• Title/Summary/Keyword: Housing Changes

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Special Judicial Police for Enhancing Administrative Power A Study on the Expansion of Jobs: Based on the results of 10 years' operation of Seoul Metropolitan Police Judicial Police Team (행정의 집행력 강화를 위한 특별사법경찰 직무확대에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 민생사법경찰단 운영 10년 분석 결과를 바탕으로 -)

  • Yang, Jae Yeol;Kim, Sang Su
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.58
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    • pp.59-80
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    • 2019
  • Recently, our company has entered the modern knowledge company, government policy and regulation has a big influence on people's lives. Also, unlike in the past, I am hoping for administrative intervention as a problem peculiar to the environment, such as environmental housing problems, urban transportation problems, misuse problems, etc. and corporate pending issues. In this study, through the 10th year of the Seoul Special Citizen Judicial Police Force, if the local autonomy is a special envoy, it will try to present the correctness in the organization luck. As a measure to secure the nature of administrative action, the method of investigation was through the study of the execution process of administrative penalty and its result based on the statistical data of Seoul City. Therefore, we will analyze the process and operation of the 10-year organizational change of the Seoul Metropolitan Government's police force and examine how the police force of the people's livelihoods, which is a special investigation organization, is expanding its duties in order to strengthen the enforcement power of the administration. Also, we will make future-oriented suggestions to encourage the readjustment of the current relevant laws, such as the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, and to actively accommodate the expected changes of the special law police organization in charge of the enforcement of the police system.

Predicting Influence of Changes in Indoor Air Temperature and Humidity of Wooden Cultural Heritages by Door Opening on Their Conservation Environment (개방에 따른 실내 온습도 변화가 목조문화재 보존환경에 미치는 영향 예측)

  • Kim, Min-Ji;Shin, Hyun-Kyeong;Choi, Yong-Seok;Kim, Gwang-Chul;Kim, Gyu-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.798-803
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to predict the effect of door opening in wooden cultural heritages (WCHs) on their conservation environment. For this prediction, measured relative humidity (RH) and surface wood moisture content (MC) of inner part of wood columns in open wooden building and neighboring closed wooden building were compared with minimum RH, including the duration of minimum RH, and MC required for spore germination and resultant growth of wood-degrading fungi reported in some literatures. Moisture conditions, namely RH of inside wooden building and MC of wood was unsuitable for decay and sap-stain fungi all the year round; however, moisture conditions during summer season was suitable for spore germination and resultant growth of surface mold fungi, regardless of door opening. When compared, the duration of minimum (75%) or higher RH and the number of wood columns with MC level greater than the minimum MC (15%) during summer season, the surface mold related to the conservation environment of inside wooden building was somewhat better in open building than in closed building. Rather, doors should be opened in closed building for reducing indoor RH as a necessary measure during summer season when outdoor RH is high.

Characteristics of the Process of Visual Attention during Spatial Depth Perception (공간의 깊이감 지각과정에 나타난 시각정보획득 특성)

  • Kim, Jong-Ha;Cho, Ji Young
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2018
  • Understanding the process of spatial perception plays a significant role in the design process as well as in the use of actual spaces. The perception of spatial depth can vary according to the space composition and design even there is no change in the actual size of the space. The properties of 3-dimensional space are its width, height, and depth; however, compared to the perception of spatial width and height, little research and theories exist on spatial depth perception. The reasons may be there less interest lies in the effect of spatial depth perception than that of spaciousness or height of space. This study is an investigation of the process of spatial depth perception using an eye-tracking device with stimuli developed through Computer Graphics. A total of 44 interior design major students participated in the eye tracking experiment; and they looked at three images comprised of an identical room with only changes in the rear wall condition. The results show that a significant difference in the fixation duration per stimulus exists. In addition, a significant difference exists on the fixation duration per stimulus according to the participants' answer of the deepest space. The result of this study can help identify factors for spatial depth perception, validate the assumption on it, and provide knowledge on how to acquire desirable spatial depth by utilizing the research result.

The Effect Analysis of Smart City Planning on Urban Dynamics Using System Dynamics Method - Focused on Anyang-city, Korea (시스템 다이내믹스를 이용한 스마트도시계획이 도시동태성에 미치는 영향 분석 - 안양시를 중심으로)

  • Yi, Mi Sook;Yeo, Kwan Hyun;Kim, Chang Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2020
  • Recently, smart cities are attracting attention as a solution for a plethora of urban problems, including transportation, environment, safety, and energy. However, despite a substantial body of research dealt with the concept, trends, policy, and legal institutions of smart cities, few researchers have examined how the smart city services influence the cities from the dynamic perspective that considers the entire cycle of a city, including its growth, stagnation, and decline. Thus, it is vital to understand how the city changes with time from the view that a city is a system of sub-elements-population, industry, transportation, environment, housing, and land-closely interacting together. Within this context, this study explores how the urban dynamics of Anyang-city develop for the long term using the System Dynamics method and analyzes the effect of smart city project investment on the dynamics of Anyang-city. According to the result, Anyang-city is a "mature and stable" type, and its population is expected to decrease slowly by 2040. Specifically, the Anyang-city population will be reduced to 553,000 by 2030. It was analyzed that the number will decrease to 543,000 by 2040. It was also found that the investment in smart city projects in Anyang, based on the Plan for Anyang Smart City, would have the following effects: easing population decline, increasing number of businesses, improving urban safety index, and increasing average driving speed. The population will grow by 4,000 and the number of businesses will increase by 761 than before budget investment. The result of this paper is expected to contribute to identifying and predicting the effect of smart city policies from a long-term perspective.

A Study on One Person Households in Korea (우리나라 단독가구의 실태에 관한 소고)

  • 배화옥
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.125-139
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    • 1993
  • Korea has successfully achieved a lowered fertility level owing to the strong population control policy and effective family planning program. Along with fertility decline and decreased number of children in family, average number of household members has decreased and nontraditional households such as one person household and households composed of unrelated individuals have prolifirated, even though the absolute number of them are found minimal in Korea. However in recent years several data and survey results suggest that one person households are gradually in the increasing trend. The study aimed at investigating the real state of one person households in Korea and next analyzing the proportional distribution of one person households by a few socioeconomic characteristics, thus providing basic for eatablishing far-singhted population and social welfare policy in the future. Korea has experienced high growth rate of economy through government-led development plans starting from the 1960s. During the past three decades, Korea has shifted from the agricultural state to the industrialized one. In compliance with the economic growth, urbanization and industrialization have brought about rural-to-urban migration and a great bulk of young population migrated to urban areas, who are seeking for educational and job opportunities. Korean society has also been under drastic change in every aspect of life involving norms, tradition, and attitude, etc. Therefore, in spite of the prejudice on 'living alone' still remaining, young people gradually leave parents and home, and further form nontraditional households in urban areas. Current increase in the number of one person households is partly attributable to the increase in high female educational attainment and female participation in economic activities. As the industrial structure in Korea changes from primary into secondary and tertiary industries, job opportunities for service/sales and manufacturing are opened to young female labor force in the process of industrialization. Contrary to the formation of one person households by young people, the aged single households are composed when children in family leave one by one because of marriage, education, employment. In particular, a higher proportion of aged female single households occur in rural areas due to the mortality difference by sex. Based on the data released form the 1990 Population and Housing Census and National Fertility and Family Health Survey in 1985 and 1991, the study tried to examine the state of one person households in Korea. According to Census data, the number of one person households increased to 1, 021, 000 in 1990, comprising 9.0 percent of total households. And the survey reveal that among total 11, 540 households, 8.0 percent, 923 households, are composed of one person households. Generally, the proportion of female single households is greater than that of male ones, and a big proportion of one person households is concentrated in the 25-34 age bracket in urban areas and 65 years and more in rural areas. It is shown than one person householders in urban areas have higher educational attainment with 59.2 percent high schooling and over in 1991, Job seeking proved to be the main reason for leaving home and forming one person households. The number of young female single households with higher education and economic self-reliance are found nil and the study did not allow to analyze the causal realtionship between female education and employment and one person household formation. However more research and deep analysis on the causal facors on one person household formation using statistical method are believed to be necessary.

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Study on Management Plan of the Financial Supervisory Service According to Increase of Risk of Household Debts (중소형증권사 Project-Financing 우발채무 확대에 따른 금융감독원 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, YunHong
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2018
  • In 2018, the real estate markets have hardly been transacted according to the government's tight regulations of real estates, and have the high possibility to reach a low hit due to the hike of loan interest rates following the U. S rise of base money rate. The key profits for the large construction companies mainly come from the overseas plant projects and the domestic non-governmental construction projects. They suffered a lot such as the lowering of their credit ratings due to the large losses caused by the frquent design changes and work delay. Even in the domestic non-governmental construction projects, the general business risks are on the rise due to the property marketing moving over to the decreasing phase. The small and medium sized security companies has realized a lot of operaring profits as they participated in the PF market to make up for the losses in the securities trading business. But, now as the housing market is not so good around the nation except Seoul and the financial states of large construction companies are not good enough, they can face the liquidity crisis if there happens the problems in the PF backed securities which they have handled. As Korean economy experienced the crisis in the savings banks before, it is recommended that Financial Supervisory Service proposes the preemptive control method and supervision direction to overcome the crisis.

Effects of Heat Wave on Body Temperature and Blood Pressure in the Poor and Elderly

  • Kim, Young-Min;Kim, So-Yeon;Cheong, Hae-Kwan;Ahn, Byun-Gok;Choi, Kyu-Sik
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.27
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    • pp.13.1-13.10
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: We aimed to investigate the acute effects of heat stress on body temperature and blood pressure of elderly individuals living in poor housing conditions. Methods: Repeated measurements of the indoor temperature, relative humidity, body temperature, and blood pressure were conducted for 20 elderly individuals living in low-cost dosshouses in Seoul during hot summer days in 2010. Changes in the body temperature, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) according to variations in the indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity were analyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVA controlling for age, sex, alcohol, and smoking. Results: Average indoor and outdoor temperatures were $31.47^{\circ}C$ (standard deviation [SD], $0.97^{\circ}C$) and $28.15^{\circ}C$ (SD, $2.03^{\circ}C$), respectively. Body temperature increased by $0.21^{\circ}C$ (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.16 to $0.26^{\circ}C$) and $0.07^{\circ}C$ (95% CI, 0.04 to $0.10^{\circ}C$) with an increase in the indoor and outdoor temperature of $1^{\circ}C$. DBP decreased by 2.05 mmHg (95% CI, 0.05 to 4.05 mmHg), showing a statistical significance, as the indoor temperature increased by $1^{\circ}C$, while it increased by 0.20 mmHg (95% CI, -0.83 to 1.22 mmHg) as outdoor temperature increased by $1^{\circ}C$. SBP decreased by 1.75 mmHg (95% CI, -1.11 to 4.61 mmHg) and 0.35 mmHg (95% CI, -1.04 to 1.73 mmHg), as the indoor and outdoor temperature increased by $1^{\circ}C$, respectively. The effects of relative humidity on SBP and DBP were not statistically significant for both indoor and outdoor. Conclusions: The poor and elderly are directly exposed to heat waves, while their vital signs respond sensitively to increase in temperature. Careful adaptation strategies to climate change considering socioeconomic status are therefore necessary.

A study on the Korean Average Marital Life Expectancy by a Standard of Education (교육수준에 따른 한국인의 유배우기대여명)

  • Woo, Won-Kyu;Cho, Young-Tae
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.93-111
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to find out changes of marital status and average marital life expectancy in Korea according to educational attainment. The study produces Korean marriage life table to accomplish the goal of study by introducing Wolfbein-Wool style working life table. Specific data utilized in this study are collected from the Population & Housing Census 2005 and Death Census 2005. Educational attainment is divided into four categories to accommodate to this study: elementary school course and lower, middle school course, high school course, college course and higher. Marriage rate, divorce rate, widowhood rate and death rate according to educational attainment are used as basicdata to analyze marital life expectancy. The results of this study are as follows: 1. As subjects age is younger, the average marital life expectancy of the highly educated tends to be higher. The disparity of average marital life expectancy according to educational attainment is apt to become narrow as subjects age is older. However, the gap between people who graduated from middle school and high school in older age group does not distinctive. 2. Males marital life expectancy is higher than females controlling for their educational attainment. 3. Males live with their wife for most of their lives but females live alone more than 10 years in every single educational categories. Based on the above, this study concludes that the average marital life expectancy is differentiated among age and sex according to educational attainment. Marital rate tends to be higher as educational level is higher. Divorce rate is lower in the highlyeducated group as their age is younger but this is apt to reverse as age is older. Furthermore, bereavement rate shows division according to educational attainmentsince one tends to marry other who has similar level of education with him or her. Therefore, educational attainment acts as an significant factor in Korean average life expectancy.

Improved Socio-Economic Status of a Community Population Following Schistosomiasis and Intestinal Worm Control Interventions on Kome Island, North-Western Tanzania

  • Mwanga, Joseph R.;Kaatano, Godfrey M.;Siza, Julius E.;Chang, Su Young;Ko, Yunsuk;Kullaya, Cyril M.;Nsabo, Jackson;Eom, Keeseon S.;Yong, Tai-Soon;Chai, Jong-Yil;Min, Duk-Young;Rim, Han-Jong;Changalucha, John M.
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.553-559
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    • 2015
  • Research on micro-level assessment of the changes of socio-economic status following health interventions is very scarce. The use of household asset data to determine wealth indices is a common procedure for estimating socio-economic position in resource poor settings. In such settings information about income is usually lacking, and the collection of individual consumption or expenditure data would require in-depth interviews, posing a considerable risk of bias. In this study, we determined the socio-economic status of 213 households in a community population in an island in the north-western Tanzania before and 3 year after implementation of a participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST) intervention to control schistosomiasis and intestinal worm infections. We constructed a household 'wealth index' based housing construction features (e.g., type of roof, walls, and floor) and durable assets ownership (e.g., bicycle, radio, etc.). We employed principal components analysis and classified households into wealth quintiles. The study revealed that asset variables with positive factor scores were associated with higher socio-economic status, whereas asset variables with negative factor scores were associated with lower socio-economic status. Overall, households which were rated as the poorest and very poor were on the decrease, whereas those rated as poor, less poor, and the least poor were on the increase after PHAST intervention. This decrease/increase was significant. The median shifted from -0.4376677 to 0.5001073, and the mean from -0.2605787 (SD; 2.005688) to 0.2605787 (SD; 1.831199). The difference in socio-economic status of the people between the 2 phases was highly statistically significant (P<0.001). We argue that finding of this study should be treated with caution as there were other interventions to control schistosomiasis and intestinal worm infections which were running concurrently on Kome Island apart from PHAST intervention.

Steady-state Thermal Analysis of 5 kW IPMSM Using Thermal Equivalent Circuit (열등가회로를 이용한 5 kW 급 영구자석 동기전동기의 정상상태 열 특성 해석)

  • Kim, Tae Hyun;Yoo, Young Bum;Na, Jong Seung;Ryu, Kyongtae;Moon, Yoon Jae;Lee, Jae Heon;Lee, Ju;Park, Chan Bae;Moon, Seung Jae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.951-956
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    • 2014
  • Steady-state thermal analysis was performed on a thermal equivalent circuit to determine the heat generation during operation of an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM). New machines must be compact and light and produce high torque density under extreme environmental conditions. Thermal analysis of an IPMSM is particularly important because excessive heat generated from the core and magnet reduces the IPMSM's output and has adverse effects on the durability. Therefore, steady-state thermal analysis of an IPMSM was performed for changes in the design variables using a thermal equivalent circuit. The changed variables were the axis length and thickness of the housing. The results of this method were compared with those of the finite element method to verify the accuracy and reliability.