• 제목/요약/키워드: House plan

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Actual State and Characteristics of Indoor Noise Including Residents' Living in Apartment Units (아파트 단위주거 내부생활소음의 특성과 실태)

  • Choi, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2009
  • The present study is a preliminary research improving the dwelling quality of apartment house as a kind of multi-family housing. The purpose of the study is to find out the actual state on characteristics of indoor noise including residents' living in apartment units. The method was field survey consisted of field measurements on equivalent noise level, observation on noise type, and interview on residents' responses. Field survey were carried out in 20 occupied apartment units from January to March 2007. The results are as follows. 1) Averages of indoor noise levels including residents' living noise were measured as $43.9{\sim}62.2\;dB(A)_{Leq5min}$, the average of each house except one was higher than the permissible level, 45 dB(A). 2) The noise types observed were mostly residents' living noise and classified into 'water hammer', 'living equipment noise', 'noise by family', 'hood noise', 'kitchen noise' in own unit, 'walking and talking noise in stairs and corridors', 'noise by neighborhood house', 'noise by the upper story' in building, and outdoor noise. 3) The residents showed slightly non-positive responses at 'noise by the upper story', 'noise by neighborhood house', 'water hammer', and 'noise by family'. Therefore, it is required to plan for preventing deterioration of the dwelling quality by residents' living noise in own unit as well as by neighborhood houses.

A Study on Housing Value Orientation of Model Steel House Visitors (모델 스틸하우스 방문자의 주거가치관 분석)

  • 홍형옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 1998
  • This study was designed to find tendencies of housing value orientation of the model steel house visitors. Questionnaires were collected in June, 1997, 1,550 in total, 508 cases from Seoul, 456 cases from Pohang, and 486 cases from Kwangyang. Data were analyzed in terms of housing value orientation, using statistical methods including frequencies, mean, percentages, chi-square test and multiple regression. The major findings are as follows; 1. The subjects were highly educated(64% of them were college graduates) with the monthly income over 2,000,000won(approximately $1,540). The average monthy income of the subjects in Seoul, about 4,000,000won($3,070), was much higher than that of other areas. Most of the subjects were condominium owners(72%), who preferred single detatched houses or town houses located in suburban areas. 2. Differences in general tendencies among the three regional groups were statistically significant. Most significantly, subjects living in Pohang regarded the reputation of the building construction company most importnat. Subjects of all three regional areas, especially in Pohang, emphasized investment value. The price of the steel house was regarded as very important by all the groups tested. The housing value orientation was analyzed in 3 aspects; (1) Facility.Plumbing.Structure(FPS), (2) Interior space formation.Design(ID) and (3) Developmental complex.Near Environment(DN). Interior environment level, stability of house structure, and finighing state of interiors were identified as the important factors in the area of FPS(p<.05). The Interior plan organization was the most important factor among ID. As for DN, rated importantly were educational facilities, green areas, convenience of commercial facilities within the developmental complex were rated importantly.

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A Study on the Inner Space of Frank Lloyd Wright's Early Houses(1900-1910) Characterized by the Movement of American Housing Development - Focused on American Art & Crafts Movement - (전환기 미국 주택개선운동의 수용에 따른 Frank Lloyd Wright의 초기주택(1900-1910) 내부 공간 특성에 관한 연구 - 미국 수공예 운동을 중심으로 -)

  • 견진현;양재혁
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.38
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2003
  • Between 1890-1914, the fundamental changes of the housing in United Sates of America were provoked to attempt the housing developments to adapt modern social system. The worthy of notice is that F L. Wright's Prairie House had been tested and built during the period as 'the first and second era' Despite the transition period in America, this represents that Wright's Prairie House series were developed. There are possibilities that some of the reformers assertion for Housing Development, on behalf of Arts & Crafts Movement, led to Wright's early house inner space design. For this reason, this study is to examine Ideologies that Wright has been accepted between the turning point of America's Arts & Crafts Movement and Hull House Circle. In terms of the ideologies acceptance, the study is also to examine how to be represented his inner space design characteristics. As the result, between'Simplification'housing development and the traditional housing In America, F L. Wright sublimated his own architectural aesthetic as accepting all functional elements to consider inevitability in this period, such as the association between economical and rational space, the plan to led on free plane, the spatial side and the stability of family life and the community, through the unification space having the consecutiveness.

A Study on the Basic Ideas for Fire Fighting Prevention System in Traditional Folk Village - Focused on Oeam Folk Village in Asan - (전통민속마을 소방방재 기본구상 - 아산 외암민속마을을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Soo;Lee, Wang-Kee;Oh, Kyu-Hyung;Shin, Kyo-Young;Kwon, Heung-Soon
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.71-90
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    • 2010
  • This research has set up the fire protection and early suppression plan for Asan Oeam folk village which is composed of traditional wooden building instinct or complex. The results of this study are as follows. 1. The traditional wooden buildings require attentive considerations about the fire property of the Waga and the straw roofed house. Especially, as the straw roofed house has property that the transfer and development of the fire is fast. Therefore we studied on the transferring possibilities of the fire dangerous instinct through measuring the distance from of the eaves edge and trees in neighboring house. 2. This research proposes the tools for the priority protective building through consideration of fire risk and cultural priority because the fire prevention for all is impossible at the same time. 3. The most important thing is preserve the cultural identities of traditional folk village in establishing the fire hydrant and fire prevention facilities. Traditional folk village landscape should be considered.

A Study on University Student's Preference for own House in Future (대학생의 미래주거 선호에 대한 연구)

  • Kwark, Kyoung-Sook;Kim, Ji-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was university student's preference for own house in future according to gender. This was the investigation of which 512 university students in Jeollabukdo province. In this statistical analysis, SPSS 11.5 program was utilized to calculate percentage, mean and standard deviation. Also, these materials were verified by factor analysis, t-test and $x^2$-test. The results of this study were as follows: The university students' future housing environment preferences has been appeared to be higher in the environmental equipment and the natural scenery. In the case of the gender variables was appeared to be higher for female than male students. The future housing area most of the university students wanted the medium city or over, $25{\sim}33\;p'y{\breve{o}}ng$ apartment, 3 bed rooms, 2 bathroom. In case most students have a yard in their future house, they'd like to grow lawn and trees. Also, they wanted to live in a short distance with their future parents-in-law. Therefore, It was desirable that make a plan based on the results of this study future-residing for the new generation.

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Material Auto-Transformation Plan using Steal House Method (스틸하우스 공법을 이용한 자재 자동 변환 방안)

  • Han, Jung-Soo;Kim, Gui-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose virtual building construction plans. For this, we compose the construction materials with components and assemble components in pattern. When we change assembled constructions, we can design the building efficiently with patterns if the parts are selected. Also through information analysis of material components or patterns, we can provide information which is necessary to a reconstruction to the designer. Using steal house method, the assembly functions were comprised of a wall, a room, a window, a door, roof etc. Also We explained the materials automatic extraction method which applies steal house.

Apartment House Unit Planning for Dual-earner Families Nursing Preschoolers (자녀양육기 맞벌이가구를 위한 아파트 단위평면 계획연구)

  • 최윤정;김민정
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2003
  • This study was intended to analyze the behavioral patterns of family members at home and to grasp the housing needs of dual-earner families nursing preschoolers, and to suggest the planning of apartment house unit. The survey method was used for data collection. The questionnaire consisted of 31 questions. The subjects were the wives who had full-time jobs and reared children 0-5 years old. The subjects were randomly selected at three-childcare centers in Daejeon and Cheongju. The data was collected from $5^{th}$$25^{th}$ July, 2002. 115 cases were analyzed using the SPSS Window 10.0 package. The findings from this study could suggest the apartment house planning for dual-earner families nursing preschoolers. It is necessary that the planners consider relationships of children's room with their parents room. A flexible and exchangeable plan to accommodate the need for growing children was desired. The children's room has to be located near their parents room when the children are babyhood. And then for privacy of family members, when their children go to the elementary school, children's room has to be moved to other space to be separated from their parents room. small.

Present Condition on Noise Level and Types Including Residents' Living Noise in Apartment Units (아파트의 내부 생활소음레벨 및 소음종류 실태)

  • Choi, Yoon-Jung
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.427-430
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    • 2008
  • The present study is a preliminary research improving the dwelling quality of apartment house as a kind of multi-family housing. The purpose of the study is to find out the present condition on noise level and types including residents' living noise in apartment units. The method was field survey consisted of field measurements on equivalent noise level, observation on noise type, and interview on residents' responses. The results are as follows. 1) Averages of indoor noise levels of subject houses were measured as $43.9{\sim}62.2\;dB(A)_{Leq5min}$, the average of each house except one was higher than the permissible level, 45 dB(A). 2) The noise types observed were mostly residents' living noise and classified as 'water hammer', 'living equipment noise', 'noise by family', 'hood noise', and 'kitchen noise' in own unit, 'walking and talking noise in stairs and corridors', 'noise by neighborhood house', 'noise by the upper story' in building, and outdoor noise. 3) The residents show slightly non-positive responses at 'noise by the upper story', 'noise by neighborhood house', 'water hammer', and 'noise by family'. Therefore, it is required to plan for preventing deterioration of the sound environment quality by residents' living noise in own unit as well as by neighborhood houses.

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A Fundamental Study to Apply Performance Evaluation in Remodeling Apartment House (성능평가를 리모델링 공동주택에 적용을 위한 기초적인 연구)

  • Seo, Hyeong-Wook;Lee, Jae-Sauk;Chun, Jae-Youl
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.576-579
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    • 2007
  • It build large scale apartment for solution of housing problem with population concentration of the city and with sudden economic growth. Present, it is increasing continuously. The interest regarding a Remodeling is coming to be high by the policy which government with the means for the problem solving where the other side elapse of a case deterioration of the apartment. It will be able to evaluate the result of Remodeling performance evaluation it will be able to accommodate. IS necessary It compared a domestic House performance evaluation indication system and the existing residential performance evaluation item of Japan and it applies the performance evaluation of the Remodeling house of common against the plan for it researched

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