• Title/Summary/Keyword: Housing Changes

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Construction Background, Architectural and Urban Characteristics of National Housing in Janghang (장항의 국민주택 건립 배경과 건축·도시적 특징)

  • Pak, Sungsine;Jeong, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2019
  • National Housing in Janghang was built intensively from the mid 1970s to the early 1980s, and has become a collective complex at Jangma-ro and Shinchangdong-ro. This Company House is a typical building for employee welfare, at the same time shows modern industrialization and urbanization. In general, it forms a housing complex and serves as industrial town. Reflecting the characteristics of Janghang, the housing complex is called National House based on the supply method and is also classified French Styled House in terms of housing style. Although Janghang was one of small local administrative units, it pursued urban style with mini-2-story. It has the typical characteristics as follows: division of the owner's living space and rental room, and independent layout of restrooms and washrooms. House is transformed to accommodate residents' lifestyles, so National Housing Complex of Janghang has undergone various changes such as the replacement of spatial structures and exterior materials for 40 years after construction. National Housing in Janghang is a symbol of local identity and an important spatial asset that shows the urban and architectural characteristics and changes.

Foreigners' Housing Market and Transnational Housing Filtering Process: Focusing on the Case Study of Korean-Chinese (외국인 주택 시장과 초국가적 주택 여과 과정: 조선족 사례를 중심으로)

  • Paek, Yilsoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.370-392
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to reveal that the changes in the population and housing consumption of foreigners, which are constantly undergoing structural changes, affect both the housing market of home and host country. The cause and the change of foreigners' housing market in Seoul were analyzed to be that the foreigners' continuous inflows occurred due to the 'fixed effect of rent' on the rental market, which is different from the domestic housing market. Korean-Chinese, who tend to be circular migration, make the current concentration of the housing market. Meanwhile, Korean-Chinese, who have experienced migration from Korea, emerged as major housing consumers, causing a real estate boom in Yanji City. Housing investment by Korean-Chinese is concentrated in the 'West' from Yanbian University, closely related to the city's urban planning that affects housing supply. This transnational housing consumption of immigrants connects the housing market of home and host country, in turn, causes the filtering process in the two countries simultaneously, which results the 'transnational housing filtering process'.

A Study on Latent Characteristics of Rental Housing - A Case Study on 'Co-deweling' of Rental Housing in Seoul - (임대주택(賃貸住宅)의 내재적(內在的) 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 서울의 공동거주형(共同居住型) 임대주택(賃貸住宅)의 사례(事例)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Yun-Hee;Jung, Jae-Kook
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2010
  • In the modernization process of the city, urbanization raised a variety of social issues. Urbanization brought noticeable changes in dwelling patterns, such as drastic changes in the housing lifestyle, that revolved around the metropolitan areas of Seoul and Busan etc. before and after the expansion of economic growth. Especially in 1985, when 23.8% of the country's population was concentrated in Seoul, the imbalance of housing supply and demand caused a vast range of housing shortage. The shortage, that resulted from public sector mishandling of natural housing demand, lead to the occurrence of private sector rental housing. The occurrence of this abnormal rental housing supply, became a major cause of Korea's typical lease system called 'Co-dwelling', where the leaseholder and tenant physically lives in the same residence. The leaseholder and tenant's 'Co-dwelling' started from partial renting of traditional Korean-style housing and transformed with the transition of dwelling form and time. However, after 1985, legalization of multi-family housing, Korean rental housing started to be planned in the beginning of it's housing construction and to be produced as an independent space with separate circulation. Also in terms of facility, it changed from partial renting of a space within the residence to an assembly of small individual spaces. However, the background of this deep-rooted 'Co-dwelling' lease system, in different forms and periods of residence, is still based on the lack of public sector rental housing supply and private sector supply of rental space to utilize extra space, 'Jeonsei' payment.

A Study on Factors Affecting the Supply of Apartments in Changwon City (창원시 아파트 공급량에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Joo-Han
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine which factors are important in determining the amount of the apartment supply in Changwon City. Additionally, this study is to examine the changes in the determination of the amount of apartment supply in Changwon by dividing it into before and after 2016 as the city showed a large difference in apartment supply that caused structural changes during this time period. This study shows that the increase in the number of housing construction permits in Changwon before 2016 had a negative impact on the housing market as well as causing a decrease in the supply of apartments in Changwon after 2016. As a result of the shortsighted predictions on the housing market of Changwon from before 2016, it still affects the current housing market as of June 2020. The implication of this study is that through the housing market system of Changwon City, they can take the role as a control tower in Changwon City and propose principles and standards for supply control in order to better predict the demand of the housing market.

A Comparative Housing Policy and Policy Transfer between Countries with Respect to Low-Income Housing in Korea

  • Ha, Seong-Kyu;Choi, Eun-Jin
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2011
  • Korea has experienced a remarkable economic achievement since the 1960s. However, behind this facade of growth and progress, a chronic housing shortage in the capital region, declining owner-occupation, rising housing costs, and polarization in housing conditions between the better-off and the worse-off clearly illustrate the impasse and crisis in housing that Korea now faces. In addition, the IMF crisis and the late global financial crisis shocked the Korean housing market. The Korean government has made significant policy changes to improve housing security for less-privileged groups. In order to achieve housing policy development, the Korean government has tried to employ of advanced countries. What are the benefits(merits) and dangers(demerits) of housing policy transfer between countries? This paper emphasizes that we must recognize about 'differences' rather than 'commonalities' between countries with respect to policy transfer. It also maintains that the government should play a main role as an enabler rather as a provider of 'low-cost' housing.

A Study on the Comparison and Characteristics of Public Standard Housing Unit Plan before and after the Independence from the Japan Occupation (광복전후(光復前後) 공영주택(公營住宅)의 평면비교(平面比較)와 변화특성(變化特性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Yoo, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.11 no.2 s.30
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2002
  • Even though there have been greate changes in the types and contents of the housing plan in Korea since the Modem age, it seems that the identity of traditional dwelling culture is still remains within it. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and features in the development of the 'Public Standard' Housing Unit Plan by comparing the differences and similarities in unit plans in housings built on Japanese occupation period and those built after the period. From the study, we can conclude as follows: 1. The public standard housing unit plans on both periods have shown the common features in the composition of their physical forms in the way that the front-row area still remains the traditional housing culture and the rear-row area reflects the desires of the modem lives. The structure of the dual-row unit plan appeared in the public standard housing plan was caused by the cultural acculturation in Japanese occupation period. 2. The public standard housing unit plans, however, show the differences in the contents and meaning in units plans with the them of the Japanese housing because of the cultural differences. These differences took placed autonomously through the change of housing plans in the modern time, and have the common features such that 1) the changes in the Maru-centered plan type differ in composition from the inner-corridor plan type used Japanese housing, and 2) the composition of the open-inner spaces in the double-row housing plan reflects the single-row outer open space In the traditional housing. All of these cultural progresses in the public standard housing unit plans was took place as the result of the inner-oriented and notional circulations derived from the modernity. However, the transformed unit plans still contains the identity derived from the variation of the traditional Korean building elements such as Maru and Ondol. In other words, those are the Maru-centered and composed housing plans with juxtaposition of the inner block and the outer block. As the conclusion, though the public standard dwelling unit plan has the similarity in the physical form, it is different in the cultural Identity and meaning from the public standard plans before the independence from the Japan occupation.

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Ideal Housing in the Home Exposition Under the Japanese Colonial Rule (일제강점기 가정박람회에 나타난 이상주거)

  • Yang, Se-Hwa;Ryu, Hyun-Joo;Eun, Nan-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the study is to examine the characteristics of the ideal housing for the modern family suggested by the Home Exposition (September, 1915) under the Japanese colonial rule in the macroscopic context of social change and the microscopic context of family. Through this research, we expect to have a partial understanding not only of changes in the outward appearance of traditional housing spaces during the civilization period and the early Japanese colonial rule when foreign cultures began to be introduced but also of families'residential lives and the patterns of change in people's consciousness of housing. Major conclusions from the current analysis are as follows. First, there were some changes in family paradigm induced through a home exhibition. Second, the most important factor for an ideal housing was that it must be the source of harmonic and healthy family life. Third, the importance of an appropriate space norm should be emphasized by providing the minimum size of each room. Fourth, the significance of the housing values of the economy, convenience, and hygiene should be emphasized for the ideal housing. Lastly, it was implied that for an ideal housing, the social and psychological aspects of housing must be satisfied along with the physical aspects. The limitation was that the model of ideal family housing presented in the Home Exposition cannot exclude the characteristics of the colonial perspectives in that it was followed by the model for the Japanese families.

Prediction for Future Housing using Delphi Technique (델파이 기법을 활용한 미래주거예측)

  • An, Se-Yun;Ju, Hannah;Kim, So-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.209-222
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to predict the future changes of housing through the Delphi technique. The targets to predict were set by housing type, housing space, housing demand, and architectural technology. The results were as follows: ① The influences of social and value perspectives on the change of housing type, space, and demand would be high, on the other hands, the influence of political perspective would be low. ② In terms of housing type, the increase in demand for downsizing housing for high-rise buildings and the possibility of realizing remote medical support services and homecare using big data are highly predicted. That is, ③ it is anticipated that IoTs will have a significant influences on future housing changes, and ④ enactment of co-housing and related laws by the sharing economy, services for maintenance through the supply of high-rise and high-density homes, housing support for residents, and advanced lease markets by developed architectural technology are expected as anticipated forms of future housing.

A Study on the Using Behavior of Educational and Cultural Community Facilities in Apartment Housing (공동주택 주민교육문화시설 이용행태에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2010
  • The trend toward more welfare living because of more leisure time has influenced the popularity of the community facilities in apartment housing. According to the residents' increasing interests for well-being life the changes and developments of the community facilities have been required in these days. The purpose of this research is to study these required changes and developments by analyzing the resident's using behavior of community facilities in apartment housing focusing on the educational and cultural facilities. For this purpose, this research intends to examine the existing conditions and problems of educational and cultural community facilities in apartment housing and to analyze the residents' using patterns such as frequency, preference and to comprehend the additional needs and requirements of the residents. The conclusions and suggestions of this research can be a basic data for the architects to design a resident-oriented educational and cultural community facilities.

A Statistical Review on the Changes in the Elderly Living Arrangements in Chejoo-do for the Elderly Housing Supply (노인주택 공급을 위한 고령자가구구성의 변화에 관한 통계적 연구 -제주도를 중심으로-)

  • 배정인
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2002
  • This paper aims to analyze the changes in the living arrangements of the elderly in Chejoo-do for the elderly housing supply by using census data. The conclusions are as follows; The rate of living alone and living with spouse only of the elderly have been increasing. The trend in county was higher than that in city. Living alone rate of the elderly of Chejoo-do was higher than that of Korean average. Even in the oldest old, living alone rate has been increasing in Chejoo-do. It is a unique phenomenon in Korea and similar with U.S. In Chejoo-do, it is strongly required to evolve elderly housing by universal design for living alone elderly in county as well as for living alone elderly in city.