• Title/Summary/Keyword: II-VI

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Literature survey on steaming processing method based on 'Dongeuibogam' and 'Euihakipmun' ("동의보감(東醫寶鑑)"."의학입문(醫學入門)"에 나타난 증제법(蒸製法) 운용에 관한 문헌적 고찰)

  • Jeong, Gi-Hoon;Roh, Seong-Soo;Choo, Byung-Kil;Seo, Young-Bae
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.137-151
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : provides the basis on steaming processing method (SPM) which was stated in 'Dongeuibogam' and 'Euihakipmun'. Methods : Drugs and prescriptions listed in 'Dongeuibogam' and 'Euihakipmun' were investigated by following criteria; (i) name and prescription of SPM-applied drugs, (ii) protocols on the use of the supporting materials, (iii) kind of supporting materials, (iv) processing period, (v) part of the herb plants, (vi) efficacy of herbal drugs, (vii) tastes of herbal drugs, (viii) meridian tropism of the herbal drugs. Results : 1. The number of herbs was 92 species of from 'Dongeuibogam', 87 from 'Euihakipmun', and the number of prescriptions was 197 from 'Dongeuibogam' and 119 from 'Euihakipmun'. 2. Infiltrating steaming and mixing and steaming procedures were used to process supporting materials. 3. The abundance of supporting materials was in the order of alcohol and ginger juice. 4. A twelve hour-period was most frequently used. 5. The herbal parts used most were in the order of fruit, seed, roots, and stem. 6. According to an efficacy category, a drug supplementing invigoration was used most frequently and a drug eliminating heat followed next. 7. Based on four spirit features, herbs showing warm, cold, and mild features were used most. 8. In considering five tastes, herbs showing sweet and bitter tastes were used most. 9. The herbs supporting the function of liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and lung were used in SPM. The herbs converging to the kidneys and the liver were conducted most in 'Dongeuibogam' and 'Euihakipmun' respectively. No case for herbal drug converging to 'Samcho' was reported. Conclusions : Our investigation on the use of SPM from 'Dongeuibogam' and 'Euihakipmun' revealed that there are special principles underlying the use of supporting materials, SPM period, parts and efficacy.

Chemopreventive Effect of Amorphophallus campanulatus (Roxb.) blume tuber against aberrant crypt foci and cell proliferation in 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine induced colon carcinogenesis

  • Ansil, Puthuparampil Nazarudeen;Prabha, Santhibhavan Prabhakaran;Nitha, Anand;Latha, Mukalel Sankunni
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.5331-5339
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    • 2013
  • Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death, both in men and women. This study investigated the effects of Amorphophallus campanulatus tuber methanolic extract (ACME) on aberrant crypt foci (ACF) formation, colonic cell proliferation, lipid peroxidative damage and the antioxidant status in a long term preclinical model of 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) induced colon carcinogenesis in rats. Male Wistar rats were divided into six groups, viz., group I rats served as controls; group II rats treated as drug controls receiving 250 mg/kg body weight of ACME orally; group III rats received DMH (20 mg/kg body weight) subcutaneously once a week for the first 15 weeks; groups IV, V and VI rats received ACME along with DMH during the initiation, post-initiation stages and the entire period of the study, respectively. All the rats were sacrificed at the end of 30 weeks and the intestinal and colonic tissues from different groups were subjected to biochemical and histological studies. Administration of DMH resulted in significant ($p{\leq}0.05$) intestinal and colonic lipid peroxidation (MDA) and reduction of antioxidants such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione-Stransferase and reduced glutathione. Whereas the supplementation of ACME significantly ($p{\leq}0.05$) improved the intestinal and colonic MDA and reduced glutathione levels and the activities of antioxidant enzymes in DMH intoxicated rats. ACME administration also significantly suppressed the formation and multiplicity of ACF. In addition, the DMH administered rats showed amplified expression of PCNA in the colon and decreased expression of this proliferative marker was clearly noted with initiation, post-initiation and entire period of ACME treatment regimens. These results indicate that ACME could exert a significant chemopreventive effect on colon carcinogenesis induced by DMH.

PLD 법으로 증착된 IZO 박막의 Indium 양에 따른 배향성 변화 연구

  • Jang, Bo-Ra;Lee, Ju-Yeong;Lee, Jong-Hun;Lee, Da-Jeong;Kim, Hong-Seung;Gong, Bo-Hyeon;Jo, Hyeong-Gyun;Bae, Gi-Yeol;Lee, Won-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.59-59
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    • 2010
  • ZnO는 II-VI 족 화합물 반도체로써 상온에서 큰 엑시톤 결합에너지 (~60 meV) 를 가지며 밴드갭이 3.37 eV인 직접 천이형 반도체로 잘 알려진 물질이다. 이러한 ZnO의 물리적 특성은 광학소자로 상용화된 GaN와 유사하기 때문에 LED나 LD등의 광 소자 재료로 주목 받고 있다. 또한 ZnO는 3족 원소 (In, Ga, Al)를 도핑 함으로써 전기적 특성 제어가 가능한 장점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 펄스레이저 증착법 (Pulsed Laser Deposition)을 이용하여 Si (111) 기판 위에 ZnO:In 박막을 성장 시켰으며, 도핑된 indium 양에 따른 ZnO 박막의 배향성 변화를 관찰 하였다. X-선 회절 분석법 (X-ray diffraction), 탐침형 원자현미경 (Atomic Force Microscope) 그리고 투과전자 현미경 (Transmission Electron Microscope)을 측정하였다. XRD 측정 결과 un-doped ZnO 박막은 (002) 방향으로 c-축 우선성장 하였다. 그러나 ZnO 박막내의 Indium 양이 증가 할수록 (002) 방향에서 (101), (102), (103) 등의 (101) 방향으로 성장이 변화 하였으며 5 at.% 이상에서는 (100) 방향의 성장이 관찰 되었다. TEM 측정 결과 un-doped ZnO 박막은 columnar 구조로 성장 되었으나, Indium 양이 증가할수록 column의 size가 감소하며, 5 at.% 이상에서 columnar 구조 성장이 거의 관찰되지 않는다. AFM 결과에서는 Indium 양이 증가 할수록 박막의 표면거칠기와 결정립 크기가 감소하였다.

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A Neuroanatomical and Neurophsiolgical basic Study on the Mechanism of Acupuncture in central nervous system (침자기전(鍼刺機轉)의 중추신경계(中樞神經系)에서의 신경해부(神經解剖).생리학적(生理學的) 기초연구(基礎硏究))

  • Kim, Jeong-Heon
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.514-550
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    • 1996
  • There are many theory in acupuncture mechanism, so we must know the detail contents. and then we can use the acupuncture as we know. the follow article will be helpful in this part. 1. Spinal cord are role in intermediate part in somatosensorypathway also in acupuncture stumulating tract 2. Acute pain pathway started in laminae I, V of gray colmn, next are the spinothalamic tract(trigeminal spinothalamic tract in above neck part) and then go to the specific thalamic nucleus. but chronic pain in laminae II, III, VI, VII, next are spinoreticular tract(trigeminal spinoreticular tract in the neck part) and finally to the nonspecific thalamic nucleus. 3. Thalamus is very important area in somatosensory stimuation including acupuncture stumulating sensory also as a pain control center. but except this, there are Hypothalamus, Limbic system Cerebral cortex and Cerebellum as intermediator. as we Know hypothalamus is related to the emotional analgesic system with a limbic system. 4. A ${\delta$ fiber has relationship in Acute, sharp and initial pain, contrary this C fiber is related with Chronic, dull and last pain. 5. In Acupuncture mechanism of pain analgesia, there are two theory, one is gate control theory as large fiber another is stimuation produced analgesia as small diameter fier. 6. In DNIC, the stimulation sources are mechanical, thermal, heating, pain and acupuncture stimulation etc. we call these as a Heterotopic Noxious Stimulation. 7. In DNIC, SRD(Subnucleus reticularis dorsalis)is core nucleus in pain imtermediated analgesic mechanism. 8. Takeshige insisted nonacupuncture point dependent analgesic mechanism and acupuncture point dependent analgesic mechanism. and protested that Stimulation acupuncture piing evoke blocking nomacupuncture point analgesic pathway.

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Stress Analysis of Total Knee System Depending on Implant Materials and Fixation Methods (인공무릎관절에 있어서 임플란트의 재료 및 고정방법에 따른 응력분석)

  • Cho, C.H.;Cho, Y.K.;Choi, J.B.;Choi, K.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.484-488
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    • 1997
  • Three-dimensional finite element analyses were used to compare the stress distribution and the stability of the fixation among seven different tibial components and to investigate the effect due to implant materials in total knee arthroplasty. The components included an intact tibia(Type I), Cemented Cobalt-Chromium tibial tray implanted with a PMMA cemented Co-Cr stem(Type II), Cemented Co-Cr tibial tray with a uncemented Co-Cr stem(Type III), Cemented Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) tibial tray with a cemented UHMWPE stem (Type IV), Cemented UHMWPE tray with a uncemented UHMWPE stem(Type V), Cemented Co-Cr tray without a stem(Type VI), and Cemented UHMWPE tray without a stem(Type VII). Uncemented components were assumed to have complete bony in growth and a rigid state of fixation between component and bone. The interface between bone/cement/component of cemented components was also assumed to be fully bonded. Bi-condylar forces were applied. The results indicated that Uncemented stem components provided lower bone stress shielding and stress concentration. The UHMWPE tray and stem component showed better agreement with the intact tibia than the Co-Cr Alloy tray and stem components. If the implant tray can be fixed firmed without a stem, Cemented PE tray without a stem(Type VII) may be recommended to give the best characteristics in the sense of stress distribution and stability.

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Incidence of polydactyly and triphalangism of thumb (엄지손가락의 다지증과 세마디가락증의 빈도)

  • Lee, Jeong Min;Kim, Sun Goo;Hwang, Kun;Kim, Yu Jin;Lee, Se IL;Jung, Sung Gyun;Jun, Young Joon
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.458-461
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Preaxial polydactyly is the most common congenital anomaly of upper extremities. In this study, we classified 112 patients of preaxial polydactyly for investigation of recent incidences of each types. Methods: We reviewed 120 cases of preaxial polydactyly diagnosed at university hospitals of Incheon and Bucheon from 2000 to 2008. All cases were grouped using simple radiographs and all cases were classified according to the Upton modified Iowa system. Results: Among the 120 cases of preaxial polydactyly, there were 7 cases(6%) of type I, 35 cases(29%) of type II, 1 case(1%) of type III, 48 cases(40%) of type IV, 12 cases(10%) of type V, 5 cases(4%) of type VI, 12 cases(10%) of type VII polydactyly. All cases of type VII polydactyly were triphalangism. Conclusion: Comparing with Wassel's study and Upton's study, our study showed similar distribution of each types of preaxial polydactyly.

Comparison of GEE Estimators Using Imputation Methods (대체방법별 GEE추정량 비교)

  • 김동욱;노영화
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.407-426
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    • 2003
  • We consider the missing covariates problem in generalized estimating equations(GEE) model. If the covariate is partially missing, GEE can not be calculated. In this paper, we study the performance of 7 imputation methods to handle missing covariates in GEE models, and the properties of GEE estimators are investigated after missing covariates are imputed for ordinal data of repeated measurements. The 7 imputation methods include i) Naive Deletion ii) Sample Average Imputation iii) Row Average Imputation iv) Cross-wave Regression Imputation v) Carry-over Imputation vi) Bayesian Bootstrap vii) Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap. A Monte-Carlo simulation is used to compare the performance of these methods. For the missing mechanism generating the missing data, we assume ignorable nonresponse. Furthermore, we generate missing covariates with or without considering wave nonresp onse patterns.

Dielectric and Optical Properties of InP Quantum Dot Thin Films

  • Mohapatra, Priyaranjan;Dung, Mai Xuan;Choi, Jin-Kyu;Oh, Jun-Ho;Jeong, Hyun-Dam
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.08a
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    • pp.280-280
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    • 2010
  • Semiconductor quantum dots are of great interest for both fundamental research and industrial applications due to their unique size dependant properties. The most promising application of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots or QDs) is probably as emitters in biomedical labeling, LEDs, lasers etc. As compared to II-VI quantum dots, III-V have attracted greater interest owing to their less ionic lattice, larger exciton diameters and reduced toxicity. Among the III-V semiconductor quantum dots, Indium Phosphide (InP) is a popular material due to its bulk band gap of 1.35 (eV) which is responsible for the photoluminescence emission wavelength ranging from blue to near infrared with change in size of QDs. Nevertheless, in recent years, the exact type of collective properties that arise when semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are assembled into two- or three-dimensional arrays has drawn much interest. The term "uantum dot solids" is used to indicate three-dimensional assemblies of semiconductor QDs. The optoelectronic properties of the quantum dot solids are known to depend on the electronic structure of the individual quantum dot building blocks and on their electronic interactions. This paper reports an efficient and rapid method to produce highly luminescent and monodisperse quantum dots solution and solid through fabrication of InP thin films. By varying the molar concentration of Indium to Ligand, QDs of different size were prepared. The absorption and emission behaviors were also studied. Similar measurements were also performed on InP quantum dot solid by fabricating InP thin films. The optical properties of the thin films are measured at different curing temperatures which show a blue shift with increase in temperature. The dielectric properties of the thin films were also investigated by Capacitance-voltage(C-V) measurements in a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) device.

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Development of Biological Criteria for Water Quality Assessment using Benthic Diatoms (부착돌말류를 이용한 생물학적 수질평가지표 개발)

  • Noh, Seongyou;Byeon, Myeongseop;Kim, Miah;Lee, Jaekwan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.879-885
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    • 2009
  • The present study was carried out to develop biological criteria for water quality assessment using benthic diatoms. Selecting of the indicator diatoms, three parameters were considered: broad distribution (180 taxa occurred over 3% at upper level), species abundance (158 taxa occurred over $1.5{\times}10^5cells/cm^2$), and sensitivity (184 taxa occurred more than once as 1st and 2nd dominant species). Overall, total 208 taxa were selected, including 38 varieties, 170 species, 34 genera, 9 families, 3 orders, and 1 phylum. The most dominant taxonomic group (family) was Naviculaceae (52%), followed by Diatomaceae (15%), Nitzschiaceae (12%) and Achnantaceae (11%). COD and TP were proposed as new water quality standards (draft) to improve the existing BOD standard and to manage and control efficiently non-biodegradable organic pollutants. With this regard, we used TP standard (draft) in developing biological water quality criteria for diatoms. TP standards (draft) proposed as Ia = 0.02 mg/L or less, Ib = 0.05 mg/L or less, II = 0.1 mg/L or less, III = 0.2 mg/L or less, IV = 0.4 mg/L or less, V = 0.6 mg/L or less and VI = above 0.6 mg/L. Biological assessment system (4 class system) was developed and proposed for diatom using modified Tropic Diatom Index (TDI). Biological assessment of TDI appear B grade (Good).

The Effect of Donor Antigen-pulsed Dendritic Cells on Survival of Skin Allograft in a Rat Model (흰쥐 모델에서 공여항원에 감작된 수지상세포가 피부동종이식의 생착에 미치는 영향)

  • Eun, Seok Chan;Kim, Byung Jun;Kim, Jin Hee;Heo, Chan Yeong;Baek, Rong Min;Chang, Hak;Minn, Kyung Won
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Prevention of acute rejection in skin allografts without continuous immunosuppression lacks reports in worldwide literature. Needs for chronic immunosuppression preclude the use of tissue allograft as a routine surgical reconstructive option. Recently dendritic cells(DC) gained considerable attention as antigen presenting cells that are also capable of immunologic tolerance induction. This study assesses the effects of alloantigen-pulsed dendritic cells in induction of survival increase in a rat skin allograft model. Methods: Recipient-derived dendritic cells were harvested from rat whole blood and cultured with GM-CSF(200 ng/mL) and IL-4(8 ng/mL) for 2 weeks. Then donor-specific alloantigen pulsed dendritic cells were reinjected into tail vein before skin graft. The rat dorsal skin allografts were transplanted in 5 subgroups. Groups: I) untreated, II) anti-lymphocyte serum(ALS, 0.5 mL), III) FK-506(2 mg/kg), IV) DCp, VI) DCp and FK-506. Graft appearance challenges were assessed postoperatively. Results: The group V(DC and FK-506 treated) showed longest graft survival rate(23.5 days) than other groups; untreated(5.8 days), ALS(7.2 days), FK-506 (17.5 days), DCp(12.2 days). Conclusion: Donor antigen pulsed host dendritic cell combined with short-term immunosuppression prolong skin allograft survival and has potential therapeutic application for induction of donor antigen specific tolerance.