• Title/Summary/Keyword: IKONOS-2

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  • Yun, Young-Bo;Lee, Sung-Hun;Cho, Seong-Ik;Cho, Woo-Sug
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.852-855
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    • 2006
  • There is an increasing need to use data from different sensors in order to maximize the chances of obtaining a cloud-free image and to meet timely requirements for information. However, the use of data from multiple sensor systems is depending on comprehensive relationships between sensors of different types. Indeed, a study of inter-sensor relationships is well advanced in the effective use of remotely sensed data from multiple sensors. This paper was concerned with relationships between sensors of different types for vegetation indices (VI). The study was conducted using IKONOS and Landsat-7 ETM+ images. IKONOS and Landsat-7 ETM+ image of the same or about the same dates were acquired. The Landsat-7 ETM+ images were resampled in order to make them coincide with the pixel sizes of IKONOS. Inter-relationships of vegetation indices between images were performed using at-satellite reflectance obtained by converting image digital number (DN). All images were applied to topographic normalization method in order to reduce topographic effect in digital imagery. Also, Inter-sensor model equations between two sensors were developed and applied to other study region. In the result, the relational equations can be used to compute or interpret VI of one sensor using the VI of another sensor.

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  • Lee, Jae-Bin;Song, Woo-Seok;Lee, Chang-No;Yu, Ki-Yun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 2007
  • To make use of surveying data obtained from different sensors and different techniques in a common reference frame, it is a pre-requite step to register them in a common coordinate system. For this purpose, we have developed a methodology to register IKONOS-2 Satellite Imagery using ALS data. To achieve this, conjugate features from these data should be extracted in advance. In the study, linear features are chosen as conjugate features because they can be accurately extracted from man-made structures in urban area, and more easily than point features from ALS data. Then, observation equations are established from similarity measurements of the extracted features. During the process, considering the characteristics of systematic errors in IKONOS-2 satellite imagery, the transformation function were selected and used. In addition, we also analyzed how the number of linear features and their spatial distribution used as control features affect the accuracy of registration. Finally, the results were evaluated statistically and the results clearly demonstrated that the proposed algorithms are appropriate to register these data.

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Improving of land-cover map using IKONOS image data (IKONOS 영상자료를 이용한 토지피복도 개선)

  • 장동호;김만규
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2003
  • High resolution satellite image analysis has been recognized as an effective technique for monitoring local land-cover and atmospheric changes. In this study, a new high resolution map for land-cover was generated using both high-resolution IKONOS image and conventional land-use mapping. Fuzzy classification method was applied to classify land-cover, with minimum operator used as a tool for joint membership functions. In separateness analysis, the values were not great for all bands due to discrepancies in spectral reflectance by seasonal variation. The land-cover map generated in this study revealed that conifer forests and farm land in the ground and tidal flat and beach in the ocean were highly changeable. The kappa coefficient was 0.94% and the overall accuracy of classification was 95.0%, thus suggesting a overall high classification accuracy. Accuracy of classification in each class was generally over 90%, whereas low classification accuracy was obtained for classes of mixed forest, river and reservoir. This may be a result of the changes in classification, e.g. reclassification of paddy field as water area after water storage or mixed use of several classification class due to similar spectral patterns. Seasonal factors should be considered to achieve higher accuracy in classification class. In conclusion, firstly, IKONOS image are used to generated a new improved high resolution land-cover map. Secondly, IKONOS image could serve as useful complementary data for decision making when combined with GIS spatial data to produce land-use map.

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The Application of RFM for Geometric Correction of High-Resolution Satellite Image Data (고해상도 인공위성 영상데이터의 기하보정을 위한 RFM의 적용)

  • 안기원;임환철;서두천
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2002
  • In this study, in order to discuss the geometric correction methods of high-resolution IKONOS satellite image, the existing polynomial model and RFM which is able to rectify satellite image without auxiliary data are applied to IKONOS satellite image data. Then the accuracy of ground point versus number of GCPs and each order of RFM are assessed. A numerical instability is removed by application of Tikhonov regularization method. As the results of this study, the root mean square errors of RFM is decreased more than 2 pixels in comparison with the two dimensional polynomial model.

Development of Agriculture-related Data Inventories Using IKONOS Images

  • Kim Seong Joon;Hong Seong Min;Lee Mi Seon;Lim Hyuk Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.618-620
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    • 2004
  • This paper explores the use of IKONOS imagery of 1 m resolution panchromatic (PAN) band and 4 m resolution multi-spectral (MS) band in the development of agriculture­related data inventories. Three images (May 25, 2001, December 25, 2001, October 23, 2003) were used to obtain temporal distributions in crop cover characteristics such as rice, pear, grape, red pepper, corn, barley, garlic and surface water cover of reservoir with field investigations. The availability and cost problems are expected to solve by KOMPSAT-2 that is scheduled to launch in 2005. The capability of KOMPSAT-2 image for crop and rural water resources management will increase by accumulating temporal data inventories as a database.

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  • Oh, Jae-Hong;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.860-863
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    • 2006
  • Epipolar images have to be generated to stereo display aerial images or satellite images. Pushbroom sensor is used to acquire high resolution satellite images. These satellite images have curvilinear epipolar lines unlike the epipolar lines of frame images, which are straight lines. The aforementioned fact makes it difficult to generate epipolar images for pushbroom satellite images. If we assume a linear transition of the sensor having constant speed and attitude during image acquisition, we can generate epipolar images based on parallel projection model (2D Affine model). Recent high resolution images are provided with RPC values so that we can exploit these values to generate epipolar images without using ground control points and tie point. This paper provides a procedure based on the parallel projection model for generating epipolar images directly from a stereo IKONOS images, and experimental results.

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Development of Modeling Method for 3-D Positioning of IKONOS Satellite Imagery (IKONOS 위성영상의 3차원 위치 결정 모형화 기법 개발)

  • 진경혁;홍재민;유환희;유복모
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2004
  • Recent adoption of the generalized sensor model to IKONOS and Quickbird satellite imagery have promoted various research activities concerning alternative sensor models which can replace conventional physical sensor models. For example, there are the Rational Function Model(RFM), the Direct Linear Transform(DLT) and the polynomial transform. In this paper, the DLT model which uses just a few number of GCPs was suggested. To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed DLT model, the RFM using 35 GCPs and the bias compensation method(Fraser et al., 2003) were compared with it. Quantitative evaluation of 3B positioning results were performed with independent check points and the digital elevation models(DEMs). In result, a 1.9- to 2.2-m positioning accuracy was achieved for modeling and DEM accuracy is similar to the accuracy of the other model methods.

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Standardizing Agriculture-related Information Scheme at Various Spatial Resolutions of Remote Sensor Data

  • Kim, Seong J.;Jung, In K.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.561-563
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    • 2003
  • This study is to present a standardized scheme for providing agriculture-related information at various spatial resolutions of satellite images including LANDSAT +ETM, KOMPSAT-1 EOC, ASTER VNIR and IKONOS panchromatic (Pan) and multi-spectral (M/S) images. The satellite images were interpreted especially for identifying agricultural areas, crop types, agricultural facilities and structures. The results were compared with the land cover/land use classification system suggested by Ministry of Construction & Transportation based on NGIS (National Geographic Information System) and Ministry of Environment based on satellite remote sensing data. The results by IKONOS image will be provided to KOMPSAT-2 project for agricultural application.

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Development of the Accuracy Improvement Algorithm of Geopositioning of High Resolution Satellite Imagery based on RF Models (고해상도 위성영상의 RF모델 기반 지상위치의 정확도 개선 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;So, Jae-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.106-118
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    • 2009
  • Satellite imagery with high resolution of about one meter is used widely in commerce and government applications ranging from earth observation and monitoring to national digital mapping. Due to the expensiveness of IKONOS Pro and Precision products, it is attractive to use the low-cost IKONOS Geo product with vendor-provided rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs), to produce highly accurate mapping products. The imaging geometry of IKONOS high-resolution imagery is described by RFs instead of rigorous sensor models. This paper presents four different polynomial models, that are the offset model, the scale and offset model, the Affine model, and the 2nd-order polynomial model, defined respectively in object space and image space to improve the accuracies of the RF-derived ground coordinates. Not only the algorithm for RF-based ground coordinates but also the algorithm for accuracy improvement of RF-based ground coordinates are developed which is based on the four models, The experiment also evaluates the effect of different cartographic parameters such as the number, configuration, and accuracy of ground control points on the accuracy of geopositioning. As the result of a experimental application, the root mean square errors of three dimensional ground coordinates which are first derived by vendor-provided Rational Function models were averagely 8.035m in X, 10.020m in Y and 13.318m in Z direction. After applying polynomial correction algorithm, those errors were dramatically decreased to averagely 2.791m in X, 2.520m in Y and 1.441m in Z. That is, accuracy was greatly improved by 65% in planmetry and 89% in vertical direction.

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Change Detection Using the IKONOS Satellite Images (IKONOS 위성영상을 이용한 변화 탐지)

  • Kang, Gil-Seon;Shin, Sang-Cheul;Cho, Kyu-Jon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.2 s.25
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2003
  • The change detection using the satellite imagery and airphotos has been carried out in the application of terrain mapping, environment, forestry, facility detection, etc. The low-spatial resolution data such as Landsat, NOAA satellite images is generally used for automatic change detection, while on the other hand the high-spatial resolution data is used for change detection by image interpretation. The research to integrate automatic method with manual change detection through the high-spatial resolution satellite image is performed. but the problem such as shadow, building 'lean' due to perspective geometry and precision geocorrection was found. In this paper we performed change detection using the IKONOS satellite images, and present the concerning problem.

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