• Title/Summary/Keyword: Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA)

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The Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of Service Quality in University (대학교육 서비스품질의 중요도-만족도 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Myung Kyum;Park, Jongwoo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.807-822
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: To increase the competitiveness of the university and improve the quality of education by providing education services that meet the student's satisfaction needs based on the education service quality survey of university students. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of 6 elements and 38 questions was prepared and students were surveyed. The importance and satisfaction ISA analysis was conducted. Results: The results of this study are as follows; there was a difference in the perception of importance and satisfaction by student characteristics regarding the results of educational service quality measurement. Working students need an extra effort in the educational environment and foreign students in student services. Conclusion: The importance of educational service quality-satisfaction survey should be used to identify the factors of educational service quality by student characteristics to improve student satisfaction, improve the quality of education, and support educational services with a strategic approach.

A Study on Parking Characteristics in University Campuses (대학캠퍼스 내 주차특성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Seung Hwoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.537-547
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    • 2014
  • Parking infrastructure in university campuses has been inadequately developed in spite of rapid increase in car ownership of professors, staffs and students. However, only a few researches have been conducted domestically and overseas to identify and solve the problem. Thus, in this study owner drivers in 16 campuses located in Seoul Metropolitan Area were interviewed to figure out what they thought were important factors and how much they were satisfied when they were using parking lots in campuses. The questionnaires of the survey included economy, accessibility, convenience, punctuality, safety and informativeness. The Importance-Satisfaction Analysis was conducted based on the survey. And the parking characteristics of university campuses were compared based on the levels of importance and satisfaction calculated by ISA. Lastly, criteria of establishing campus parking management guideline were suggested as well.

User assessment about ecological stream restoration of Jeonjucheon - Focused on Environmental Characteristics and Importance-Satisfaction Analysis - (전주천 생태하천복원사업 후 이용자 평가 - 환경특성 및 중요도·만족도 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Hyunjeong;Lee, Myungwoo;Jeong, Moonsun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.217-232
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    • 2015
  • This study is to examine the section-based stream management with environmental characteristics and user monitoring. In Jeonjucheon, upstream section located near to Jeonju Hanok village has very good water quality and natural stream landscape. In case of mid/down streams, water quality is good and heavy concentration of facility leads to high use rates of these sections. The questionnaire consists of 5 parts: user characteristics, use behavior, citizen participation, importance rank, and Importance-Satisfaction(IS). 383 out of 454 responses with listwise deletion are used for demographic analysis and IS Analysis. In terms of citizen participation through 'ecological experience activity' and 'stream stewardship activity', 'occasional participation' shows the average of 78% in all three sections. For importance rank, the results arranged in order of priority show 'water quality' > 'green corridor' > 'trail' in up/down streams and 'water quality' > 'vegetation management' > 'trail' in midstream. Therefore, 'water quality' appears to be the most important variable among 13 variables. At last, the results of ISA indicate that all 10 variables need to be improved as satisfaction is lower than importance. In addition, 'plant management' variable falls into 'concentrate here' quadrant where importance is high and satisfaction is low.

Study on the Korean Food Selection Practices by Importance and Satisfaction among Korean Students Attending International Schools (외국인학교 한국 학생의 한식선택 시 중요도 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Min Jung;Hong, Jinim;Jeong, Hee Sun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.391-402
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics and improvements of Korean foods by using the ISA (Importance Satisfaction Analysis) targeting Korean students in international schools in the Seoul Metropolitan area. It also analyzes the difference in the importance and satisfaction of Korean foods, and to provide basic data for developing various healthy diets which are suitable for target students. Target groups are 7 to 12 graders which consist of 62 male students and 42 female students, and most of them had lived in the United States with duration of staying abroad from 1 year to less than 3 years and duration of attending schools from 1 year to less than 2 years. Most of their family structures are the nuclear family, and most of their fathers work in management positions and mothers are mostly full-time housewives. The most favored and consumed food is fruits and the least favored is seaweeds. Perceptions regarding Korean foods are mainly positive and more female students than male students consider Korean foods as well-being foods. The important factor for choosing Korean food is the flavor, and the highest satisfaction lies in the cleanliness of food and tableware, and food temperatures appear to be less important than other factors regarding both importance and satisfaction aspects. The flavor turns out to be the most influential when consuming Korean foods, and information on Korean foods is mostly acquired from advices of those around and through words-of-mouth, and many comments point out that the levels of sanitation should be improved. The result of ISA regarding determinant factors in choosing Korean foods by Korean students in international schools shows that efforts for aggressive improvements should be made in areas for 'the amount of food', 'the price of food', and 'the curiosity on food'.

Importance-Satisfaction and Usage of Traditional Market Foods of Undergraduate Students in Jeonbuk Area (전북 일부 지역 대학생들의 전통시장 음식 이용 현황 및 중요도-만족도 분석)

  • Lee, In-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this paper was to provide basic data on revitalizing traditional markets in 389 undergraduate students who had purchased foods sold at a traditional market in order to understand the current state of usage of traditional market foods and to analyze degree of importance and satisfaction. From September 2015 to November 2015, questionnaires were filled out by respondents. Of the 389 questionnaires that were returned, 343 were used while 46 were discarded as incomplete. In the traditional market, high popularity was detected in foods such as 'Hotteok', 'stir-fried rice cake', 'Korean sausage', and so on in that order, which were mainly simple foods. There was a tendency that 'taste', 'hygiene', 'price', and 'quality' were considered as important, all of which scored more than 4 points for all residence types. In the difference analysis of the degree of satisfaction and importance in traditional market foods according to residence types, degree of importance was much higher than that of satisfaction for all selective attributes. In the results of ISA analysis for attributes of traditional market foods, those selling food in the second quadrant need to make more effort to improve 'hygiene' and 'quality' of food.

Important-satisfaction analysis for improving satisfaction in natural heritage docent training programs (자연유산 해설사 양성 교육프로그램의 중요도 -만족도 분석 및 제고 방안)

  • Kim, Tae Hyeong;Kong, Dal-Yong;Lim, Jong-Deock;Cho, Woon Yuen
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.80-95
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to reduce the drop out rates and enhance the quality of docent training education program in the Nature Heritage Center by providing educational services appropriate to the docents' needs based on the docents satisfaction survey. In this research, we conducted the survey to analyze the importance-satisfaction of natural heritage docent satisfaction in natural heritage docent training programs. The subjects of this survey were 30 docent in Natural Heritage Center. To develop a questionnaire, a factor analysis was conducted, as a result, 6 factors and 22 questions were presented. They are 'curriculum and instruction', 'advice for docent', 'educational environments', 'administrative services', 'support for docents', 'docent life'. The results of t-test, there was a significant difference between importance and satisfaction of the every 22 questions, the mean score of satisfaction(M=3.87, SD=.08) was lower than that of importance(M=4.10, SD=.20). According to ISA, the items located in "concentrate here" were deduced. They are 3 items from administrative services, device for docent, curriculum and instructions. To put in concretely, They were 'lecture content(subject)', 'teaching method', 'service attitude of personnel', 'interest in a docent' Based on these results and descriptive responses from the docents, the strategies for docent satisfaction in natural heritage docents training programs were suggested.

Improvement of Global Construction Engineer Training Program : An Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (글로벌 건설 엔지니어링 고급인력 양성사업의 교육프로그램 개선방안)

  • Park, Hyeon;Park, In-Seok;Cha, Yongwoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to give suggestions based on survey to improve the quality of Global Construction Engineer Training Program in line with the government goals. The domestic construction industry in Korea has kept shrinking, whereas the global construction market is forecasted to keep expanding in the future. It has become an urgent task to be taken up for construction contractors and engineering firms so as to improve their capacity, in particular, in the fields of planning, management, finance as well as engineering. To deal with the lack of capacity of the domestic engineers and to help them emerge as global players in the competitive overseas construction market, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Korean government has designed a program called 'Global Construction Engineer Training Program.' The eligible target of the training program is mid-career professionals who are working for the construction contractors or engineering firms. To draw suggestions for this program, an importance-satisfaction analysis is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program implemented by the S University. The S University, along with C University, was selected as an implementation organization of the program in 2014 by the government. Through an email survey, the participating students in the program were asked questions on the importance and satisfaction against 17 indicators classified into 5 categories: instruction method, professional knowledge of instructors, contents of program, curriculum, and facility and environment. The survey results show that students are satisfied with the overall quality of the program, but it was also found that they want the program opens more coursework on practical application of knowledge, case studies, and global networking.

A Study on the Improvement the Start-up Support Policy: Focused on the ICT Start-up (창업기업 지원 정책 개선 방안 연구: ICT 창업기업을 중심으로)

  • Gil, Wungyu;Bae, Hongbeom;Sim, Yongho;Kim, Seokyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2018
  • Various government support policies are being promoted in order to stimulate growth of SMEs. The government is striving to provide effective support through direct methods of tax, finance and indirect methods through support programs. However, the view on the government's startup policy is still tense. We are sympathetic with the need for support, but discussions continue to be made on the effectiveness of support projects and support projects. Therefore, this study evaluates the importance and satisfaction of the government start-up support project. For this purpose, we conducted questionnaires on ICT start-ups who have experienced government start-up support projects. Of these, 128 were analyzed for GAP analysis and ISA. As a result of the GAP analysis of the government start - up support project, the degree of satisfaction (4.408) was lower than the degree of importance (5.221), confirming that the beneficiary's evaluation on the start-up support project was negative. As a result of the importance-satisfaction analysis, 'R&D' and 'commercialization' are located in the maintenance area, and 'government funding', 'marketing, overseas advancement' projects are included in the concentrated area. In the low-ranking areas, there are 'entrepreneur events and networks' items. Finally, there are 'facilities and spaces', 'mentoring and consulting', and 'entrepreneurship education' in the surplus areas. As a result of multiple regression analysis, it was found that 'R&D', 'entrepreneurial education', and 'government funding' influenced satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it will contribute to improving the quality level of the government start-up support project by establishing the support policy for the ICT start-up enterprises and improving the system.

An Evaluation of the Foodservice Quality and Management of Preschool Foodservice Establishments by IPA - Focusing on Parents of Preschoolers in Metropolitan Area of Korea, China and Japan - (IPA분석을 통한 미취학 아동 급식의 급식서비스 품질특성 및 급식운영 평가 - 한국·중국·일본의 미취학 아동을 자녀로 둔 부모를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Sanghyun;Joo, Nami
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2015
  • This study was targeted on the Korean, Chinese, and Japanese parents of preschoolers to investigate the importance and satisfaction of foodservice quality and the importance and performance of foodservice management of the preschool foodservice establishments. The present study conducted a survey on 390 randomly chosen parents of preschoolers (130 Korean, 130 Chinese, and 130 Japanese). Respondents' importance-satisfaction of foodservice quality characteristics and their importance-performance of foodservice management were measured. In order to test for differences between the groups, paired t-test, one way ANOVA, and IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) were performed. The results were as follows. The importance of foodservice quality was significantly higher than the satisfaction on all items, according to the parents of Korea, China, and Japan. The importance of foodservice quality was higher in Korean parents than in Chinese and Japanese parents. According to ISA results with foodservice quality characteristics, the characteristics with relatively low satisfaction but high importance (II quadrant) was 'Diversity of menu' in both Korean and Chinese parents, and 'Sanitation of tables and chairs' in both Korean and Japanese parents. The importance of foodservice management was significantly higher than performance on all items in Korean, Chinese and Japanese parents. The performance of foodservice management was higher in Chinese than in Japanese and Korean parents. According to IPA results with foodservice management, the management with relatively low performance but high importance (II quadrant) was 'Preparation' in Korean parents, and 'Facility and equipment' in Japanese parents. Therefore, the items with relatively low satisfaction (performance) and high importance should be well-managed.

Assessment of ASP-PMIS Quality in Korea

  • Lee, Seul-Ki;Yu, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2011
  • Web-based PMIS (Project Management Information System) has played significant role in construction management processes in Korea. As the use of web-based PMIS increases, regular quality assessment to identify user's requirements is necessary. However, there have been rare research efforts for quality assessment of web-based PMIS. This study aims to assess the quality of web-based PMIS, especially ASP-PMIS (Application Service Provider based PMIS) that is widely used in Korean construction industry. The assessment factors of ASP-PMIS quality were adopted from previous research and empirically confirmed using exploratory factor analysis. ISA (Importance-Satisfaction Analysis), which is a variation of original IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis), were selected for the assessment and analysis method in this research. A total of 253 completed questionnaires, composed of 23 assessment items, were collected from the ASP-PMIS users in Korea (construction managers and constructors), and they were used to analyse the quality of the systems. Some possible contributions of this research are: it introduces a simple and easy-to-use tool for assessing the quality of ASP-PMIS with a set of quality assessment factors that are selected from previous researches and empirically tested; it provides the quality assessment results of ASP-PMIS in Korea so that ASP-PMIS providers in Korea can understand the users' opinion on their systems; it also identified that the urgent factors that require immediate attention to improvement. However, further researches are to be required on the following areas: enhancing the quality assessment factors in terms of their relation to the success of ASP-PMIS and to the users' performance; assessing and analyzing the quality of individual ASP-PMIS; establishing continuous improvement systems institutionally and instrumentally.