• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hu Shi

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The Study on the Acupuncture point(穴位) of Dongshi-Acupuncture(董氏鍼) (동씨침(董氏鍼)의 혈위(穴位)에 관한 고찰 (I) - 수지부(手指部)에 있는 혈(穴) -)

  • Kim, Taek-Ryul;Lee, Joon-Moo
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.159-174
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    • 2004
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to find out differences of the points locations of Dongshi-Acupuncture described in some related books. Methods : This study was carried out by means of comparing the different locational descriptions on the same acupoint in those books : Dong Shi Ji Xue Zhen Jiu Xue(董氏奇穴鍼灸學), Shi Yong Dong Shi Zhen Jiu Ji Xue Quan Ji(實用董氏鍼灸奇穴全集), Dong Shi Zhen Jiu Ji Xue Jing Yan Lu(董氏鍼灸奇穴經驗錄), Dong Shi Leng Zhen Cheng Xue Xue(동씨능침징혈학), Dong Shi Ji Xue Tu Pu Zhi Liao Xue(董氏奇穴圖譜治療學), Tai Wan Dong Shi Zhen Jiu Jing Xue Xue (台灣董氏鍼灸經穴學). Results : There are disagreement on the number, locations, cuns of acupuncture points among the books: the numbers of 11 kinds of points, locations of 2 points and cun of 15 points. Conclusions : The authors can be grouped by the opinions on the acupuncture points. One group consists of Yang Wei Jie(楊維傑), Lai Jin Xiong(賴金雄) and Hu Bing Quin(胡丙權) and Hu Wen Zhi(胡文智), Liu Jian Zhong(陸建中) and Li Guo Zheng(李國政) form the other.

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Representing Topic-Comment Structures in Chinese

  • Pan, Haihua;Hu, Jianhua
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Language and Information Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.382-390
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    • 2002
  • Shi (2000) claims that topics must be related to a syntactic position in the comment, thus denying the existence of dangling topics in Chinese. Under Shi's analysis, the dangling topic sentences in Chinese are not topic-comment but subject-predicate sentences. However, Shi's arguments are not without problems. In this paper we argue that topics in Chinese can be licensed not only by a syntactic gap but also by a semantic gap/variable without syntactic realization. Under our analysis, all the dangling topics discussed in Shi (2000) are, in fact, not subjects but topics licensed by a semantic gap/variable that can turn the relevant comment into an open predicate, thus licensing dangling topics and deriving well-formed topic-comment constructions. Our analysis fares better than Shi's in not only unifying the licensing mechanism of a topic to an open predicate without considering how the open predicate is derived, but also unifying the treatment of normal and dangling topics in Chinese,

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A Bibliographic Study on the Cause of Aphasia (음아의 원인(原因)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Han, Dae-Gil
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 1990
  • I studied some important medical liter atures in order to examine the cause of Aphasia and found out some facts as follows : 1. Hwang Je Nae Kgong(黃帝內經) is more referred exogenous causes of disease of Aphasia than endogenous causes of disease. 2. Among many causes of Aphasia, exogenous causes of disease was cinsidered to be most common in Soh Shi Je Byong Won Hu chong Rhon(巢氏諸病源喉總論), which has had a wide influence down the ages. 3. Chon Keum Yo Bang(千金要方), Chi Tae Bhi Yo(外臺秘要), Tae Pyong Song Hye Bang(太平聖惠方), Song Je Chong Rok(聖濟總綠). Bu In Yang Bang(婦人良方) and so forth had been quoted from Hwang Je Nae Kyong and Soh Shi Je Byong Won Hu Chong Ron(巢氏諸病源喉總論). 4. In the ming dynasty had been quoted non-exo-endogenous causes of disease and the Kinds of Aphasia and prescription. 5. In the Choeun dynasty and the Ching dynasty, exogenous causes of disease was confined to the quotation of the books referred to above as well, but endogenous causes of disease was developed. 6. Today is refered kidney and Aphasia. The cause of Aphasia obtained was as follows. The exogenous cause of disease is wind, wind and cold, wind and heat. The endogenous cause of disease is pregnancy, heart block of postpartum, weakness of heart and kidney, impairment of seven modes of emotions, stagnation of phlegm and phlegm-fire, hemorrhage. The non exo-endogenous causes of disease is sing ballads and call out.

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Effects on the Thermal Changes of the Ankie Region Following Acupuncture on Wu-Hu (오호혈(五虎穴)이 족과부(足踝部) 체표온도변화(體表溫度變化)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Byun, Jae-Young;Ahn, Soo-Gi;Lee, Geon-Mok;Park, Yong-Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2001
  • Background and Purpose : There have been many studys about the relationship between the meridians and the acupoints of the twelve meridians, but no study about the extra points. To verify Dong-Shi acupoints, a kind of extra points, we studied the effects on the thermal changes of the ankle region following acupuncture on the Wu-Hu. Object and Methods : This study was researched into clinical statistics for 45 healthy normal students. The object was divided into two groups. One was the control group and the other was the acupuncture group. The acupuncture group was divided into two groups ; ACU-up : The class of ascent thermal change among acupuncture group. ACU-dn : The class of descent thermal change among acupuncture group. First, in the control group, we took a picture at the ankle region(BL60, BL62, GB40, ST41) without any stimulation with the Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging System and did after 10 minutes respectively. Second, in the acupuncture group, we took a picture without any stimulation and then acupuncture on Wu-Hu and took a picture after 10 minutes in the same way respectively. Results : 1. In the control group, average thermal change of BL60, BL62, GB40 and ST41 was decreased(about $0.2^{\circ}C$) after 10 minutes. 2. The skin temperature of all measured parts was significantly lower in the ACU-dn group after 10 minutes. 3. There were no significant differences of thermal change between the control and the acupuncture group, between the control and ACU-up group after 10 minutes. Conclusion : This result indicated that the acupuncture on the Wu-Hu was effective at the ankle region. And so the more study is needed continuously.

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Novel Phosphors for UV Excitable White Light Emitting Diodes

  • Liu, Ru-Shi;Lin, Chun-Che;Tang, Yu-Sheng;Hu, Shu-Fen
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.1343-1346
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    • 2008
  • $KSrPO_4$ and $Sr_3(Al_2O_5)Cl_2$ phosphors doped with $Eu^{2+}$ emit a blue and orange-yellow luminescence under ultraviolet (UV) excitation at ~ 400 nm, respectivel, which can be used for making white light emitting diodes.

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Procedural Changes of Zhuzi(朱子)'s Theory of ZhongHe(中和) and the Theory of Jing(敬) (주자(朱子)의 중화설(中和說) 변천과정과 '경(敬)'공부론(工夫論))

  • Seo, Geun-Sik
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.48
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    • pp.225-252
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, the writer examined the procedural changes of Zhuzi(朱子)'s theory of ZhongHe(中和), and also investigated the evaluations thereof made by the later generations. In the stage of ZhongHeJiuShuo(中和舊說), Zhuzi(朱子) ignored the theory of Lidong(李?), which was traditional theory argued by DaoNam School(道南學派). He met Zhangshi(張?) of HuXiang School(湖湘學派) and followed the school's philosophy, 'XianChaShiHouHanYang(先察識後涵養)', meaning what you should do first prior to making great efforts in self-cultivation is to examine the past, when desiring to know yourself. Even though Zhuzi(朱子) had learned the method of moral cultivation from Lidong(李?), he was fascinated by such method of moral cultivation as 'XianChaShiHouHanYang(先察識後涵養)' advocated by HuXiang School(湖湘學派) through discussion with Zhangshi(張?). This tells that he only recognized the fact that there were no achievements WeiFa(未發), but only the achievements YiFa(已發). In the stage of ZhongHeXinShuo(中和新說), he realized the mistakes committed in the time of ZhongHeJiuShuo(中和舊說), and put emphasis upon the achievements in the time WeiFa(未發). Zhuzi(朱子) had explained the relationships among mind, nature, and emotional bond as by his theory, 'XinTongXingQing(心統性情)', meaning that mind controls humans' original nature. Also he followed self-cultivation of Respect, no longer believing the Huhong(胡宏)'s XianChaShiHouHanYang(先察識後涵養). Such a method of self-cultivation means that his method of moral cultivation centered on the achievements YiFa(已發), which was originated from HuXiang School(湖湘學派), had been changed into the method of moral cultivation with a focus on the achievements WeiFa(未發), which was theory argued by DaoNam School(道南學派). However, Zhuzi(朱子)'s theory of ZhongHe(中和) that had seemed perfect began to be discussed and polished again during Joseon Period through the debates between Ligu(栗谷) and Niuxi(牛溪) in the 16th century, and through the debates between Youan(尤庵) and Yuxuan(寓軒) in the 17th century, also through the HuLuoLunZheng(湖洛論爭) represented by Nantang(南塘) and Weiyan(巍巖). Since Zhuzi(朱子)'s theory of ZhongHe(中和) had some flaws, it had to put through such debates as mentioned above. Those debates were generated because imperfections were found in the theory of ZhongHe(中和) by Zhuzi(朱子).

Development of gradient composite shielding material for shielding neutrons and gamma rays

  • Hu, Guang;Shi, Guang;Hu, Huasi;Yang, Quanzhan;Yu, Bo;Sun, Weiqiang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.10
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    • pp.2387-2393
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a gradient material for shielding neutrons and gamma rays was developed, which consists of epoxy resin, boron carbide (B4C), lead (Pb) and a little graphene oxide. It aims light weight and compact, which will be applied on the transportable nuclear reactor. The material is made up of sixteen layers, and the thickness and components of each layer were designed by genetic algorithm (GA) combined with Monte Carlo N Particle Transport (MCNP). In the experiment, the viscosities of the epoxy at different temperatures were tested, and the settlement regularity of Pb particles and B4C particles in the epoxy was simulated by matlab software. The material was manufactured at 25 ℃, the Pb C and O elements of which were also tested, and the result was compared with the outcome of the simulation. Finally, the material's shielding performance was simulated by MCNP and compared with the uniformity material's. The result shows that the shielding performance of gradient material is more effective than that of the uniformity material, and the difference is most noticeable when the materials are 30 cm thick.

Enabling Vessel Collision-Avoidance Expert Systems to Negotiate

  • Hu, Qinyou;Shi, Chaojian;Chen, Haishan;Hu, Qiaoer
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2006
  • Automatic vessel collision-avoidance systems have been studied in the fields of artificial intelligence and navigation for decades. And to facilitate automatic collision-avoidance decision-making in two-vessel-encounter situation, several expert and fuzzy expert systems have been developed. However, none of them can negotiate with each other as seafarers usually do when they intend to make a more economic overall plan of collision avoidance in the COLREGS-COST-HIGH situations where collision avoidance following the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea(COLREGS) costs too much. Automatic Identification System(AIS) makes data communication between two vessels possible, and negotiation methods can be used to optimize vessel collision avoidance. In this paper, a negotiation framework is put forward to enable vessels to negotiate to optimize collision avoidance in the COLREGS-COST-HIGH situations at open sea. A vessel vector space is defined and therewith a cost model is put forward to evaluate the cost of collision-avoidance actions. Negotiations between a give-way vessel and a stand-on vessel and between two give-way vessels are considered respectively to reach overall low cost agreements. With the framework proposed in this paper, two vessels involved in a COLREGS-COST-HIGH situation can negotiate with each other to get a more economic overall plan of collision avoidance than that suggested by the traditional collision-avoidance expert systems.

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A Study on the Zhu Xi's theory of "gewu zhizhi" - focusing on critical understandings of Zhu Xi in the Daxue huowen chapter V and Daxue huowen yulei (주희의 격물치지설(格物致知說)에 대한 고찰 - 『대학혹문(大學或問)』 전오장(傳五章)과 '대학혹문어류(大學或問語類)'의 비판적 이해를 중심으로 -)

  • Sung, Kwang-dong
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.63
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    • pp.141-168
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    • 2016
  • This paper studies Zhu Xi's critical comprehension about the theories of gewu zhizhi of senior Confucian scholars, focusing on the Daxue Zhangju, Daxue huowen, and Daxue huowen yulei of Zhuzi yulei. Zhu Xi described in depth the theory of gewu zhizhi of Sima Guang, disciples of the Cheng Yi(Lu Dalin, Xie Liangzuo, Yin Ch'un, Yang Shi), scholars of Hu-Xing province(Hu An-guo, Hu hong), Li Dong in the Daxue huowen and Daxue huowen yulei, by his understanding through a criticism of the theory of gewu zhizh, thereby formulating a theory of gewu zhizhi on the basis of Cheng Yi's theory. Through this criticism of senior Confucian scholars, Zhu Xi explained that the theory of gewu zhizhi was departed from a positive affirmation of things. Zhu Xi claimed that the crux of gewu zhizhi was a thorough understanding like a sudden release achieved by accumulating Li of things. This plan of Zhu Xi with respect to "Supplementary Chapter on the Gewu Zhizhi" showed that the theory of gewu zhizhi which was set up by himself corresponded to the theory of Cheng Yi's, and it was based on the Confucian tradition firmly.


  • Shi, H.S.;Wang, H.;Hu, Y.Z.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10b
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    • pp.415-416
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    • 2002
  • Experiments have been conducted to investigate scuffing mechanism in oil lubricated piston-ring /cylinder sliding contacts. Samples were extracted from actual components to simulate the real contact geometry and other influencing conditions. A standard test machine. with some modifications, has been used for the investigation of the effects of surface temperature load and sliding velocity. preliminary tests were carried out to find the critical temperature of scuffing using gradient temperature under a constant load, reciprocating frequency and stroke. The experimental and analytical results show that a transition from lubricated contact to adhesion, accompanied by the phenomena such as material transfer between the two sliding surfaces, local contact welding and temperature rise, and sharp increase in friction coefficient, appears to contribute to the final failure of scuffing.

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