• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internal Control System

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The Influence of an Abdominal Draw-In Maneuver and Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction on Lateral Abdominal Muscle Contraction Thickness in Subject with and without Low Back Pain (요통 환자와 정상인에 적용한 골반저근 수축과 복부 드로우-인이 외측 복부 근육 수축 두께에 미치는 영향)

  • Youn, Hye-Jin;Kim, Ji-Seon;Yang, Jin-Mo;Ki, Kyong-Il
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of abdominal muscle contraction thickness using real-time ultrasound imaging while applying an abdominal draw-in maneuver (ADIM) and pelvic floor muscle contraction (PFC) to low back pain patients and healthy subjects. Methods: The subjects were 21 young adults; a group of 10 low back pain patients and a control group of 11 healthy subjects. Measurements were made with the subjects on a pillow in a supine position, with the knee joints flexed at 60 degrees. While the two groups conducted ADIM and PFC, their transverse abdominal muscle (TrA), internal abdominal oblique muscle (IO), and external abdominal oblique muscle (EO) thicknesses were measured using an ultrasound imaging system. Result: The TrA muscle contraction thickness ratio during PFC and ADIM was significantly lower in the low back pain group than in the healthy group (p<0.05). The EO muscle contraction thickness ratio during ADIM was also significantly lower in the low back pain group than in the healthy group. The healthy group's muscle contraction thickness ratio was significantly lower during PFC than during ADIM in the TrA, IO, and EO (p<0.05). The low back pain group's muscle contraction thickness ratio was lower during PFC than during ADIM in the TrA, IO, and EO, but the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that oral direction during ADIM induced an appropriate contraction of the TrA. Therefore, the procedure reported here may be applied during rehabilitation for appropriate contraction of the TrA.

Effect of Pelvic Compression Belt on Abdominal Muscle Activity, Pelvic Rotation and Pelvic Tilt During Active Straight Leg Raise

  • Jo, Eun-young;An, Duk-hyun
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2019
  • Background: Uncontrolled lumbopelvic movement leads to asymmetric symptoms and causes pain in the lumbar and pelvic regions. So many patients have uncontrolled lumbopelvic movement. Passive support devices are used for unstable lumbopelvic patient. So, we need to understand that influence of passive support on lumbopelvic stability. It is important to examine that using the pelvic belt on abdominal muscle activity, pelvic rotation and pelvic tilt. Objects: This study observed abdominal muscle activity, pelvic rotation and tilt angles were compared during active straight leg raise (ASLR) with and without pelvic compression belt. Methods: Sixteen healthy women were participated in this study. ASRL with and without pelvic compression belt was performed for 5 sec, until their leg touched the target bar that was set 20 cm above the base. Surface electromyography was recorded from rectus abdominis (RA), internal oblique abdominis (IO), and external oblique abdominis (EO) bilaterally. And pelvic rotation and tilt angles were measured by motion capture system. Results: There were significantly less activities of left EO (p=.042), right EO (p=.031), left IO (p=.039), right IO (p=.019), left RA (p=.044), and right RA (p=.042) and a greater right pelvic rotation angle (p=.008) and anterior pelvic tilt angle (p<.001) during ASLR with pelvic compression belt. Conclusion: These results showed that abdominal activity was reduced while the right pelvic rotation angle and anterior pelvic tilt angle were increased during ASLR with a pelvic compression belt. In other words, although pelvic compression belt could support abdominal muscle activity, it would be difficult to control pelvic movement. So pelvic belt would not be useful for controlled ASLR.

Effects of Anti-ecotoxicological Curcumin Nanospheres on Feed Efficiency and Fecal Odor in Mice (환경 독성 억제효과를 가진 커큐민 나노스피어가 마우스의 사료 효율 및 악취저감에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jeong-Bae;Lee, Young-Min;Park, Moon-Ki;Min, Taesun;Lee, Sei-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2019
  • Curcumin ($C_{21}H_{20}O_6$) is a hydrophobic polyphenol found in turmeric. Although curcumin has been used as a natural medicine, its major limitation is related to poor absorption from the gut. Therefore, we developed a method for preparation of Curcumin Nanospheres (CN) to improve the aqueous-phase solubility of curcumin and investigate the functional role of CN in promoting feed efficiency and odor reduction in mice. CN showed inhibitory effects on actate dehydrogenase (LDH) cytotoxicity induced by ecotoxic substance toluene in gut epithelial HCT116 cells. In addition, the weights of internal organs (liver, heart, kidneys, and spleen) and the levels of serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (GOT), Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (GPT), and LDH did not show significant differences between mice administered oral CN for two weeks and compared to the control group. Interestingly, CN not only reduced hydrogen sulfide ($H_2S$) and ammonia ($NH_3$) levels and fecal odor, but also improved feed efficiency in mice. These results demonstrate that oral nano-delivery of anti-ecotoxicological CN is a functional system to deliver curcumin to the gut to improve feed efficiency and reduce fecal odor in mice.

An Experimental Study on the Noise Reduction of Cooling Fans for Four-ton Forklift Machines (4톤급 지게차 냉각홴 소음 저감에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Choi, Daesik;Kim, Seokwoo;Yeom, Taeyoung;Lee, Seungbae
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents research on methods for the reduction of forklifts' noise level for the increased comfort and safety of its operator. A cooling fan with a high air volume flow rate installed in the forklift acts as an important design parameter which efficiently cools the heat exchanger system, helping to transfer internal heat from the engine room to the outdoors with both transmitted and diffracted opening noises. The cooling fan contributes significantly to both the forklift's emitted sound power and the operator room's noise level, thereby necessitating research on the forklift's reduction of acoustic power level and transmission. A noise analysis for various fan models with a biomimetic design based on eagle-wing geometry was conducted. In addition to the acoustic power generation, the aerodynamic performance of the cooling blade is also strongly influenced by the design of airfoil distribution, thereby requiring optimization. The cooling fans were fabricated and installed in the forklift in order to check the efficacy of the forklift engine's cooling, and the final version of the fan was measured for its ability to lower acoustic power level and cool the engine room. This study explains the aerodynamic and acoustic features of the designed fans with the use of BEM analysis and forklift test results.

Analysis of Usage Patterns and Security Vulnerabilities in Android Permissions and Broadcast Intent Mechanism (안드로이드 권한과 브로드캐스트 인텐트 매커니즘의 사용 현황 및 보안 취약성 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Dong;Kim, Ikhwan;Kim, Taehyoun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1145-1157
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    • 2012
  • Google Android employs a security model based on application permissions to control accesses to system resources and components of other applications from a potentially malicious program. But, this model has security vulnerabilities due to lack of user comprehension and excessive permission requests by 3rd party applications. Broadcast intent message is widely used as a primary means of communication among internal application components. However, this mechanism has also potential security problems because it has no security policy related with it. In this paper, we first present security breach scenarios caused by inappropriate use of application permissions and broadcast intent messages. We then analyze and compare usage patterns of application permissions and broadcast intent message for popular applications on Android market and malwares, respectively. The analysis results show that there exists a characteristic set for application permissions and broadcast intent receiver that are requested by typical malwares. Based on the results, we propose a scheme to detect applications that are suspected as malicious and notify the result to users at installation time.

Spatiotemporal Clusters and Trends of Pneumocystis Pneumonia in Korea

  • Kim, Hwa Sun;Nam, Ho-Woo;Ahn, Hye-Jin;Lee, Sang Haak;Kim, Yeong Hoon
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.60 no.5
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2022
  • This study determined the recent status and trend of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PcP) in the non-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (non-HIV-PcP) and HIV (HIV-PcP) infected populations using data from the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (HIRA) and the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA). SaTScan and Join-point were used for statistical analyses. Non-HIV-PcP cases showed an upward trend during the study period from 2010 to 2021, with the largest number in 2021 (551 cases). The upward trend was similar until 2020 after adjusting for the population. Seoul had the highest number of cases (1,597) in the non-HIV-PcP group, which was the same after adjusting for the population (162 cases/1,000,000). It was followed by Jeju-do (89 cases/1,000,000). The most likely cluster (MLC) for the non-HIV-PCP group was Seoul (Relative Risk (RR)=4.59, Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR)=825.531), followed by Jeju-do (RR=1.59, LLR=5.431). An upward trend was observed among the non-HIV-PcP group in the Jeju-do/Jeollanam-do/Jeollabuk-do/Gyeongsangnam-do/Busan/Daejeon/Daegu/Ulsan joint cluster (29.02%, LLR=11.638, P<0.001) located in the southern part of Korea. Both women and men in the non-HIV groups showed an overall upward trend of PcP during the study period. Men in the 60-69 age group had the highest annual percentage change (APC 41.8) during 2014-2019. In contrast, the HIV groups showed a falling trend of PcP recently. Men in the 60-69 age group had the most decrease (APC -17.6) during 2018-2021. This study provides an analytic basis for health measures and a nationwide epidemiological surveillance system for the management of PcP.

A multi-layer approach to DN 50 electric valve fault diagnosis using shallow-deep intelligent models

  • Liu, Yong-kuo;Zhou, Wen;Ayodeji, Abiodun;Zhou, Xin-qiu;Peng, Min-jun;Chao, Nan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.148-163
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    • 2021
  • Timely fault identification is important for safe and reliable operation of the electric valve system. Many research works have utilized different data-driven approach for fault diagnosis in complex systems. However, they do not consider specific characteristics of critical control components such as electric valves. This work presents an integrated shallow-deep fault diagnostic model, developed based on signals extracted from DN50 electric valve. First, the local optimal issue of particle swarm optimization algorithm is solved by optimizing the weight search capability, the particle speed, and position update strategy. Then, to develop a shallow diagnostic model, the modified particle swarm algorithm is combined with support vector machine to form a hybrid improved particle swarm-support vector machine (IPs-SVM). To decouple the influence of the background noise, the wavelet packet transform method is used to reconstruct the vibration signal. Thereafter, the IPs-SVM is used to classify phase imbalance and damaged valve faults, and the performance was evaluated against other models developed using the conventional SVM and particle swarm optimized SVM. Secondly, three different deep belief network (DBN) models are developed, using different acoustic signal structures: raw signal, wavelet transformed signal and time-series (sequential) signal. The models are developed to estimate internal leakage sizes in the electric valve. The predictive performance of the DBN and the evaluation results of the proposed IPs-SVM are also presented in this paper.

Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Ukraine

  • Olha, Oseredchuk;Mykola, Mykhailichenko;Nataliia, Rokosovyk;Olha, Komar;Valentyna, Bielikova;Oleh, Plakhotnik;Oleksandr, Kuchai
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 2022
  • The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education plays a crucial role in education in Ukraine, as an independent entity creates and ensures quality standards of higher education, which allow to properly implement the educational policy of the state, develop the economy and society as a whole. The purpose of the article: to reveal the crucial role of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education to create quality management of higher education institutions, to show its mechanism as an independent entity that creates and ensures quality standards of higher education. and society as a whole. The mission of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is to become a catalyst for positive changes in higher education and the formation of a culture of its quality. The strategic goals of the National Agency are implemented in three main areas: the quality of educational services, recognition of the quality of scientific results, ensuring the systemic impact of the National Agency. The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education exercises various powers, which can be divided into: regulatory, analytical, accreditation, control, communication. The effectiveness of the work of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education for 2020 has been proved. The results of a survey conducted by 183 higher education institutions of Ukraine conducted by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown. Emphasis was placed on the development of "Recommendations of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education regarding the introduction of an internal quality assurance system." The international activity and international recognition of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown.

Molding the East Asian Dragons: The Creation and Transformation of Various Ecological and Political Discourses

  • NGUYEN Ngoc Tho;PHAN Thi Thu Hien
    • Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.73-99
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    • 2023
  • The dragon is a special imaginary figure created by the people of East Asia. Its archetypes appeared primarily as totemic symbols of different tribes and groups in the region. The formation of early dynasties probably generated the molding of the dragon symbol. Dragon symbols carried deep imprints of nature. They concealed alternative messages of how ancient people at different locations dealt with or interacted with nature. Under pressure to standardize in the medieval and late imperial periods, the popular dragon had to transform physically and ideologically. It became imposed, unified, and framed, conveying ideas of caste classification and power, and losing itsecological implications. The dragon transitioned from a semi-ecological domain into a total social caste system. However, many people considered the "standardized" dragon as the symbol of the oppressor. Because of continuous orthopraxy and calls for imperial reverence, especially under orthopractic agenda and the surveillance of local elites, the popularized dragon was imbued within local artworks or hidden under the sanctity of Buddhas or popular gods in order to survive. Through disguise, the popular dragon partially maintained its ecological narratives. When the imperial dynasties ended in East Asia (1910 in Korea, 1911 in China, 1945 in Vietnam), the dragon was dramatically decentralized. However, trends of re-standardization and re-centralization have emerged recently in China, as the country rises in the global arena. In this newly-emerging "re-orthopraxy", the dragon has been superimposed with a more externally political discourse ("soft power" in international relations) rather than the old-style standardization for internal centralization in the late imperial period. In the contemporary world, science and technology have advanced humanity's ability to improve the world; however, it seems that people have abused science and technology to control nature, consequently damaging the environment (pollution, global warming, etc.). The dragon symbol needs to be re-defined, "re-molded", re-evaluated and reinterpreted accordingly, especially under the newly-emerging lens-the New Confucian "anthropocosmic" view.

Study on Methodology of Collecting Realtime File Access Event Information (실시간 파일 접근 이벤트 정보 수집 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sung-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.447-448
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    • 2021
  • The boundary-based security architecture has the advantage of easy deployment of security solutions and high operational efficiency. The boundary-based security architecture is easy to detect and block externally occurring security threats, but is inappropriate to block internally occurring security threats. Unfortunately, internal security threats are increasing in frequency. In order to solve this problem, a zero trust model has been proposed. The zero trust model requires a real-time monitoring function to analyze the behavior of a subject accessing various information resources. However, there is a limit to real-time monitoring of file access of a subject confirmed to be trusted in the system. Accordingly, this study proposes a method to monitor user's file access in real time. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed monitoring method, the target function was verified after the demonstration implementation. As a result, it was confirmed that the method proposed in this study can monitor access to files in real time.

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