• 제목/요약/키워드: Jingyue Quanshu

검색결과 4건 처리시간 0.018초

위식도 역류질환의 전형적 증상에 대한 한의학적 고찰 - 『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』과 『경악전서(景岳全書)』의 탄산조(呑酸條) 대비를 중심으로 - (A Korean Medical Study On The Typical Symptoms of GERD -Based on the Comparison between the Donguibogam and Jingyue Quanshu-)

  • 김연태
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • Objectives : To study the Korean Medical understanding of the overview, typical symptoms, mechanism and treatment of GERD in the Donguibogam and Jingyue Quanshu focusing on the 'Tunsuan[(呑酸), acid reflux]' text. Methods : Comparison between the two medical texts in terms of overview, mechanism and treatment of the condition was made, followed by examination of medical texts of the Four Great Physicians of Jin Yuan to determine the origins that lead to such differences. Results : In the Donguibogam, the major mechanism of the illness was understood as Dampness Heat, following the theories of Liu Hejian and Zhu Danxi. In the Jingyue Quanshu, such perspective was criticized, and it was understood as Spleen-Stomach Deficient Coldness, following the theory of Li Dongyuan. Conclusions : Rather than seeing the two different understandings as contradictory, the illness should be approached with an integrative understanding of the two theories as complementary of each other.

궐(厥)의 문헌적 고찰 (Literature Review on the Reverse)

  • 곽재영;이용태
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.737-747
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    • 2010
  • In Neijing(內經) the theory of Reverse(厥) was explained syncope causes by disharmony of emotions irregularity, deficient or excessive Qi(氣虛, 氣實) and blood disorder, it was the causes of cold hypersensitivity of hands and feet except coldness itself, include impairment of Qi circulation and the deficiency of the kidney weakened essence and blood, weakness and damage in the kidney essence, deficiency of the lower part and deficiency of the lower Qi as the major causes. In Shanghanlun(傷寒論) the theory of Reverse(厥) was divided into by disharmony of heat or cold reversal symptom. In Jingyue quanshu(景岳全書), causes of Reverse(厥) was Qi and blood disorder, damps(痰飮), alcohol and sex include syncope. In Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑), causes of Reverse(厥) was deficient or excessive Qi, impairment of blood circulation which means the deficiency of blood, essence(精) and blood stasis (瘀血), and disorder of gastrointestinal system which means malfunction of gastrointestine, damps(痰飮) and toxicity of alcohol. The rest of the causes include San syndrome(疝症), sun stroke(暑病) and heat reversal(熱厥).

장개빈(張介賓) 울증론치(鬱證論治) 연구 (Zhang Jiebin(張介賓)'s Discussion and Treatment of the Depressive Pattern)

  • 裵靚耘;朴基鎬;柳姃我
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : This paper examines the medical treatise and treatment methods of Zhang Jiebin on the depressive pattern, for clinical application today. Methods : The Zazhengmo/Yuzheng chapter of the Jingyue Quanshu, related texts and annotations of the Huangdineijing, and related contents among the medical texts of the JinYuan masters were analyzed. Developmental process of the medical theories were compared and examined. Results : Zhang focused on the mechanism in which emotion affects Qi leading to a disease state, and categorized Yu[鬱, depressed state] into three: anger depression, contemplative depression and comprehensive depression. The concept of the Five Depressive Patterns and its treatment from the Huangdineijing·Suwen which was considered as excess pattern was expanded to include deficiency pattern based on comparison with annotations of Wangbing, Hwashou, and Wang Andao. Treatment methods centered on purging was also expanded to include tonifying to restore the damaged Jing Qi. The depressive patterns anger depression, contemplative depression and comprehensive depression were subdivided according to excess and deficiency, for which formulas such as Shenxiangsan, Shoupijian, Guipitang were suggested. As the depressive pattern is caused by emotions and thus the Heart, the Yiqingbianqi method that directly deals with emotions was suggested. Zhang adopted Zhu Zhenheng's opinion which expands the category of Yu, and in the perspective of excess/deficiency, it is most similar to that of Li Dongyuan. Conclusions : Before Zhang, the depressive pattern was discussed in terms of it being excess pattern. However, Zhang's discussion on depressive pattern based on anger depression, contemplative depression and comprehensive depression focuses on emotional stagnation while suggesting the possibility of deficient stagnation, expanding previous understanding. In terms of treatment, tonifying methods for deficiency pattern was added, while consideration of emotion itself became necessary in treatment.

장개빈(張介賓)의 불면(不眠) 논치(論治) 연구(硏究) (A Study on Zhang Jiebin's Discussion of Treating Insomnia)

  • 朴基鎬;裵靚耘;柳姃我
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.79-107
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : This study aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment of contemporary insomnia by examining Zhang Jiebin's discussion on treating insomnia. Methods : The classical texts from the 'Insomnia' chapter of the Jingyue Quanshu were examined threefold in terms of symptom, treatment, and prescription analysis, after which the treatment discussion part was examined within the historical context of discussions on insomnia in major medical texts starting from the Huangdineijing. Results : According to Zhang, the cause of insomnia could be divided into two, after which criteria for diagnosis and treatment were set as excess pathogen and vital qi deficiency. He argued that insomnia could be naturally resolved through improvement of various pathogenic situations. Discussions on insomnia from various medical texts since the Huangdineijing suggest that pathology related to psychological function and emotions gradually increased and expanded over time. Conclusions : Zhang's discussion on symptom, treatment and prescriptions of insomnia suggests a new framework that could improve treatment effects through a Korean Medical Mind-Body approach, rather than the contemporary classification of organic insomnia and non-organic insomnia.