• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Object Management

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A Study on Costs of Digital Preservation (디지털 보존의 비용요소에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.22 no.1 s.55
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2005
  • To guarantee the long-term access to digital material, digital preservation needs to be systemized, and detailed investigation on cost elements of digital preservation should be done for the continued support of budget. To meet the needs in this area, this paper categorized the digital preservation cost into direct and indirect cost through deriving common elements used in prior research on this issue. For case analysis, two institutions, representing domestic University Library and National Library of Korea under large-scale digitization currently, are selected to analyze the current status of digital preservation and estimate the preservation cost. The case analysis shows the systematic preservation function should be performed to guarantee the long-term access digital material, even though a basic digital preservation is currently conducted. It was projected that the digital preservation cost for the two libraries, accounting for $11.8\%$ and $8.6\%$ of digitization cost, respectively, should be injected every year. However, the estimated figures are very conservative, because the cost for estimating the preservation function, such as installing digital repository and producing meta data, was excluded in the estimation. This proves that digital preservation is a synthetic activity linked directly and indirectly to various activities from production to access of digital object and an essential costs that should be considered from the beginning stage of digitization project.

Development of the Algorithm for Traffic Accident Auto-Detection in Signalized Intersection (신호교차로 내 실시간 교통사고 자동검지 알고리즘 개발)

  • O, Ju-Taek;Im, Jae-Geuk;Hwang, Bo-Hui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2009
  • Image-based traffic information collection systems have entered widespread adoption and use in many countries since these systems are not only capable of replacing existing loop-based detectors which have limitations in management and administration, but are also capable of providing and managing a wide variety of traffic related information. In addition, these systems are expanding rapidly in terms of purpose and scope of use. Currently, the utilization of image processing technology in the field of traffic accident management is limited to installing surveillance cameras on locations where traffic accidents are expected to occur and digitalizing of recorded data. Accurately recording the sequence of situations around a traffic accident in a signal intersection and then objectively and clearly analyzing how such accident occurred is more urgent and important than anything else in resolving a traffic accident. Therefore, in this research, we intend to present a technology capable of overcoming problems in which advanced existing technologies exhibited limitations in handling real-time due to large data capacity such as object separation of vehicles and tracking, which pose difficulties due to environmental diversities and changes at a signal intersection with complex traffic situations, as pointed out by many past researches while presenting and implementing an active and environmentally adaptive methodology capable of effectively reducing false detection situations which frequently occur even with the Gaussian complex model analytical method which has been considered the best among well-known environmental obstacle reduction methods. To prove that the technology developed by this research has performance advantage over existing automatic traffic accident recording systems, a test was performed by entering image data from an actually operating crossroad online in real-time. The test results were compared with the performance of other existing technologies.

Digital Library Interface Research Based on EEG, Eye-Tracking, and Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Focusing on the Utilization of Implicit Relevance Feedback (뇌파, 시선추적 및 인공지능 기술에 기반한 디지털 도서관 인터페이스 연구: 암묵적 적합성 피드백 활용을 중심으로)

  • Hyun-Hee Kim;Yong-Ho Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.261-282
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    • 2024
  • This study proposed and evaluated electroencephalography (EEG)-based and eye-tracking-based methods to determine relevance by utilizing users' implicit relevance feedback while navigating content in a digital library. For this, EEG/eye-tracking experiments were conducted on 32 participants using video, image, and text data. To assess the usefulness of the proposed methods, deep learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) techniques were used as a competitive benchmark. The evaluation results showed that EEG component-based methods (av_P600 and f_P3b components) demonstrated high classification accuracy in selecting relevant videos and images (faces/emotions). In contrast, AI-based methods, specifically object recognition and natural language processing, showed high classification accuracy for selecting images (objects) and texts (newspaper articles). Finally, guidelines for implementing a digital library interface based on EEG, eye-tracking, and artificial intelligence technologies have been proposed. Specifically, a system model based on implicit relevance feedback has been presented. Moreover, to enhance classification accuracy, methods suitable for each media type have been suggested, including EEG-based, eye-tracking-based, and AI-based approaches.

Development of 3-D GIS based Expression System for Utilization of Submarine Mineral Resource Exploration Data (해저자원 탐사자료의 효율적인 활용을 위한 3차원 GIS 기반의 표출 시스템 설계 및 구축)

  • Kim, Dong Il;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Sung Joo;Park, Yong Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2013
  • Recently, interest of submarine mineral resources has been increasing from the depletion of land resources around the world and many countries are involving in submarine mineral resource exploration work. South Korea is also in progress of mineral exploration and relevant study to ensure the submarine mineral resources from around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the submarine mineral resource exploration data have been increasing annually. A database and 2D GIS-based system have been constructed for the management of the data. However, submarine mineral resource exploration data is explored and created on the sea-bed. Consequently, the visual confirmation of the water levels and marine landform is important for high dimension analysis. Therefore, the major aims of this study are to collect marine landform data from around the Korean Peninsula and to develop 3 dimension GIS based system that is linked to the submarine mineral resource exploration data. In detail, marine landform data were acquired for the Korean Peninsula and they were interpolated into raster file format. The raster file was then processed to be easily used and was entered into an Oracle database. Based on this database, 3D expression and overlap function between marine landform data and submarine mineral resource exploration data were designed using ArcScene offered by the ESRI. After design, 3D GIS based expression system was developed. Confirmations of locations and changes in the submarine mineral resource exploration data based on 3D GIS are enabled to support the efficient application of the proposed system. It is expected that this system will be highly useful for estimating the reserves of mineral resources and for providing valuable information for economic evaluations.

The Establishment and Design of the Science Class in Cyber Space (사이버과학교실시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Mi-Young;Kweon, Hyo-Soon;Park, Hye-Ock
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.28-45
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    • 2006
  • As society has changed to being more knowledge-based, it is indispensable that Internet usage is incorporated into education. Therefore, the e-learning system is being developed in order to provide a proper environment. However, many LCMS that were developed, currently are not based on SCORM, the world e-learning standard, nor KEM, the Korea Educational Metadata of Korea Education & Research Information Service(KERIS), and hence, it is difficult to share learning contents developed from such varied environments. National Science Museum, a non-educational institution, also provides the educational science exhibits in reality or in cyber space, which cannot be produced by elementary schools, and secondary schools. Consequently, new systems are necessary, whose modules should be divided into four, for example, 'teachers', 'learners', 'managers', and 'instructors', and be associated with each other so that they are able to integrate and manage such systems, and be used in school education as well. Therefore, in this study, more advanced LMS and LCMS, which are the web-portal sites used for a cyber science class at the National Science Museum, were designed and established. These sites were surely based on the KEM, and the SCORM.

An Analysis of the Relationship between Public Opinion on Social Bigdata and Results after Implementation of Public Policies: A Case Study in 'Welfare' Policy (소셜 빅데이터 기반 공공정책 국민의견 수렴과 정책 시행 이후 결과 관계 분석: '복지' 정책 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Young;Kim, Yong;Oh, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2017
  • Horizon scanning that one of the methods for future prediction is adaptable way of establishing the policy strategy based on big data. This study aims to understand the social problems scientifically utilized horizon scanning technique, and contribute to public policy formulation based on scanning analysis. In this paper, we proposed a public opinion framework for public policy based on social bigdata, and then confirmed the feasibility this framework by analysis of the relationship between public opinion and results after implementation of public policy. Consequently, based on the analysis, we also drew implications of policy formulation about 'free childcare for under 5-years of age' as an object of study. The method that collects public opinion is very important to effective policy establishment and make contribution to constructing national response systems for social development.

A Study of the Establishment of Small and Medium Sized Architectural Design Firm BIM Environment based on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (가상 데스크톱 인프라(VDI) 기술을 활용한 중소규모 설계사의 BIM 사용자 별 데스크탑 자원 할당 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyuhyup;Shin, Joonghwan;Kwon, Soonwook;Park, Jaewoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2016
  • Recently BIM technology has been expanded for using in construction project. However its spread has been delayed than the initial expectations, due to the high-cost of BIM infrastructure development, the lack of regulations, the lack of process and so forth. In design phase, especially, collaboration based on BIM system has being a key factor for successful next generation building project. Through the analysis of current research trend about IT technologies, virtualization and BIM service, data exchange such as drawing, 3D model, object data, properties using cloud computing and virtual server system is defined as a most successful solution. In various industrial fields, cloud computing technology is utilized as a promising solution which can reduce time and cost of hardware infrastructure. Among the cloud computing technology, VDI is receiving a great deal of attention from it market as an essential part cloud computing. VDI enables to host multiple individual virtual machines by using hypervisor. It has an advantage to easy main device management. Therefore, this study implements a step-by-step user's DaaS by analyzing the desktop resource data of the workers from Pre-design phase to Schematic design, Design develop and Construction design phase. It also develops BIM environment based on test of BIM modeler and designers in architectural design firm. The goal of the study is to enable the cloud computing BIM server. It provides cost saving, high-performance quality of working environment and cooperation's convenience and high security when doing BIM work in small and medium sized architectural design firm.

A Study on Index Number of Nautical Chart of Korea (한국 해도 번호체계 개선 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung;Lee, Hyong-Ki;Park, Young-Soo;Gang, Jeong-Gu;Park, Jin-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2011
  • Now Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration(KHOA) publishes 309 charts of 38 kinds of scale. Korea chart index number system is established with east, south and west sea areas. The chart number has been given irregularly in accordance with publication order so there is no consistence. The present chart index number system can classify sea areas but does not have information of scale, object and location. Therefore this chart's unsystematic management gives rise to inconvenience to the chart user. So, the standards of chart index number system is urgently needed for the efficient management & use of chart. In this paper, we intend to propose new chart index number system through adjusting area of chart and rearranging scale of charts. As a result, it is necessary to change from 3 digits to 4 digits index number to gain competitiveness & systematic management of Korea nautical charts.

A Study on the Efficiency Analysis for the Automotive Parts Manufacturer Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA를 활용한 자동차부품 기업의 효율성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyung-Kook;Lee, Cheol-Gyu;Yoo, Wang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.609-615
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    • 2014
  • Due to the recent global recession, the car industry demand levels have plummeted which led to a crisis in the automotive parts industry for the first time in history. Since the fourth quarter of 2008, the automotive parts manufacturers in America have faced a record loss and those in Japan and Europe who also had a strong track record are facing a weak economy. In addition, the domestic automotive parts industry is also affected by the global economic crisis. This research is that the relative efficiency analysis utilizing the DEA has done on the object of 25 small and medium-sized automotive parts manufacturers publicly listed, As the efficiency analysis result 6 of 25 manufacturers are efficient in CCR model and 12 manufactures have shown efficiency in BCC model, the efficiency analysis in consideration of the manufacturer size. The manufacturers with efficiency 1 in 25 manufacturers are DMU 1, 5, 7, 10, 18, 24 and the relatively benchmarking objects in other manufactures are DMU 1, 10, 24, Based on the results of this research, a direction to the domestic automotive parts manufacturers as well as a significant information will be provided in managing the companies in the future by the improvement of management efficiency through the practical efficiency analysis.

A Study about Development of Environment Printing Technology and $CO_2$ (환경 인쇄 기술의 발전과 인쇄물의 $CO_2$ 발생량에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mun-Hag
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.89-114
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    • 2012
  • For as to world, the concern about the environment problem is enhanced than any other time in the past because of being 21 century. And the environment problem is highlighted as the world-wide issue. The time of the environment problem intimidates the alive of the mankind and presence of an earth over the time. It becomes the essentiality not being selection in the personal living or the economical viewpoint now to prepare for the climatic modification. As to the company management, the green growth period which it excludes the environment management considering an environment, cannot carry on the company the continued management comes. That is, in the change center of the management paradigm, there is the environment management. Nearly, the greenhouse gas which the publication industry is the environmental toxic material like all industries is generated. The greenhouse gas is ejected in the process of running the manufacturing process and print shop of the various kinds material used as the raw material of the book. Particularly, the tree felling for getting the material of the paper is known to reach the direct influence on the global warming. This study does according to an object it considers and organizes the environment parameter based on this kind of fact as to the publication industry. And it is determined as the reference which is used as the basic materials preparing the case that carbon exhaust right transaction(CAP and TRADE) drawing are enforced in all industries and is sustainable the management of the publication industry and reduces the environmental risk among the company many risk management elements and plans and enforces the publication related policy that there is a value. In the printing publication industry, this study tried to inquire into elements discharging the environmental pollutant or the greenhouse gas. Additionally, in the printed publication production process, it tried to inquire into the effort for an environment-friendly and necessity at the printing paper and the printers ink, regarded as the element discharging the greenhouse gas all kinds of the printing materials, operation of the print shop and all kinds of the machines and recycle process, and etc. These considerations make these industrial field employees aware of the significance about a conservation and environmental protection. They try to give a help in the subsequent study producing quantitatively each environmental parameter emission of green house gas. This makes the calculation of the relative $CO_2$ output reproached ultimately possible. Meanwhile, in a sense, many research protects and improving an environment in connection with the contents of research at the printing publication industrial field is in progress. There will be the voluntary human face that it has to protect an environment but this can not do by the outside factor according to all kinds of environment related law and regulation. Anyway, because of acting on company management as the factor of oppression, the increase of this environment-related correspondence cost could know that the research that the environment loading relates with a procurement and development, environment management system introduction, quality control standard, including, normalizing including a material, and etc. through the part of the effort to reduce the cost low was actively in progress. As to the green growth era, as follows, this paper prescribed the subject and alternative of the print publication industry. It is surrounded by the firstly new digital environment and the generation of the subject. And secondly the printing industry is caused by the point of time when the green growth leaves by the topic which is largest in the global industry and it increases. The printing publication industry has to prepare the bridgehead for the environment-friendly green growth as the alternative for this resolution with first. The support blown in each industry becomes the obligation not being selection. Prestek in which the print publishing was exposed to spend many energies and which is known as the practice of the sustainable print publishing insisted that it mentioned importance of the green printing through the white pages in 2008 and a company had to be the green growth comprised through the environment-friendly activity. The core management for the sustainable printing publication industry presented from Presstack white pages is compacted to 4 words that it is a remove, reduce, recover, and recycle. Second, positively the digital printing(POD) system should be utilized. In the worldwide print out market, the digital printing area stops at the level of 10% or so but the change over and growth of the market of an analog-to-digital will increase rapidly in the future. As to the CEO Jeff Hayes of the Infoland, the offset print referred to that it of the traditional method got old and infirm with the minor phase of the new printing application like the customer to be wanted publication and the print of the digital method led the market. In conclusion, print publishers have to grasp well the market flow in the situation where a digitalization cannot be generalized and a support cannot avoid. And it keeps pace with the flow of the digital age and the recognition about the effort for the development and environment problem have to be raised. Particularly, the active green strategy is employed for the active green strategy.