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The Influences of Perceived Risk on Attributes of Smart Clothing -Comparison among Korea, Spain, and U.S.- (지각된 위험이 스마트 의류 속성에 미치는 영향 연구 -한국, 스페인, 미국 비교 연구-)

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Okazaki, Shintaro;Lee, Chang-Han;Yun, Hye-Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.893-903
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    • 2009
  • Smart clothing represents the future of both the textile/clothing industry and electronic industry and has an effort to make electronic devices a genuine part of our daily life. The researches about technologies innovation and application of smart clothing can be found in previous studies. But consumer researches about perception or attitude toward smart clothing can be hardly found. Therefore, we proposed a conceptual framework that explores the impact of perceived risks on perceived attributes to adopt smart clothing. In addition, we compared differences of this framework among three counties. Korea, U.S. and Spain. Based on the literature review and hypotheses development, a research model was constructed. After data analysis using Amos 7.0, the results can be concluded as following: First, the influences of psychological risk among Korea, U.S. and Spain are same. Psychological risk has negative effect on relative advantage and complexity, but has positive effect on trialability. Second, loss risk was found to have nothing to do with relative advantage. But it negatively influences complexity for Korean consumers and positively influences trialability for both Korean and American consumers. Third, the influences of performance risk for different consumers are different. At last, based on our discussion, some implications were also concluded.

Exploratory Study on the Phenomenon of Technology Transfer in Livestock Industry Based on the Grounded Theory Approach: Backward Linkage Industries in Livestock Industry (근거이론 접근법을 이용한 축산업분야 기술이전현상에 관한 탐색연구: 후방연관산업을 중심으로)

  • Seol, Byung Moon;Park, Jong Bok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2016
  • The competition between countries became internationalized in the market. However, a situation in which globalization is concerned is important to domestic corporates. Corporate strategy to survive in the domestic market are also juggling the limit of survival. Technology transfer and commercialization at this point has important implications now. The same applies to the national level. Public-to-private technology transfer has been more important, in order to overcome the international competitions. Although various studies have been made to promote technology transfer, in the livestock sector rarely attempted. Taking into account that few previous research and theory development has been achieved, the paper explored the technology transfer phenomenon in the sector employing the grounded theory approach by Strauss & Corbin(1998). Corporates that licensed in technologies through the Foundation of Agri. Tech. Commercialization & Transfer, were targeted as informants or interviewees. Finally, eight informants were selected sequentially utilizing theoretical sampling technique to the saturation point. As the result of open coding and axial coding of the interview data using NVivo10 by QSR International, 77 concepts, 20 sub-categories, and 7 categories were derived while paradigm model was established. Through selective coding, 'the factors affecting technology transfer in livestock sector' was identified as core category. The story line about the core category was developed based on four main categories. Finally, it is expected that the concepts, categories, and the relationship between them can be an important basis for further research.

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A Study on Competitiveness and Effect Analysis for Developing a Port Specialized in Northern Sea Route (경쟁력분석에 따른 국내 북극항로 전진기지 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Hee;Lee, Min-Gyu
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.241-251
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    • 2015
  • Recently, It became possible to transport freights and energy resources via Northern Sea Route(NSR) as global warming has been accelerated. As a result, all countries of the world and Korean local governments have had a struggle to take the advantageous position first in NSR development. However, this extreme competitions might have a negative effect on the national port industry and cause unnecessary social costs and economic losses. Therefore, the main target of this study is to find the most suitable port for NSR using AHP analysis. Most of the data was gained from previous literatures and public statistics and the weight of each factor was calculated by the result of expert survey. As a result, Busan port has the biggest competitiveness, followed by Yeosu Gwangyang, Ulsan and Incheon. From the result, this study suggested 3 possible scenarios. The first scenario specializing Busan port in NSR focuses more on developing the related businesses such as repair of ships, refueling, ship stores trade than attracting the more cargoes. the second is a strategy to make Ulsan port as a hub for energy resources, especially liquid cargo on NSR. the last is a mixed one to assign suitable roles to the ports according to their competitive capabilities.

A Study on the Development of Design for Travel Souvenir Connected with a Local Festival - Focusing on the Wood-Craft Industry of Inje-county in Gangwon-province - (지역축제와 연계한 관광문화상품 디자인 개발에 관한 연구 - 강원도 인제군 목공예산업을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Ki;Shin, Soo-Khil;Park, Jeong-Soon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2005
  • This study is intended to promote local woodcraft industry with revitalization of local festival in Inje-county. To do so, we propose the travel souvenir design with local identity and the plan for production and marketing based on the management of 'Design Hospital' and the building of production method through 'laser wood inlaying technique like puzzle style'. Research method is benchmarking analysis of successful cases of travel souvenir which is developed for cultural contents of local festival. The result of this study is the following. First, design outsourcing is done one of support in industry focused on old boy network, Through it, Special brain of design can be supplied without compensation. Also the difficulty of manpower problem is lessened and the ability of product development in short term can be guaranteed. On the basis of this, we are able to apply Mass Customization production by up to date digital production method. This enables us to maintain the production flexibility of cultural goods fit for the traits of local festival. This study is intended to present the best model guananteeing both profit of wood technological industry and the possibility of local cultural.

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A Study on the Threats of Wiretapping and Effective Security Management Strategies (도청보안의 취약성 및 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young Ho;Choi, Kyung Cheol;Woo, Sang Yeob
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.62
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    • pp.347-367
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    • 2020
  • Rapid advancement of technology in today's society has allowed for easy access and use of data, promoting the process of informationization. Along with the merits of such development, unintended consequences of security risks involving wiretapping have been increasing as well. The security threats posed by wiretapping technology must be addressed by every organization and individual, as it could be used to leak confidential information about the nation's security, military and diplomatic strategies, industrial technologies, and personal information. Despite increasing threats stemming from the surrounding nations using advanced wiretapping technology, there is a lack of awareness at the government level, and the existing security measures for detecting and counteracting the wiretapping equipment are ineffective. In this research, the authors offered technical suggestions for improving the security strategies against the threats of wiretapping and information leakage by conducting a content analysis. The authors suggested the units of an agency be assigned a security grade based on its importance, and that adequate security equipment should be operated according to the grade. For instance, around-the-clock surveillance is recommended for grade-1 facilities, and portable wiretapping equipment detectors should be used to protect conference rooms and other key sites.

A Study on the Recycling Improvement method of a Cosmetic Container in Korea (우리나라 화장품용기의 재활용 증진 전략)

  • Kim, Young-Gook;Lee, Hoon;Jung, Jae-Chun
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.128-138
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    • 2002
  • Waste recyling is a very important concept with waste minimization in the waste managment. Especially, recycling waste from the point of environmental and economical view is useful. The recycling part of package waste needs to continuously grow. But, cosmetic container, which is continuosly increased as waste. The difficulty of waste treatment in cosmetic industy produces complicated environment problem. Cosmetic container is difficult to recycle because it mostly made of complex material. Also, cosmetic container is difficult to separate I source and thus usually are generated mixed waste. In this study we performed an analysis on the Recycling Improvement method of a Cosmetic Container The result of this study could be summarized as follows 1) As a part of law and a system improvement, must be achieved Improvement Cosmetic law, Deposit refund system. and charge system, Technology development for recycling of a cosmetic container, Extension of refill productions, Recovery system establishment of a cosmetic container and inducement of a maker's recycling paticipation. 2) As a part of a cosmetic container design improvement, must be achieved simplification and standardize of container's cuality, Cosmetic life cycle extension, Selection of recycling materials and Cosr reduction of a cosmetic container. In conclusion, To the recycling improvement of a cosmetic container, must be achived collective development of system improvement, participation of the government and company and a consumer's recycling consciousness. Most of all, A company need to try to recycling container development of a cosmetic container.

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Impact of organizational influences of management on organizational performance in social enterprise (사회적기업 경영진의 조직역량이 조직성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Joon;Chang, Sug-In
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of orgaizational capability(Organizational management capability, marketing capability, relationship formation capability, governance capability) of management perceived by the members of the social enterprise on performance of organization(both economic and social). For such goal, empirical analysis of research hypothesis 1 (organizational competence and economic performance) and research hypothesis 2 (organizational competence and social performance) was conducted using the statistical program of IBM SPSS 24.0 for the final 195 candidates who work in social enterprise. Both hypothesis 1 and 2 were adopted, as the result of the hypothesis 1 and 2, H1-1 H2-1 (organizational management competence and economic performance and social performance), H1-2 H2-2 (marketing competence and economic performance social performance), H1-3 H2-3 (relationship formation competence, economic performance, and social performance), and H1-4 H2-4 (governance capability and economic performance and social performance) all have a significant effect on economic and social performance. Therefore, the importance of organizational capability of management, executive body of social enterprises, was emphasized for the success and strive of social enterprise and sustainable management. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an education and training system to strategically develop and strengthen the organizational capability of the management, and provide a systematic and long-termed education system and training.

Development of Mobile Tour Game for Site-specific Cultural & Historical Tour Information Service (위치 기반 역사 문화 관광 정보 서비스를 위한 모바일 투어게임 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Schliesser, John;Kim, Min-Soo;Chung, Han-Kyung;Park, Jung-Hyun;Park, Young-Je;Shim, Jung-Wha;Kim, Young-Hee;Kim, Min-Jung;Cho, Shin-A
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02b
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2007
  • 모바일 IT와 무선인터넷의 발달에 따라 디지털 컨텐츠를 담는 뉴미디어로서의 휴대폰의 가능성은 점차 확대되고 있으며, 모바일 컨텐츠 시장도 급속도로 성장하고 있다. 무선인터넷의 발달은 유선 인터넷 컨텐츠를 무선으로 확장하게 하였으며, 장소기반 관광 정보 (Location Based Information) 서비스가 우선적으로 구축되고 있다. 그러나, 현재 모바일 기기로 서비스되고 있는 대부분의 관광정보는 관광지에 대한 간단한 설명, 교통편, 숙박, 음식점 등 매우 실용적이고 일반적이어서 편리하긴 하지만, 그다지 사용하고 싶은 매력은 없는 정보에 그치고 있다. 본 연구는 기술적으로 진화하고 있는 유비쿼터스 도시 환경에서 모바일을 활용하여 어떠한 새로운 형태의 관광 컨텐츠가 가능해질 수 있을까 하는 질문에서 출발하였다. 본 논문은 정보통신연구 진흥원의 지원을 받아 진행했던 지역의 역사, 문화 정보 전달을 위한 모바일 투어 게임 "타임트렉" 프로토타입 개발에 관한 리서치, 컨셉, 프로세스를 정리한 것이다. "타임트렉" 프로젝트에서 추구했던 방향은 문화적, 역사적으로 중요한 장소를 투어하면서 모바일 미디어를 활용하여 보다 깊은 역사, 문화 정보를 새롭고 재미있는 방법으로 전달하고자 하는 것이었다. 특히, 사용자의 보다 적극적인 참여와 흥미유발을 위해 시간여행 능력을 가진 탐정이 과거로 시간여행을 통해 사건을 해결하는 롤플레잉 스토리 기반 게임과 물리적 장소에서 답을 찾아야 하는 오프라인 퀘스트 게임의 형식을 포함하는 모바일 투어 게임형태로 구축하였다. 이렇게 함으로써 관광객들에게 보다 그 장소에 대해 알고 싶어 하는 흥미를 유도하고 투어를 완료하게 유도함으로써 만족스럽고 새로운 관광 경험을 제공하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 새로운 타입의 모바일 관광서비스의 프로토타입 개발에 있어 중점을 두었던 부분은 역사적으로 중요한 장소를 워킹 트레일로 구성하고 그 장소가 가지는 기본적인 문화, 역사적 정보에 오락적 요소(스토리와 게임 요소)를 자연스럽게 혼합하여 흥미로운 컨텐츠를 만들는 것이었으며, 또한 모바일이 가진 위치기반 서비스 기능을 활용하여 효과적으로 컨텐츠를 적재적소에 제시하는 인터페이스 구현에 중점을 두었다. 논문에서는 먼저, 기존의 국내외 모바일 관광정보서비스의 사례 및 연구 동향을 분석하고, 이에 따라 설정한 "타임트렉" 프로젝트의 방향성과, "타임트렉" 프로젝트에서 개발했던 프로토타입에 대하여 요약, 설명하였으며, 사용자 테스트 과정을 기술하였다. 그리고 마지막으로, 시장 세분화에 따른 관광 정보 서비스의 엔터테인먼트화 전략에 대해 논의하였다. 본 연구에서 시도했던 지역의 역사, 문화 관광을 위한 LBS 모바일 기술과 스토리, 게임 등 엔터테인먼트 요소의 결합은 관광객들에게 새로운 형태의 즐거운 관광 경험을 창출할 수 있으며, 관광 산업과 모바일 컨텐츠 산업의 결합이라는 새로운 접근의 장을 개척할 수 있을 것이다.

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The Determinants of Wage Premium (임금(賃金)프리미엄의 결정요인(決定要因))

  • Rhee, Chong-hoon
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.79-106
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    • 1992
  • This study analyzes the determinants of wage premium, defined as the excess of actual wage rate over opportunity wage, for the average worker in a Korean bargaining unit. Average wage premium of a firm is decomposed into quasi-rent per worker and rent-sharing rule. Per capita quasi-rent, representing a firm's ability to pay, is defined as the difference between sales revenue and the opportunity cost of mobile factors, divided by the number of employees. Rent-sharing rule, a measure of workers' bargaining power, is defined as the average wage premium divided by the per capita quasi-rent. Empirical results show that the differences in wage premium among Korean bargaining units are much better explained by the differences in quasi-rent than by the differences in bargaining power. Also, comparing the results of 1986 with those of 1988 show that the wage settlement mechanism in 1988 was not quite different from that of 1986, in spite of the drastic change in industrial relation system in 1987. It may simply yield higher opportunity wages, by raising the bargaining power of overall workers. The tendency of Korean labor market in 1988 to show a dual structure of high & low wage premium sectors, is not due to the fact that the differences in bargaing powers across firms tend to expand, but to the fact that unions tend to reduce the wage differences among the workers within an enterprise by pursuing more equal distribution of total wage premium. Hence, the policies for reducing the wage differentials across firms should focus on rent-regulating industrial policies, e.g. eliminating monopoly rents by deregulation.

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An Exploratory Study on Inhibiting Factors and Enabling Factors of the Integration of Business Planning and Information Systems Planning (사업계획(Business Planning)과 정보시스템계획(Information Systems Planning) 통합의 저해요인 및 성공요인에 관한 탐색적 연구: 한국의 보험산업을 중심으로)

  • Kym, Hyo-Gun;Kim, Soo-Hyun;Kim, Min-Sun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.103-121
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    • 2004
  • It is necessary to assess and reap the benefits of integrating BP(Business Planning) and ISP(Information Systems Planning) in creating competitive advantage and ensuring superior financial performance. Securing and maintaining of integration between BP and ISP is frequently cited as a critical concern of IS managers. In general, however, BP and ISP are not integrated, and organization's strategy isn't supported effectively. Therefore, this paper identifies the current stage of BP-ISP integration of Korean insurance industry based on the survey and then reveals inhibiting factors and enabling factors for BP-ISP integration through the interview with IS managers of type 3 and type 4 companies. The results of this paper suggest factors to accomplish BP-ISP integration successfully for companies which are considering BP-ISP integration.