• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Dissemination

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A Study on the Impact of the e-business of SMEs on Productivity (중소기업의 e-비즈니스가 생산성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Roh, Kyung-Ho
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.49-74
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    • 2005
  • E-business has received much attention from entrepreneurs, executives, investors, and industry observers recently. The Internet is flourishing and the World Wide Web is growing at an exponential rate In recent years, information has become the critical commodity needed for success in the changing global economic order. Accordingly, business organizations have come to the conclusion that they require an extensive data repository in order to acquire a competitive advantage in a dynamically change market. This rich assortment of data must further be delivered and deliverable enterprise-wide in a secure and cost-efficient manner. Information technology(IT) has created the E-business as a vitally important mechanism for the storage, dissemination, and even the analysis data. The E-business has become increasingly important to a growing number of organizations in Korea in relatively short order. The present study is an attempt to develop a more through understanding of the potential and actual impact of the E-business on organizational functions and activities. Expecially, it also consists of an effort to assess the impact of the E-business on productivity. The research also addresses the issue of how the E-business affects productivity and shapes or modifies business activities. The results of literature review and study revealed that middle managers believe that the extent of the E-business use is significantly related to improvements in overall organizational functions and activities. While communication, decision-making, productivity, work collaboration, and business activities are all enhanced by E-business use, productivity appears to be most dramatically improved by Intranet use.

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Information Sharing Model based on Adaptive Group Communication for Cloud-Enabled Robots (클라우드 로봇을 위한 적응형 그룹통신 기반 정보공유 모델)

  • Mateo, Romeo Mark;Lee, Jaewan
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2013
  • In cloud robotics, the model to share information efficiently is still a research challenge. This paper presents an information sharing model for cloud-enabled robots to collaborate and share intelligence. To provide the efficient message dissemination, an adaptive group communication based on multi-agent is proposed. The proposed algorithm uses a weight function for the link nodes to determine the significant links. The performance evaluation showed that the proposed algorithm produced minimal message overhead and was faster to answer queries because of the significant links compared to traditional group communication methods.

Research Publishing by Library and Information Science Scholars in Pakistan: A Bibliometric Analysis

  • Ali, Muhammad Yousuf;Richardson, Joanna
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.6-20
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    • 2016
  • Scholarly communication plays a significant role in the development and dissemination of research outputs in library and information science (LIS). This study presents findings from a survey which examines the key attributes that characterize the publishing by Pakistani LIS scholars, i.e. academics and professionals, in national journals. A pilot-tested, electronic questionnaire was used to collect the data from the target population. 104 respondents (or 69.3% of target) provided feedback on areas such as number of articles published, number of citations, and the nature of any collaboration with other authors. The findings of this survey revealed that, among the various designated regions of Pakistan, the Punjab region was the most highly represented. In articles published in national journals, there was a clear preference among all respondents to collaborate with at least one other author. The citation metrics for LIS articles in national journals were relatively low (30.22%), which aligns with Scimago’s Journal and Country Rankings. The uptake of social scholarly networks mirrors international trends. Respondents were asked to score factors which could impact negatively on their ability to undertake research and/or publish the results. The study recommends that concerned stakeholders work together, as appropriate, to address concerns. In addition, it recommends that further research be undertaken to define patterns of Pakistani co-authorship in the social sciences.

Review of Environmental Health Research through Crowdsourcing (크라우드소싱(crowdsourcing)을 이용한 환경보건 연구 방법의 고찰)

  • Lee, Boram;Lee, Kiyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2014
  • Background: The development of technology can be beneficial for the life and health of human society. Crowdsourcing refers to drawing upon a large pool of individuals in order to seek services, ideas, or other contributions. With the development of information communication technology, crowdsourcing is able to provide powerful results in environmental health research. Methods: We searched 'crowdsourcing' and 'citizen science' for keywords related to the environmental health field and only selected journal articles and conference proceedings material, such as research reports and WHO reports. Results: This paper reviewed environmental health research using crowdsourcing. Examples of such research based on crowdsourcing included practices in environmental disasters, noise monitoring, global positioning system (GPS) technology, smart phones, attached portable devices and information delivery by web. Crowdsourcing methods can provide notably distinct approaches for future environmental health research. However, it is also important to protect personal information whenever crowdsourcing is applied to data generation and information dissemination. Conclusion: We expect that this review may provide useful information for the development of new environmental health research methods using crowdsourcing and citizen science.

A Study on the Impact of the E-Business of SMEs on Profitability (중소기업의 e-비즈니스가 수익성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Roh Kyung-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.18
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    • pp.133-161
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    • 2006
  • E-business has received much attention from entrepreneurs, executives, investors, and industry observers recently. The Internet is flourishing and the World Wide Web is growing at an exponential rate. In recent years, information has become the critical commodity needed for success in the changing global economic order. Accordingly, business organizations have come to the conclusion that they require an extensive data repository in order to acquire a competitive advantage in a dynamically change market. This rich assortment of data must further be delivered and deliverable enterprise-wide in a secure and cost-efficient manner. Information technology(IT) has created the E-business as a vitally important mechanism for the storage, dissemination, and even the analysis data. The E-business has become increasingly important to a growing number of organizations in Korea in relatively short order. The present study is an attempt to develop a more through understanding of the potential and actual impact of the B-business on organizational functions and activities. Expecially, it also consists of an effort to assess the impact of the E-business on profitability. The research also addresses the issue of how the E-business affects profitability and shapes or modifies business activities. The results of literature review and study revealed that middle managers believe that the extent of the I-business use is significantly related to improvements in overall organizational functions and activities. While communication, decision-making, productivity, work collaboration, and business activities are all enhanced by E-business use, profitability appears to be most dramatically improved by Intranet use.

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An Exploratory Study on the Information Recipients' Acceptance(Comprehension) and Diffusion: According to the Authenticity of the News(Real News vs. Fake News) and Need for Cognition (뉴스진위 및 인지욕구에 따른 정보수용자의 수용(이해)과 확산영향에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Cho, Ara;Kwon, Soonjae
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing acceptance (e.g., comprehension,) and diffusion of information recipients' by depending on the authenticity of news. Specifically, this study has examined the effects of the news contents(political vs. general), need for cognition(high vs. low) and authenticity of the News(real news vs. fake news) on both acceptance and diffusion of news. Based on previous work, this study has developed a conceptual model to present each research hypothesis and tested it by conducting experiments as the follows. As a result, according to the authenticity of the news and the contents of the news (political and general), the acceptance of political contents was high regardless of the authenticity of the news, and the acceptance of real news was higher than that of fake news. However, in the proliferation (comment), both the political contents and the general contents showed the characteristic of spreading (commenting) fake news rather than real news. contrary to this, the cognitive level did not show any significant difference in acceptance (understanding) and proliferation (comment, sharing, recommendation). This study provides academic implications in that it examines the influences of accepting (comprehension) and diffusion (comment, sharing, recommendation) of real news and fake news. It also provides practical implications for responding to fake news and new marketing strategies in an environment where contents are delivered through diverse social media.

Design for Recommended System of Movies using Social Network Keyword of Analysis (소셜 네트워크 키워드 분석을 통한 영화 추천 시스템 설계)

  • Yang, Xi-tong;Lee, Jong-Won;Chu, Xun;Pyoun, Do-Kil;Jung, Hoe-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.609-611
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    • 2014
  • Was developed of the web service in Due to the dissemination for IT skills development and smart appliances. In particular, Social network service for should be able to communicate feel free to a user across without distinguishing between production and consumption information in contrast to the existing web service. And strengthen to the information sharing relationships between existing human relation and new human relation. In this paper, a social network service in providing a social networking from users using their communication and information sharing is used to collect and analyze in the keyword. And a design of recommended system of movies for appropriate keyword.

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Opportunistic Broadcast Protocol for Frequent Topology Changes in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (차량 애드혹 네트워크의 빈번한 토폴로지 변경에 적합한 기회적 브로드캐스트 프로토콜)

  • Cha, Si-Ho;Ryu, Minwoo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • The message propagation between vehicles must be efficiently performed to quickly transmit information between vehicles in vehicle ad hoc networks (VANETs). Broadcasting can be the most effective solution for propagating these messages. However, broadcasting can cause broadcast storm problems, which can reduce the performance of the overall network. Therefore, rapid information delivery in VANET requires a method that can propagate messages quickly without causing the broadcast storm problems. This paper proposes a lightweight and opportunistic broadcast (LOB) protocol that leverages the features of opportunistic routing to propagate messages quickly while minimizing the load on the network in VANETs where the network topology changes frequently. LOB does not require any routing information like greedy forwarding scheme, and neighboring nodes at the farthest distance within the range of transmission nodes are likely to be selected as forwarding nodes, and multiple forwarding candidate nodes like opportunistic routing scheme can increase packet transmission rates. Simulation results using ns-2 showed that LOB outperformed existing broadcast protocols in terms of packet rate and packet delay.

A Study on the Success Factors of Architectural Information System(SEUMTER) in South Korea

  • Choong-Sik Chung;Minsang Yi;Hanbyul Choi
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.85-104
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    • 2023
  • Since the late 1990s, the Korean government has attempted to develop the Architectural Information System (AIS, SEUMTER), led by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, in order to improve civil complaint convenience and administrative efficiency in architectural administration. Since then, for nearly 30 years, the Korean government has been continuously upgrading the SEUMTER system. Based on these advancement projects, it is now possible to conduct civil affairs through the Internet, and civil petitioners can file complaints with government offices without visiting and without documents. In addition, statistical work and performance management became possible in real time for civil servants. And recently, by clouding the SEUMTER system, intelligent services have become possible. In this paper, the development process of the SEUMTER was divided into four stages and evaluated, and the main success factors were derived. The main success factors of SEUMTER are 1) Promotion as a National Agenda - Leadership of the President and Ministers, 2) Outsourcing of Information System Development and Dissemination, 3) Overcoming Selfishness between Ministries - Integrating Building Permits System and Building Ledger Systems, 4) Continue to Promote Information System Advancement. Subsequently, three global diffusion strategies for SEUMTER were presented: 1) the Need to Establish Globalization Strategy: Linkage with Smart City Business, 2) Small and Medium-sized System Model Needed for Globalization and ODA, and 3) System Success Needs to be Publicized Internationally.

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A Study on the Perception and Evaluation of the Socioeconomic Value of the Agricultural Income Survey (농산물소득조사의 사회경제적 가치 인식 및 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choon-Soo;Jung, Da-Eun;Yang, Sung-Bum
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.259-289
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed farmers' and experts' perceptions of the Agricultural Income Survey (AIS) conducted by the Rural Development Administration and estimated its socioeconomic value. The research surveyed 104 farmers in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Jeollanam-do. To estimate the AIS's socioeconomic value, this study examined public information projects in the field of agriculture and public information, proposing an estimation methodology based on prior research. The socioeconomic value of the AIS was calculated in three stages (information generation, collection and analysis, and utilization) using the replacement cost and contingent valuation methods. In 2020, the estimated socioeconomic value of the AIS ranged from a minimum of KRW 631.2 billion to a maximum of KRW 799.1 billion per year. To improve the socioeconomic value of the AIS, it is important to booster awareness, expand sample sizes for more reliable data, increase manpower and budget, refine survey questions, and enhance analyzing capabilities. And it's crucial to foster cooperation with surveyed farms, promote collaboration among investigative agencies, improve investigator skills, and strengthen management capabilities to facilitate information dissemination.