• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hwang Do-Yeon

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Constructing Strong Identity-Based Designated Verifier Signatures with Self-Unverifiability

  • Ki, Ju-Hee;Hwang, Jung-Yeon;Nyang, Dae-Hun;Chang, Beom-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Lim, Jong-In
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2012
  • An identity-based strong designated verifier signature scheme provides restricted verifiability only for a verifier designated by a signer and proper privacy for the signer. In this paper, we show that strong designated verifier signature schemes do not satisfy the self-unverifiability requirement in the sense that not only exposure of the verifier's secret key but also of the signer's secret key enables an attacker to verify signatures, which should have been the exclusive right of the verifier. We also present a generic method to construct a strong identity-based designated verifier signature scheme with self-unverifiability from identity-based key encapsulation and identity-based key sharing schemes. We prove that a scheme constructed from our method achieves unforgeability, non-transferability, and self-unverifiability if the two underlying components are secure. To show the advantage of our method, we present an example that outputs short signatures and we analyze its performance.

A Study on Intrusion Detection Techniques using Risk Level Analysis of Smart Home's Intrusion Traffic (스마트 홈의 위험수준별 침입 트래픽 분석을 사용한 침입대응 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Yeon-I;Kim, Hwang-Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.3191-3196
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    • 2011
  • Smart home system are being installed in the most new construction of building for the convenience of living life. As smart home systems are becoming more common and their diffusion rates are faster, hacker's attack for the smart home system will be increased. In this paper, Risk level of smart home's to do respond to intrusion that occurred from the wired network and wireless network intrusion cases and attacks can occur in a virtual situation created scenarios to build a database. This is based on the smart home users vulnerable to security to know finding illegal intrusion traffic in real-time and attack prevent was designed the intrusion detection algorithm.

Multidrug-resistance Reversing Activity of Medicinal Plants (약용 식물의 암세포 다제내성 조절 활성 검색)

  • Kim, Se-Eun;Hwang, Bang-Yeon;Kim, Young-Ho;Kim, Young-Choong;Lee, Kyong-Soon;Lee, Jung-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.174-178
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    • 1997
  • Methanol extracts from 450 plants were screened for muttidrug-resistance reversing activity using drug sensitive KB-3-1 and multidrug-resistant KB-Vl cells. Among them, the extracts of Cynanchum wilfordii, Torilis japonica, Celastrus orbiculatus, Melia toosendan and Teminialia chebula strongly potentiated vinblastine cytotoxicity in KB-Vl cells. But their cytotoxicities to both sensitive KB-3-1 and resistant KB-Vl cells were in the same order of magnitude. These results indicate that the above samples would contain the active principles which do not exert their ativity solely by cytotoxicity.

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Performance Analysis of Parity Cache enabled RAID Level 5 for DDR Memory Storage Device (패리티 캐시를 이용한 DDR 메모리 저장 장치용 RAID 레벨 5의 성능 분석)

  • Gu, Bon-Gen;Kwak, Yun-Sik;Cheong, Seung-Kook;Hwang, Jung-Yeon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.916-927
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we analyze the performance of the parity cache enabled RAID level-5 via the simulation. This RAID system consists of the DDR memory-based storage devices. To do this, we develop the simulation model and suggest the basic performance analysis data which we want to get via the simulation. And we implement the simulator based on the simulation model and execute the simulator. From the result of the simulation, we expect that the parity cache enabled RAID level-5 configured by the DDR memory based storage devices has the positive effectiveness to the enhancing of the storage system performance if the storage access patterns of applications are tuned.

To Use AI Camera Block Vision Algorithm Contents Development (AI Camera Block을 사용한 비전 알고리즘 콘텐츠 개발)

  • Lim, Tae Yoon;An, Jae-Yong;Oh, Junhyeok;Kim, Dong-Yeon;Won, JinSub;Hwang, Jun Ho;Do, Youngchae;Woo, Deok Ha;Lee, Seok
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.840-843
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    • 2019
  • IoT 산업이 발전하면서 기존 토이와 IoT 기술을 결합한 스마트토이가 각광 받고 있다. 스마트토이는 수동적인 방식의 기존토이와는 다르게 토이 간 인터렉션이 가능하며 전자 센서들을 사용하여 토이를 사용하는 어린아이들에 코딩을 활용한 콘텐츠를 제공가능하다. 기존 스마트토이는 처음에는 호기심을 자극하지만, 익숙해지면 흥미가 떨어지는 현상을 보인다. 이에 본 논문에서는 기존 스마트토이가 갖는 재미요소 증가와 다양한 콘텐츠의 개발을 위해서 스마트 토이에 Artificial Intelligence(AI) 기능을 접목한 AI 카메라블록을 사용하여 새로운 콘텐츠를 개발하였다.

Reorganization of the Baby-Boom Generation and the University Lifelong Education System (베이비붐 세대와 대학 평생교육 체제의 재구조화)

  • Hwang, Jae-Yeon;An, Kwan-Su
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the learning needs for lifelong education of the baby boom generation, the role of higher education and to reorganization plan the lifelong learning system at higher education levels to realize the lifelong learning system. In order to do this, this study analyzes the present condition of lifelong learning for each age group in South Korea, especially the participation and learning needs of the baby boom generation. Based on this, present lifelong learning reorganization plans in universities examine for the realization of a lifelong learning system.

Field Empirical Result Analysis According to the Operation Reliability Test of the Wireless Gas Shut-off Device (무선가스 차단 장치 동작 신뢰성 시험에 따른 현장 실증 결과분석)

  • Hwang, Do-Yeon;Lee, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2021
  • As IoT technology develops along with the 4th industrial revolution, gas safety products to which IoT technology is applied are being developed. However, since the gas safety system was not allowed, system improvement and operation reliability test for IoT gas safety products are required. This thesis researches IoT fuse cock and smart multi-function meter among IoT gas safety products, and analyzes the empirical data of IoT fuse cock to secure operational reliability data, thereby becoming a leader in IoT gas safety products. It aims to develop gas barrier technology one step further through various test evaluations and methods in the future.

ID-based Authenticated Key Agreement for Unbalanced Computing Environment (비대칭 컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 ID-기반의 인증된 키 동의 프로토콜)

  • Choi Kyu-young;Hwang Jung-yeon;Hong Do-won;Lee Dong-hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2006
  • Key Agreement protocols are among the most basic and widely used cryptographic protocols. In this paper we present an efficient O-based authenticated key agreement (AKA) protocol by using bilinear maps, especially well suited to unbalanced computing environments : an ID-based AKA protocol for Server and Client. Particularly, considering low-power clients' devices, we remove expensive operations such as bilinear maps from a client side. Our protocol uses signcryption and provide security in random oracle model.

Large-Scale Screening of the Plant Extracts for Antifungal Activity against the Plant Pathogenic Fungi

  • Song Hee, Lee;Young Taek, Oh;Do-Yeon, Lee;Eunbyeol, Cho;Byung Su, Hwang;Junhyun, Jeon
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.685-691
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    • 2022
  • Plants produce chemicals of immense diversity that provide great opportunities for development of new antifungal compounds. In search for environment-friendly alternatives to the fungicide of current use, we screened plant extracts obtained from more than eight hundred plant materials collected in Korea for their antifungal activity against the model plant pathogenic fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. This initial screening identified antifungal activities from the eleven plant extract samples, among which nine showed reproducibility in the follow-up screening. These nine samples were able to suppress not only M. oryzae but also other fungal pathogens. Interestingly, the plant extracts obtained from Actinostemma lobatum comprised five out of eight samples, and were the most effective in their antifungal activity. We found that butanol fraction of the A. lobatum extract is the most potent. Identification and characterization of antifungal substances in the A. lobatum extracts would provide the promising lead compounds for new fungicide.

The first record of the winter stonefly genus Mesyatsia Ricker & Ross, 1975 (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygidae) from Korea

  • Hwang, Jeong Mi;Hur, Jun Mi;Kang, Ji Hyoun;Bae, Yeon Jae;Muranyi, David
    • Journal of Species Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.419-421
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    • 2021
  • The genus Mesyatsia Ricker & Ross, 1975 is a small genus of the family Taeniopterygidae with only six species worldwide. This genus is mainly distributed in Asia, but has never been reported in Korea. In this paper, we report Mesyatsia makartchenkoi Teslenko & Zhiltzova, 1992 for the first time from the Korean Peninsula. The specimens were collected from Odaesan National Park, Bangtaesan Natural Recreation Forest, and Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest in Gangwon-do, South Korea by mainly Malaise traps and a few by sweep net. Some pharate larvae and adults crawling on the snow were also collected by handpicking. This species is characterized by the following features: pterostigma with dark spots; abdominal sternum 9 with vesicle; abdominal tergum 10 medially divided into two; subgenital plate strongly elongated, scoop-shaped, upcurved with tongue-shaped apex; cercus blunt. We provide materials, diagnosis for newly recorded species, and distributions. Additionally, we include a provisional key to the genera of Taeniopterygidae from Korea based on males.