• Title/Summary/Keyword: ICT-Based

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Tourist Map Services based on Mobile using Social Location Information (소셜 위치정보를 이용한 모바일 기반 관광지도 서비스)

  • Jang, Dong-Min;Chae, Seok-Woo;Kim, Min-Woo;Ryu, Jeong-Uook;Hwang, Se-Hee;Song, Jeo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2016.07a
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    • pp.241-242
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    • 2016
  • 지난해 MERS 등의 영향으로 주춤했던 국내 관광산업이 올해에는 정부의 임시 공휴일 운영 및 대체 공휴일 실시 등과 함께 외국인 관광인구 유입 증가 등으로 MICE산업 형태로 확대되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 국내 관광지를 찾는 다양한 여행자에게 위치에 기반한 상세 관광 안내 모바일 서비스를 제공하고 다양한 이동경로를 갖을 수 있는 실외 관광지의 다중경로에 대하여 이용자 소셜 위치정보를 통해, 사용자별 맞춤형 관광경로 추천 및 최단경로 안내 방법에 대하여 제안한다.

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A High-Isolation MIMO Antenna with Dual-Port Structure for 5G Mobile Phones

  • Yang, Hyung-kyu;Lee, Won-Woo;Rhee, Byung-Ho
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1458-1470
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    • 2018
  • In this letter, a new dual-port Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna is introduced which has two independent signal feeding ports in a single antenna element to achieve smaller antenna volumes for the 5G mobile applications. The dual-port structure is implemented by adding a cross coupled semi-loop (CCSL) antenna as the secondary radiator to the ground short of inverted-F antenna (IFA). It is found that the port to port isolation is not deteriorated when an IFA and CCSL is combined to form a dual-port structure. The isolation property of the proposed antenna is compared with a polarization diversity based dual-port antenna proposed in the literature [9]. The operating frequency range is 3.3-4.0 GHz which is suitable for places where $4{\times}4$ MIMO systems are supposed to be deployed such as in China, EU, Korea and Japan at the band ${\times}$ (3.3 - 3.8GHz. The measured 6-dB impedance bandwidths of the proposed antennas are larger than 700 MHz with isolation between the feeding ports higher than 18 dB [1-2]. The simulation and measurement results show that the proposed antenna concept is a very promising alternative for 5G mobile applications.

Customized Pilot Training Platform with Collaborative Deep Learning in VR/AR Environment (VR/AR 환경의 협업 딥러닝을 적용한 맞춤형 조종사 훈련 플랫폼)

  • Kim, Hee Ju;Lee, Won Jin;Lee, Jae Dong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.1075-1087
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    • 2020
  • Aviation ICT technology is a convergence technology between aviation and electronics, and has a wide variety of applications, including navigation and education. Among them, in the field of aerial pilot training, there are many problems such as the possibility of accidents during training and the lack of coping skills for various situations. This raises the need for a simulated pilot training system similar to actual training. In this paper, pilot training data were collected in pilot training system using VR/AR to increase immersion in flight training, and Customized Pilot Training Platform with Collaborative Deep Learning in VR/AR Environment that can recommend effective training courses to pilots is proposed. To verify the accuracy of the recommendation, the performance of the proposed collaborative deep learning algorithm with the existing recommendation algorithm was evaluated, and the flight test score was measured based on the pilot's training data base, and the deviations of each result were compared. The proposed service platform can expect more reliable recommendation results than previous studies, and the user survey for verification showed high satisfaction.

A Study on Speciality Development of Computer Subject Matter of Elementary School (초등 컴퓨터 교과교육의 전문성 신장 방안)

  • Kim, Hong-Rae
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2005
  • Computer education was started first step as the subject matter at 7th curriculum. Up to the present, It grown up the research scope continuously bat has several issues about education as subject matter. This paper discusses the issues related to speciality development of computer subject matter of elementary school. It make inquiries into the present state about it and is proposed theoretical base for systematic frameworks of it First of all, It is analyzed the curriculum, information infrastructure, human resource, learner, support system, contents related to computer subject matter of elementary school. Based on it, It is proposed concept, structure, scopes of the computer subject matter and a reform measure of teacher education program.

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FinTech - Conversions of Finance Industry based on ICT (핀테크 - 금융과 정보통신 기술의 융합)

  • Lee, Seong-Hoon;Lee, Dong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2015
  • It has been changed various patterns related with our consumption because of popularization and progress on mobile device and service. We can buy a necessary products anywhere and at any time during 24 hours. Through the change of patterns in our life, in recent years, Fintech attracts a lot of attention. Fintech is the fusion type of finance and technology. Industry fields related with Fintech are now proceeding well in america, england and china. Therefore, we studied the issues of Fintech, and described the industrial technology trends in this paper.

A Study on the Classification of Cyber Dysfunction and the Social Cognition Analysis in the Intelligent Information Society (지능정보사회의 사이버 역기능 분류와 사회적 인식 분석)

  • Lim, Gyoo Gun;Ahn, Jae Ik
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2020
  • The Internet cyber space has become more important as it enters the intelligent information society of the 4th Industrial Revolution beyond the information age through the development of ICT, the expansion of personalized services through mobile and SNS, the development of IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence. The Internet has formed a new paradigm in human civilization, but it has focused only on the efficiency of its functions. Therefore, various side effects such as information divide, cyber terrorism, cyber violence, hacking, and personal information leakage are emerging. In this situation, facing the intelligent information society can lead to an uncontrollable chaos. Therefore, this study classifies the cyber dysfunction of intelligent information society and analyzes social cognition, suggests cyber dysfunction standard of intelligent information society, and examines the seriousness of dysfunction, and suggests technical research directions for future technologies and services. The dysfunctional classification of the intelligent information society was classified into five areas of cyber crime and terrorism, infringement of rights, intelligent information usage culture, intelligent information reliability, and social problems by FGI methodology. Based on the classification, the social perception of current and future cyber dysfunction severity was surveyed and it showed female is more sensitive than male about the dysfunction. A GAP analysis confirmed social awareness that the future society would be more serious about AI and cyber crime

AC Arc Detection Method using Mixed Filter and Frequency Analysis (혼합필터와 주파수분석기법을 이용한 교류 아크 검출 기법)

  • Jang, Dong-Uk;Park, Seong-Hee;Lee, Kang-Won
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.200-205
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a technique to determine the normal and arc of an alternating current using a mixed filter composed of an average filter and a band-pass filter and a frequency analysis. The proposed method uses the moving average filter of the FIR filter structure for noise removal and the band-pass filter of the IIR filter structure for detecting only specific frequency components after normalizing the measured current signal based on the maximum value. After performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using the band-pass filtered signal, the total energy is calculated using the magnitude component of the frequency, and the arc is detected using the magnitude of the calculated energy. In order to show the validity of the proposed method, we experimented with various data and found that arc and steady state can be easily discriminated by calculating spectral energy. Therefore, it is considered that the proposed method can be applied to arc diagnosis of low voltage electric wire.

A Fast Implementation of JPEG and Its Application to Multimedia Service in Mobile Handset

  • Jeong Gu-Min;Jung Doo-Hee;Na Seung-Won;Lee Yang-Sun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.1649-1657
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a fast implementation of JPEG is discussed and its application to multimedia service is presented for mobile wireless internet. A fast JPEG player is developed based on several fast algorithms for mobile handset. In the color transformation, RCT is adopted instead of ICT for JPEG source. For the most time-consuming DCT part, the binDCT can reduce the decoding time. In upsampling and RGB conversion, the transformation from YCbCr to RGB 16 bit is made at one time. In some parts, assembly language is applied for high-speed. Also, an implementation of multimedia in mobile handset is described using MJPEG (Motion JPEG) and QCELP(Qualcomm Code Excited Linear Prediction Coding). MJPEG and QCELP are used for video and sound, which are synchronized in handset. For the play of MJPEG, the decoder is implemented as a S/W upon the MSM 5500 baseband chip using the fast JPEG decoder. For the play of QCELP, the embedded QCELP player in handset is used. The implemented multimedia player has a fast speed preserving the image quality.

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A Design of Foundation Technology for PLC-based Smart-grave(Tumulus) System

  • Huh, Jun-Ho;Koh, Taehoon;Seo, Kyungryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.1319-1331
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    • 2015
  • In the Republic of Korea, there's been a culture called 'Hyo' since Koryo Dynasty and this word represents the meaning of paying utmost respects to one's own parents and ancestors whether they are alive or have passed. However, nowadays, most of people live away from their family gravesites so that they do not and cannot take care of them except on the special holidays. For this reason, people could not respond promptly to the incidents occurred at the sites as they receive notifications much later dates most of the time. Thus, in this paper, we propose a low-cost gravesite monitoring system which the users can immediately respond to the disastrous events after being informed of current situations through PLC without delay. For the performance evaluation, the lab and test bed experiments were performed on an actual ship using 200Mbps and 500Mbps products instead of performing an on-site experiment after the system has actually been constructed. The Mountain Region PLC was installed on the power lines and the result showed successful 36.14Mbps communication. Therefore, we expect that this study will contribute in time and cost reduction while constructing the internet infrastructures in mountain regions or building the Smart-graves, tumulus, and charnel houses.

Implementation of a Residual Quantity Monitoring System in a Liquefied Gas Storage Tank based on Wireless Sensor Network Technology (무선센서 네트워크 기술 기반 액화가스 저장탱크 내 잔량 모니터링 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Min-Kyu;Han, Hae-Jin;Han, Jaehwan
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.352-356
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    • 2018
  • This paper relates to a technology for monitoring a liquefied gas storage tank in the special gas field where demand is increasing owing to the continuous growth of related fields such as the semiconductor, display, and ICT convergence electronics industries. We have proposed a system for real - time monitoring using wireless sensor network technology, and implemented a system consisting of a sensor unit, transmitter module, and receiver module to be attached to a liquefied gas storage tank. The system was applied to LCO2 tanks among various liquefied gas storage tanks to verify the feasibility. The storage tanks employed in the experiments has capacities of 16,179 l and was 1,920 mm in inner diameter. Furthermore, the density was 1.03 g/l. The measured data were compared with reference data on the remaining gas level versus the $CO_2$ height of the surface, expressed using a conventional water meter, provided by an existing storage tank supplier. The experimental results show that the data is similar to the standard data provided by the tank supplier, and has a high accuracy and reliability within an error range of 0.03%.