• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image-development

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Development of an Image Tracking System Using an USB Camera on an Embedded System (USB Camera를 이용한 이미지 트래킹을 위한 Pan/Tilt 제어용 Embedded System 개발)

  • Kim, Hie-Sik;Nam, Chul;Ayurzana, Odgera;Ha, Kwan-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.182-184
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    • 2005
  • An embedded system has been applied to many fields including households and industrial sites. The embedded system is implemented fur image tracking in security area. This system supports a fixed IP far the reliable server operation on TCP/IP networks. A real time video image on the is analyzed to detect a certain invader who jumped into the observed area. The digital camera is connected at the USB host port of the target board. The video images from the video camera is continuously analyzed and displayed at the Linux web-server. The moving vector of the invaders on the continuous image frames is calculated and then it sends the calculated pan/tilt movement. That used Block matching algorithm and edge detection algorithm for past speed. And the displacement vector is used at pan/tilt motor control through RS232 serial cable. The experiment result showed tracking performance by the moving part speed of 10 to 150 pixels/sec.

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Robust Least Squares Motion Deblurring Using Inertial Sensor for Strapdown Image IR Sensors (스트랩다운 적외선 영상센서를 위한 관성센서 기반 강인최소자승 움직임 훼손영상 복원 기법)

  • Kim, Ki-Seung;Ra, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.314-320
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a new robust motion deblurring filter using the inertial sensor measurements for strapdown image IR applications. With taking the PSF measurement error into account, the motion blurred image is modeled by the linear uncertain state space equation with the noise corrupted measurement matrix and the stochastic parameter uncertainty. This motivates us to solve the motion deblurring problem based on the recently developed robust least squares estimation theory. In order to suppress the ringing effect on the deblurred image, the robust least squares estimator is slightly modified by adoping the ridge-regression concept. Through the computer simulations using the actual IR scenes, it is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm shows superior and reliable motion deblurring performance even in the presence of time-varying motion artifact.

Development of a Inspection System for the Metal Mask Using a Vision System

  • Choi, Kyung-jin;Park, Chong-Kug;Lee, Yong-Hyun;Park, Se-Seung
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.140.2-140
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we develop the system which inspects the metal mask using area scan camera and belu type xy-table and introduce its inspection algorithm. Thes whole area of the metal mask is divides into several inspection block and the sixe of a inspection block is decided by FOV(Field of View). To compare with the camera image of each block, the reference image is made by gerber file. The ratation angle of the metal mask is calculated through the linear equation that is substituted two end points of horizontal boundary of a specific hole in a camera image for. To calculate the position error caused by belt type xy-table, hough-transform using the distances among the holes in two images os used. The center of the reference image is moved as much as the calculated position error to be coincide with the camera image ...

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Development of Merging Algorithm between 3-D Objects and Real Image for Augmented Reality

  • Kang, Dong-Joong
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.100.5-100
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    • 2002
  • A core technology for implementation of Augmented Reality is to develop a merging algorithm between interesting 3-D objects and real images. In this paper, we present a 3-D object recognition method to decide viewing direction toward the object from camera. This process is the starting point to merge with real image and 3-D objects. Perspective projection between a camera and 3-dimentional objects defines a plane in 3-D space that is from a line in an image and the focal point of the camera. If no errors with perfect 3-D models were introduced in during image feature extraction, then model lines in 3-D space projecting onto this line in the image would exactly lie in this plane. This observa...

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Development of Omnidirectional Ranging System Based on Structured Light Image (구조광 영상기반 전방향 거리측정 시스템 개발)

  • Shin, Jin;Yi, Soo-Yeong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.479-486
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a ranging system is proposed that is able to measure 360 degree omnidirectional distances to environment objects. The ranging system is based on the structured light imaging system with catadioptric omnidirectional mirror. In order to make the ranging system robust against environmental illumination, efficient structured light image processing algorithms are developed; sequential integration of difference images with modulated structured light and radial search based on Bresenham line drawing algorithm. A dedicated FPGA image processor is developed to speed up the overall image processing. Also the distance equation is derived in the omnidirectional imaging system with a hyperbolic mirror. It is expected that the omnidirectional ranging system is useful for mapping and localization of mobile robot. Experiments are carried out to verify the performance of the proposed ranging system.

Comparison of various image fusion methods for impervious surface classification from VNREDSat-1

  • Luu, Hung V.;Pham, Manh V.;Man, Chuc D.;Bui, Hung Q.;Nguyen, Thanh T.N.
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2016
  • Impervious surfaces are important indicators for urban development monitoring. Accurate mapping of urban impervious surfaces with observational satellites, such as VNREDSat-1, remains challenging due to the spectral diversity not captured by an individual PAN image. In this article, five multi-resolution image fusion techniques were compared for the task of classifting urban impervious surfaces. The result shows that for VNREDSat-1 dataset, UNB and Wavelet tranformation methods are the best techniques in reserving spatial and spectral information of original MS image, respectively. However, the UNB technique gives the best results when it comes to impervious surface classification, especially in the case of shadow areas included in non-impervious surface group.

Development and Application of Image Analysis Program for Investigation of Pore Characteristics in Transverse Surface of Hardwoods

  • Kwon, Oh-Kyung;Lee, Phil-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 1998
  • An image analysis program with the function of measuring various quantitative characteristics in the transverse surface of wood was developed using Delphi 2.0. Data on pore characteristics (conditions for image processing, proportion of pores in relationship to other elements, tangential diameter, area, tangential and radial diameter, x and y coordinates of pore center, and geometric coefficients) were saved in text file format. In addition, the pore area histogram in the tangential and radial directions was saved as a BMP (bitmap) type file. Analyses indicated that quantitative characteristics such as the relative radial distribution of pores in a growth ring, pore tangential area histogram, and proportion of pore in lumen area appear to be useful in separating four diffuse-porous woods and four ring-porous woods on the species level.

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A Proposal for Processor for Improved Utilization of High resolution Satellite Images

  • Choi, Kyeong-Hwan;Kim, Sung-Jae;Jo, Yun-Won;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.211-214
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    • 2007
  • With the recent development of spatial information technology, the relative importance of satellite image contents has increased to about 62%, the techniques related to satellite images have improved, and their demand is gradually increasing. Accordingly, a standard processing method for the whole process of collection from satellites to distribution of satellite images is required in many countries for efficient distribution of images and improvement of their utilization. This study presents the processor standardization technique for the preprocessing of satellite images including geometric correction, orthorectification, color adjustment, interpolation for DEM (Digital Elevation Model) production, rearrangement, and image data management, which will standardize the subjective, complex process and improve their utilization by making it easy for general users to use them

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A Study on Mobile Communication system using Stillness Image

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Han, Dae-Mun;Kim, Yeong-Real
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2007
  • We applied digital image processing about BitMap file structure in this research and studied about digital communication system. digital record saving devices can express 'High' and 'Low' as all data. Only, digital technique that two expression methods is used into several expenditures. People and communication that are far away by development of digital technology, became smooth. We wished to make communication system taking advantage of digi-tech. This system was made for communication with disabled and normal person specially. To communication method that we are studied such BitMap file handling image communication system. The goal of this contribution is to present the overview of basic algorithms for image processing using BitMap.

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Development of Dark Field image Processing Technique for the Investigation of Nanostructures

  • Jeon, Jongchul;Kim, Kyou-Hyun
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2017
  • We propose a custom analysis technique for the dark field (DF) image based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The custom analysis technique is developed based on the $DigitalMicrograph^{(R)}$ (DM) script language embedded in the Gatan digital microscopy software, which is used as the operational software for most TEM instruments. The developed software automatically scans an electron beam across a TEM sample and records a series of electron diffraction patterns. The recorded electron diffraction patterns provide DF and ADF images based on digital image processing. An experimental electron diffraction pattern is recorded from a IrMn polycrystal consisting of fine nanograins in order to test the proposed software. We demonstrate that the developed image processing technique well resolves nanograins of ~ 5 nm in diameter.