• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT산업 육성

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An Analysis of the Effect of Regional Strategic Industries on Regional Economic Growth -The Case of ChungNam Province- (지역전략산업의 지역경제성장 효과분석 -충청남도를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dae-Jung;Kim, Tae-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.2085-2092
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    • 2014
  • This study aims at finding the effects, problems and implication of the regional economic growth led by regional strategic industries in the Chungnam Province. It identifies the contribution of regional strategic industries in the regional economic growth even though there is somewhat difference between the sub-sectors of the industries. It also finds out some problems with the selection and implementation processes. In order to improve the regional industrial policy, it need to apply portfolio type of regional industrial development strategy on according to the typology of the industrial growth stages.

IT Industrial Policy of China (중국 IT 산업 정책)

  • Kwon Oh-Heung
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2003
  • China is in the midst of readiness for the jump of the IT industry. It is generally esteemed in business circles that China will step up to the level which can be called the strong country of IT in the aspect of quality as well as the expansion of quantity China has put in operation the supporting policies of IT industry altogether through 'The 10th 5-year plan' which has begun since 2001 keeping pace with it, we are going to find out the desirable directions which we head for by looking into the present situation and policies for the development of Jung-kyung, where 'The master plan of the western development' is now Per-forming to balance the big economic disparity in the eastern and western areas.

Status and Prospects of Chinese E-Commerce (중국의 전자상거래 현황 및 전망)

  • Moon, B.J.;Kim, K.H.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.15 no.6 s.66
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2000
  • 지난 5월 18일 중국과 유럽연합이 중국의 WTO 가입 협상을 최종 마무리함으로써 중국의 WTO 가입은 기정사실화 되었다. 중국의 WTO 가입은 중국 산업에 많은 변화를 가져오게 될 것이다. 인터넷 서비스를 포함한 부가통신서비스 산업에서의 변화는 다른 어떤 산업보다 더욱 심할 것으로 보인다. 현재 중국의 IT 산업은 전반적으로 낙후된 실정에 있다. 따라서, 중국 정부는 WTO 가입에 따른 자국 IT 산업을 보호하고, 육성시키기 위한 정책을 지속적으로 추구하고 있는 실정이다. 특히, 전자상거래를 21세기 정보사회 경제활동의 중요한 요인 중 하나로 인식하여 전자상거래를 활성화할 수 있는 정책을 마련하고 있다. 더불어 중국 전자상거래 분야의 경우 아직 초보단계에 머물고 있어 많은 부분들에 외국 투자가들의 지원을 받아야 할 실정이므로 중국 정부가 외국 투자자들을 유인하기 위한 정책을 펼칠 것으로 예상된다. 본 고에서는 이러한 관점에서 중국의 전자상거래 현황과 향후 시장 전망에 대해 살펴보기로 한다.

Regional Strategic Industry (RSI) Promotion Projects and Their Impact on Regional Economic Growth: Focused on Chungbuk Province Cases (지역전략산업육성사업과 지역경제성장 파급효과: 충북 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Nam-Hee;Jo, Byung-Seol;Ahn, Yoo-Jeong;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.5-29
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    • 2013
  • This study tries to measure the direct and indirect effects of the Regional Strategic Industry (RSI) promotion projects in Chungbuk Province in Korea. In specific, it critically examines whether there exists policy consistency and connectivity between the hardware-oriented Stage I (2002~2007) and the software-centered Stage II (2008~2012) RSI promotion projects. Applying System Dynamics (SD) techniques, this study examines complex system characteristics of RSI promotion projects, all of which have been derived from the causal and stock-flow models and their simulated results. Major findings are as follows: Firstly, 'the continuous investment' is regarded as the most crucial policy leverage for the strategic industry promotion and regional economic growth. Secondly, without exceptions, the RSI promotion projects should switch their evaluation criteria to performance-oriented ones. Thirdly, in selecting their subprojects, the RSI promotion projects should pay due attention to evaluating technology value and marketability. Fourthly, it should put policy priority in strengthening cluster networking and interconnectivity among projects, inevitably supporting a selective number of virtuous network systems. Fifthly, auxiliary projects such as marketing, technology aid, and knowledge-based services should not be overlooked.

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Tasks for Promoting the Horse Industry under FTAs (FTA와 말(馬)산업 육성과제)

  • Lee, Young Soo;Kwon, Soon Koog
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    • v.57
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    • pp.173-198
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    • 2013
  • This study conducts the horse industry, which shows how country has implemented structural adjustment policies in order to cope with the economic shocks that an FTA brought about. Among the FTAs that Korea has made, Korea-EU and Korea-US FTAs have been regard to bring relatively big impact on korean agricultural sector. The horse industry is a very large and important part of our national and local economies. It is diverse, involving agriculture, business, sport, gaming, entertainment and recreation. The enactment of the 'Horse Industry Promotion Act' can be a turning point for the recovery of the livestock industry. The Act is meaningful in that it can be expand the horse industry as a driving force of rural growth and contribute to people's leisure life. In this context, this study aims to draw policy implications for the Korean government to promote the horse industry.

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ITRC탐방 / 아주대학교 게임 애니메이션 센터

  • Sin, Jong-Hun
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.4 s.119
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    • pp.74-77
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    • 2003
  • 정보통신부는 지난 2000년부터 IT 연구분야 인력양성사업의 일환으로 전국의 IT분야 대학연구센터 중에서 우수한 센터 32개를 ITRC(Information Technology Research Center)를 선정, 집중적인 지원을 해 오고 있다. 이 사업의 목적은 석·박사급 고급인력이 결집돼 있는 대학의 IT분야 연구역량을 강화해 IT산업 발전에 필요한 핵심 기반 기술을 전략적으로 연구하고, 관련 전문인력을 집중 육성하고자 함에 있다.이에 월간 <디지털콘텐츠>는 32개 ITRC 가운데 디지털콘텐츠와 관련된 4개 ITRC(아주대 게임애니메이션센터, 연세대 차세대방송기술연구센터, 이화여대 컴퓨터그래픽스/가상현실연구센터, 동신대 멀디미디어콘텐츠연구센터)에 대한 탐방기사를 게재할 예정이다. 그 첫번째로 아주대학교 '게임애니메이션센터'를 취재했다

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기획 / 한국소프트웨어진흥원(KIPA) 디지털콘텐츠제작센터

  • Sin, Seon-Ja
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.8 s.123
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    • pp.96-99
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    • 2003
  • 초고속인터넷의 발전과 더불어 영화, 게임, 음악, e-북 등과 같은 다양한 형태의 디지털콘텐츠들이 복합적으로 융합되는 '컨버전스'양상까지 보이고 있다. 전문가들은 21세기는 콘텐츠가 하드웨어를 지배하는 시대가 될 것으로 전망한다. 콘텐츠는 그만큼 부가가치가 높은 상품이라는 얘기다. 이에 따라 세계 최고의 IT인프라를 자랑하는 우리나라에서도 국가경쟁력 향상을 위해 디지털콘텐츠산업을 적극 육성해야 한다는 목소리가 높다. 한국소프트웨어진흥원내에 자리잡은 디지털콘텐츠제작지원센터는 이런 추세에 부응해 설립, 운영되고 있는 콘텐츠 제작소로 디지털콘텐츠산업 활성화에 한 몫을 담당하며 관련업계의 이목을 끌고 있다.

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Design of an Electronics Industry Development System (전자공업육성(電子工業育成) 시스템의 설계(設計))

  • Choe, Deok-Won
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 1978
  • In this paper it was attempted to design a system for the effective development of electronics industry by use of systems management concept. For the design of this system, current status of electronics industry was analyzed; problem area was derived through this analysis and developmental strategy was determined. As an organization for centeralized coordination, "Electronics Industry Committee" was proposed. The committee controls three specialized organizations such as R&D center, marketing management center, and council for political support. Each function of these special organizations was introduced and special role as a system manager was described.

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Analysis of Government R&D Contribution to the IT Industry (공공부문의 R&D 투자가 IT 산업에 미치는 파급효과 분석)

  • Seo, Hwanjoo;Hong, Pilky
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2010
  • This paper investigates the impact of the government R&D expenditure on the IT industry in Korea. The analysis of such impact can be used to derive the policy implications for the IT industry. The contribution of government R&D to the IT industry was analyzed based on the input-output table of the year 1990-1995-2000. The results show that the amount of the government R&D expenditure induced the IT industry to book twice greater production than it would have been in the absence of such government R&D expenditure during the period under investigation. It is also shown that job creation was strongly encouraged in the broadcasting equipment, software and computer-related services. During the period under the study, the composition of the workers in the IT hardware industry remained unchanged while the production increased significantly, which confirms the jobless growth in the IT hardware industry. The results of this study suggest that the government R&D should focus on improving the competitiveness of the intermediate good and parts industry.

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A Exploratory Study on the Plan to Foster the Horse Industry for the Development of Local Cultural Contents (지역문화 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 마산업 육성 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Kyung;Kim, Kwan-Seok;Park, Gum-Ran
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 2022
  • With the tourism industry stagnating due to the recent COVID-19 virus issue, the importance of preparing a plan to resume and revitalize the tourism industry after the end of the COVID-19 is being emphasized. In particular, this researcher paid attention to the development of the horse industry as it can contribute to the differentiation of services as it is an experience-oriented tourism, and it can be said to be a field with a high potential for sustainable development in the future. However, in the domestic horse industry, legal problems related to installation, industrial structural problems organized around horse racing, and demand-based problems were scattered. Therefore, this researcher suggested a way to improve these problems, improve the quality of life of the people, and lead the horse industry to increase the income of rural residents. As a representative example, a legal improvement plan for the expansion and growth of equestrian facilities was presented, and a strategic incubating infrastructure construction plan was presented to support horse industry workers to nurture the horse industry as the 6th industry on their own. This movement will lead to qualitative growth through the conversion of the horse industry into local cultural contents, and not only to expand the base of public demand for the horse industry, but also to maximize the creation of added value through diversification of the horse industry, leading to qualitative growth of the horse industry.