• Title/Summary/Keyword: Isolation effect

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Characteristics of Transistors and Isolation as Trench Depth (트렌치 깊이에 따른 트랜지스터와 소자분리 특성)

  • 박상원;김선순;최준기;이상희;김용해;장성근;한대희;김형덕
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.911-913
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    • 1999
  • Shallow Trench Isolation (STI) has become the most promising isolation scheme for ULSI applications. The stress of STI structure is one of several factors to degrade characteristics of a device. The stress contours or STI structure vary with the trench depth. Isolation characteristics of STI was analyzed as the depth of trench varied. And transistor characteristics was compared. Isolation punch-through voltage for n$^{+}$ to pwell and p$^{+}$ to nwell increased as trench depth increased. n$^{+}$ to pwell leakage current had nothing to do with trench depth but n$^{+}$ to pwell leakage current decreased as trench depth increased. In the case of transistor characteristics, short channel effect was independent on trench depth and inverse narrow width effect was greater for deeper trenches. Therefore in order to achieve stable device, it is important to minimize stress by optimizing trench depth.

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Dynamic Analysis of Base-Isolated Low-level Structures Under Earthquake Excitation (지진시 저층건물 면진구조의 동적 거동해석)

  • Moon, Byung-Young;Kang, Gyung-Ju;Kang, Beom-Soo;Kye-Soo, Kim
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06b
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    • pp.448-453
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents an analytical evaluation of the effect of motion on seismic responses of base isolated low-level building and experimental studies to evaluate isolation performances of a rubber bearing. Dynamic responses induced by earthquake were evaluated by response analyses, taking the rubber bearing of the base isolation devices into account. In the experiment, vibration tests were carried out using a model for rubber bearings as isolation devices against earthquake in order to investigate the isolation performances of the rubber bearings. Several kinds of rubber bearing for base isolated low-level building against earthquake are examined. As a result, it is shown that the effect of the motion on the response of the building and the base response is well controlled from a seismic design standpoint.

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Effects of Isolation Period Difference and Beam-Column Stiffness Ratio on the Dynamic Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

  • Chun, Young-Soo;Hur, Moo-Won
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.439-451
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the isolation effect for a 15-story reinforced concrete (RC) building with regard to changes in the beam-column stiffness ratio and the difference in the vibration period between the superstructure and an isolation layer in order to provide basic data that are needed to devise a framework for the design of isolated RC buildings. First, this analytical study proposes to design RC building frames by securing an isolation period that is at least 2.5 times longer than the natural vibration period of a superstructure and configuring a target isolation period that is 3.0 s or longer. To verify the proposed plan, shaking table tests were conducted on a scaled-down model of 15-story RC building installed with laminated rubber bearings. The experimental results indicate that the tested isolated structure, which complied with the proposed conditions, exhibited an almost constant response distribution, verifying that the behavior of the structure improved in terms of usability. The RC building's response to inter-story drift (which causes structural damage) was reduced by about one-third that of a non-isolated structure, thereby confirming that the safety of such a superstructure can be achieved through the building's improved seismic performance.

Two-Faults Detection and Isolation Using Extended Parity Space Approach

  • Lee, Won-Hee;Kim, Kwang-Hoon;Park, Chan-Gook;Lee, Jang-Gyu
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a new FDI(Fault Detection and Isolation) method, which is called EPSA(Extended Parity Space Approach). This method is particularly suitable for fault detection and isolation of the system with one faulty sensor or two faulty sensors. In the system with two faulty sensors, the fault detection and isolation probability may be decreased when two faults are occurred between the sensors related to the large fault direction angle. Nonetheless, the previously suggested FDI methods to treat the two-faults problem do not consider the effect of the large fault direction angle. In order to solve this problem, this paper analyzes the effect of the large fault direction angle and proposes how to increase the fault detection and isolation probability. For the increase the detection probability, this paper additionally considers the fault type that is not detected because of the cancellation of the fault biases by the large fault direction angle. Also for the increase the isolation probability, this paper suggests the additional isolation procedure in case of two-faults. EPSA helps that the user can know the exact fault situation. The proposed FDI method is verified through Monte Carlo simulation.

Effect of base isolation systems on increasing the resistance of structures subjected to progressive collapse

  • Tavakoli, Hamid R.;Naghavi, Fahime;Goltabar, Ali R.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.639-656
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    • 2015
  • Seismic isolation devices are commonly used to mitigate damages caused by seismic responses of structures. More damages are created due to progressive collapse in structures. Therefore, evaluating the impact of the isolation systems to enhance progressive collapse-resisting capacity is very important. In this study, the effect of lead rubber bearing isolation system to increase the resistance of structures against progressive collapse was evaluated. Concrete moment resisting frames were used in both the fixed and base-isolated model structures. Then, progressive collapse-resisting capacity of frames was investigated using the push down nonlinear static analysis under gravity loads that specified in GSA guideline. Nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed to consider dynamic effects column removal under earthquake. The results of the push down analysis are highly dependent on location of removal column and floor number of buildings. Also, seismic isolation system does not play an effective role in increasing the progressive collapse-resisting capacities of structures under gravity loads. Base isolation helps to localize failures and prevented from spreading it to intact span under seismic loads.

The Test of the Isolation Hypothesis and the Buffer Hypothesis of Demand-Control-Support Model on the Elderly Women's Productive Activity (여성 고령자의 생산적 활동에 대한 요구-조절-지지 모델의 고립 긴장과 완충 효과 검증)

  • Cho, Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the isolation hypothesis and the buffer hypothesis of Demand-Control-Support model in relation to activity satisfaction and psychological well-being. The subjects were 300 elderly women participating in productive activity for example paid work, voluntary activity, and grancdhildren care. This research tested four hypotheses concerning the DCS model. Is there support for the isolation hypothesis, such that the lowest level of activity satisfaction is experienced by the elderly women working in an isolation situation(high demand-low control-low support)? Is there support for the isolation hypothesis, such that the lowest level of psychological well-being is experienced by the elderly women working in an isolation situation(high demand-low control-low support)? Is there support for the buffer hypothesis, i. e. interaction between demand, control, and support, indicating a buffering effect of support on the negative impact of high strain on activity satisfaction? Is there support for the buffer hypothesis, i. e. interaction between demand, control, and support, indicating a buffering effect of support on the negative impact of high strain on psychological well-being? Major results of this study were as follows. and were supported. Activity satisfaction and psychological well-being of the elderly women in isolation situation was the lowest among the sample. was supported that family support level buffered the negative impact of high strain on activity satisfaction. But was not supported. Only main effect of demand level was showed on psychological well-being.

Design and analysis of isolation effectiveness for three-dimensional base-seismic isolation of nuclear island building

  • Zhu, Xiuyun;Lin, Gao;Pan, Rong;Li, Jianbo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.374-385
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    • 2022
  • In order to investigate the application of 3D base-seismic isolation system in nuclear power plants (NPPs), comprehensive analysis of constitution and design theory for 3-dimensional combined isolation bearing (3D-CIB) was presented and derived. Four different vertical stiffness of 3D-CIB was designed to isolate the nuclear island (NI) building. This paper aimed at investigating the isolation effectiveness of 3D-CIB through modal analysis and dynamic time-history analysis. Numerical results in terms of dynamic response of 3D-CIB, relative displacement response, acceleration and floor response spectra (FRS) of the superstructure were compared to validate the reliability of 3D-CIB in mitigating seismic response. The results showed that 3D-CIB can significantly attenuate the horizontal acceleration response, and a fair amount of the vertical acceleration response reduction of the upper structure was still observed. 3D-CIB plays a significant role in reducing the horizontal and vertical FRS, the vertical FRS basically do not vary with the floor height. The smaller the vertical stiffness of 3D-CIB is, the better the vertical isolation effectiveness is, whereas, it will increase the displacement and the rocking effect of superstructure. Although the advantage of 3D-CIB is that the vertical stiffness can be flexibly adjusted, it should be designed by properly accounting for the balance between the isolation effectiveness and displacement control including rocking effect. The results of this study can provide the technical basis and guidance for the application of 3D-CIB to engineering structure.

Effect of sodium polyanethol sulfonate on the isolation of Salmonella typhi from blood culture (Sodium polyanethol sulfonate의 혈액배양에서의 Salmonella typhi 분리에 대한 영향)

  • Chong, Yun-Sop
    • The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1974
  • Blood is one of the most important clinical specimens for the isolation of bacteria. A rapid isolation and a high isolation rate of bacteria are very important in blood culture because bacteremic patients are mostly in grave condition. Various blood culture media which support growth of most fastidious bacteria are available commercially. However, growth of bacteria are frequently delayed because of antibacterial activity of blood. Sodium polyanethol sulfonate(Liquoid) has been reported to inactivate the antibacterial substance and disrupt phagocytic cells. The beneficial effect of SPS is well recognized in the isolation of gram-positive bacteria. However, the effect does not seem to be prominent for gram-negative bacilli isolation mainly due to the rapidity of their growth. It has been experienced with Sal. typhi that the growth is much slower than that of other gram-negative bacilli. For the rapid growth of the organism, use of bile broth has been recommended. Although Sal. typhi is the most frequently isolated organism at present, about one half of total isolates are other organisms and, in case bile broth is used, other media which support growth of these organisms should be used together. Fluid thioglycollate medium(FTM) which is always used in blood culture to isolate anaerobes is inferior to brain heart infusion(BHI) for the isolation of aerobes. This study was done to determine the effect of SPS on the isolation of Sal. typhi from blood. During the Sep. 1973 to Sep. 1974 study period, 2460 blood cultures were made from the Severance hospital patients: BHI and FTM sets 1431 specimens, BHI with SPS(0.05%) and FTM sets 396 specimens, BHI and FTM with SPS sets 359 specimens, BHI and BHI with SPS sets 274 specimens. Mean incubation time required for the macroscopic detection of growth of Sal. typhi were 3.5 days on BHI and 2.7 days on BHI with SPS. The 0.8 day difference was statistically significant. On FTM the mean incubation time was 3.8 days while it was 2.9 days on FTM with SPS. The 0.9 day difference was statistically significant. The result on BHI with and without SPS sets showed faster growth on BRI with SPS in 7 specimens and slower growth in one specimen and the remaining 12 showed growth at the same time. These specimens had mean incubation time of 3.2 days on BHI and 2.3 days on BHI with SPS. The 0.9 day difference was statistically significant. This study indicates beneficial effect of SPS for the rapid isolation of Sal. typhi from clinical blood specimens.

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Seismic Isolation Effects According to Set up the Isolation Period in the Medium and Low-rise Framed Building (중.저층골조에서 면진주기 설정에 따른 면진효과)

  • Chun, Young-Soo;Hur, Moo-Won
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2010
  • Seismic isolation offers an attractive approach for reducing seismic loads in the building and its components. This paper deals with the seismic isolation effects due to variation in period ratio between superstructure and isolation layer of the building. Seismic isolation effects of the moment-resisting frames with the various period ratio were studied by nonlinear time history analysis, and the guidelines on the stiffness ratio of the superstructure and isolation layer of the building for the effective seismic isolation follow from the results of this study. It is recommended that the isolation period should be greater than 2.5 times of that of the superstructure for the effective seismic isolation.

Application of Mid-Story Isolation System for Reducing Seismic Response of Space Structure (공간구조물의 지진응답 저감을 위한 중간면진장치의 적용)

  • Kim, Gee-Cheol;Kang, Joo-Won;Kim, Hyung-Man
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2009
  • The seismic isolation system reduces the seismic vibration that is transmitted from foundation to upper structure. This seismic isolation system can be classified into base isolation and mid-story isolation by the installation location. In this study, the seismic behavior of arch structure with mid-story isolation is analyzed to verify the effect of seismic isolation. Mid-story isolation is more effective than base isolation to reduce the seismic responses of roof structure. Also, this isolation would be excellent in structural characteristics and construction.

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