• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ion-assisted etching

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A Study on the Etching Effect and the Capacitance of Aluminum Oxide Thin Film by Oxygen Ion Beam (산소 이온 빔에 의한 산화 알루미늄 박막의 식각 효과 및 정전 용량 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, E.S.;Kwon, S.J.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 2013
  • For the realization of high-k insulator, aluminum oxide ($Al_2O_3$) was deposited by using an oxygen ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) during e-beam evaporation. From the thickness of the $Al_2O_3$ layer evaporated with IBAD process, it was possible to investigate the etching effect of ion beam at higher energies during e-beam evaporation. It was also possible to obtain a higher capacitance as a result of IBAD in spite of the reduced thickness of $Al_2O_3$.

Removal of Metallic Cobalt Layers by Reactive Cold Plasma

  • Kim, Yong-Soo;Jeon, Sang-Hwan;Yim, Byung-Joo;Lee, Hyo-Cheol;Jung, Jong-Heon;Kim, Kye-Nam
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2004
  • Recently, plasma surface-cleaning or surface-etching techniques have been focused in respect of the decontamination of spent or used nuclear parts and equipment. In this study the removal rate of metallic cobalt surface is experimentally investigated via its surface etching rate with a $CF_4-o_2$mixed gas plasma. Experimental results reveal that a mixed etchant gas with about 80% $CF_4$-20% $O_2$ (molar) gives the highest reaction rate and the rate reaches 0.06 ${\mu}m$/min at $380^{\circ}C$ and ion-assisted etching dramatically enhances the surface reaction rate. With a negative 300 V DC bias voltage applied to the substrate, the surface reaction initiation temperature lowers and the rate increases about 20 times at $350^{\circ}C$ and up to 0.43 ${\mu}m$/min at $380^{\circ}C$, respectively. Surface morphology analysis confirms the etching rate measurements. Auger spectrum analysis clearly shows the adsorption of fluorine atoms on the reacted surface. From the current experimental findings and the results discussed in previous studies, mechanistic understanding of the surface reaction, fluorination and/or fluoro-carbonylation reaction, is provided.

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Effects of Ar+ ion Beam Irradiation on the Adhesion Forces between Carbon fibers and Thermosetting Resins (Ar+ 이온 빔 조사가 탄소섬유와 열경화성 수지 간 계면결합력에 미치는 영향)

  • 박수진;서민강;김학용;이경엽
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.718-727
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    • 2002
  • In this work, an Ar+ beam was irradiated on carbon fiber surfaces to improve the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of the resulting composites using an ion assisted reaction (IAR) method h single fiber pull-out test was executed to investigate the basic characteristics of the single Carbon fiber/matrix interface. Based on Greszczuk's geometrical model, the debonding force for pull-out of the fiber from the resins was discussed with the applied ion beam energy as a result, it was known that an ion beam treatment produced the functional groups on fiber surface and etching lines along the fiber axis direction, resulting in increasing the adhesion forces between fibers and matrix, which caused the improvement of the IFSS in a composite system. And, it was also found that the maximum IFSS was shown at 0.8 keV ion beam energy in this system.

Preparation Method of Plan-View Transmission Electron Microscopy Specimen of the Cu Thin-Film Layer on Silicon Substrate Using the Focused Ion Beam with Gas-Assisted Etch

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Nam, Sang-Yeol;Choi, Young-Hwan;Park, Ju-Cheol
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.195-198
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    • 2015
  • Gas-assisted etching (GAE) with focused ion beam (FIB) was applied to prepare plan-view specimens of Cu thin-layer on a silicon substrate for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). GAE using $XeF_2$ gas selectively etched the silicon substrate without volume loss of the Cu thin-layer. The plan-view specimen of the Cu thin film prepared by FIB milling with GAE was observed by scanning electron microscopy and $C_S$-corrected high-resolution TEM to estimate the size and microstructure of the TEM specimen. The GAE with FIB technique overcame various artifacts of conventional FIB milling technique such as bending, shrinking and non-uniform thickness of the TEM specimens. The Cu thin film was uniform in thickness and relatively larger in size despite of the thickness of <200 nm.

Etching characteristics and modeling of BST thin films using inductively coupled plasma (유도결합 플라즈마를 이용한 BST 박막의 식각 특성 및 모델링)

  • Kim, Gwan-Ha;Kim, Kyoung-Tae;Kim, Dong-Pyo;Lee, Cheol-In;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Chang-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 2004
  • This work was devoted to an investigation of etching mechanisms for $(Ba,Sr)TiO_3$ (BST) thin films in inductively coupled $CF_4/Ar$ plasma. We have found that an increase of the Ar content in $CF_4/Ar$ plasma causes non-monotonic behavior of BST etch rate, which reaches a maximum value of 40 nm/min at 80% Ar. Langmuir probe measurements show a weak sensitivity of both electron temperature and electron density to the change of $CF_5/Ar$ mixing ratio. O-D model for plasma chemistry gave monotonic changes of both volume densities and fluxes for active species responsible for the etching process. The analysis of surface kinetics confirms the possibility of non-monotonic etch rate behavior due to the concurrence of physical and chemical pathways in ion-assisted chemical reaction.

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The Surface Damage of SBT Thin Film Etched in $Ar/CF_{4}/Cl_{2}$ Plasma ($Ar/CF_{4}/Cl_{2}$ 유도결합 플라즈마에 의한 SBT 박막의 표면 손상)

  • Kim, Dong-Pyo;Kim, Chang-Il;Lee, Cheol-In;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Lee, Won-Jae;Yu, Byung-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.26-29
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    • 2001
  • $SrBi_2Ta_2O_{9}$ thin films were etched at high-density $Cl_2/CF_4/Ar$ in inductively coupled plasma system. The etching of SBT thin films in $Cl_2/CF_4/Ar$ were chemically assisted reactive ion etching. The maximum etch rate was 1300 $\AA$/min at 900W in $Cl_2(20)/CF_4(20)/Ar(80)$. As rf power increase, radicals (F, Cl) and ion(Ar) increase. The influence of plasma induced damage during etching process was investigated in terms of the surface morphology and th phase of X-ray diffraction. The chemical residue was investigated with secondary ion mass sperometry.

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The Surface Damage of SBT Thin Film Etched in $Ar/CF_{4}/Cl_{2}$ Plasma ($Ar/CF_{4}/Cl_{2}$ 유도결합 플라즈마에 의한 SBT 박막의 표면 손상)

  • 김동표;김창일;이철인;김태형;이원재;유병곤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.26-29
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    • 2001
  • SrBi$_2$Ta$_2$$O_{9}$ thin films were etched at high-density C1$_2$/CF$_{4}$/Ar in inductively coupled plasma system. The etching of SBT thin films in C1$_2$/CF$_{4}$/Ar were chemically assisted reactive ion etching. The maximum etch rate was 1300 $\AA$/min at 900W in Cl$_2$(20)/CF$_4$(20)/Ar(80). As f power increase, radicals (F, Cl) and ion(Ar) increase. The influence of plasma induced damage during etching process was investigated in terms of the surface morphology and th phase of X-ray diffraction. The chemical residue was investigated with secondary ion mass spectrometry.y.

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MaCE (Metal-Assisted Chemical etching)에 의한 GaAs 마이크로 구조 제어 및 메커니즘 연구

  • Lee, A-Ri;Yun, Seok-Hun;Ji, Taek-Su;Sin, Jae-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.330.2-330.2
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    • 2014
  • III-V족 화합물반도체는 트랜지스터와 광다이오드, 레이저 등의 광전소자 제작물질로 오랫동안 사용 되어 왔다. III-V 화합물 반도체로 제작된 광전소자의 특성을 향상시키기 위해선 다양한 형태의 표면구조가 필요하며, distributed feedback 레이저나 distributed Bragg reflector 레이저의 경우 높은 aspect-ratio를 가지는 구조를 필요로 한다. 현재까지 높은 aspect-ratio를 가지는 III-V족 화합물반도체 구조제작을 위해 reactive ion etching (RIE) 방식을 사용 하였는데, 이 방법은 ion collision에 의한 표면손상과 더불어 에칭 잔여물이 남아 반도체 표면을 오염시키는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 이를 개선하기 위하여 MaCE (Metal-Assited chemical etching)법이 최근 제안되었는데, 본 연구에서는 MaCE 방법을 통하여 다양한 형태의 GaAs 표면구조를 제작하였다. 본 실험을 통하여 에칭용액 조건에 따라 GaAs의 구조적 특성과 morphology가 달라지는 것을 확인하였다.

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