• Title/Summary/Keyword: Investigation Items

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Design of a Personalized Web Mining System Using a Sequence Association Rule (스퀀스 연관규칙을 이용한 개인화 웹 마이닝 설계)

  • Yun, Jong-Chan;Youn, Sung-Dae
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.1106-1116
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    • 2007
  • Recently e-commerce trade on the web has grown rapidly in scale and complexity, just as web site designs and web servers have become more complicated. In view of these complexities, it is obviously difficult to analyse web user's data since they web users employ so many different web paths. The existing association rule investigation algorithms identify all items with a high correlation. However even though users often only want to find items in which they have interest, it is still difficult to find the rules they want out of all of the many association rules found by existing algorithms. In this paper, we propose a system linking each node with the sequence association rule, linking all routes after finding a path corresponding to a user with the association rule-one of the data mining techniques which identify user patterns in web user paths. The suggested system helps us construct individualized or customer-subdivided sites using the sequence association rule in order to harmonize the paths of web users with user characters.

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A Study on the System and Operation of Laboratory Safety Inspection and Diagnosis (연구실 안전점검 및 정밀안전진단제도 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, In-Sung;Hwang, Myung-Hwan;Lee, Hong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2019
  • According to the Laboratory Safety Act, each laboratory in the field of science and technology must conduct safety inspections and diagnosis every year or every two years. At present, the relevant guidelines are not clear, so there is a high possibility that inspection and diagnosis will become ineffective. In the laboratory, there is a pre-risk factor analysis system for hazardous factors, but there are many difficulties in implementation due to lack of education and understanding of the researchers, excessive work, etc. For the analysis of the opinions of experts in the safety field using the Delphi technique, we analyzed the following items: 1. Consideration in applying the Lab Safety Act, 2. Consideration in Lab Safety inspection and diagnosis, and 3. Government policy necessary for Lab. safety. Through the investigation and analysis of the detailed items, we extracted for problems and alternatives in current laboratory safety diagnosis and current law.

Prospective elementary teachers' preconceptions and experiences of diagrams in solving math word problems (초등예비교사의 수학 문장제 해결 도구로서 다이어그램에 대한 초기 관념과 수행)

  • Yim, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.161-181
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    • 2018
  • This study involved an investigation of prospective elementary teachers' preconceptions and experiences of diagrams and their ability to draw diagrams in solving math word problems. A questionnaire and two math word problems were administered to prospective elementary teachers who began to taking an introductory mathematics education course. The results from the analysis of their responses to the questionnaire items indicate that prospective elementary teachers appreciate the value of diagrams as tools for problem solving and communication. In addition, prospective elementary teachers have the will not only to teach their future students how to use diagrams but also to encourage them to draw diagrams in solving math word problems. However, the results also indicates that prospective elementary teachers neither use diagrams spontaneously in their math problem solving activities nor have confidence in drawing useful diagrams. Prospective elementary teachers also manifested low scores on the questionnaire items asking whether they were taught how to draw useful diagrams or encouraged by their teachers to use diagrams in their previous learning experiences. The results from the analysis of the diagrams that prospective elementary teachers drew in solving math word problems showed that most of them had difficulty drawing diagrams that represent their reasoning and solving process.

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Consumers' Responses to Information Created by Fashion YouTube Creators - Generational and Gender Differences - (정보원으로서 패션 유튜브 크리에이터에 대한 소비자 반응 - 유튜버의 성별과 연령 특성에 따른 비교 -)

  • Choi, Yeong-Hyeon;Lee, Kyu-Hye
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.212-225
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    • 2021
  • With the recognition of YouTube as an information search tool, YouTube creators have subsequently become sources of information to consumers. Accordingly, this study aims to analyze the consumers' response of famous fashion YouTubers in Korea, and to identify differences in consumer response based on the gender and generation of YouTubers. During the period from the opening of fashion creators' YouTube channels, we collected postings on blogs and Internet cafes using textom. As a result of preliminary investigation, six fashion YouTubers were selected. First, all the selected fashion YouTubers were well recognized by consumers as fashion informants. However, Milanonna has been shown to act as a life advisor and as an informant for luxury brands at the same time. Second, female fashion YouTubers were perceived with themes related to daily life, beauty, emotions, and mood rather than fashion itself; whereas, male fashion YouTubers appeared to be more interested in fashion accessories, especially with respect to the basic style. Third, Generation Z fashion YouTubers used the most non-fashion keywords, and their Millennial counterparts used keywords related to fashion items and product purchase properties. However, consumer response to OPAL fashion YouTubers have emerged with items such as life experiences, wisdom, and advice. Moreover, OPAL fashion YouTubers showed a variety of consumer assessments and the YouTuber's personal background. This study's analysis of the differences in the consumer response to fashion YouTubers based on gender and age enables the establishment of an appropriate strategy to attract target consumers and identify their appeal points.

Development and Validation of Physical Education Teaching Anxiety Scale for Preservice Special Teacher (예비특수교사의 체육교수불안 척도 개발 및 타당화)

  • Lee, Yong-Kuk
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.375-389
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to development and validation a tool to measure physical education teaching anxiety(PETA) among preservice special teacher. In order to achieve this study purpose, first, the preliminary items for measurement scale were collected through open-ended questions and were developed by inductive content analysis from the 100 preservice special teacher. Second, investigation for construct validity was conducted on exploratory factor analysis from the 100 preservice special teacher. Third, in the final process, verify exernal validity was conducted by confirmatory factor analysis and t-test from the 300 presevice special teacher. As a result, the measurement scale of physical education teaching anxiety(PETA) among preservice special teacher consists of 4 main factors with 14 items: pedagogical content knowledge(n=4), understanding students(n=4), class environment(n=3), class management(n=3) factors and this scale has enough suitability.

Analysis of the Influence of Changing the Announcement Date of Standard for Construction Cost Estimation (표준시장단가 공고시기 조정에 따른 영향분석 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-hyun;Baek, Seung Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.204-205
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    • 2020
  • Construction Standard Unit Price is the unit price calculated based on the market price for work items in construction projects that have already been conducted. It is used as basic data for calculating the budget price of public construction projects. In the Construction Standard Unit Price Book implemented in the second half of 2020, there are 1,810 types of unit prices. Since 2017, 100-150 construction standard unit prices have been revised semiannually (on January 1 and July 1 of each year) through Construction Site Surveys. Other work items have been set based on the rate of inflation during the corresponding period. Later in 2020, this procedure was changed, with on-site survey period extended to one year to strengthen the construction standard unit price investigation. The revisions previous announced during the second half of the year were changed only to reflect the price inflation rates. With such changes in the revisions to construction standard unit prices, one important issue that was raised: The timing of announcing the revisions during the second half of the year (reflecting the price inflation rates). The market unit wage, which is the unit price standard of labor cost that takes up a large part of the construction cost, is announced in January and September. The figures announced in September is reflected on the construction standard unit price four months later in January, but the market unit wage announced in January is reflected only six months after in July, which causes a timing issue. As such, the current study analyzed problems rising from the changed timing of the announcements of the construction standard unit price during the second half of the year, in addition to analyzing their impact on public construction projects.

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A Study for Improving the Traffic Accident Management System with regard to the Driver's Human Factor (운전자 인적요인을 고려한 교통사고 조사양식 개선방안 연구)

  • Ju Seok Oh;Soon Chul Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.267-287
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to improve the Traffic Accident Management System's validity and reliability, so the system could help classify and judge the human factors that correlate with traffic accidents. We took traffic accident research and analysis systems of United States and United Kingdom and certain related, former studies into account in building our test system. Next, we used the test system's criteria to re-analyze 502 Gyeonggi province accident records from 2008. We compared the results to existing systems' results to verify the test system's validity and reliability. These results indicated the necessity of removing some uncertain items from the existing systems and adding in some new items from the test system. This should help improve understanding of what happens at traffic accident scenes and of the sources of drivers' abnormal, reckless behavior. We introduce suggestions for improving the Traffic Accident Management System and research concepts for further studies.

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Development of PCR Method for Rapid Detection of Allergic Materials in Foods (PCR을 이용한 식품 중 알레르기 유발물질 검출법 개발)

  • Park, Yong-Chjun;Kim, Mi-Ra;Shin, Jun-Ho;Kim, Kyu-Heon;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Cho, Tae-Yong;Lee, Hwa-Jung;Lee, Sang-Jae;Han, Sang-Bae
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2013
  • The method for detection foods containing allergenic materials by PCR was developed in this study. To detect allergenic raw material from processed food, species specific primer which up to 200bp for PCR product were designed or selected from advanced research. As target materials, 14 items were selected (12 target materials for allergen in Korea, 2 target materials for allergen in foreign countries). The amplicon size for eggs, milk, buckwheat, peanuts, beans, wheat, mackerel, crab, shrimp, pork, peach, tomato, almond, and sesame were confirmed 281, 131, 138, 120, 118, 127, 211, 174, 231, 138, 174, 132, 103, and 220bp, respectively. And any non-specific bands were not detected among each others. Detection method for allergenic material developed in this study could be used to investigate inaccurate goods for allergen labeling or non-intentional contaminant during processed foods manufacturing. In addition, the system will be usefully to detection accurate allergenic raw materials of export for other countries.

A Study on the Selection of the Joseon's Royal Placenta Chambers for Successive Registration in World Heritages Listings (조선 왕실 태실의 세계유산 등재 대상 선정에 대한 고찰)

  • LEE Jaewan
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.6-20
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    • 2023
  • The World Heritage Subcommittee of the Cultural Heritage Administration which examine The World Heritage Subcommittee of the Cultural Heritage Administration which The World Heri The World Heritage Subcommittee of the Cultural Heritage Administration which examined the Placenta Chamber of King Sejong's Princes applied for the world heritage priority list in 2020 recommended expanding it to the royal placenta chambers of Joseon distributed nationwide for successive registration instead of registering the Seongju placenta chamber only. On account of that, the issue of selecting items has become one of the important topics to be discussed in the registration of world heritages. Accordingly, this researcher investigated the subjects of successive registration based on such conditions as excellent universal value, heritage protection and management, authenticity, and completeness among the real estate cultural properties demanded by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. First, 22 placenta chambers, the real estate cultural properties designated as cultural properties and protected and managed by the state and local governments, are subject to it. Second, it seems that placenta chambers that can be restored through research and historical investigation and become designated as cultural properties can additionally be added. Third, items such as the Seosamneung Royal Tombs built by Lee Wang-jik in the Japanese colonial era or Seongjong Placenta Chamber relocated as an example to realize the completeness of Joseon's Royal Placenta Chambers can be included as well. Meanwhile, many of the items designated as cultural properties are not in the original location, and they can be divided into those that were relocated for the intentions of the Japanese Empire and those that were not. Therefore, the researcher insists that it is necessary to select and add items with which we can understand the historicity in the relocation of placenta chambers during the Japanese colonial era and also to quickly designate those that have not been designated as cultural properties yet. Therefore, regardless of designation as cultural heritage, local governments must promote both restoration and designation and strive to include them in the list of successive registration of world heritages grounded on thorough historical investigation. Moreover, to add them to the list of successive registration of world heritages, the Cultural Heritage Administration and local governments should promote continuous research and genuine restoration of individual placenta chambers.

Ninth Graders' Self-Assessment of Scientific Process Skills in Open Investigation (중학교 3학년 학생들의 개방적 탐구에서 과학적 탐구과정기능에 대한 자기평가 수행분석)

  • Hwang, Sung-Won;Kim, Hee-Kyong;Yoo, June-Hee;Pak, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.506-515
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    • 2001
  • Understanding the students' ability and tendency of self assessment is one of the important factors in helping their learning and in giving the appropriate feedbacks. The purposes of this study is to analyse the coincidency of the students' self-assessment with the teacher assessment, and the tendency of over and under estimation. The students performed open investigations and assessed their process skills by checking their investigation reports with a given checklist. The total mean of the 'Self-Assessment Capability(SAC)' was 0.73 by 1. The SAC was related to the achievement, not to the gender. The correlation between SAC and achievement was significantly positive(r=0.7, p<.01), and for the girls, the tendency was remarkable. Among the five areas of process skills of open investigation, students got the highest SAC score in the managing and interpreting data area, and the lowest SAC in the drawing conclusion area. The mean of 'Self-Assessment Tendency(SAT)' for all items showed that students overestimated their process skills. While the high achievement students underestimated their process skills, the middle and low showed the tendency of overestimation.

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