• 제목/요약/키워드: Intelligent Data Analysis

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A Plan to Improve the Use of Personal Mobility by Reflecting Playground Design Elements (Playground 설계 요소를 반영한 Personal Mobility 이용 증진방안)

  • Na, Yejin;Lee, So Yeon;Lee, Do Yun;Kim, Seung Hyun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2021
  • Recently, personal mobility (PM)-related complaints and PM accidents have increased as the number of users soars due to growth in the domestic PM market and the emergence of a number of electric scooter-sharing services. As a result, the need for PM education and practice spaces is emerging as a way to reduce accidents caused by poor PM manipulation and operation. In this study, we analyze the relevant conflict factors in order to come up with a systematic operation and activation plan for PM, and as an alternative, we review and propose how to operate a PM playground and test zone. It is expected that basic data collection and analysis of rudimentary driver behavior through PM playground operations will improve users' operational safety, and various conflicts of interest between users and non-users will be resolved by installing facilities to secure their safety.

Analysis of the Driving & Loading Pattern of the Construction Waste Collecting Trucks Using IoT On-Board Truck Scale System (IoT 자중계 시스템을 활용한 건설폐기물 수집·운반 차량의 운행 및 적재패턴 분석)

  • Kim, Jong Woo;Jung, Young Woo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.74-87
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    • 2020
  • Overloaded trucks are the main source that threatens road safety and directly affects the reduction of pavement life. The On-board truck scale is the only equipment that could prevent overloading by measuring and adjusting the loading weight before driving. Legislation is needed to encourage its installation so that the driver can prevent overloading. In this study, an on-board truck scale system was installed on 30 dump trucks for transporting construction waste, such as soil and aggregates, which are major loads of 36.55% for overloading, and the trucks were monitored remotely. The overload prevention effect was analyzed by comparing driving data for 1 month before distribution of the weight display app that can recognize the weight to the driver and 1 month after distribution. After installation, overloading could be 6.1% reduced, and the transportation efficiency could be increased by checking the weight provided from the On-board truck scale system.

An Analysis of Existing Studies on Parallel and Distributed Processing of the Rete Algorithm (Rete 알고리즘의 병렬 및 분산 처리에 관한 기존 연구 분석)

  • Kim, Jaehoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 2019
  • The core technologies for intelligent services today are deep learning, that is neural networks, and parallel and distributed processing technologies such as GPU parallel computing and big data. However, for intelligent services and knowledge sharing services through globally shared ontologies in the future, there is a technology that is better than the neural networks for representing and reasoning knowledge. It is a knowledge representation of IF-THEN in RIF or SWRL, which is the standard rule language of the Semantic Web, and can be inferred efficiently using the rete algorithm. However, when the number of rules processed by the rete algorithm running on a single computer is 100,000, its performance becomes very poor with several tens of minutes, and there is an obvious limitation. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the past and current studies on parallel and distributed processing of rete algorithm, and examine what aspects should be considered to implement an efficient rete algorithm.

Study on Temporal Comparison Analysis of Factors to Affect Travel Time Budget: A Case for Seoul (통행시간예산에 미치는 요인의 시계열적 비교·분석 연구: 서울시를 사례로)

  • Lee, Hyangsook;Choo, Sangho
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.180-191
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzes factors that affect average daily travel time budgets, using the Time Use Survey data from 1999 to 2014 in Seoul. We first developed multivariate regression models for travel time from each year, considering demographic and socio-economic variables as well as non-home activity time. The model results showed that household and personal characteristics and non-home activities significantly affect travel time, and their effects are different over time. In addition, we developed seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) models for time allocation for non-home activity and travel, considering their correlations, and explanatory variables were compared over time. Overall, demographic and socio-economic variables significantly affect travel time as well as non-home activity time.

A Design of Growth Measurement System Considering the Cultivation Environment of Aquaponics (아쿠아포닉스의 생육 환경을 고려한 성장 측정 시스템의 설계)

  • Hyoun-Sup, Lee;Jin-deog, Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2023
  • Demands for eco-friendly food materials are increasing rapidly because of increased interest in well-being and health care, deterioration of air quality due to fine dust, and various soil and water pollution. Aquaponics is a system that can solve various problems such as economic activities, environmental problems, and safe food provision of the elderly population. However, techniques for deriving the optimal growth environment should be preceded. In this paper, we intend to design an intelligent plant growth measurement system that considers the characteristics of existing aquaponics. In particular, we would like to propose a module configuration plan for learning data and judgment systems when providing a uniform growth environment, focusing on designing systems suitable for production sites that do not have high-performance processing resources among intelligent aquaponics production management modules. It is believed that the proposed system can effectively perform deep learning with small analysis resources.

How to Set an Appropriate Scale of Traffic Analysis Zone for Estimating Travel Patterns of E-Scooter in Transporation Planning? (전동킥보드 통행분포모형 추정을 위한 적정 존단위 선정 연구)

  • Kyu hyuk Kim;Sang hoon Kim;Tai jin Song
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2023
  • Travel demand estimation of E-Scooter is the start point of solving the regional demand-supply imbalance problem and plays pivotal role in a linked transportation system such as Mobility-as-a-Service (a.k.a. MaaS). Most focuses on developing trip generation model of shared E-Scooter but it is no study on selection of an appropriate zone scale when it comes to estimating travel demand of E-Scooter. This paper aimed for selecting an optimal TAZ scale for developing trip distribution model for shared E-Scooter. The TAZ scale candidates were selected in 250m, 500m, 750m, 1,000m square grid. The shared E-Scooter usage historical data were utilized for calculating trip distance and time, and then applying to developing gravity model. Mean Squared Error (MSE) is applied for the verification step to select the best suitable gravity model by TAZ scale. As a result, 250m of TAZ scale is the best for describing practical trip distribution of shared E-Scooter among the candidates.

Intelligent Bridge Safety Prediction Edge System (지능형 교량 안전성 예측 엣지 시스템)

  • Jinhyo Park;Taejin Lee;Yong-Geun Hong;Joosang Youn
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.357-362
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    • 2023
  • Bridges are important transportation infrastructure, but they are subject to damage and cracking due to various environmental factors and constant traffic loads, which accelerate their aging. With many bridges now older than their original construction, there is a need for systems to ensure safety and diagnose deterioration. Bridges are already utilizing structural health monitoring (SHM) technology to monitor the condition of bridges in real time or periodically. Along with this technology, the development of intelligent bridge monitoring technology utilizing artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology is underway. In this paper, we study an edge system technique for predicting bridge safety using fast Fourier transform and dimensionality reduction algorithm for maintenance of aging bridges. In particular, unlike previous studies, we investigate whether it is possible to form a dataset using sensor data collected from actual bridges and check the safety of bridges.

Flight Test Items of Metal Brake Pad for Part 25 Aircraft (Part 25급 항공기용 금속계 제동패드의 비행시험 항목)

  • Minji Kim;Kyung-taek Kim
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.670-677
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    • 2024
  • In this study, the flight test measurement data and flight test items for metal-based brake pads for transport aircraft were derived through the analysis of Korea and the U.S. aviation-related regulations, technical standards and airworthiness standards. During the flight test, the measurement items should be measured at all times, such as aircraft altitude, speed, aircraft condition, wind direction, wind speed, and air-temperature. The flight test items of the brake pad should be quantitatively evaluated for stopping performance during landing, fuse plug integrity, stopping performance at reject take-off situations, anti-skid compatibility during landing and parking brake capability. Additionally, qualitative evaluation of the flight test pilot's aircraft steering characteristics under each test condition is required. The identification of risk factors for each test item and measures to mitigate risk factors must be approved in advance before the flight test, and the risk factors must be reevaluated to maintain suitability for the flight test during the flight test, and the results must be documented.

Lane-wise Travel Speed Characteristics Analysis in Uninterrupted Flow Considering Lane-wise Speed Reversal (차로속도역전현상을 고려한 연속류 도로의 차로별 주행 속도 특성 분석)

  • Yang, Inchul;Jeon, Woo Hoon;Ki, Sung hwan;Yoon, Jungeun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.116-126
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    • 2016
  • In this study, lane-wise traffic flow characteristics were analysed on uninterrupted flow using a new notion of "lane-wise travel speed reversal (LTSR)" which is defined as a phenomena that travel speed in the median lane is lower than other lanes. Mathematical formulation was also proposed to calculate the strength of LTSR. The experiment road site is Seoul Outer Ring Expressway (Jayuro-IC~Jangsoo-IC), and travel trajectories for each four lane were collected for weekdays (Mon. through Fri.) during morning peak. Comparing lane-wise travel speeds for entire test road section, no LTSR was observed, meaning that the travel speed in the median lane is the fastest, followed by 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lane as in order. Howerver, the result of microscopic analysis using 100-meter discrete road section based data shows that LTSR occurs many times. Especially the strength of LTSR is higher in congestion area and freeway merge and diverge segment. It is expected that these results could be used as a fundamental data when establishing lane-by-lane traffic operation strategy and developing lane-wise traffic information collection and dissemination technology.

Improvement of Pedestrian Speed Criteria for the Pedestrian Green Interval at Silver Zone (노인보호구역 보행자녹색시간 산정을 위한 보행속도 기준 개선)

  • Han, Eum;Cho, Hyerim;Mun, Sungchul;Yun, Sung Bum;Park, Soon Yong
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated basic data on walking characteristics, including walking speed and cognitive-response for the elderly, and based on these, the time of walking signal was calculated. The on-site survey examined the actual pedestrian crossing speed using a stopwatch, and the age was divided into groups of ordinary people and the elderly. Analysis of the data showed that the average walking speed for the general public was 1.29 m/s, while the average walking speed for the elderly was 1.13 m/s, higher than that of the general public. In addition, the lower speed of the 15th percentile was analyzed to 1.01 m/s for the general population and 0.85 m/s for the elderly, showing a lower walking speed than the standard for the general area and 0.8 m/s for the protected area. However, for senior citizens who use walking sticks or wheelchairs, the speed of the lower 15th-percentile is 0.73 m/s, which is lower than the current standard of protected areas, according to the analysis.