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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Implants in blow-out fracture

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안와 파열 골절 치료 시 삽입물 종류에 따른 후유증 비교 (Comparison of Sequelae According to the Types of Implants in Blow-Out Fracture)

  • 김태곤;임종효;이준호;김용하
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Blow out fracture can present tenderness, swelling, enophthalmos, extraoccular muscle limitation, paresthesia, diplopia according to severity of injury, so reconstruction of blow out fracture is important. Orbital soft tissue should be in orbit and defected orbital wall should be corrected by autologus tissue or alloplastic implants. Every implants have their merits and faults, every implants are used various. This study was designed to compare the sequelae of blow-out fracture repair using the alloplastic implants: micro-titanium mesh(Micro Dynamic titanium mesh(R), Leibinger, Germany), porous polyethylene (Medpor(R), Porex, USA), absorbable mesh plate(Biosorb FX(R) . Bionx Implants Ltd, Finland). Methods: Between January 2006 and April 2008, 52 patients were included in a retrospective study analysing the outcome of corrected inferior orbital wall fracture with various kind of implants. Implants were inserted through subciliary incision. Twenty patients were operated with micro-titanium mesh, fourteen patients with porous polyethylene and eighteen patients with absorbable mesh plate. In comparative category, enophthalmos, diplopia, range of motion of extraoccular muscle, inferior orbital nerve injury were more on frequently statistically in patients. Results: Fourteen of 18 patients underwent surgical repair to improve diplopia, 11 of 17 patients to improve parasthesia, 11 of 15 patients to improve enophthalmos, 8 of 9 patients to improve extraoccular muscle limitation. Duration of follow-up time ranged from 6 months to 12 months(mean, 7.4 months). There was no statistic difference of sequelae between micro titanium mesh and porous polyethylene and absorbable mesh plate in blowout fracture, inferior wall. Conclusion: There is no difference of sequelae between micro-titanium mesh, porous polyethylene and absorbable mesh plate in blow-out fracture, inferior wall. The other factors such as defect size, location, surgeon's technique, may influence the outcome of blow-out fracture repair.

Comparison of Absorbable Mesh Plate versus Titanium-Dynamic Mesh Plate in Reconstruction of Blow-Out Fracture: An Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes

  • Baek, Woon Il;Kim, Han Koo;Kim, Woo Seob;Bae, Tae Hui
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.355-361
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    • 2014
  • Background A blow-out fracture is one of the most common facial injuries in midface trauma. Orbital wall reconstruction is extremely important because it can cause various functional and aesthetic sequelae. Although many materials are available, there are no uniformly accepted guidelines regarding material selection for orbital wall reconstruction. Methods From January 2007 to August 2012, a total of 78 patients with blow-out fractures were analyzed. 36 patients received absorbable mesh plates, and 42 patients received titanium-dynamic mesh plates. Both groups were retrospectively evaluated for therapeutic efficacy and safety according to the incidence of three different complications: enophthalmos, extraocular movement impairment, and diplopia. Results For all groups (inferior wall fracture group, medial wall fractrue group, and combined inferomedial wall fracture group), there were improvements in the incidence of each complication regardless of implant types. Moreover, a significant improvement of enophthalmos occurred for both types of implants in group 1 (inferior wall fracture group). However, we found no statistically significant differences of efficacy or complication rate in every groups between both implant types. Conclusions Both types of implants showed good results without significant differences in long-term follow up, even though we expected the higher recurrent enophthalmos rate in patients with absorbable plate. In conclusion, both types seem to be equally effective and safe for orbital wall reconstruction. In particular, both implant types significantly improve the incidence of enophthalmos in cases of inferior orbital wall fractures.

광범위한 안와파열골절에서 Titanium Mesh Plate와 Porous Polyethylene (Medpor®) 동시 사용의 유용성 (Treatment of Blow-out Fractures Using Both Titanium Mesh Plate and Porous Polyethylene (Medpor®))

  • 구자혜;원창훈;동은상;윤을식
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The goals of a blow-out fracture reconstruction are to restore the osseous continuity, provide support for the orbital contents and prevent functional and anatomic defects. Over the past several years, a range of autogenous and synthetic implants have been used extensively in orbital reconstructions. None of these implants have any absolute indications or contraindications in certain clinical settings. However, in extensive blow-out fractures, it is difficult to restore support of the orbital contents, which can cause more complications, such as enophthalmos. This study examined the clinical outcomes of extensive or comminuted blow-out fractures that were reconstructed by the simultaneous use of a titanium mesh plate and Medpor(R). Methods: Eighty six patients with extensive orbital fractures, who were admitted between March 1999 and February 2007, were reviewed retrospectively. The patients' chart and CT were inspected for review. Twenty three patients were operated on with both a titanium mesh plate (Matrix MIDFACE pre-formed orbital plate, Synthes, USA) and Medpor(R) (Porex, GA, USA). The patients underwent pre-operative CT scans to evaluate the fracture site and measure the area of the fracture. A transconjunctival approach was used, and titanium mesh plates were inserted subperiosteally with screw fixation. Medpor(R) was inserted above the titanium mesh plate. The patients were evaluated post-operatively for enophthalmos, diplopia, sensory disturbances and eyeball movement for a period of at least 6 months. Results: No implant-related complications were encountered during the follow-up period. Enophthalmos occurred in 1 patient, 1 patient had permanent sensory disturbance, and 3 patients complained of ocular pain and fatigue, which recovered without treatment. Although there were no significance differences between groups, the use of 2 implants had fewer complications. Therefore, it can be an alternative method for treating blow out fractures. Conclusion: The use of both a titanium mesh plate and Medpor(R) simultaneously may be a safe and acceptable technique in the reconstruction of extensive blow-out fractures.

Gingival Sulcus Incision으로 제거된 Silicon Implant 삽입 후 발생한 안와내 낭종 (Removal of Silicon-associated Intraorbital Cyst with Gingival Sulcus Incision)

  • 권용석;김명훈;허정;이장호;이근철;김석권
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Alloplastic implants, such as Silastic(R), Supramid(R), Porous polyethylene, Teflon(R) have been used to prevent reherniation of orbital tissue and are known to be inert for many years, though complications are infrequently reported many years after their insertion. Complications associated with implants are infrequent, but infection, orbital hemorrhage, implant extrusion, motility restriction, migration of implant causing dacryocystitis, cystic formation have been described. The latter was known as a rare late complication of blow-out fracture repair. Methods: We report the case of a discovery of a intraorbital hemorrhagic cyst which developed after silicon implant insertion. This patient developed diplopia, unilateral proptosis, exophthalmos, vertical dystopia, ectropion 10 years after repair of blow-out fracture. In this case, orbital CT scan revealed intraorbital cyst surrounding the orbital implant. At surgery, a fibrous capsule surrounded the silicon implant and was filled with mucin pools. Results: Proptosis, diplopia, exophthalmos, ectropion, vertical dystopia were resolved after surgical removal of the cyst and implant. Conclusion: This case illustrate that it is important for us to be aware of the complication of cyst formation around the silicon implants.

Orbital wall restoring surgery with primary orbital wall fragments in blowout fracture

  • Kang, Dong Hee
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 2019
  • Most orbital surgeons believe that it's difficult to restore the primary orbital wall to its previous position and that the orbital wall is so thin that cannot be firmly its primary position. Therefore, orbital wall fractures generally have been reconstructed by replacing the bony defect with a synthetic implant. Although synthetic implants have sufficient strength to maintain their shape and position in the orbital cavity, replacement surgery has some drawbacks due to the residual permanent implants. In previous studies, the author has reported an orbital wall restoring technique in which the primary orbital wall fragment was restored to its prior position through a combination of the transorbital and transantral approaches. Simple straight and curved elevators were introduced transnasally to restore the orbital wall and to maintain temporary extraorbital support in the maxillary and ethmoid sinus. A transconjunctival approach provided sufficient space for implant insertion, while the transnasal approach enabled restoration of the herniated soft tissue back into the orbit. Fracture defect was reduced by restoring the primary orbital wall fragment to its primary position, making it possible to use relatively small size implant, furthermore, extraorbital support from both sinuses decreased the incidence of implant displacement. The author could recreate a natural shape of the orbit with the patient's own orbital bone fragments with this dual approach and effectively restored the orbital volume and shape. This procedure has the advantages for retrieving the orbital contents and restoring the primary orbital wall to its prior position.

안와골절 정복술에 사용된 인공삽입물의 전산화단층촬영 추적관찰 (CT Observation of Alloplastic Materials Used in Blow Out Fracture)

  • 이원;강동희
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.380-384
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Distinguishing different types of implants and assessing the position and size of implants by radiologic exam after orbital wall reconstruction is important in determining the surgery outcome and forecasting prognosis. We observed time-dependent density changes in three types of implants (porous polyethylene, resorbing plate and titanium mesh plate) by performing facial bone CT after orbital wall reconstructions. Methods: A total of 32 patients, who had underwent orbital wall fracture surgery from October 2006 to March 2009 and received facial bone CT as outpatients at 1 postoperative year were included in the study. Follow-up facial bone CT was performed on the patients pre- operatively, 1 month post-operatively, and 1 year post-operatively to observe the status of the orbital implants. Medpor (R) (Porex Surgical, Inc., Newnan, Ga.) was used as porous polyethylene and followed-up in 14 cases; for resorbing plate, Synthes mesh plate (Synthes, Oberdorf, Switzerland) was used in the reconstruction, and followed-up in 11 cases; and titanium mesh plate usage was followed-up in 7 cases. Computed tomographic scan (CT) and water's view were done for radiography, and hounsfield unit (HU) was used to compare density of those facial bone CT. Wilcoxon signed rank test was applied to statistically verify measurement difference in each group of hounsfield units. Results: Facial bone CT examination performed in 1 month post-operative showed that the density of porous polyethylene, resorbing plate and titanium mesh plate were -42.07, 105.67 and 539.48 on average, respectively. Among the three types of implants, titanium mesh plate showed the highest density due to its radiopaque feature. Following up the density of three types of implants in CT during 1 year after the orbital wall fracture surgery, the density of porous polyethylene increased in 10.52 House Field Units and the resorbing plate was decreased in 26.87 HouseField Units. There were no significant differences between densities in 1 month post-operatively and 1 year post-operatively in each group (p0.05). Conclusion: We performed facial bone CT on patients with orbital fractures during follow-up period, distinguishing the types of implants by the different concentration of implant density, and the densities showed little change even at 1 year post-operative. To observe how implant densities change in facial bone CT, further studies with longer follow-up periods should be carried out.

Usefulness of a Transconjunctival Approach in the Reconstruction of the Medial Blow-Out Wall Fracture

  • Lee, Chi An;Sun, Hook;Yun, Ji Young
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2017
  • Background: A transcaruncular approach is typically used for reconstructions of medial wall fractures. However, others reported that a transconjunctival approach was conducive for securing an adequate surgical field of view. In this study, we aimed to examine the extent of repair of medial wall fracture via a transconjunctival approach. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 50 patients diagnosed as having medial wall fracture via preoperative computed tomography and who underwent surgery between March 2011 and February 2014. The fracture location was defined by dividing each of the anterior-posterior and superior-inferior distances into three compartments. Results: A transcaruncular approach was used in 7 patients, while the transconjunctival approach was performed in the remaining 43 patients. The transconjunctival approach enabled a relatively broad range of repair that partially included the front and back of the medial wall, and was successful in 86% of the entire study population. Conclusion: It is known that more than 50% of total cases of the medial wall fracture occur mainly in the middle-middle portion, a majority of which can be reconstructed via a transconjunctival approach. We used a transconjunctival approach in identifying the location of the fracture on image scans except for cases including the fracture of the superior portion in patients with medial wall fracture. If it is possible to identify the location of the fracture, a transconjunctival approach would be an useful method for the reconstruction in that it causes no damages to the lacrimal system and is useful in confirming the overall status of the floor.

내시경과 선택적 도뇨관 풍선을 이용한 안와하벽복원술 (Orbital Floor Reconstruction Using Endoscope and Selected Urethral Balloon Catheter)

  • 최환준;이주철;이형교;김준혁
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Blow-out fractures can be reduced using various methods. The orbital reconstruction technique using a balloon under endoscopic control has advantages over other methods. However, this method has some problems too, such as postoperative follow-up, management of the balloon catheter, and reduction of the posterior orbital floor. Thus, we developed a simple, effective method for orbital floor reduction that involves molding and shaping the antral balloon catheter. Methods: A 0, 30, or 70, 4-mm endoscope was placed though a two-point, 5-mm maxillary antrostomy. The balloon catheter is placed directly at the orbital apex to reconstruct the anterior shelf (spherical shape), while it is turned in a U-shape towards the anterior maxilla for the posterior shelf (elliptical shape). Orbital floor defects, compound or comminuted fractures are reconstructed with alloplastic materials through an open lid incision under the endoscopic control. Results: This technique was applied to ten patients with orbital floor fractures: five anterior shelf and five posterior shelf fracture, respectively. Four of the patients had zygomatico-orbital fractures, while the rest had isolated orbital floor fractures. Two patients were given porous polyethylene implants Synpor(R)) and three underwent reconstruction with a resorbable mesh plate. No complication associated with this technique was identified. Conclusion: The freestyle placement and selection of a urinary balloon catheter under endoscopic control and the preoperative estimation of the volume enhanced the stabilization of the orbital contour. This method improves the adaptation of the orbital floor without the risk of injuring the surrounding orbital contents, dissecting blindly, or using sharp traction. One drawback of this method is the patient's discomfort from the catheter during treatment.