• Title/Summary/Keyword: Intend to Use

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Development of the Algorithm for Traffic Accident Auto-Detection in Signalized Intersection (신호교차로 내 실시간 교통사고 자동검지 알고리즘 개발)

  • O, Ju-Taek;Im, Jae-Geuk;Hwang, Bo-Hui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2009
  • Image-based traffic information collection systems have entered widespread adoption and use in many countries since these systems are not only capable of replacing existing loop-based detectors which have limitations in management and administration, but are also capable of providing and managing a wide variety of traffic related information. In addition, these systems are expanding rapidly in terms of purpose and scope of use. Currently, the utilization of image processing technology in the field of traffic accident management is limited to installing surveillance cameras on locations where traffic accidents are expected to occur and digitalizing of recorded data. Accurately recording the sequence of situations around a traffic accident in a signal intersection and then objectively and clearly analyzing how such accident occurred is more urgent and important than anything else in resolving a traffic accident. Therefore, in this research, we intend to present a technology capable of overcoming problems in which advanced existing technologies exhibited limitations in handling real-time due to large data capacity such as object separation of vehicles and tracking, which pose difficulties due to environmental diversities and changes at a signal intersection with complex traffic situations, as pointed out by many past researches while presenting and implementing an active and environmentally adaptive methodology capable of effectively reducing false detection situations which frequently occur even with the Gaussian complex model analytical method which has been considered the best among well-known environmental obstacle reduction methods. To prove that the technology developed by this research has performance advantage over existing automatic traffic accident recording systems, a test was performed by entering image data from an actually operating crossroad online in real-time. The test results were compared with the performance of other existing technologies.

Awareness and Needs for Community based Telerehabilitation Service: A Survey for Users of Centers for Independent Living (장애인 자립생활센터 이용자를 대상으로 한 원격재활서비스에 대한 인식 및 요구도)

  • Cha, Ye-Rin;Kim, Jung-Yeon;Jung, Bong-Keun
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.119-147
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the awareness and needs for community based Telerehabilitation(TR) service by carrying out a online survey targeting individual with disabilities. By using the survey, we attempt to utilize the results as the basis for the health promotion and effective rehabilitation service to the disabilities in the community. Survey was conducted on the 162 target users, who use center for independent living, are registered as disabled. There are 34 questions in total. The results of the study are as follows. First, 74.7% of respondents said 'they had never heard of TR service'. 68.3% of the respondents said that 'they want to use the service' and 78% are positive about the service. Second, 84% of them said 'they have an intend to participate the service', 87.1% of the respondents answered that they needed 'very necessary' and 'necessary' in the question of necessity. Third, as a results of searching the requirements for TR service, it was found that there are requirements such as service system and construction considering the characteristics of the disabled, service provision of rehabilitation experts, and various program composition. Based on the results of this study, we suggest the development of a differentiated TR system program to improve the quality of rehabilitation for individuals with disabilities by considering the reality of rehabilitation treatment of community disabled people and considering the knowledge and needs of TR system.

Effect of E-Service Quality of Fashion Mobile Applications on Flow, User Satisfaction, and Service Loyalty (패션 모바일 애플리케이션의 e-서비스 품질이 몰입 및 사용자 만족과 서비스 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jhee, SeonYoung;Han, Sang-Lin
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2023
  • Due to restrictions on offline activities caused by COVID-19, the use of mobile applications is increasing along with interest in online shopping, which are non-face-to-face commerce. Accordingly, mobile applications and various industries are combined, and the number of cases of using mobile applications in the fashion industry is increasing. In this study, the effect of e-service quality of fashion mobile applications on user's flow, user satisfaction, and service loyalty was examined. To conduct this study, a survey of 274 people who experienced the 'ABLY' fashion mobile application was used for analysis to verify the hypothesis. As a result of the analysis, it was found that informativity and responsiveness among the e-service quality of fashion mobile applications had a positive (+) effect on flow. And it has been confirmed that informativity, reliability, and responsiveness affect user satisfaction. In addition, flow has a positive (+) (+) effect on user satisfaction, and user satisfaction has a positive (+) effect on service loyalty. However, among the e-service quality of fashion mobile applications, reliability did not have a positive (+) effect on flow. And ease of use did not have a positive (+) effect on both flow and user satisfaction. Finally, it was confirmed that flow did not directly affect service loyalty. Through this study, we intend to contribute to the establishment of marketing strategies for fashion mobile application users, who are increasing with the development of mobile technology, and provide practical implications for the post-COVID-19 era.

A Study on the Standard Drawings of Seoul Middle School Architecture in 1975 (1975년 서울시 중학교 표준설계도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.2497-2504
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to analyze the 'Standard Drawings for School Facilities' issued by Seoul Education Committee in 1975 because it is the early example for middle school architecture. The results of this study are summarized as follows 1) In general trend of single-corridor type block plan, there are also changes in floor plan like no-corridor type block plan, $9.9{\times}6.6m$ classroom unit for the better daylight condition, built-in storage for students. 2) As for elevation design, it is characterized as daylight-oriented, functional exterior for without making full use of design elements. 3) Standardized dimensions are used as a rule in the height of story, ceiling, window sill and etc. Transitional characteristics of the early RC school architecture are found in exposed ceiling, incomplete insulation structure and mixed use of wood framed floor of earlier type. 4) Contrast to main school building, gymnasium shows the intend to express the symbolism of school architecture with diverse elevation design elements and the plasticity of building mass. 5) Separated plan of toilet and night-duty building also show the transitional characteristics. As conclusion, though showing the stereotyped school architecture, on the other hand, 'Standard Drawings for School Facilities' (1975) makes it possible to see the way of coping with the demands for school architecture in that time and the transition of school architecture. This is the main value of it as the material for the studies related to the history of educational facilities.

A Study on college student's cognition survey about CCTV in education facilities (교육시설내 CCTV에 대한 대학생의 인식조사 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Whan;Hong, Myoung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze various categories such as the recognition, expectation and acceptability of CCTV use in educational facilities by doing a survey on how college students think about the CCTV installed in educational facilities. For this research, diverse existing surveys regarding CCTV were examined, and the appropriate elements of survey questions were extracted and developed. Based on this method, we intend to complete a survey study hereafter on the change in perception regarding CCTV inspection. We made four hypotheses before the survey and the results of the survey are as follows: First, the expectations for CCTV's ability to reduce crime were high. Second, the fears about being a victim of theft or violence crime were decreased. Third, there were a number of respondents who would weigh more on increased safety by installing a CCTV rather than be concerned that CCTV may lead to the violation of students' human rights. Fourth, there showed a difference in recognizing CCTV among three groups. Also, for the questions regarding the places where CCTV is installed, there were many negative opinions on its installation in the student convenient facilities. What we have achieved was not a simple survey which investigates the pros and cons about CCTV use, but a newly suggested way of survey, which enables us to test various hypotheses and figure out the changing perceptions on CCTV effectiveness in educational facilities with more efficiency.

Physical and Chemical Properties of Atomizing EFOS as Fine Aggregate for Concrete (아토마이징 전기로 산화슬래그 잔골재의 물리·화학적 특성)

  • Beom-Soo Kim;Sun-Mi Choi;Sang-Chul Shin;Sun-Gyu Park;Jin-Man Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2023
  • Blast furnace slag, a by-product of the steel industry, is mostly recycled as concrete admixture, but electric arc furnace slag has not been recycled to date. In particular, since electric arc furnace slag partially contains free lime (free-CaO) in the discharge, it is necessary to review this in order to recycle f or construction materials. Recently an atomizing process which is a method of rapidly cooling electric arc furnace slag has been developed and applied. Therefore, in order to use the fine aggregate of oxidized slag from electric furnace restored by this method as an aggregate for concrete, physical damage and chemical reviewing are required. In this study, a physical and chemical review was conducted on the fine aggregate of Electric Arc Furnace Oxidizing Slag (EFOS) as a by-product of the steel manufacturing process with atomizing process. In this experimental study, EFOS was experimentally examined about whether it can be used as concrete fine aggregate. Also, we intend to provide basic data for the future use of the EFOS fine aggregate. As a result of the experimental study, it was found that the fine aggregate of the EFOS satisfied the quality standards of the fine aggregate for concrete in most items specified by Korean Standard.

Calculation of Appropriate Number of Parking Lots for Cultural and Assembly Facilities - Focused on the Gwangju Metropolitan City Movie Theater - (문화 및 집회시설 적정 주차면 수 산정에 관한 연구 - 광주광역시 영화관을 중심으로 -)

  • Jin, Tae-Hee;Kwon, Sung-Dae;Jin, Il;Ha, Tae-Jun;Lee, Hyung-Mu;Lee, Gang-Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.551-557
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    • 2021
  • Attached parking lots installation criteria is determined by use, total floor area, etc. according to the Parking Lot Act and local government ordinances. However, with traffic demand increase inconvenience about use of culture and assembly facilities have been raised. When planning number of parking lots for cultural and assembly facilities, legal parking lots and unit parking lots are used, but this causes inconvenience and traffic problems on the surrounding roads, because reality and convenience are not considered. Therefore, this study intend to present an realistic number of parking lots calculating equation for movie theater in Gwangju Metropolitan City. After investigating number of parking lots, number of screens, number of seats, total floor area, bus route and illegal parking for a cultural facility in Gwangju Metropolitan City, prediction model for calculating number of parking lots was presented using SPSS regression analysis. As a result of comparing prediction model and unit method, the prediction model was be closer actual cumulative parking space, so prediction model verification was completed. Based on the model verified in this study, Realistic number of parking lots will be installed. However, due to limitations of research on specific areas, research on various facilities should continue in consideration of regional, population, and urban characteristics

A study on the relationship of general characteristics to behavioral reaction toward oral malodor (영역별 특성에 따른 구취발생시 행동대처에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Gye-Won;Park, Sung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.493-506
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the awareness of people in general characteristics about oral malodor. The subjects in this study are 184 people who visited the clinical practice lab at J health college to get their teeth scaled. After conducting a survey from May 1 to June 3, 2008, we selected four different ares and then analyzed the answer sheets from 179 respondents including smoking/nonsmoking, scaling experience, toothbrushing frequency and the use of oral hygiene supplies. SPSS WIN 12.0 program was used to make a frequency analysis and cross analysis. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. Concerning an intention of treatment for oral malodor, 37.4% didn't intend to receive treatment even in case of having bad breath. 28.5% didn't yet have any definite idea about that, and 20.7% had no mind to do that at all. 10.6% had an intention to receive treatment, and 2.8% want to receive treatment. 2. As for how to cope with oral malodor in case of suffering from it, 47.5% chewed gums or ate candy. 25.1% scarcely care about that, and 15.6% covered their mouth whenever they spoke. 9.5% had little confidence about talking to others, and 2.2% found it difficult to build an amicable interpersonal relationship. 3. Concerning what to do about another person's oral malodor, 40.8% did nothing, and 19% talked to the person about that. 17.3% gave him or her chewing gum. Among their oral health characteristics, toothbrushing frequency made a significant difference to the way they responded to another person's oral malodor(p<.05). 4. As to subjective feelings about another person's oral malodor, 41.9% just found it bearable. 36.9% were a little displeased, and 9.5% never felt bad about another person's bad breath. 8.9% tried to avoid the person, and 2.8% advised him or her to chew gum. 5. Regarding an intention of participating in a oral malodor program, 46.9% had no idea about that. 31.3% intended to participate in the program, and 13.4% wanted to do that without fail. 6.1% had no mind for that, and 2.2% were never going to do that. Among characteristics of the user oral hygiene device made a significant difference whether to participating in the oral malodor program(p<.05).

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An Explorative Study on Using the Method of Natural Family Planning (자연적 가족계획방법 사용에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Choi, Hee-Chung;Park, Shin-Ae
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.226-238
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    • 2001
  • This study was attempted to understand experiences of the users of natural family planning(NFP) by applying Q-methodology. 37 statements were used to Q population through literature research and interviews. For the P sample. I interviewed personally 30 people who had taken a lesson in NFP for over 6 months and had been using and experiencing it autonomously for more than 2 years so far, and asked them to Q-classify the statement cards in order of the degree of approval, from the one they most approved to the one they least approved. Data were coded and input into a computer and were analyzed using QUANL PC Program. In this study, I discovered 4 types of experiences by the users of NFP and named them each according to their features: the first, a type of mutual control with morality, the second, a type of the pursuit of mutual -cooperation, the third. a type of the pursuit of conviction. and the fourth, a type of the perception of health management. The first type said that NFP was a good contraceptive way in which no drug or devices are used, that the husband's cooperation was needed, and that they became able to control sexual desire with morality. The second type perceived that continuous efforts were required to put NFP in practice, that the, husband's cooperation was essential, and that dialogues between husband and wife were also necessary to use it, and as such they regarded mutual cooperation between husband and wife as highly important. On the other hand. the third type perceived that one's conviction played a big part, that knowledge of physiological changes was useful and the ability to sense physical changes improved. and that one's willpower was important. and thus they regarded one's own willpower as most important. The fourth type reported that this method was a good way to control pregnancy and should be taught about at the beginning of sex education. and thus they were emphasizing the importance of NFP as a helpful way to manage one's health. 1. therefore, intend to provide the following suggestions based on the result of this study. 1) It is necessary to develop a program that allows NFP to be applied to sex education program. 2) It is necessary to analyze factors that affect the execution of NFP. 3) It is necessary to analyze causes of failure of those who fail to execute NFP.

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Significant Factors Related to the Intention of the Elderly to Live in a Community:The Case of Busan Metropolitan City (노인의 지역사회 거주의사에 영향을 미치는 요인: 부산광역시 노인을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kiyoung;Park, Mijin;Yoo, Youngmi
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.445-458
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    • 2007
  • This study aims to find the extent to which the elderly intends to live in their community and significant factors related to their intention and to provide basic but important empirical data in approaching to various community resources for community care service for the elderly. This study analyzed the raw data titled social welfare needs of residents of Busan Metropolitan City surveyed in 2005. Within the data, 1,673 households were selected in which at least one senior citizen aged 65 and over lived together. Questionnaires from in each household were analyzed. Research findings indicate that 80% of the respondents intend to live in their home rather than in residential institutions and that the elderly without adult children(55.2%) have less intention for living in their home than the elderly without their spouse(76.4%). Their intention-related factors were the presence of adult children, recognition on community resources for the elderly and perceived number of chronic diseases, when they were presumed to be healthy. When they were presumably weak or ill, socio-economic factors such as home ownership and welfare recipience were found to be more influential factors than family-related variables. The elderly who intended to live in home rather than to live in a residential institution were less likely to use social services in community than expected. Policy and practice implications were suggested on the basis of the findings.