• Title/Summary/Keyword: Index model

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Impacts of R&D and Smallness of Scale on the Total Factor Productivity by Industry (R&D와 규모의 영세성이 산업별 총요소생산성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Ki;Lee, Bu-Hyung;Joo, Won
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.71-102
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    • 2007
  • There were many comprehensive analyses conducted within the existing research activities wherein factors affecting technology progress including investment in R&D vis-${\Box}$-vis their influences act as the determinants of TFP. Note, however, that there were few comprehensive analysis in the industrial research performed regarding the impact of the economy of scale as it affects TFP; most of these research studies dealt with the analysis of the non -parametric Malmquist productivity index or used the stochastic frontier production function models. No comprehensive analysis on the impacts of individual independent variables affecting TFP was performed. Therefore, this study obtained the TFP increase rate of each industry by analyzing the factors of the existing growth accounting equation and comprehensively analyzed the TFP determinants by constructing a comprehensive analysis model considering the investment in R&D and economy of scale (smallness by industry) as the influencers of TFP by industry. First, for the TFP increase rate of the 15 industries as a whole, the annual average increase rate for 1993${\sim}$ 1997 was approximately 3.8% only; during 1999${\sim}$ 2000 following the foreign exchange crisis, however, the annual increase rate rose to approximately 7.8%. By industry, the annual average increase rate of TFP between 1993 and 2000 stood at 11.6%, the highest in the electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing business and IT manufacturing sector. In contrast, a -0.4% increase rate was recorded in the furniture and other product manufacturing sectors. In the case of the service industry, the TFP increase rate was 7.3% in the transportation, warehousing, and communication sectors. This is much higher than the 2.9% posted in the electricity, water, and gas sectors and -3.7% recorded in the wholesale, food, and hotel businesses. The results of the comprehensive analysis conducted on the determinants of TFP showed that the correlations between R&D and TFP in general were positive (+) correlations whose significance has yet to be validated; in the model where the self-employed and unpaid family workers were used as proxy variables indicating the smallness of industry out of the total number of workers, however, significant negative (-) correlations were noted. On the other hand, the estimation factors of variables surrogating the smallness of scale in each industry showed that a consistently high "smallness of scale" in an industry means a decrease in the increase rate of TFP in the same industry.

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Ecological Health Assessments and Water Quality Patterns in Youdeung Stream (유등천에서의 생태학적 건강도 평가 및 수질양상)

  • Lee, Jae-Yon;Jang, Ha-Na;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.3 s.113
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2005
  • Ecological stream health, based on the index of biological integrity (IBI) , was evaluated at five sampling locations of Youdeung Stream during August-October 2004. For the study, we also analyzed spatial and temporal patterns of conventional water quality over tine period of 1995 ${\sim}$ 2004, using the water chemistry dataset, obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Korea. The water quality parameters used here were conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen demand $(BOD_5)$, chemical oxygen demand $(COD_{mn})$, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP). The multi-metric model values averaged 27.8 in the stream and ranged 24 ${\sim}$ 32. The health condition was judged as 'Fair' to 'Poor' conditions, according to the stream health criteria of US EPA (1993). Longitudinal variation occurred from the upstream to downstream reach; largest differences in all water quality variables occurred between Site 5 and the other sites. This was mainly attributed to the impacts of wastewater treatment plants near the locations. Also, relative proportions of tolerance and omnivore species increased in downstream reaches. The model values, however, did not match the values, based on water quality parameters. We assume that this may be associated with primarily reduced water volumn during dry season in the stream along with modified physical habitat conditions.

Regression Modeling of Water-balance in Watershed (유역(流域) 물 수지(收支)의 회귀모형화(回歸模型化))

  • Kim, Tai Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.324-333
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    • 1983
  • Modeling of longterm runoff is theoritically based on waterbalance analysis. Simplified equation of water balance with rainfall, evapotranspiration and soil moisture storage could be formulated into regression model with variables of rainfall, pan evaporation and previous-month streamflow. The hydrologic response of water shed could be represented lumpedly, qualitatively and deductively by regression coefficients of water-balance regression model. Characteristics of regression modeling of water-balance were summarized as follows; 1. Regression coefficient $b_1$ represents the rate of direct runoff component of precipitation. The bigger the drainage area, the less $b_1$ value. This means that there are more losses of interception, surface detension and transmission in the downstream watershed. 2. Regression coefficient $b_2$ represents the rate of baseflow due to changes of soil moisture storage. The bigger the drainage area and the milder the watershed slope, the bigger b, value. This means that there are more storage capacity of watershed in mild downstream watershed. 3. Regression coefficient $b_3$ represents the rate of watershed evaporation. This depends on the s oil type, soil coverage and soil moisture status. The bigger the drainage area, the bigger $b_3$ value. This means that there are more watershed evaporation loss since more storage of surface and subsurface water would be in down stream watershed. 4. It was possible to explain the seasonal variation of streamflow reasonably through regress ion coefficients. 5. Percentages of beta coefficients what is a relative measure of the importance of rainfall, evaporation and soil moisture storage to month streamflow are approximately 89%, 9% and 11% respectively.

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Clinical significance of acanthosis nigricans in children and adolescents with obesity induced metabolic complications (비만으로 인한 대사적 합병증을 가진 소아 및 청소년에서 흑색가시세포증의 임상적 의의)

  • Chueh, Hee Won;Cho, Gyu Rang;Yoo, Jaeho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.10
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    • pp.987-994
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : This study investigated the clinical significance of AN in children and adolescents with obesity induced metabolic complications. Methods : Forty-nine patients who had obesity induced metabolic complications were participated in this cross-sectional study. Obesity induced metabolic complications are as follows: hypertension, dyslipidemia, impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)>3.16. Clinical characteristics, such as, age, percentage-weight-for-height (PWH), pubertal status, blood pressure (BP), fasting plasma insulin level, fasting and post-oral glucose tolerance test 2-hour glucose levels, liver function test, lipid profile, HOMA-IR were compared according to the presence of AN. Results : Sixty-five percent of patients had AN, 57.1% NASH, 57.1% dyslipidemia, 55.1% hypertension, 46.9% IFG, 24.5% HOMA-IR>3.16 and 16.2% IGT. The patients who were moderately to severely obese with AN had higher incidence of IGT and HOMA-IR>3.16. The patients with AN had significantly higher diastolic BP ($79.4{\pm}6.9$ vs $75.4{\pm}5.6mmHg$), fasting levels of plasma insulin ($10.6{\pm}6.0$ vs $6.2{\pm}5.4{\mu}IU/mL$), HOMA-IR index ($2.6{\pm}1.4$ vs $1.4{\pm}1.3$) and PWH ($42.4{\pm}13.0$ vs $34.3{\pm}1.8%$). The increasing tendency for the presence of AN was significantly related to the cumulative number of obesity induced metabolic complications. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the presence of AN was significantly associated with fasting plasma insulin level, PWH and IFG. Conclusion : AN could be useful as a clinical surrogate of obesity induced metabolic complications.

Genetic Correlation of Carcass and Meat Production Traits with Hormones and Metabolic Components in Hawoo (가축의 혈청 호르몬 및 대사물질 농도와 도체 및 산육형질에 대한 유전상관에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon G. J.;Juong H. Y.;Cho K. H.;Kim M. J.;Kim I. C.;Kim J. B.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.255-269
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    • 2005
  • This study was aimed to investigate genetic relationships, variables, and correlations between economic traits and metabolic materials in serum components according to bleeding periods and breeding locations for the castrated and not castrated Hanwoo cattle at National Livestock Research Institute. Analysis of variance for serum hormones and metabolic materials showed significant differences by breeding locations except for testosterone and globulin. Statistical differences for serum components were detected by birth year except for cortisol, total protein, globulin and creatinine, and by castration except for total protein and BUN. All the serum components were tended to have sire effects except for testosterone resulting in some degree of additive gene actions. Breeding locations showed statistical significances for carcass weight and back fat thickness, but not in carcass rate, KPH, live weight and transportation weight loss. Effects of breeding locations and castration were significant for all weight measurement periods except for 9 month and 6 month, respectively. A significant sire effect was observed in all weight measurements. Least squared means for concentration of serum components by breeding year, season and castration were not significant. High concentration of cortisol, creatinine and triglyceride and low concentration of IGF-1 and glucose were detected in castrated cattle. Concentration of testosterone with castrated cattle was $5.2\%$ corresponding to non castrated cattle. Estimation of heritabilities of serum components using a sire model with restricted maximum likelihood were ranged 0.07 to 0.58. High heritabilities were estimated for total protein, albumin, globulin, cortisol, creatinine and BUN were 0.53, 0.54, 0.42, 0.45, 0.58 and 0.54, respectively. Low heritabilities were estimated fur calcium, testosterone and IGF-1 for 0.07, 0.15 and 0.12, respectively. Heritabilities for carcass weight, back fat thickness, meat yield index, KPH, and IMF were estimated as 0.39, 0.45, 0.30 0.13, and 0.93. Heritabilities of weights on 18, 12, 9, 6, and 24 month were estimated as 0.78, 0.76, 0.62, 0.58 and 0.58. Estimated heritabilities for average daily gain on 6${\~}$2, 12${\~}$18, and 18${\~}$24 month were 0.80, 0.75 and 0.19, respectively.

Regionality and Variability of Net Primary Productivity and Rice Yield in Korea (우리 나라의 순1차생산력 및 벼 수량의 지역성과 변이성)

    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1999
  • Rice yield and primary productivity (NPP) are dependent upon the variability of climate and soil. The variability and regionality of the rice yield and net primary productivity were evaluated with the meteorological data collected from Korea Meteorology Administration and the actual rice yield data from the Ministration of Agriculture and Forestry, Korea. The estimated NPP using the three models, dependent upon temperature(NPP-T), precipitation(NPP-P) and net radiation(NPP-R), ranged from 10.87 to 17.52 Mg ha$^{-1}$ with average of 14.69 Mg ha$^{-1}$ in the South Korea and was ranged 6.47 to 15.58 Mg ha$^{-1}$ with average of 12.59 Mg ha$^{-1}$ in the North Korea. The primary limiting factor of NPP in Korea was net radiation, and the secondary limiting factor was temperature. Spectral analysis on the long term change in air temperature in July and August showed periodicity. The short periodicity was 3 to 7 years and the long periodicity was 15 to 43 years. The coefficient of variances, CV, of the rice yield from 1989 to 1998 ranged 3.23 percents to 12.37 percents which were lower than past decades. The CV's in Kangwon and Kyeongbuk were high while that in Chonbuk was the lowest. The prediction model based on th e yield index and yield response to temperature obtain ed from the field crop situation showed reasonable results and thus the spatial distributions of rice yield and predicted yield could be expressed in the maps. The predicted yields was well fitted with the actual yield except Kyungbuk. For better prediction, modification should be made considering radiation factor in further development.

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Estimating the Parameters of Pollen Flow and Mating System in Pinus densiflora Population in Buan, South Korea, Using Microsatellite Markers (Microsatellite 표지를 이용한 부안지역 소나무 집단의 화분 유동과 교배양식 추정)

  • Kim, Young Mi;Hong, Kyung Nak;Park, Yu Jin;Hong, Yong Pyo;Park, Jae In
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2015
  • Parameters of mating system and pollen flow of a Pinus densiflora population in Buan, South Korea, were estimated using seven nuclear microsatellite markers. The expected heterozygosity ($H_e$) was 0.614 in mother trees and 0.624 in seeds. Fixation index (F) was 0.018 and 0.087 in each generation. There was no significant genetic difference between the generations (P > 0.05). From MLTR, the outcrossing rate ($t_m$), the biparental inbreeding ($t_m-t_s$), and the correlation of paternity ($r_p$) were 0.967, 0.057, and 0.012, respectively. tm was larger but $t_m-t_s$ and $r_p$ were smaller than those of allozyme markers in Pinus densiflora. These values were similar to those of microsatellite markers in other pine species. The optimal pollen dispersal model from TwoGener was the normal dispersal model with the effective density of 220 trees/ha and its level of genetic differentiation in pollen pool structure (${\Phi}_{ft}$) was 0.021. The average radial distance of pollen flow (${\delta}$) was calculated as 11.42 m, but no correlation between the pairwise-${\Phi}_{ft}$ and the geographical distance among mother trees was at Mantel test (r = -0.141, P > 0.05). Although the effective pollen dispersal in the population seems to be restricted, the amount of genetic variation might be maintained in each generation without a loss of genetic diversity. It might be because the genetic diversity in pollen pool was high but the genetic difference between pollen donors was small under the complete random mating condition in the Pinus densiflora population in Buan.

A Study on the Development of a Competency-Based Intervention Course Curriculum of the Korean Academy of Sensory Integration (대한감각통합치료학회 역량기반 중재과정 교육커리큘럼 개발연구)

  • Namkung, Young;Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Kim, Misun;Lee, Jiyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.26-45
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    • 2019
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to develop educational goals, training content, and training methods for the intervention course of the Korean Academy of Sensory Integration (KASI) and to conduct competency-based intervention courses based on the competency model for sensory integration intervention. Methods : This study was conducted on work therapists who participated in the 2019 intervention course of KASI. In the first phase, educational needs were analyzed to set goals for the interventional course. In the second phase, a meeting of researchers drafted the intervention course education program and the methods of education, and the intervention course was conducted. In the third phase, the changes in educational satisfaction and performance level pre- and post-intervention course for each competency index were investigated. Results : The educational goals of "learning and applying the clinical reasoning process of sensory integration intervention" and "intervention by applying the principle of sensory integration intervention" were set after reflecting on the results of the analysis of the educational requirements. The length of the competency-based intervention course was 42 hours. The average education satisfaction level of participants in the arbitration process was 4.48±0.73, and the average education satisfaction level of the supervisor was 3.92±0.71. In both groups, the most satisfying curriculums were the data-driven decision-making process and the intervention goal-setting lecture. But the satisfaction level of was the lowest. Before and after the intervention course, there were significant changes in the performance of the two behavioral indicators of the analytic skills in the expertise competency cluster of the competency model. Conclusion : This study is meaningful in that it conducted a survey of educational needs, the development and implementation of an educational curriculum, and an education satisfaction survey through systematic courses necessary for education development.

Change in Potential Productivity of Rice around Lake Juam Due to Construction of Dam by SIMRIW (벼 생장모형 SIMRIW를 이용한 주암호 건설에 따른 주변지역의 벼 잠재생산성 변이 추정)

  • 임준택;윤진일;권병선
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.729-738
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    • 1997
  • To estimate the change in rice productivity around lake Juam due to construction of artificial lake, growth, yield components and yield of rice were measured at different locations around lake Juam for three years from 1994 to 1996. Automated weather stations(AWS) were installed nearby the experimental paddy fields, and daily maximum, average and minimum temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and precipitation were measured for the whole growing period of rice. Plant height, number of tillers, leaf area and shoot dry weight per hill were observed from 8 to 10 times in the interval of 7 days after transplanting. Yield and yield components of rice were observed at the harvest time. Simulation model of rice productivity used in the study was SIMRIW developed by Horie. The observed data of rice at 5 locations in 1994, 3 locations in 1995 and 4 locations in 1996 were inputted in the model to estimate the unknown parameters. Comparisons between observed and predicted values of shoot dry weights, leaf area indices, and rough rice yield were fairly well, so that SIMRIW appeared to predict relatively well the variations in productivity due to variations of climatic factors in the habitat. Climatic elements prior to as well as posterior to dam construction were generated at six locatons around lake Juam for thirty years by the method of Pickering et al. Climatic elements simulated in the study were daily maximum and minimum temperature, and amount of daily solar radiation. The change in rice productivity around lake Juam due to dam construction were estimated by inputting the generated climatic elements into SIMRIW. Average daily maximum temperature after dam construction appeared to be more or less lower than that before dam construction, while average daily minimum temperature became higher after dam construction. Average amount of daily solar radiation became lower with 0.9 MJ $d^{-1}$ after dam construction. As a result of simulation, the average productivity of habitats around lake Juam decreased about 5.6% by the construction of dam.

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Estimation of Nitrogen Uptake and Biomass of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using Ground-based Remote Sensing Techniques (지상 원격측정 센서를 활용한 벼의 생체량과 질소 흡수량 추정)

  • Gong, Hyo-Young;Kang, Seong-Soo;Hong, Soon-Dal
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.779-787
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of ground-based remote sensing for the estimation of rice yield and application rate of N-fertilizer during growing season. Dongjin-1, Korean cultivar of rice was planted on May 30, 2006 and harvested on October 9, 2006. Chlorophyll content and LAI (leaf area index) were measured using Minolta SPAD-502 and AccuPAR model LP-80, respectively. Reflectance indices were determined with passive sensors using sunlight and four types of active sensors using modulated light, respectively. Reflectance indices and growth rate were measured three times from 29 days to 87 days after rice plating and at harvesting day. The result showed that values of growing characteristics and reflectance indices were highly correlated. Growing characteristics to show significant correlation with reflectance indices were in order of followings: fresh weight > N uptake > dry weight > height > No. of tiller > N content. Chlorophyll contents measured by chlorophyll meter (SPAD 502) showed high correlation with nitrogen concentration (r=$0.743^{**}$), although the correlation coefficients between remote sensing data and nitrogen concentration were higher. LAI was highly correlated with dry weight (r=$0.931^{**}$), but relationship between LAI and nitrogen concentration (r=$0.505^*$) was relatively low. The data of CC-passive sensor were negatively correlated with those of the near-infrared. NDVI correlation coefficients found more useful to identify the growth characteristics rather than data from single wavelength. Both passive sensor and active sensor were highly significantly correlated with growth characteristics. Consequently, quantifying the growth characteristics using reflectance indices of ground-based remote sensing could be a useful tool to determine the application rate of N fertilizer non-destructively and in real-time.