6.0, pH8.2 and pH10.0. On the other hand, the bond line showed almost the same high SCC susceptibility in all pH concentrations. Synthetically, from the results of the SCC susceptibility, the macro- and micro-SEM observation, the microfracture behaviors by AE test and the relationship between SCC susceptibility and displacement at incipient failure, .delta.$_{i.f-AE}$, it can be concluded that the SP test and the AE test are the good test methods to evaluate the SCC susceptibility for parent metal and bond line of the weld joint with the change of environmental factors.

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The Characteristics on Arc Pressure Distribution of TIG Welding with Shield Gas Mixing Ratio (TIG 용접에서의 실드 가스 혼합비에 따른 아크 압력분포 특성)

  • Oh Dong-Soo;Kim Yeong-Sik;Cho Sang-Myung
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2005
  • Arc pressure is one of important factors in understanding physical arc phenomena. Especially it affects on the penetration, size and shape of TIG welding. Some researches were reported on the effect of arc pressure in low and middle current region. But there are not any research in high current region. The purpose of this study is to investigate the arc pressure distribution with mixing ratio of shield gas such as Ar and He gases. A Cu block with water cooling was specifically designed and used as an anode electrode in order to measure the arc pressure in high current region. Then, the arc pressure distribution was measured with change in welding current and mixing ratio of shield gases. The arc force was obtained by numerically integrating the measured results. As the results, it was shown that the arc pressure was concentrated at the central part of the arc in middle and high current regions when a pure Ar gas was used. In case of Ar + He mixing gas, the arc pressure was much lower than that of pure Ar gas. In addition, it was widely distributed to radial direction.