• 제목/요약/키워드: Human mast cells-1

검색결과 151건 처리시간 0.028초

목단피의 NF-κB와 MAPKs 억제를 통한 Pro-inflammatory Cytokines 활성에 미치는 효과 (The Effect of Moutan Cortex on Pro-inflammatory Cytokines through NF-κB & MAPKs pathway in HMC-l)

  • 박주호;김경준
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2009
  • Objective : Moutan Cortex (the root bark of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) is widely used in oriental medicine as a remedy for inflammation. However, as yet there is no clear explanation of how MC(Moutan Cortex) affects the production of inflammatory cytokine. This study was to determine the effects of Essence extracted MC on the mast cell-mediated inflammatory responses. Method : We observed the effect of MC on compound 48/80-induced histamine release of rat peritoneal mast cells and the effect of administering MC on PCA in rat. We measured the amount of inflammatory cytokine production induced by the phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) plus calcium ionophore(A23187) in the human mast cell line (HMC-1) incubated with various concentrations of MC. The TNF-$\alpha$ protein levels were analysised by Western blot. The TNF-$\alpha$, IL-6 and IL-8 secreted protein levels were measured by the ELISA assay. The TNF-$\alpha$, IL-6 and IL-8 mRNA levels were measured by the RT-PCR analysis. NF-$\kappa$B, phospho-I$\kappa$B and MAPKs were exmined by Western blot analysis. The NF-$\kappa$B promoter activity was examined by luciferase assay. Result : 1. Enzyme immunoassay indicated that MC suppressed histamine secretion of rat peritoneal mast cells. 2. In PCA dependent on IgE, MC had anti-allergic effect of the internal surface of rat skin. 3. Western blot indicated that MC decreased TNF-$\alpha$ protein levels. 4. ELISA indicated that MC decreased TNF-$\alpha$, IL-6 but MC had no significant effect on IL-8 in HMC-1 cells. 5. RT-PCR indicated that MC decreased TNF-$\alpha$, IL-8 but MC had no significant effect on IL-6 in HMC-l cells. 6. Western blot indicated that MC suppressed the induction of MAPKs, NF-$\kappa$B & phospho-I$\kappa$B activity in HMC-1 cells. 7. Luciferase assay indicated that MC suppressed the PMA plus A23187-induced NF-$\kappa$B promoting activityin HMC-1 cells. Conclusion : In this study, we have found that MC is an inhibitor of NF-$\kappa$B, MAPKs & cytokines on the mast cell-mediated inflammatory responses.

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Regulatory Effect of Th-2 Cytokine Production in Mast Cells by 02PS15

  • Na, Ho-Jeong;Seo, Young-Wan;Lee, Eun-Hee;Kim, Hyung-Min;Hong, Seung-Heon
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2004
  • 02PS15 extracts (BuOH, $H_2O$, and crude extracts) significantly inhibited IL-4 and IL-6 secretion from the phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-plus phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-induced peripheral blood mononuclear cleas (P<0.05). 02PS15 extracts (BuOH and crude extracts) also significantly inhibited the histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells (P<0.05). Significant reduced levels (P<0.05) of PMA- and A23187-induced IL-8 were observed in the human mast cell line, HMC-1, with O2PS15 extracts (BuOH and crude extracts). 02PS15 extracts (BuOH and crude extract) downregulated the expression of IL-6 and IL-8 in the activated HMC-1. These results suggest that O2PS15 has the inhibitory effect of atopic allergic reaction anil this might be useful for clinical application to treat several allergic diseases such as atopic dermatitis.

Luteolin Inhibits Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathway Through Protease-Activated Receptors (-2 and -4) and Their Agonist Activity

  • Lee, Sun-Hee;Sohn, Yong-Sun;Choi, Yeon-A;Lee, Ji-Eun;Kim, Dae-Ki;Lee, Young-Mi
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.169-173
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    • 2007
  • Luteolin is a major flavonoid of Lonicera japonica and has anti-inflammatory effect. The activation of proteinase-activated receptor (PAR)-2 and -4 by trypsin appears to play a role in inflammation, In the present study, we examined the inhibitory effects of luteolin on activation of trypsin-induced human leukemic mast cells (HMC-1). HMC-1 cells were stimulated with trypsin, PAR-2 and PAR-4 agonist, in the presence or absence of luteolin. The level of TNF-${\alpha}$ secretion was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The expression of tryptase and phosphorylated-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) were assessed by Westem blot analysis. Moreover, trypsin activity was measured by the substrate Bz-DL-Arg-p-nitroanilide (BAPNA). TNF-${\alpha}$ secretion and Tryptase expression in trypsin-stimulated HMC-1 cells were markedly inhibited by pretreatment of luteolin. Furthermore, the pretreatment of luteolin resulted in the reduction of ERK phosphorylation and trypsin activity. These results suggest that luteolin might has the inhibitory effects on the PAR-2 and -4-dependent inflammation.

Dynamin 2-mediated endocytosis of BLT1 is required for IL-8 production in HMC-1 cells induced by Trichomonas vaginalis-derived secretory products

  • Young Ah Lee;Myeong Heon Shin
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제62권3호
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    • pp.281-293
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    • 2024
  • We previously reported that leukotriene B4 (LTB4) contained in Trichomonas vaginalis-derived secretory products (TvSP) play an essential role in interleukin-8 (IL-8) production in human mast cell line (HMC-1 cells) via LTB4 receptor (BLT)-mediated Nuclear Factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activation. Dynamin, a GTPase, has been known to be involved in endocytosis of receptors for signaling of production of cytokine or chemokines. In the present study, we investigated the role of dynamin-mediated BLT1 endocytosis in TvSP-induced IL-8 production. When HMC-1 cells were transfected with BLT1 or BLT2 siRNA, TvSP-induced IL-8 production was significantly inhibited compared with that in cells transfected with control siRNA. In addition, pretreatment of HMC-1 cells with a dynamin inhibitor (Dynasore) reduced IL-8 production induced by TvSP or LTB4. TvSP- or LTB4-induced phosphorylation of NF-κB was also attenuated by pretreatment with Dynasore. After exposing HMC-1 cells to TvSP or LTB4, BLT1 was translocated from the intracellular compartments to the plasma membrane within 30 min. At 60 min after stimulation with TvSP or LTB4, BLT1 remigrated from the cell surface to intracellular areas. Pretreatment of HMC-1 cells with dynamin-2 siRNA blocked internalization of BLT1 induced by TvSP or LTB4. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that dynamin-2 strongly interacted with BLT1 60 min after stimulation with TvSP or LTB4. These results suggest that T. vaginalis-secreted LTB4 induces IL-8 production in HMC-1 cells via dynamin 2-mediated endocytosis of BLT1 and phosphorylation of NF-κB.

자음강화탕(滋陰降火湯)의 알레르기성 염증반응억제(炎症反應抑制) 효과(效果) (Inhibitory Effect of Jaeumganghwa-tang on Allergic Inflammatory Reaction)

  • 김홍준;김우성;박형진;문구;김동웅;원진희;김유경
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.174-182
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    • 2004
  • Object : This study investigates Jaeumganghwa-tang(JGT) has been used for the purpose of prevention and treatment of allergic inflammatory diseases. This study was to investigate the biological effects of JGT. Methods : Cytotoxcicity and inflammatory cytokines secretion with human mast cells(HMC-1) were examined. HMC-1 cells were stimulated with phorbol l2-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and calcium ionophore A23l87. JGT by itself had no effect on cytotoxicity of HMC-1. The effects of JGT on the secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-${\alpha}$) and interleukin(IL)-6 from HMC-1 were evaluated with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). Result : It was found that JGT inhibited PMA plus A23187-induced TNF-${\alpha}$ and IL-6 secretion. JGT also inhibited the $NF-{\kappa}$B(p50) expression. Conclusion : These results suggest that JGT inhibits the secretion of inflammatory cytokines in HMC-1 cells through blockade of $NF-{\kappa}B$ activation. Taken together, these effects support a role for JGT as a therapeutic agent in treatment of allergic inflammatory diseases such as asthma.

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In Vitro 및 In Vivo 알러지성 염증반응에 대한 흑홍삼의 억제효과 (Inhibitory Effects of Black-red Ginseng Extracts on Allergic Inflammation In Vitro and In Vivo)

  • 염미정;오주영;이봄비;함대현;박히준
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2017
  • Black-red ginseng (BRGP) exhibits more potent biological activities than white and red ginseng. However, the effect of BRGP on allergic inflammation has not been studied extensively. In this study, we attempted to evaluate the effects of BRGP on allergic inflammation in vitro and in vivo. The effects of BRGP on pro-inflammatory mediators in phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and A23187-stimulated human mast cells (HMC-1) and on trimellitic anhydride (TMA)-induced atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in BALB/c mice were evaluated. BRGP suppressed the expression of $TNF-{\alpha}$, IL-6 and IL-8 from HMC-1 stimulated with PMA and A23187. Furthermore, the oral administration of BRGP markedly significantly reduced apparent severity of atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions, ear swelling, lymph node weight gains and serum IgE levels induced by TMA in mice. BRGP treatment also ameliorated epidermal hyperplasia and infiltration of inflammatory cells including mast cells. Taken together, BRGP possesses significant anti-atopic efficacy, suggesting that it could be used as a potential therapeutic agent for allergic inflammatory diseases, including atopic dermatitis.


  • 김재곤;허선;백병주
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2001
  • Dendroaspis natriuretic peptide (DNP)는 최근에 green Mamba snake Dendroaspis angusticeps의 독(venom)에서 발견된 17개의 아미노산 disulfide링 구조를 포함하는 38개 아미노산 펩티드로 natriuretic peptide family와 그 구조가 비슷하다. Natriuretic peptide family는 사람과 흰쥐 비만세포로부터 히스타민을 유리시킨다고 알려져 있다. 그러나 DNP가 비만 세포로부터 히스타민을 유리 시키는 여부는 밝혀져 있지 않다. 본 연구는 DNP가 흰쥐 복강 비만세포로부터 히스타민을 유리시키는 여부와 함께 히스타민 유리기전을 구명하고자 실시되었다. 다양한 농도의 DNP를 흰쥐 복강 비만세포에 처리한 다음, 비만세포의 탈과립을 도립 광학현미경으로 관찰하였다. 히스타민 유리량은 방사효소법으로 측정하였고 세포내 칼슘 유입량과 cyclic GMP의 수준은 방사면역법으로 측정하였다. DNP는 흰쥐 복강 비만세포를 탈과립시켰고 농도가 증가함에 따라 비만세포로부터 히스타민 유리량이 증가되었다. 또한 DNP는 농도 증가에 비례하여 비만세포 안으로 세포밖의 칼슘을 유입시켰으며 세포안의 cyclic GMP의 수준을 증가시켰다. 이상의 결과로 미루어, DNP는 비만세포 안의 cyclic GMP와 칼슘의 농도를 증가시켜 비만세포로부터 히스타민을 유리시키는 것으로 생각된다.

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알레르기반응에 대한 지실과 지각의 효과 비교 연구 (The Comparative Study of Fructus Immaturus Ponciri and Fructus Ponciri Effect on Allergic Reaction)

  • 엄용대;김대한;정종길;신민교;송호준
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2001
  • Objective : To investigate the effect between Fructus Immaturus Ponciri (FIP, the immature fruit of Poncirus trifoliata) and Fructus Ponciri (FP, the ripe fruit of Poncirus trifoliata) on mast cell-mediated immediate-type allergic reactions. Methods : We performed anaphylactic reaction, histamine release, cAMP, $TNF-{\alpha}$, IgE. Results : The aqueous extract of FIP dose-dependently inhibited systemic and local allergic reaction was induced by compound 48/80 or anti-dinitrophenyl (DNP) IgE in a murine model. FIP also significantly inhibited mast cell-dependent ear swelling response induced by topical application of compound 48/80. When mice were orally pretreated with FIP, the plasma histamine levels were reduced in a dose-dependent manner. FIP dose-dependently inhibited histamine release from the rat peritoneal mast cells (RPMCs) was activated by compound 48/80 or anti-DNP IgE. The level of cAMP in RPMCs, when FIP was added, increased compared with that of a normal or control. In addition, FIP had a significant inhibitory effect on anti-DNP IgE-induced tumor necrosis factor-a ($TNF-{\alpha}$) production from the RPMCs and IgE produced by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine whole spleen cells or U266B1 as human IgE-bearing B cells. However, FP showed the lower inhibition rate than those of FIP in above all allergic reactions. Conclusion : These data have important implications for our understanding of the clinical effects of FIP and FP on allergic diseases, and FIP is more effective than FP on the allergic reaction.

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Acanthoic acid blocks production of pro-inflammatory mediators by inhibiting the ERK activation in trypsin-stimulated human leukemic mast cells

  • Kang, Ok-Hwa;Tae, Jin;Choi, Yeon-A;Kwon, Dong-Yeul;Kim, Yun-Kyung;Cai, Xing-Fu;Kim, Young-Ho;Bae, Ki-Hwan;Lee, Young-Mi
    • 대한약학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한약학회 2003년도 Proceedings of the Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea Vol.2-2
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    • pp.88.3-89
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    • 2003
  • Acanthoic acid (AA) is a pimaradiene diterpene isolated from the Korean medicinal plant, Acanthopanax koreanum (Araliaceae), which has been traditionally used as a tonic and sedative as well as in the treatment of rheumatism and diabetes in korea. Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) agonist trypsin plays a role in inflammation, and human leukemic mast cells (HMC-l) express PAR-2. In the present study, the effect of acanthoic acid on production of tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$ (TNF-${\alpha}$) and tryptase in trypsin-stimulated HMC-1 was examined. (omitted)

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인간의 단핵구와 비만세포에서 다양한 아토피 유발물질이 사이토카인 유전자의 발현에 미치는 영향 (Effects of atopic dermatitis induced materials on the expression of cytokine genes in human monocytes and mast cells)

  • 박경숙;김경준
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : On an experimental basis, the effects of atopic dermatitis induced materials on the expression of cytokine genes in human monocytes (THP-1, U937) and mast cells were studied. This study was carried out to be considered a fundamental knowledge in the research on the good of oriental medicine. Methods : After culturing THP-1, U937, and HMC-1, with the three different concentrations of LPS ($1\;{\mu}g/ml$), DPE ($10\;{\mu}g/ml$), and DNCB ($1\;{\mu}g/ml$), atopic dermatitis induced materials were treated in the culture medium. To investigate cytokine genes expression patterns, with lysis buffer and separation reagent, total RNA was extracted from THP-1, U937, and HMC-1 at intervals of 0, 12, 24, and 48 hours. Both cytokine mRNA expression patterns by atopic dermatitis induced materials and change of cytokine genes expression patterns in relation to atopy by selenium were analyzed with RT-PCR. Also IL-4 and INF-$\gamma$, which were secreted in the HMC-1, were analyzed using ELISA method. Results : 1. After treating THP-1 and U937 with LPS, DPE, and DNCB, there was no significant change in cytokine genes themselves, but various cytokines (IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-13, IFN-$\gamma$, IFN-a, MCP-1, B2-MG) were expressed. 2. In the case of HMC-1, the expressions of IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly increased in the analysis of mRNA expression by dust mite allergens in DPE. 3. As a result of ELISA method, it is certain that IL-4 and IFN-$\gamma$ protein were secreted in the HMC-1 by DPE. 4. Selenium, an essential trace element, decreased the IL-10 and IL-13 expression in the HMC-1 by DPE. Conclusion : The results suggest that it is necessary to choose proper atopic dermatitis induced materials and suitable cultured cells in establishment of in vitro model of atopic dermatitis.