• 제목/요약/키워드: Information Category

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Bag of Visual Words Method based on PLSA and Chi-Square Model for Object Category

  • Zhao, Yongwei;Peng, Tianqiang;Li, Bicheng;Ke, Shengcai
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.2633-2648
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    • 2015
  • The problem of visual words' synonymy and ambiguity always exist in the conventional bag of visual words (BoVW) model based object category methods. Besides, the noisy visual words, so-called "visual stop-words" will degrade the semantic resolution of visual dictionary. In view of this, a novel bag of visual words method based on PLSA and chi-square model for object category is proposed. Firstly, Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) is used to analyze the semantic co-occurrence probability of visual words, infer the latent semantic topics in images, and get the latent topic distributions induced by the words. Secondly, the KL divergence is adopt to measure the semantic distance between visual words, which can get semantically related homoionym. Then, adaptive soft-assignment strategy is combined to realize the soft mapping between SIFT features and some homoionym. Finally, the chi-square model is introduced to eliminate the "visual stop-words" and reconstruct the visual vocabulary histograms. Moreover, SVM (Support Vector Machine) is applied to accomplish object classification. Experimental results indicated that the synonymy and ambiguity problems of visual words can be overcome effectively. The distinguish ability of visual semantic resolution as well as the object classification performance are substantially boosted compared with the traditional methods.

Improvement of Pattern Recognition Capacity of the Fuzzy ART with the Variable Learning (가변 학습을 적용한 퍼지 ART 신경망의 패턴 인식 능력 향상)

  • Lee, Chang Joo;Son, Byounghee;Hong, Hee Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38B no.12
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    • pp.954-961
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose a new learning method using a variable learning to improve pattern recognition in the FCSR(Fast Commit Slow Recode) learning method of the Fuzzy ART. Traditional learning methods have used a fixed learning rate in updating weight vector(representative pattern). In the traditional method, the weight vector will be updated with a fixed learning rate regardless of the degree of similarity of the input pattern and the representative pattern in the category. In this case, the updated weight vector is greatly influenced from the input pattern where it is on the boundary of the category. Thus, in noisy environments, this method has a problem in increasing unnecessary categories and reducing pattern recognition capacity. In the proposed method, the lower similarity between the representative pattern and input pattern is, the lower input pattern contributes for updating weight vector. As a result, this results in suppressing the unnecessary category proliferation and improving pattern recognition capacity of the Fuzzy ART in noisy environments.

A Qualitative Study on the Experience of Visually Impaired Researchers in the Acquisition and Use of Scholarly Contents (시각장애 연구자의 학술정보 획득 및 활용 경험에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Bak, Seongeui;Shim, Wonsik
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.161-189
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of visually impaired academic researchers' use of scholarly contents and to explore intrinsic nature of the experience. In-depth interview was conducted with a total number of twelve visually impaired academic researchers and the data were analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological research method. A total of 107 significant statements were extracted, divided into 44 themes and 12 theme clusters. The statements were then classified into four categories. The 'scholarly contents acquisition and use' category has to do with difficulties that these experience when negotiating with internet sites with poor web accessibility and full-text availability. The 'changes in perception and emotions' category deals with transitions in perception and mood experienced by visually impaired academic researchers' over time. The 'relationships with support personnel' category includes issues related with the difficulty of securing support person, support person's inadequate level of competence, and establishing/sustaining personal relationships. Finally, the 'improvement requirements' category includes issues that these researchers want resolved with regard to contents acquisition and use.

A Bibliographical study on Modem Agricultural Books in Korea (한국근대의 농서에 관한 서지학적 연구)

  • Kim Bong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.29
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    • pp.205-230
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    • 1995
  • The publication of books on modern agriculture started under the influence of Silhak Thought developed from the late Chosun Dynasty. The common intention found in these publications is the objective to enrich the country through increased agricultural productivity and thus to secure national independence from the surrounding powers. The study reviews three different categories in this area; five general books on agriculture, three on agriculture related legal regulations, and ten books introducing techniques of commercial agriculture. The first category is comprehensive treatment of general agricultural content and the second is legal regulations which affected the contemporary agriculture. The third category is introductory books on commercial techniques aimed at accumulating wealth through agriculture. Silkworm cultivation occupies an important place in these publications owing to the active encouragement given by the Section of Silkworm Cultivation in the Ministry of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry. We can recognise the extensive involvement of Suh Pyung Sook, who served as the Section Chief of Silkworm Cultivation in 1904, by examining introductions and prefaces of many books in this category. The examples of general books on agriculture are 'New Agricultural Administration' (농정신편), 'General Introduction on Agiculture' (농업대요), 'New Textbook on Agricuture' (신찬농업교과서), 'Pragmatic Agriculture' (실리농방신편), Of these, 'New Agricultural Administration' (농정신편) is evaluated as the first publication on modern agriculture. It was written in 1881, and the first edition was published was published in 1901 with the second edition following in 1905. Examples of the second category are; 'The regulation on utilizing uncultivated state owned land' (국유미간지리용법) legislated and declared with the intention of expanding cultivated area, 'Mining and Forestry Regulation' (광임법규), 'Forest Land Regulation' (임야법령) to administer mining and forestry. Books on commercial agriculture take up the highest proportion in the agricultural publication of this period. These cover silkworm cultivation, chicken farming, vegetables and fruits. The books introduce Western techniques with more scientific and rational approach especially on Silkworm cultivation and chichen farming which had become increasingly significant as commercial agriculture from the late Chosun Dynasty.

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A Study on Relation Analysis between Book and Category in Bibliotherapy Catalog (독서치료 독서목록에서의 카테고리와 치유서의 관계 분석 연구)

  • Baek, Jae Eun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.217-239
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    • 2015
  • For bibliotherapy, users should understand their own life situation, select and access the book (self-help book). User access to book through situation catalog (or list) in reading list, but user is difficult to define and simplify in one word after understanding their own situation. Catalog of bibliotherapy reading list classifies books using one situation category or maximum of two categories other than the age-specific classification. In this study, the author approached and analyzes based on the result of the research on the relationship between bibliotherapy and reading list, in order that access more efficiently to book what user wants. Bibliotherapy reading-list by using mapping and crosswalk between categories, and analyzes category of reading lists through comprehensive review.

Efficient Utilisation of Credit by the Farmer - Borrowers in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India - Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

  • Kumar, K. Nirmal Ravi
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2016
  • The present study has aimed at analyzing the technical and scale efficiencies of credit utilization by the farmer-borrowers in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. DEA approach was followed to analyze the credit utilization efficiency and to analyze the factors influencing the credit utilization efficiency, log-linear regression analysis was attempted. DEA analysis revealed that, the number of farmers operating at CRS are more in number in marginal farms (40%) followed by other (35%) and small (17.5%) farms. Regarding the number of farmers operating at VRS, small farmers dominate the scenario with 72.5 per cent followed by other (67.5%) and marginal (42.5%) farmers. With reference to scale efficiency, marginal farmers are in majority (52.5%) followed by other (47.5%) and small (25%) farmers. At the pooled level, 26.7 per cent of the farmers are being operated at CRS, 63 per cent at VRS and 32.5 per cent of the farmers are either performed at the optimum scale or were close to the optimum scale (farms having scale efficiency values equal to or more than 0.90). Nearly 58, 15 and 28 percents of the farmers in the marginal farms category were found operating in the region of increasing, decreasing and constant returns respectively. Compared to marginal farmers category, there are less number of farmers operating at CRS both in small farmers category (15%) and other farmers category (22.5%). At the pooled level, only 5 per cent of the farmers are operating at DRS, majority of the farmers (73%) are operating at IRS and only 22 per cent of the farmers are operating at CRS indicating efficient utilization of credit. The log-linear regression model fitted to analyze the major determinants of credit utilization (technical) efficiency of farmer-borrowers revealed that, the three variables viz., cost of cultivation and family expenditure (both negatively influencing at 1% significant level) and family income (positively influencing at 1% significant level) are the major determinants of credit utilization efficiency across all the selected farmers categories and at pooled level. The analysis further indicate that, escalation in the cost of cultivation of crop enterprises in the region, rise in family expenditure and prior indebtedness of the farmers are showing adverse influence on the credit utilization efficiency of the farmer-borrowers.

Pattern Classification of Multi-Spectral Satellite Images based on Fusion of Fuzzy Algorithms (퍼지 알고리즘의 융합에 의한 다중분광 영상의 패턴분류)

  • Jeon, Young-Joon;Kim, Jin-Il
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.674-682
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes classification of multi-spectral satellite image based on fusion of fuzzy G-K (Gustafson-Kessel) algorithm and PCM algorithm. The suggested algorithm establishes the initial cluster centers by selecting training data from each category, and then executes the fuzzy G-K algorithm. PCM algorithm perform using classification result of the fuzzy G-K algorithm. The classification categories are allocated to the corresponding category when the results of classification by fuzzy G-K algorithm and PCM algorithm belong to the same category. If the classification result of two algorithms belongs to the different category, the pixels are allocated by Bayesian maximum likelihood algorithm. Bayesian maximum likelihood algorithm uses the data from the interior of the average intracluster distance. The information of the pixels within the average intracluster distance has a positive normal distribution. It improves classification result by giving a positive effect in Bayesian maximum likelihood algorithm. The proposed method is applied to IKONOS and Landsat TM remote sensing satellite image for the test. As a result, the overall accuracy showed a better outcome than individual Fuzzy G-K algorithm and PCM algorithm or the conventional maximum likelihood classification algorithm.

Measuring and Describing Seoul's Mixed-Use Phenomenon (서울시 용도복합 현상의 측정 및 기술에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Hyun-Moo;LEE, Woo-Jin;KWON, Tae-Jung;YEON, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.10-31
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    • 2021
  • The mixed-use concept definition, this study reveals, is that the mixing three or more major types of urban uses implements for economical, social and environmental values in our urban space. With this definition the study explores Seoul's mixed-use phenomenon. The quantification method, the study uses, is the relative entropy which calculate the balance of each urban use in a certain area. The relative entropy method, also known as the LUM(land-use mix score), uses three urban-use categories which is derived from the mixed-use concept definition. Hundreds of building-use types in the building regulations are categorized and calculate the LUM of Seoul's legal-status neighborhoods. The result interpreted as the criteria of Seoul's mixed-use phenomenon and categorize mixed land-use status in a certain value: 'non mixed-use' category has a value 0.631 and below, 'unbalanced mixed-use' category has a value between 0.631 and 0.884, 'balanced mixed-use' category has a value between 0.884 and 0.991 and 'complete mixed-use' category has a value 0.991 and over.

A Study on the Deduction of Satisfaction Survey Factors in the Study of One-person Living Sharehouse (1인 거주 쉐어하우스 연구에서 만족도 조사항목 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, So-ra;Kang, Mi-hyun;Lee, Min-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2022
  • Sharehouse has been supplied as an alternative to solving the steadily increasing one-room housing problem of single-person households every year, and it is necessary to investigate the satisfaction of residents who actually live in sharehouse through P.O.E. Therefore, this study analyzed priror researches related to the existing one-person households, sharehouses, and satisfaction surveys, and summarized indicators with high relevance and frequency to derive satisfaction survey factors that can clearly evaluate the improvement architectural plan of sharehouses. As a result, it was classified into 4 items in the 'general information' category to investigate the status, housing rental type, and housing cost of the sharehouse, 15 factors in the 'peripheral environment' category to evaluate the safety, 3 factors in the 'community' category, and 17 factors in the space (facility) and service category. In the "General Information" section, the overall one-person housing satisfaction, desired sharehouse type, housing rental type, housing cost, and living expenses were reduced. In the "Surrounding Environment", accessibility to public office, accessibility to cultural facilities, accessibility to medical facilities, accessibility to work and school, convenience stores, noise pollution and safety. In addition, in the "community" section, it consists of interactions with various people, relationships with housemates and in the "space (facilities) and service" section, heating, waterproof, soundproof, ventilation, moisture and condensation blocking, facility management, interior, room size, built-in furniture, storage space, laundry, parking. Most of the scales for each factor were 5-point Likert scales, allowing evaluation of the degree of satisfaction, and some factors presented criteria to induce structured answers. Therfore, it is expected that the survey will be conducted on residents who actually live by deriving factors for the satisfaction survey of one-person households living in the sharehouse, and the current status of the sharehouse will be identified, and the degree of satisfaction will be analyzed to be used for research.

Effect on Brand Loyalty in Omni-Channel: Focus on Category Knowledge (옴니채널 상황에서 브랜드 충성도에 관한 연구: 카테고리 지식 조절변수)

  • Han, Sang-Seol
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The ICT development is affecting the consumer behaviors in selecting channel or distribution system. This study aims to advance the theory on the influence and interaction with omni-channel behaviors. Specifically, analyzing moderating variable is category knowledge that effect between propensity of brand loyalty and its precedence factor which is perceived difference, perceived value, authenticity and consumer-brand relationship. Research design, data, and methodology - The subject of this research is consumers who purchase goods in omni-channel situation. The hypothesis of this research is derived from the literature of the preceding research analysis on brand loyalty, omni-channel and consumer behaviors. This study have constructs that were defined operationally with reference to previous studies, and the research model was designed to figure out the structural relationship among perceived difference, perceived value, authenticity, consumer-brand relationship and brand loyalty. From 2016 Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, a questionnaire survey was performed targeting customers using omni-channel. 327 questionnaire survey had conducted. 316 survey data were used for empirical analysis except data that had missing and wrong value. AMOS(structural equation) was used to confirm the hypothesis which developed by researcher. Results - The results of this study are as follows. First, an authenticity has significant effect on brand loyalty. Second, in the omni-channel situation, but perceived differentiation, perceived value, consumer-brand relationship does not affect brand loyalty. According to this result, it is judged that it is easy to search for information in the situation of omni-channel and integrated decision making is done without distinction between channels. Third, category knowledge has moderating effect between brand loyalty and precedence factors. When the category knowledge level is low, preceding factors have a significant effect on brand loyalty. when the category knowledge level is high, the preceding factors did not have a significant effect on brand loyalty except the authenticity. Conclusions - This study finds out omni-channel's phenomenon is different from other distribution channel phenomenon. In the situation of omni-channel, it is suggested that brand loyalty may be relatively low for a certain brand because it raises the knowledge level of the category. Then this study provides a managerial implications based on the role of the moderate effect on category knowledge, brand loyalty and omni-channel.