• Title/Summary/Keyword: ICM

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On the publication of Hong JeongHa's GuIlJib (홍정하의 구일집의 저술에 관하여 - 홍정하 탄생 330주년을 기념하며 -)

  • REE, Sangwook;KOH, Youngmee
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.233-248
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    • 2015
  • Year 2014 was very special to Korean mathematical society. Year 2014 was the Mathematical Year of Korea, and the International Congress of Mathematicians "ICM 2014" was held in Seoul, Korea. The year 2014 was also the 330th anniversary year of the birth of Joseon mathematician Hong JeongHa. He is one of the best, in fact the best, of Joseon mathematicians. So it is worth celebrating his birth. Joseon dynasty adopted a caste system, according to which Hong JeongHa was not in the higher class, but in the lower class of the Joseon society. In fact, he was a mathematician, a middle class member, called Jungin, of the society. We think over how Hong JeongHa was able to write his mathematical book GuIlJib in Joseon dynasty.

PromoterWizard: An Integrated Promoter Prediction Program Using Hybrid Methods

  • Park, Kie-Jung;Kim, Ki-Bong
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.194-196
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    • 2011
  • Promoter prediction is a very important problem and is closely related to the main problems of bioinformatics such as the construction of gene regulatory networks and gene function annotation. In this context, we developed an integrated promoter prediction program using hybrid methods, PromoterWizard, which can be employed to detect the core promoter region and the transcription start site (TSS) in vertebrate genomic DNA sequences, an issue of obvious importance for genome annotation efforts. PromoterWizard consists of three main modules and two auxiliary modules. The three main modules include CDRM (Composite Dependency Reflecting Model) module, SVM (Support Vector Machine) module, and ICM (Interpolated Context Model) module. The two auxiliary modules are CpG Island Detector and GCPlot that may contribute to improving the predictive accuracy of the three main modules and facilitating human curator to decide on the final annotation.

Probing Tidal Field Strength of Virgo Cluster Galaxies

  • Yoon, Hye-In;Chung, Ae-Ree
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.74.2-74.2
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    • 2011
  • We probe the tidal perturbation parameter f of Virgo cluster galaxies. The goal is to measure the strength of tidal fields around individual galaxies to get better understanding gravitational processes that can affect galaxy evolution in the cluster environment. The f-value is defined as a logarithmic ratio between the net internal gravitational force within a galaxy and the external tidal force exerted by a neighboring galaxy. Hence, it provides one way to quantify the tidal field strength of galaxies, in particular, due to galaxy neighbors. In this study, we determine f-values of the VIVA galaxies, samples of the VLA Imaging study of Virgo galaxies in Atomic gas, using the Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog (EVCC) which is the most complete Virgo cluster catalog to date. With diagnostics based on the HI gas and R-band morphologies, we discuss the impact of the tidal fields on the evolution of the VIVA sample. Also, we compare the tidal field strength to the intra cluster medium (ICM) pressure for each sample galaxy to pin down environmental processes at work.

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Electrical Conductivity of Sr-doped $ErCrO_3$Solid Solutions (Sr이 치환된 $ErCrO_3$고용체의 전기전도도)

  • 형경우;권태윤
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1159-1164
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    • 2000
  • 페롭스카이트 구조를 갖는 E $r_{1-x}$S $r_{x}$Cr $O_{3-y}$ 계에서 x=0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2인 비화학양론적 화합물 고용체를 1573 K 대기압 하에서 제조하였다. X-선 회절분석을 통하여 제조된 모든 계들이 등방정계 단일상을 형성하였고, 또한 반지름이 큰 S $r^{2+}$를 doping 시켜줌에 따라 격자상수 및 환산부피가 증가됨을 알 수 있었으며, 단위 세포의 부피는 직선성을 보이며 증가하였다. TG-DTA에 따른 열분석 결과 Sr이 치환되지 않은 계에서는 상전이가 발생하는 반면, x값이 0.05 이상인 계들은 고온영역에 이르기까지 등방정계에서 마름모정계로의 상전이가 억제되었다. 전자현미경을 통하여 치환된 Sr의 몰비에 따른 시료들이 미세구조를 관찰하였고, d.c 전도도 측정을 통하여 다결정성 시료계들이 가지는 전도도의 온도 의존성으로부터 구한 활성화 에너지는 0.17 eV였다.다.

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A pilot study of dense molecular gas in a Virgo spiral using a KVN single-dish

  • Lee, Bumhyun;Baek, Junhyun;Chung, Aeree
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.70.1-70.1
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    • 2016
  • NGC 4402 is a spiral galaxy located in the Virgo cluster. It is undergoing active HI gas stripping due to the strong ICM pressure, showing evidence for recent quenching of star formation. Its CO disk is also highly disturbed as HI, yet unlike HI disk, no sign of significant molecular gas stripping is found. Aiming to better understand how atomic gas stripping and disturbed molecular gas result in star formation quenching, we probe properties of molecular gas in the densest forms. As a pilot study, we observed HCN (1-0) and HCO+ (1-0) in the center of NGC 4402 using one of the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) antennas located at Yonsei site. In this work, we present the result from the KVN single-dish observations and discuss its implications.

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Neutral Hydrogen Absorption in Three Virgo Galaxies

  • Chung, Aeree;Lee, Jae-Joon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.87.2-87.2
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    • 2012
  • The HI absorption against bright continuum source provides a unique opportunity to measure spin temperature of the neutral hydrogen gas. We find three cases among the sample of the VIVA (VLA Imaging of Virgo galaxies in Atomic gas) study with self absorption of strong central continuum by galactic HI gas. Using the HI flux ratio of emission and absorption, we constrain the spin temperature of the neutral hydrogen gas on their disk. The HI absorption is marginally resolved in these galaxies, which also allows us to probe the kinematics of the absorbing gas. All three galaxies are severely stripped in HI due to the intra cluster medium (ICM). We discuss the influence of environmental processes on the temperature and kinematics of HI in these galaxies.

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$H_2$ Formation from HI by the Ram Pressure

  • Chung, Eun Jung;Kim, Sungeun;Chung, Aeree
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.70.2-70.2
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    • 2012
  • Ram pressure is known as one of the most efficient mechanisms to deplete the atomic gas of galaxies in the cluster environment. However, the influence of the ram pressure on the molecular gas is not yet clear. Since the molecular gas resides in the galactic center, thus in the deeper potential well, and has higher surface density than the atomic hydrogen, it has been known as that the molecular gas is not easily affected and/or stripped away by the ICM-ISM interaction. To investigate the influence of the ram pressure on the gas properties of galaxies, we compare HI and $^{12}CO$(J=1-0) distribution of NGC 4654 which is experiencing on-going ram pressure and shows distinct HI, CO, optical, and $H_2$ features due to the ram pressure. We discuss the possibilities of H2 formation from HI by the ram pressure and also the star formation activities.

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Development of Registration Method of Panel and Mask for FTM Tube (FTM 튜브의 판넬과 마스크의 일치방법 개발)

  • Yun, Jong-Soon;Jung, Jong-Yun
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents a useful method of registration in manufacturing of shadow color mask for cathode ray tubes of the FTM (Flat Tension Mask) type, wherein the shadow mask and front panel are interchangeable when mask-panels are assembled, which is called ICM system. Theoretical analysis and alignment process are presented. The pattern of mask aperture is registered with a screen pattern of corresponding geometry of the panel in flat tension mask tube. Registration accuracy of panel and mask affects the purity of color cathode ray tube concerned with mislanding. It tries to minimize the misregistration caused by variances, which are mechanical error, mask stretching position error, restrictive number of fiducial point, etc.

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A Study on Control Information Sharing System Using STIX 2.0 (STIX 2.0을 이용한 제어 정보 공유 포맷에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Jee-Young
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.200-203
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    • 2018
  • 최근 기업, 기관, 개인의 자산들에 대한 사이버 위협이 빈번하게 발생되고 있으며, 시장에는 다양한 업체, 제품의 단말/EDR/네트워크 제품들이 경쟁하고 있따. 이로 인해 사이버 위협에 대한 정보 및 제어 정보, 정책 정보들을 사전에 공유하고 해당 정보의 자동화된 해석을 통한 신속한 대응 처리의 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 업체들의 장비/제품에 적용 가능한 제어 정보를 정의하고 이를 공유하기 위한 공유 시스템을 제안한다. 이를 위해 STIX 2.0 표준을 도입하여 제어 정보를 설계하고, 확장 표준을 통해 요구되는 속성들을 추가 정의하여 자동화된 해석 및 대응 처리가 가능하도록 설계한다.

Radio relics in merging clusters of galaxies

  • Roh, Soonyoung;Ryu, Dongsu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.49.2-49.2
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    • 2019
  • Clusters of galaxies shape up through a series of hierarchical mergers. It is believed that major mergers lead to cluster-wide shock waves, which are manifested as radio relics. The 1RXS J0603.0+4213 and CIZA J2242.8+5301 clusters, for instance, contain Mpc-size giant radio relics in the outskirts. Synchrotron emission from these radio relics reveals the presence of relativistic electrons and the magnetic fields of a few ${\mu}G$ strength. The presence of such magnetic fields in the ICM has been explained by the so-called small-scale turbulent dynamo. To get quantitative measures for magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies, we investigate the development of turbulence and the follow-up amplification of magnetic fields through three-dimensional numerical magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations. The turbulence is induced in highly stratified cluster media, and driven sporadically by major mergers. We here present the results, aiming to answer whether the turbulence dynamo scenario can explain the observed strength and scale of magnetic fields in clusters. Also, we discuss whether the observed properties of giant radio relics can be reproduced in our simulations.

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