• 제목/요약/키워드: IEL

검색결과 98건 처리시간 0.028초

T cell phenotype and intracellular $IFN-{\gamma}$ production in peritoneal exudate cells and gut intraepithelial lymphocytes during acute Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice

  • Lee, Young-Ha;Shin, Dae-Whan
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2002
  • Although there are many reports on the splenic (systemic) T cell response after Toxoptasma gondii infection, little information is available regarding the local T cell responses of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) and gut intraepithelial Iymphocytes (IEL) following peroral infection with bradyzoites. Mice were infected with 40 cysts of the 76K strain of T. gondii, and then sacrificed at days 0, 1, 4, 7 and 10 postinfection (PI). The cellular composition and T cell responses of PEC and IEL were analyzed. The total number of PEC and IEL per mouse increased after infection, but the ratio of increase was higher in IEL. Lymphocytes were the major component of both PEC and IEL. The relative percentages of PEC macrophages and neutrophils/eosinophils increased signiflcantly at day 1 and 4 PI, whereas those of IEL did not change significantly. The percentage of PEC NK1.1 and ${\gamma\delta}T$ cells peaked at day 4 PI (p < 0.0001), and CD4 and $CD8{\alpha}T$ cells increased continuously after infection. The percentages of IEL $CD8{\alpha}$ and ${\gamma\delta}T$ cells decreased slightly at first, and then increased. CD4 and NK1.1 T cells of IEL did not change significantly after infection. $IFN-{\gamma}-producing$ PEC NK1.1 T cells increased significantly from day 1 PI, but the other T cell subsets produced $IFN-{\gamma}$ abundantly thereafter. The proportion of IEL $IFN-{\gamma}-producing$ $CD8{\alpha}$ and ${\gamma\delta}T$ cells increased significantly after infection, while IEL NK1.1 T cells had similar $IFN-{\gamma}$ production patterns. Taken together, CD4 T cells were the major phenotype and the important $IFN-{\gamma}$ producing T cell subsets in PEC after oral infection with T. gondii whereas $CD8{\alpha}T$ cells had these roles in IEL. These results suggest that PEC and IEL comprise different cell differentials and T cell responses, and according to infection route these factors may contribute to the different cellular immune responses.

Echinostoma hortense를 실험 감염시킨 흰쥐 장상피에서 림프구 (IEL)증감에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Change of the IEL Number in the Intestine of Rats Infected with Echinostoma hotense)

  • 류장근;노병의;이지숙;양용석
    • 대한의생명과학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 1999
  • 저자들은 호르텐스극구흡충을 실험적으로 흰쥐 (Sprague Dawley)에 감염시켰을때 장상피 내 림프구 (intraepithelial lymphocytes: IEL)의 증감여부를 관찰하였다. 즉, 피낭유충을 경 구 감염시킨 다음 1주일부터 8주일까지 격주별로 소장점막에서 IEL의 수치, 융모/선와의 비 (villus/crypt ratio)등을 현미경적으로 관찰하였다. 감염 흰쥐는 격주별로 희생시켰으며 소장의 십이지장과 공장부위의 조직을 획득하여 조직 절편을 제작하였고, Hematoxylin-eosin 및 Giemsa 염색을 실시한 후 IEL 수, 위치의 변동을 현미경적으로 관찰하였다. 융모 위축과 선와 증식 , V/C ratio의 감소를 특징으로 하는 장병변은 감염 1주일 경과한 소장에서 가장 심하였으며 이 병변은 8주일까지 계속되고 있었다. IEL은 감염 1주일에 급속하게 감소하였다가 서서히 증가하다가 8주일 때에는 다소 감소하는 결과를 보였다. 대조군에서 IEL은 대부분 장상피층의 기저부에 위치하였으나, 감염 초기에는 많은 IEL이 장상피세포의 핵주변부와 상층부에 분포하는 것이 특이하였다. 이와 같이 호르텐스극구흡충 감염시 나타나는 IEL수 및 위치의 변동은 장병변의 진행과정과 관련이 있음을 알 수 있었다.

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요코가와흡충 감염 흰쥐에 있어서 장병변 및 장상피내 림프구 (IEL) 증감에 대한 경시적 관찰 (Chronological observation on intestinal histopathology and intraepithelial Iymphocytes in the intestine of rats infected with Metagonimus yokogawai)

  • 채종일;윤태영
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 1994
  • 요코가와흡충 감염시 장상피내 림프구(inkaepithelial Iympho%rotes: IEL)의 증감과 장 병변의 상관관계를 알아보기 위하여 흰쥐(Sprague-Dawley)에 피낭유충을 실험 감염시킨 다음 5일 부터 70일까지 소장 점막에서 IEL 수와 위치, V/C ratio(villus/crypt ratio; 융모/선와의 비) 등을 관찰하였다. 피낭유충은 은어(Plecoglossus altivelis)에서 획득하여 흰쥐 15마리에 각각 3,000개씩 경구 감염시켰고 동일계 흰쥐 3마리를 비감염 대조군으로 사용하였다 감염 5일, 10일, 15일, 24 일 및 70일에 각각 3마리씩 희생시킨 다음 소장 여러 부위에서 조직을 획득하여 절편으로 제작하였고, Giemsa 염색한 후, 병리학적 관찰과 함께 IEL수 및 위치의 변동을 경시적으로 관찰하였다. 응모 위축과 선와 증식. V/C ratio의 감소 등을 특징으로 하는 장병변은 감염 후 5일에서 15일 사이에 가장 심하였으며 감염 24일째부터는 점차 회복되었다. IEL은 감염 초기에 일시적으로 증가하였으나, 장병변이 진행되면서 대조군보다 감소하였다가, 장병변의 회복과 함께 다시 증가하였다 대조군에서 IEL은 대부운 장상피층의 기저부에 위치하였으나, 감염 초기에는 많은 IEL이 장상괴세포의 핵주변부와 상층부에 분포하는 점이 특이하였다 이와 같이 요코가와흡충 감염시 나타나는 IEL수 및 위치의 변동은 장병변의 진행 과정과 밀접한 관련이 있음을 알 수 있었다.

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Elastin Degradation and Collagen III Deficiency in the Superficial Temporal Arteries of Patients with Intracranial Aneurysms

  • Hwang, Chul-Yoon;Roh, Mi-Suk;Huh, Jae-Taeck
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2007
  • Objective : We present the difference of histopathologic changes of the internal elastic lamina (IEL) and collagen III in the superficial temporal artery (STA) between aneurysmal patients and non-aneurysmal patients. Also, the pathologic data with clinical features by comparative methods to validate the risk factor of the intracranial aneurysm are presented. Methods : Samples of the STA were harvested form 38 patients including aneurysmal and non-aneurysmal patients undergoing craniotomy. Paraffin-embedded sections were examined, using hematoxylin and eosin, van Giebson and mouse anti-collagen III staining techniques. Histopathological observations were ana lysed and correlated with clinical features such as presence of aneurysm, hypertension, age, and sex. Results : Twenty-seven patients had the intracranial aneurysm. Of these 24 patients were 50 years old or older. Nineteen patients had a history of hypertension. Twenty patients were female. Histopathological study demostrated the derangement of IEL and the deficiency of type III collagen were prominent in aneurysmal patients (p < 0.05). Fifty years old or older patients did not show correlation with the deficiency of type III collagen, but with the derangement of IEL (p < 0.05). The female sex was not correlated with the derangement of IEL but with the deficiency of type III collagen (p < 0.05). However, Hypertension was not correlated with these pathologic data. Conclusion : Patients with intracranial aneurysms have severe histopathologic changes of the arterial wall showing the derangement of IEL and the deficiency of type III collagen. In the clinico-pathologic study, the advanced age and female sex were considered as risk factors of the intracranial aneurysm.

Mucosal Immune Responses of Mice Experimentally Infected with Pygidiopsis summa (Trematoda: Heterophyidae)

  • Chai, Jong-Yil;Park, Young-Jin;Park, Jae-Hwan;Jung, Bong-Kwang;Shin, Eun-Hee
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2014
  • Mucosal immune responses against Pygidiopsis summa (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) infection were studied in ICR mice. Experimental groups consisted of group 1 (uninfected controls), group 2 (infection with 200 metacercariae), and group 3 (immunosuppression with Depo-Medrol and infection with 200 metacercariae). Worms were recovered in the small intestine at days 1, 3, 5, and 7 post-infection (PI). Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), mast cells, and goblet cells were counted in intestinal tissue sections stained with Giemsa, astra-blue, and periodic acid-Schiff, respectively. Mucosal IgA levels were measured by ELISA. Expulsion of P. summa from the mouse intestine began to occur from days 3-5 PI which sustained until day 7 PI. The worm expulsion was positively correlated with proliferation of IEL, mast cells, goblet cells, and increase of IgA, although in the case of mast cells significant increase was seen only at day 7 PI. Immunosuppression suppressed all these immune effectors and inhibited worm reduction in the intestine until day 7 PI. The results suggested that various immune effectors which include IEL, goblet cells, mast cells, and IgA play roles in regulating the intestinal mucosal immunity of ICR mice against P. summa infection.

Performance Analysis with Various Amounts of Electrolyte in a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell

  • Kim, Yu-Jeong;Kim, Tae-Kyun;Lee, Ki-Jeong;Lee, Choong-Gon
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 2016
  • The effect of initial electrolyte loading (IEL) on cell performance in a coin-type molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) was investigated in this work. Since the material of MCFC depends on the manufacturer, optimisation requires experimental investigation. In total, four IEL values, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 g, were used, corresponding to a pore filling ratio (PFR) of 38, 51, 77, and 102%, respectively. The cell performance with respect to the PFR was analysed via steady-state polarisation, step-chronopotentiomtery, and impedance methods. The electrochemical analyses revealed that internal resistance and overpotential of the cell decreased with increasing PFR, and a large overpotential was observed when the PFR was 102%, probably due to the flooding phenomenon. After operation, cross-section of the cell was analysed via surface analysis of SEM and EDS methods, and the remaining electrolyte was estimated by dissolution of the cell in 10 wt% acetic acid. A linear relationship between IEL and the weight reduction ratio by dissolution was obtained. Thus, the remaining amount of electrolyte could be measured after operation. The results of SEM and EDS showed that a PFR of 38 and 102% showed a lack and flooding of electrolytes at the cell, respectively, which led to a large overpotential. This work reports that MCFC performance is allowed only in the narrow range of PFR.