• Title/Summary/Keyword: Institute for Rural Health

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Investigation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Porcine Candidate Gene for Growth and Meat Quality Traits in the Berkshire Breed (버크셔 품종의 돼지 성장과 육질관련 후보유전자의 단일염기 다형성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook;Jung, Ji-Hye;Do, Kyung-Tag;Kim, Kwan-Suk;Do, Chang-Hee;Park, Jun-Kyu;Joo, Young-Kuk;Kim, Tae-Suk;Choi, Bong-Hwan;Kim, Tae-Hun;Song, Ki-Duk;Cho, Byung-Wook
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.1622-1626
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to identify useful single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and determine their association with economically important traits in pig population. Four candidate gene analyses have identified important chromosomal regions and major genes associcated whit economic traits of the pig. For application of the chromosomal information to the pig industry using DNA technology, SNP markers were developed by comparative re-sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of 4 candidate genes (CSF2, IL4, MYOD, RIP140). PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assays were developed for these 4 SNPs and used to genotype Berkshire pig populations in Korea.

Monitoring of Working Environment Exposed to Particulate Matter in Greenhouse for Cultivating Flower and Fruit (과수 및 화훼 시설하우스 내 작업자의 미세먼지 노출현황 모니터링)

  • Seo, Hyo-Jae;Kim, Hyo-Cher;Seo, Il-Hwan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2022
  • With the wide use of greenhouses, the working hours have been increasing inside the greenhouse for workers. In the closed ventilated greenhouse, the internal environment has less affected to external weather during making a suitable temperature for crop growth. Greenhouse workers are exposed to organic dust including soil dust, pollen, pesticide residues, microorganisms during tillage process, soil grading, fertilizing, and harvesting operations. Therefore, the health status and working environment exposed to workers should be considered inside the greenhouse. It is necessary to secure basic data on particulate matter (PM) concentrations in order to set up dust reduction and health safety plans. To understand the PM concentration of working environment in greenhouse, the PM concnentrations were monitored in the cut-rose and Hallabong greenhouses in terms of PM size, working type, and working period. Compare to no-work (move) period, a significant increase in PM concentration was found during tillage operation in Hallabong greenhouse by 4.94 times on TSP (total suspended particle), 2.71 times on PM-10 (particle size of 10 ㎛ or larger), and 1.53 times on PM-2.5, respectively. During pruning operation in cut-rose greenhouse, TSP concentration was 7.4 times higher and PM-10 concentration was 3.2 times higher than during no-work period. As a result of analysis of PM contribution ratio by particle sizes, it was shown that PM-10 constitute the largest percentage. There was a significant difference in the PM concentration between work and no-work periods, and the concentration of PM during work was significant higher (p < 0.001). It was found that workers were generally exposed to a high level of dust concentration from 2.5 ㎛ to 35.15 ㎛ during tillage operation.

Study on Personal Information Protection Behavior in Social Network Service Using Health Belief Model (건강신념모델을 이용한 소셜네트워크서비스에서의 개인정보보호행위에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Se-mi;Kim, Seong-jun;Kwon, Do-soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.1619-1637
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    • 2016
  • With wide distribution of smart phones and development of mobile network, social network service (SNS) is displaying remarkable growth rates. Users build new social relations by sharing their interests, which brings surging growth to the SNS based on the combination between the strength of expanding the place for communication and distribution of smart phones featured with easy portability. This study is designed to understand impact factors of SNS on users in Korea and to conduct empirical research on casual relationship between the factors above and the factors affecting personal information behavior through the privacy protection and self-efficacy. In order to accomplish the objective above, the study presented a research model applied with key variables of the Health Belief Model (HBM) predicting behaviors capable of recognizing and preventing individual diseases in the field of health communication. To perform empirical verification on the research model of this study, a survey was conducted upon college students at N university located in Chungcheongnam-do and K university in rural area, who have experiences using the SNS. Through this survey, a total of 186 samples were collected, and path analysis was performed in order to analyze the relationship between the factors. Based on the findings from the survey, first, variables Perceived probability, Perceived severity, Perceived impairment of the HBM, key factors of personal information protection behavior on the SNS, were found to exhibit negative relationship with self-efficacy, and Perceived probability, Perceived benefit, Perceived impairment were found to exhibit negative relationship with privacy protection. But the above, Perceived severity showed positive relationship with privacy protection, and Perceived benefit and self-efficacy also displayed positive relationship. Second, although self-efficacy, a parameter, showed positive relationship with privacy protection, it demonstrated negative relationship with personal information protection behavior. Lastly, privacy protection exhibited positive relationship with personal information protection behavior. By presenting theoretical model reflected with characteristics of prevention based on these findings above unlike previous studies on personal information protection using technologies threatening personal information, this study is to provide theoretical and operational foundation capable of offering explanations how to predict personal information protection behavior on the SNS in the future.

Epidemiological Studies of Clonorchiasis. - I. Current Status and Natural Transition of the Endemicity of Clonorchis sinensis in Gimhae Gun and Delta, a High Endemic area in Korea (간흡충증(肝吸虫症)의 역학(疫學) - I. 고도유행지(高度流行地) 김해지방(金海地方)에 있어서의 간흡충감염(肝吸虫感染)의 현황(現況)과 자연추이(自然推移))

  • Kim, D.C.;Lee, O.Y.;Lee, J.S.;Ahn, J.S.;Chang, Y.M;Son, S.C.;Moon, I.S.
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.44-65
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    • 1983
  • As a part of the epidemiological studies of clonorchiasis, this study was conducted to evaluate the current endemicity and the natural transition of the Clonorchis infection in Gimhae Gun and delta area a high endemic area in Korea in recent years, prior to the introduction of praziquantel which will eventually influence the status of the prevalence. The data obtained in this study in 1983 were evaluated for natural transition of the infection in comparison with those obtained 16 years ago in 1967 by the author(Kim, 1974). The areas of investigation, villages and schools surveyed, methods and techniques used in this study were the same as in 1967, except for the contents of the questionnaire for raw freshwater fish consumption by the local inhabitants. 1) The prevalence rate of clonorchiasis in the general population of the villages was 48.1% on the average out of a total of 484 persons examined. The average of those of the riverside-delta area was 65.2% and 43.0% in the inland area. Among the schoolchildren, the prevalence rate was 8.2% on the average out of a total of 1,423 examined. By area, the prevalence rate was 10.8% in the riverside delta area and 2.8% in the inland area. By sex, difference in the prevalence was seen only in the inhabitants of the inland area showing 52.4% in the male and 33.5% in the female. 2) In the natural transition of the infection, the prevalence rate among the inhabitants has decreased from 68.8% in 1967 to 48.1% in 1983, and in the schoolchildren from 56.4% in 1967 to 8.2% in 1983. The reduction rate was higher in the riverside-delta area than in the inland area. 3) In the prevalence rate by age, 11.9% was first seen in the 5-9 age group and the rate gradually increased up to 75.0% in the 50-59 age group. By sex, the rate was higher in the male than in the female in the 20-29 age group and over. 4) In the natural transition of the prevalence rate by age, the reduction rate of the infection during the past 16 years was greater in the younger age groups up to the 40-49 age group and reached the same level in the age group 50-59. Reduction was seen again in the age group over 60s. By sex, the reduction rate was greater in the female than in the male in the 20-29 age group and over. By area, the reduction rate was greater in the riverside delta area than in the inland area, particularly in the young age groups. 5) In the intensity of the infection among the cases, the mean egg out-put per mg feces per infected cases(EPmg) in the inhabitants was 6.3. EPmg of those of the river-side-delta area was 15.4 and that of the in-land was 2.8. On the other hand, in the schoolchildren, EPmg was 3.2, and no difference was seen between the two areas, the river-side-delta area and the inland area. 6) In the transition of the intensity of the infection by area, EPmg among the inhabitants inexplically increased from 7.8 in 1967 to 15.4 in 1983. This was probably caused by uneven specimen collection in the process of sampling the population. EPmg of the inhabitants in the inland area and those of the schoolchildren of both riverside delta and inland areas showed a similar decrease in the past 16 years. 7) The intensity of the infection by age showed a relatively low level in the 20-29 age group and below, and EPmg 5.1-9.5 was seen in the 30-39 age group and over. Sex, Epmg was 5.8 in the male and 4.7 the female. By in 8) In the transition of the intensity of the infection, EPmg decreased from 6.2 in 1967 to 5.4 in 1983. By age, in contrast to the figures of 1967 in which EPmg gradually increased with some fluctuation from 1.1 in the 0-4 age group to peak 10.5 in the 50-59 age group, in 1983 lower intensity of the infection was seen in the age group from 10-14 to 20-29 with the EPmg range of 0.6-2.7. 9) In the distribution of the clonorchiasis cases by the range of EPmg value, 43.2% of the cases were in 0.1 0.9 and 34.6% in 1.0-4.9. As a whole by cumulative percent, 44.6% of them were under 0.9 as light infection and 86.1% of them under 9.9 up to moderate infection. By sex, no difference was seen in Epmg. 10) In the transition of the distribution by the range of Epmg, the cases were distributed up to the range 80.0-99.9 in 1967 and to 60.0-79.9 in 1983. By cumulative percent, in the range of 0.1-0.9 and less, light infection, 34.3% of them were distributed in 1967 and 44.6% in 1983 with about 10% increase. In the range of 5.0-9.9 and less, up to moderate infection, 83.2% in 1967 and 86.1% in 1983 of the cases were seen, respectively. 11) The practice of raw freshwater fish consumption among the inhabitants seems to have decreased in recent years. Those who admitted to raw freshwater fish consumption in the last two years among the infected inhabitants were 59.3%, although 86.8% of them professed to have experience with raw freshwater fish consumption. 31.7% of those who have had experience of the raw freshwater fish consumption denied any further consumption in recent years. From an interview of 543 school-children, 24.1% of them admitted to an experience of raw freshwater fish consumption. However, those who have practised in the past two years comprized 17.9%. Those who denied raw freshwater fish consumption in recent years among those who had such experience were 26.0% out of 131 interviewed. The rate of raw freshwater fish consumption in both inhabitants and schoolchildren were higher in the male than in the female. On the contrary, the rate of those who did not practise in recent years among those who had experience of raw freshwater fish consumption was higher in the female than in the male. 12) The major reason for the reduction of raw freshwater fish consumption among the local inhabitants was the risk of the fluke infection. However, it has become apparent that such change of taste has resulted from water pollution impact which has affected throughout the areas of the freshwater systems in this locality since last several years. 13) In animal survey, Clonorchis infection was seen in 14.8% of 88 dogs examined and 3.7% of 27 house rats examined. It was noted that populations of dogs and cats have increased in the villages surveyed. Although the prevalence rate was lower in the present survey than those of 1967, the significance of the animals as the reservoir host has not changed. 14) Prevalence rate of Clonorchis infection by cercariae in the first intermediate host, Parafossarulus manchouricus, was 0.6% out of 517 snails examined. The infection rate was lower in comparison with 2.3% out of 2,124 examined in 1967. Moreover, sharp decreases in number and distribution of the intermediate host snails in many watershed areas of the huge freshwater systems in this locality seemed to reduce transmission of Clonorchis in connection with the intermediate host stage of its life cycle. 15) Clonorchis infection in the second intermediate fish hosts was relatively low. The mean number of Clonorchis metacercaria per fish in Pseudorasbora parva was 517 in 1983, whereas it was 1943 in 1968 through 1969. Environmental water pollution has also caused the decreased fish population density in these areas, and this has also apparently affected to the practice of raw freshwater fish consumption among the local inhabitants. 16) In conclusion, endemicity of Clonorchis infection in Gimhae Gum and delta area of the Nagdong River has sharply decreased during the past 16 years. The major cause of the regressive transition of the infection was the water pollution of the land water systems of this locality. The pollution has upset the ecosystems comprizing of the intermediate hosts of Clonorchis in many areas, and also affected to a significant extent to the discontinuance of the local inhabitants for raw freshwater fish consumption.

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Dietary source of vitamin $B_{12}$ intake and vitamin $B_{12}$ status in female elderly Koreans aged 85 and older living in rural area

  • Kwak, Chung-Shil;Lee, Mee-Sook;Lee, Hae-Jeung;Whang, Jin-Yong;Park, Sang-Chul
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2010
  • Recently, we found and analyzed vitamin $B_{12}$ in some Korean traditional plant foods which had not reported, yet. This study was to investigate vitamin $B_{12}$ intake and its dietary sources and the vitamin $B_{12}$ status in the very old elderly Koreans. We measured serum vitamin $B_{12}$ level and estimated the amounts of vitamin $B_{12}$ intake from different dietary sources in female elderly Koreans aged 85 and over who had consumed a relatively low animal traditional diet for the whole life. The average age of the subjects (n = 127) was 98.0 years (85-108 years). The assessment on energy and nutrient intake involved a one-day 24-hour recall, and serum vitamin $B_{12}$ concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay. Overall diet pattern was not different between the 85-99 yr-old group and centenarians, except centenarians were taking more dairy product. The average ratio of plant food to animal food consumption was 87.5:12.5 in weight. The average vitamin $B_{12}$ intake of our subjects was 3.2 ${\mu}g$, and 52.7% of subjects consumed under estimated average requirement, 2.0 ${\mu}g$/day. On dietary source, 67.3% of dietary vitamin $B_{12}$ was from meat, eggs and fishes and 30.6% was from plant foods, such as soybean-fermented foods, seaweeds, and kimchi. The average serum vitamin $B_{12}$ concentration was 450.5 pg/mL, and low serum vitamin $B_{12}$ (< 200 pg/mL) was found in 9.6% of subjects. Dietary vitamin $B_{12}$ intake was significantly lower in subjects with low serum vitamin $B_{12}$ (0.79 ${\mu}g$/day) than those with normal serum vitamin $B_{12}$ (3.47 ${\mu}g$/day). There were no significant difference in vitamin $B_{12}$ intake and its dietary sources and serum vitamin $B_{12}$ level between the 85-99 yr- old group and centenarians. In conclusion, several plant-origin foods including seaweed, soybean-fermented foods, and kimchi, may contribute significantly to good vitamin $B_{12}$ status in very old elderly Koreans.

The Absorption and Purification of Air Pollutants and Heavy Metals by Selected Trees in Kwangju (광주지역(光州地域)에서 주요(主要) 수목(樹木)의 대기오염물질(大氣汚染物質)과 중금속(重金屬) 흡수(吸收) 정화기능(淨化機能)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Hi Doo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.4
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    • pp.510-522
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    • 1999
  • The air pollutants ; $SO_2$, $SO{_4}^{-2}$, $NO{_3}^-$, $Cl^-$ are absorbed into soils through falling with dusts and rain from the atmosphere. The sources of heavy metal contaminants in the environments are agricultural and horticultural materials, sewage sludges, fossil fuel combustion, metallurgical industries, electronics and waste disposal etc.. The soils and hydrosphere can be polluted on the way of the circulation of these heavy metals. Studied pollutant anions are $SO{_4}^{-2}$, $NO{_3}^-$ and $Cl^-$ and heavy metals are Se, Mo, Zn, Cd, Pb, Mn, Cr, Co, V, As, Cu and Ni which are the elements to be concerned with the essentials for plants, with animal and human health. This study is with the aim of selecting the species of roadside trees and green space trees which have excellent absorption of air pollutants and heavy metals from the atmosphere and the soils in the urban area. Two areas are designated to carry out this study : urban area ; Kwangju city and rural area ; the yard of Forest Environment Institute of Chollanam-do, at Sanje-ri, Sampo-myum, Naju city, Chollanam-do (23km away from Kwangju). This study is carried out to understand the movement of anions and heavy metals from the soils to the trees in both areas, the absorption of anions and heavy metals from atmosphere into leaves and the amounts of anions and heavy metals in leaves and fine roots(< 1mm dia.) of roadside trees and green space trees in Kwangju and trees in the yard of Forest Environment Institute of Chollanam-do. The tree species selected for this study in both areas are Ginkgo biloba, Quercus acutissima, Cedrus deodara, Platanus occidentalis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Alnus japonica. Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Zekova serrata. Prunus serrulata var. spontanea, and Pinus densiflora. The results of the study are as follows : 1. $SO{_4}^{-2}$, $NO{_3}^-$ and $Cl^-$ concentrations are higher in the soils of the urban area than in those of the rural area, and $NO{_3}^-$ and $SO{_4}^{-2}$ are higher in the leaves than in the roots due to the absorption of the these pollutants through the stomata. 2. Ginkgo biloba, Robinia pseudoacacia. Zekova serrata, Quercus acutissima, and Platanus occidentalis can be adequated to the roadside trees and the environmental trees due to their good absorption of $NO{_3}^-$ and $SO{_4}^{-2}$. 3. Heavy metals in the soils of both areas are in the order of Mn > Zn > V > Cr > Pb > Ni > Cu > Mo> Cd, and in the leaves and roots of the trees in the both areas are in the order of Mn>Zn>Cr>Cu>V>Ni. Both orders are similar ones except V. There are more in the urban soils than in the rural soils in amount of Mn, Zn, Pb, V, Cu. 4. It is supposed that there is no antagonism between Mn and Zn in this study. 5. Se, Co and As are not detected in the soils, the leaves and the roots in both areas. Sn, Mo, Cd and Pb are also not detected in the leaves and roots in spite of considerable amount in the soils of both areas.

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Implementing a Cervical Cancer Awareness Program in Low-income Settings in Western China: a Community-based Locally Affordable Intervention for Risk Reduction

  • Simayi, Dilixia;Yang, Lan;Li, Feng;Wang, Ying-Hong;Amanguli, A.;Zhang, Wei;Mohemaiti, Meiliguli;Tao, Lin;Zhao, Jin;Jing, Ming-Xia;Wang, Wei;Saimaiti, Abudukeyoumu;Zou, Xiao-Guang;Maimaiti, Ayinuer;Ma, Zhi-Ping;Hao, Xiao-Ling;Duan, Fen;Jing, Fang;Bai, Hui-Li;Liu, Zhao;Zhang, Lei;Chen, Cheng;Cong, Li;Zhang, Xi;Zhang, Hong-Yan;Zhan, Jin-Qiong;Zhang, Wen Jie
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.7459-7466
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    • 2013
  • Background: Some 60 years after introduction of the Papanicolaou smear worldwide, cervical cancer remains a burden in developing countries where >85% of world new cases and deaths occur, suggesting a failure to establish comprehensive cervical-cancer control programs. Effective interventions are available to control cervical cancer but are not all affordable in low-income settings. Disease awareness saves lives by risk-reduction as witnessed in reducing mortality of HIV/AIDS and smoking-related cancers. Subjects and Methods: We initiated a community-based awareness program on cervical cancer in two low-income Muslim Uyghur townships in Kashi (Kashgar) Prefecture, Xinjiang, China in 2008. The education involved more than 5,000 women from two rural townships and awareness was then evaluated in 2010 and 2011, respectively, using a questionnaire with 10 basic knowledge questions on cervical cancer. Demographic information was also collected and included in an EpiData database. A 10-point scoring system was used to score the awareness. Results: The effectiveness and feasibility of the program were evaluated among 4,475 women aged 19-70 years, of whom >92% lived on/below US$1.00/day. Women without prior education showed a poor average awareness rate of 6.4% (164/2,559). A onetime education intervention, however, sharply raised the awareness rate by 4-fold to 25.5% (493/1,916). Importantly, low income and illiteracy were two reliable factors affecting awareness before or after education intervention. Conclusions: Education intervention can significantly raise the awareness of cervical cancer in low-income women. Economic development and compulsory education are two important solutions in raising general disease awareness. We propose that implementing community-based awareness programs against cervical cancer is realistic, locally affordable and sustainable in low-income countries, which may save many lives over time and, importantly, will facilitate the integration of comprehensive programs when feasible. In this context, adopting this strategy may provide one good example of how to achieve "good health at low cost".

Preparation and Measures for Elderly with Dementia in Korea : Focus on National Strategies and Action Plan against Dementia (한국의 치매에 대한 대응과 대책 : 국가 전략과 활동계획)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.11-27
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    • 2019
  • Dementia is major epidemic disease of the 21st century in the world. Dementia is one of the major issues in public health globally. Also in Korea, the estimated prevalence of dementia was 8.7%(0.47 million) in 2010, the number will reach the 1 million mark in 2024, it will become a 15.1%(2.71 million) by 2050. Among Koreans aged 65 or older, 725,000 are estimated to be suffering from dementia in 2017. Against dementia, Korea developed three National Dementia Plans in 2008, 2012, and 2016. The 1st plan was came into effect in 2008 and focused on prevention, early diagnostic, development and coordination of infrastructures and management, and improving awareness. The 2nd plan was launched in 2012, addressed the same priorities but had a stronger focus on supporting family members. In 2012 the Dementia Management Act established a statutory basis for organization of the National Dementia Plans. Under the Dementia Management Act, the government is required to produce a comprehensive plan for dementia every 5 years. The Act also orders that the government should register the dementia patients and collect statistics on epidemiology and the management of the dementia conditions. The Dementia Management Act of Korea required the operation of the National Institute of Dementia and Metropolitan/Provincial Dementia Centers to make and carry out dementia management plans throughout the nation. The Act also mandate to establish Dementia Counselling Centers in every public health center and the National Dementia Helpline. The 3rd National Dementia Plan of 2016 aims to build a dementia friendly community to ensure people with dementia and their carer live well. This plan focus on community-based prevention and management of dementia, convenient and safe diagnosis, treatment, and care for people with dementia, the reduction of the care burden for family care-givers of people with dementia, and support for dementia research through research, statistics and technology. In 2017, Moon's government will introduce the "National Dementia Responsibility System," which guarantees most of the burden caused by dementia. This plan include that the introduction of a ceiling on self-pay for dementia diseases, expansion of the application of dementia care standards through alleviating the support criteria for long-term care insurance for mild dementia, expansion of dementia support centers, expansion of national and public dementia care facilities. In the meantime, Korea has accomplished many accomplishments by establishing many measures related to dementia and promoting related projects in a short time, but there are still many challenges.

Crop Residues Management for Rice-Wheat Cropping System in Saline-Sodic Soil

  • Ahmed, Khalil;Qadir, Ghulam;Jami, Abdul-Rehman;Rafa, Hafeezullah;Mehmood, Muhammad Aamer;Han, Kyung-Hwa;Ibrahim, Muhammad
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2014
  • Series of field experiments were conducted to evaluate the long term effect of gypsum and crop residue on crop yield and soil health in rice-wheat crop rotation system in salt affected soil. A saline-sodic field having $EC_e$ (electrical conductivity of the saturation extract) 4.77 ($dSm^{-1}$); pH ($H_2O$) 8.96; SAR 43.78 ($mmol\;L^{-1}$) and gypsum requirement (G.R.) 2.86 (Mg $acre^{-1}$) was selected on Soil Salinity Research Institute Farm. Five treatments consisting of ($T_1$) control, ($T_2$) gypsum at 100% G.R., ($T_3$) gypsum at 25% G.R. + wheat straw at $3Mg\;ha^{-1}$, ($T_4$) gypsum at 25% G.R. + rice straw at $3Mg\;ha^{-1}$, ($T_5$) gypsum at 25% G.R.+ rice and wheat straw at $3Mg\;ha^{-1}$ were replicated four times under completely randomized block design. The data indicated that grain and straw yield of rice and wheat was significantly (P<0.05) increased by all the amendments used either single or in combination. $T_2$ (gypsum at 100% G.R.) significantly (P<0.05) increased grain and straw yield of rice and wheat crops followed by $T_3$ (gypsum at 25% G.R. + wheat straw at $3Mg\;ha^{-1}$) when compared with control. Soil properties were also improved by used amendments, pronounced decreased in $EC_e$, $pH_s$ and SAR were recorded in $T_2$ followed by $T_3$. The efficiency of the treatments could be arranged in following order gypsum at 100% G.R.> gypsum at 25% G.R. + wheat straw at $3Mg\;ha^{-1}$ > gypsum at 25% G.R. + rice and wheat straw at $3Mg\;ha^{-1}$ > gypsum at 25% G.R. + rice straw at $3Mg\;ha^{-1}$ > control.

Comparison of chemical compositions and source apportionmentof PM1.0 and PM2.5 in Seoul and Gwangju in 2021 (2021년 서울과 광주 지역 PM1.0과 PM2.5의 화학적 특성 비교 분석 연구)

  • Ju Young Kim;Seung Mee Oh;Hye Jung Shin;Yu Woon Chang;Yong Hwan Lee;Su Jin Kwon;Sung Deuk Choi;Sang Jin Lee;Ji Yi Lee
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2023
  • The PM1.0 and PM2.5 samples were collected synchronously using a single channel particulate sampler equipped with PM1.0 and PM2.5 cyclones, respectively, and seasonal mass concentration and chemical composition of PM1.0 and PM2.5 were quantified in Seoul and Gwangju in 2021-2022. The mass concentrations of PM1.0 and PM2.5 were 17±11 and 22±14 ㎍/m3 in Seoul, and 16±9 and 19±12 ㎍/m3 in Gwangju, respectively. The average ratios of PM1.0/PM2.5 were 83±16% in Seoul and 83±7% in Gwangju. The chemical compositions of PM1.0 and PM2.5 were similar at both sites with OC component being the most dominant, and NO3- increasing from summer to winter, while, the difference of chemical distribution at the two sites was most distinct in the autumn. Gwangju showed a higher proportion of OC and a lower proportion of NO3- compared to Seoul during the autumn. Both sites appear to reflect their urban characteristics, with Gwangju also reflecting the impact of biomass combustion as a part of rural activities.