• Title/Summary/Keyword: Intensity of Illumination

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The Study on Envronmental Sanitation for Night High School. -Illuminate- (야간 고등학교의 환경위생학적 조사 -조명을 중심으로-)

  • 김난천;오석흔
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 1978
  • We have selected 36 schools of a total of night high schools for boys and girls in seoul and measured intensity of illumination of the classroom, The corridors and the stairs that students study and live, with priority given to an illumination, a primary factor of environmental sanitation of school following is the result. 1. The maximum average intensity of illumination of the classroom is 93.2 Lux, and the minimum average intensity of illumination 39.5 Lux. Mean$\pm$S, is 59.03$\pm$22.8 Lux 2. The maximum average intensity of illumination of the corridor is 39.2 Lux, and the minimum average intensity of illumination 11.1 Lux. 3. The maximum average intensity of illumination of the stair is 11.58 Lux, and the minimum average intensity, of illumination 4.92 Lux, mean$\pm$S.D is 7.88$\pm$10.0Lux. 4. Schools with tile illumination facilities more than 50 Lux are 63.8% and less than 50 Lux are 36.2%. 5. Schools with 9-11 facilities of a source of light per classroom by a fluorescent lamp are the most as 30.50%. 6. As for the corridor, schools with the illumination equipment less than 10 Lux are 27.8%, are more than 10 Lux 72.2% 7. As for the stairs schools with the illumination equipment less than 10 Lux are 77.8%, and more than 10 Lux 10 Lux 22.2%.

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An Optimal Combination of Illumination Intensity and Lens Aperture for Color Image Analysis

  • Chang, Y. C.
    • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2002
  • The spectral color resolution of an image is very important in color image analysis. Two factors influencing the spectral color resolution of an image are illumination intensity and lens aperture for a selected vision system. An optimal combination of illumination intensity and lens aperture for color image analysis was determined in the study. The method was based on a model of dynamic range defined as the absolute difference between digital values of selected foreground and background color in the image. The role of illumination intensity in machine vision was also described and a computer program for simulating the optimal combination of two factors was implemented for verifying the related algorithm. It was possible to estimate the non-saturating range of the illumination intensity (input voltage in the study) and the lens aperture by using a model of dynamic range. The method provided an optimal combination of the illumination intensity and the lens aperture, maximizing the color resolution between colors of interest in color analysis, and the estimated color resolution at the combination for a given vision system configuration.

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  • Choi Jong-In;Kim Yu-Lee;Dong Jin-Keun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.374-382
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the present conditions of illumination techniques in dental clinics in order to contribute improvement of operating environment. This study also aimed exploring qualitative and quantitative luminous intensity required for color temperature in dental clinic illumination, which was a critical part of esthetic dentistry. Materials and methods: A total of forty-eight local dental clinics were selected for sampling a) luminous intensity, and b) color temperature. The author measured the luminous intensity and the color temperature with lux meter and color meter respectively between 12pm and 2pm. The dental unit chair placed in the general operation positions were kept the distance 60 cm then all dental units were measured three times and averaged. The author measured the luminous intensity and color temperature with both common dental operating light and then without operating light in different office environments. The study was conducted under three conditions: 1 artificial illumination in clear day light 2. artificial illumination in cloudy day light, and 3. artificial illumination alone. Results : The results obtained were as follows. 1. The average luminous intensity in dental clinic lighting was 425 lux which was not sufficient to produce the optimal shade of the patient's teeth. Furthermore, the average luminous intensity even in full operating lighting was 9532 lux which fell short of the required level of 10,000 lux. 2. The average color temperature of all dental clinics surveyed was 5169 K which met the optimal range. However, only 33.3% fell in the correct region between 5,000-5,500 K as 25% were over 5,500 K and 41.6% were below 5,000 K. As a result, 66.7% were under insufficient color temperature conditions. 3. The dental unit chair placed next to a window, hence exposure to natural lighting, had significantly higher luminous intensity and color temperature compared to the dental unit chair which didn't have a window or natural lighting. 4. The data analysis revealed that only 6.3% of the dental clinic were met the standard of the average luminous intensity and color temperature.

Traffic Sign Recognition Considering the Intensity of Illumination (조도를 고려한 표지판 인식)

  • Cha, Yeon-Hwa;Chun, Chang-Mook;Kwon, Tae-Bum;Kang, Sung-Chul
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2011
  • Recognition of traffic signs helps an unmanned ground vehicle to decide its behavior correctly, and it can reduce traffic accidents. However, low cost traffic sign recognition using a vision sensor is very difficult because the signs are exposed to various illumination conditions. This paper proposes a new approach to solve this problem using an illuminometer which detects the intensity of illumination. Using the intensity of illumination, the recognizer adjusts the parameters for image processing. Therefore, we can reduce the loss of information such as the shape and color of traffic signs. Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to improve the performance of traffic sign recognition in various weather and lighting conditions.

A Study on the Relationship between Light Environment and Visitors' Behavior in a Museum - Focus on the Interpretation of Tracking Score and Tracking Frequency with Intensity of Illumination - (박물관 빛 환경과 관람행태의 상관관계에 관한 연구 - 조도에 의한 관람확률과 관람빈도의 해석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Mi-Youn;Jung, Sung-Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2010
  • The studies published up to now, related to the correlation between spatial structure and visitors' behavior in a museum are rather relatively lacking when it comes to the in-depth consideration for the effect of the actual exhibition environment. So the main purpose of this study is to define the correlation between the light environment and the visitors' behavior. Towards this end, this study uses 'space syntax' to quantify the spatial structure with 'integration', 'connectivity' and 'control value'. Meanwhile, 'tracking score' and 'tracking frequency' were selected as the scope among the indices of behavior's analysis. The results of this study are as follows; First, integration and correlation of tracking score and tracking frequency are lowest when it comes to the extra large historical museums where the difference of intensity of illumination by each convex space. Meanwhile, the most considerable effect is exerted by control value. Compared to tracking score, tracking frequency is closely related to 'syntactic variables'. Second, visitors do not take the short cut the dark exhibition space even when very dark exhibition spaces continue after passing through relatively bright space. Analysis of visitors' behavior by control value in the exhibition space composed of this type of intensity of illumination environment is not valid. Third, visitors move to relatively brighter transitional space compared to the exhibition space with low intensity of illumination when passing through dark exhibition continually. Meanwhile, when visitors pass through the exhibition space there is some difference intensity of illumination they move to relatively dark exhibition center among the subsequent exhibition spaces. Accordingly, when the composition of exhibition space that continues onto the environment of low intensity of illumination is inevitable, differentiating intensity of illumination appropriately would be effective in inducing visit to the subsequent exhibition space.

Design of Ultra-small Flexible Endoscope Illumination Optical System with Asymmetric Lens (비대칭 렌즈를 이용한 초소형 연성 내시경 조명 광학계 설계)

  • Min-Gyu Kim;Mee-Suk Jung
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.314-322
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    • 2024
  • This paper conducts a study on an optical system for endoscope illumination using an asymmetric lens. In conventional endoscope illumination systems, the luminous intensity is high in the center and low at the edges. In endoscope illumination, two illumination systems are placed in the x-direction, causing their light distribution to overlap, and the light is more concentrated in the center, leading to a greater difference in luminous intensity between the center and the edges. This causes the peripheral areas of the image to darken. Research is being conducted to address this issue, and a possible solution involves using asymmetric illumination that reduces the light distribution angles in the overlapping x-direction while expanding the light distribution in the opposite direction, minimizing the difference in light intensity between the center and the periphery. In this paper, a performance comparison with conventional endoscope illumination systems using symmetric lenses demonstrated that the proposed endoscope illumination system with asymmetric lenses provides a wider light distribution, thereby solving the issue of reduced luminous intensity at the periphery of the illumination system.

A study on the application of a method of an intensity of illumination measurement for light flickering (광플리커링에 대한 조도측정법의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Young-Ha;Lee Kang-Won;Ohn Jung-ghun;Shim Jae-Bock;Kwon Ki-Jin;Song Joong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1402-1406
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    • 2004
  • As a method of confirming light flickering, we tried to confirm the flicker index measured by Flickermeter and the application possibility by using digital intensity of illumination meter. Also, after simulating the quality deterioration of electric power and generating a various voltage change, we studied on the function between the flicker index measured by Flickermeter and the flicker index for the intensity of illumination by using digital intensity of illumination meter.

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Effect of Night Illumination on Growth and Yield of Sesame and Perilla (야간조명이 참깨와 들깨의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 김충국;서종호;조현숙;김시주;변종영
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of night illumination on the growth and yield of sesame(Sesamum indicum) and perilla(Perilla frutescens). Stem length and height of the first pod in sesame increased, whereas number of branch was reduced and flowering date and maturing date delayed as light intensity of night illumination increased. Number of capsules per plant, ripening ratio and seed yield of sesame were reduced as light intensity of night illumination increased. Yield reduction was greater in Ahnsankkae than in Sodunkkae. Number of nodes increased under night illumination in perilla. Two test cultivars showed reduction in number of branch at 6~10 Lx(22 ㎽ m$^{-2}$ ) intensity of night illumination, even though there was a variation between cultivars. Perilla was sensitive to night illumination far flowering and ripening. Flowering date was delayed by 21 to 28 days at 6~10 Lx intensity of night illumination. Number of flower clusters, number of seeds per flower cluster, and 1,000-seed weight in perilla were significantly reduced and seed yield was reduced by 89 to 98% at 6-10 Lx intensity of night illumination.

A study of illumination of dental laboratories (치과 기공실의 조명에 관한 실태 조사 연구)

  • Lee, Hyo-Jung;Choi, Jong-In;Kim, Sung-Sook;Dong, Jin-Keun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the present conditions of illumination techniques in dental laboratories in order to distinguish colors for esthetic dentistry. Materials and Methods: A total of forty-eight local dental laboratories were selected for sampling a) luminous intensity and b) color temperature. We measured the luminous intensity and the color temperature on a center point of porcelain table with lux meter and color meter respectively. The measurements were performed twice, once on a clear day and on a cloudy day between 12 pm and 2 pm (day light and artificial illumination) and between 7 pm and 10 pm (artificial illumination only). Results: The results obtained were as follows. 1. The average luminous intensity in dental laboratories lighting was 1871 lx, and 67% of dental laboratories had luminous intensity greater than 1600 lx, which was appropriate for operations related to colors, while 33% of dental laboratories had in sufficient lighting for appropriate luminous intensity. 2. The average color temperature in dental laboratories lighting was 6506 K, which was inappropriate for operations related to color. None of the dental laboratories had a color temperature range of 5000 - 5500 K, which is appropriate for operations related to colors. 3. Between daytime and nighttime, also between clear day and cloudy day, the average luminous intensity and color temperature in dental laboratories were not significantly different. Conclusion: Illumination in most dental laboratories selected in this study was inappropriate for operations related to color.