• 제목/요약/키워드: Historical Analysis

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A Study on the Construction and Site Selection of the Cloud Data Center considering Disaster Information (재해정보를 고려한 클라우드 데이터센터 입지선정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Uk;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.2575-2580
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this paper is to analyze factors for site selection of the cloud data center and to develop spatial data model considering disasters information based on the GIS. In this paper, historical areas of the natural and human disaster are considered to analyze location of the cloud center. The model is developed using ArcGIS S/W tool. The model is applied on Busan city using disaster data from storm and flood, and small administrative district located Kang-Seo-Gu is selected as site selection of the cloud data center of Busan.

Comparisons and Analysis on Architectural Features of Seven Typical Traditional Dwellings in China

  • Tang, Si-Yi;Lee, Yeun-Sook
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2014
  • The ancestors of China created various proper dwellings in the vast Chinese lands, according to distinct geographical environment, climate, and special local products. The purpose of this study is to compare features of 7 typical traditional Chinese dwellings in different areas from historical, geographical, structural and tinctorial aspects, in order to see what the differences are and rearrange them by these 4 different scales as estimate standards. By Comparing features between 7 traditional dwellings, advantages and disadvantages of them were found out. Not only natural terrain but also cultural mentality is an important factor that effected on the changes of regionality. The result showed that historical length in a certain extent reflected the differences between dwellings in different areas; there are more regular type dwellings in the northern China; dwellings in different structural material types following their regions; and, southern dwellings prefer natural and simple exterior colors. Also From construction aesthetics and culture perspective, Different cultures have cultivated and brought out different dwelling styles. Thus, protecting on traditional dwellings is of great necessities and this study will bring benefits in many aspects. For a further research, the result of this study can be utilized as the base data that suggest directions for effective Chinese residence planning in different areas meeting different demands.

A Correction Technique of Missing Load Data Based on ARIMA Model (ARIMA 모형에 기초한 수요실적자료 보정기법 개발)

  • 박종배;이찬주;이재용;신중린;이창호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.405-413
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    • 2004
  • Traditionally, electrical power systems had the vertically-integrated industry structures based on the economics of scale. However power systems have been recently reformed to increase the energy efficiency of the power system. According to these trends, Korean power industry has been partially restructured, and the competitive generation market was opened in 2001. In competitive electric markets, correct demand data are one of the most important issue to maintain the flexible electric markets as well as the reliable power systems. However, the measuring load data can have the uncertainty because of mechanical trouble, communication jamming, and other things. To obtain the reliable load data, an efficient evaluation technique to adust the missing load data is needed. This paper analyzes the load pattern of historical real data and then the turned ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) model, PCHIP(Piecewise Cubic Interporation) and Branch & Bound method are applied to seek the missing parameters. The proposed method is tested under a variety of conditions and tested with historical measured data from the Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO).

A Study on the bloomer costume on the movie costume­Focusing on "OSCAR and LUCINDA"­ (영화 의상을 통해 본 블루머 의상(bloomer costume)에 관한 고찰­영화"오스카와 루신다(OSCAR and LUCINDA)"를 중심으로­)

  • 곽미영
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 2000
  • Costume in movies are used as an instrument to signify the personality image and status of characters, and even the main theme of movie itself. The purpose of this paper is to verify the feministic meaning of bloomer costume used in movie, 「OSCAR and LUCINDA」. The bloomer costume was anti-fashion in crinoline period, when women was normally not allowed to put on trousers. To achieve the purpose, I used content analysis to obtain meanings from existing literature and video tapes(including, slides and pictures). Bloomer costume, introduced by Mrs. Amelia Bloomer at 1850s, is an anti­fashion to express women's right to wear trousers that were exclusively used by men since the medieval age. In this sense, bloomer costume itself is a costume expressing values of women's emancipation movement. In 「OSCAR and LUCINDA」, heroine, Lucinda, with bloomer costume is described as a woman who has strong motivation toward work, who actively looks for a man she loves, and who has free­will to involve herself in what she wants, even gambling. This is not surprising in a sense that Lucinda's bloomer costumes itself signifies the meanings of feminism. I found that bloomer costume was well described in the movie from the historical point of view. But some details, including type of trousers, were expressed without strict historical evidence. Overall, it is certain that 「OSCAR and LUCINDA」, with a heroine wearing bloomer costume was a big step towards women's emancipation in movies.

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Changes in Work Activities of Community Health Practitioners by Time Period (보건진료원 업무활동의 변화과정 : 문헌사료를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ok
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the changing process of work activities of community health practitioners in medically vulnerable areas. Methods: For the study an historical research method was used, based on literature data and collected literature data related to the work of community health practitioners from 1940 to 2013. Results: There were 45 records according to the literature data about the work activities of the practitioners. Analysis of the process of work activities by time period was based on the historical records: first, the introduction period (1940~1980) saw the "community health practitioners begin their work activities"; second, the development period (1981~1997) involved "provision of comprehensive health and medical service"; third, the stagnation period (1998~2005) characterized by "attempts at new role changes in a crisis"; fourth, the expansion period (2006~2011) "focused on the work of health promotion"; and finally, the stable period (2012~the present) observed "work activities of community health practitioners recognized." Conclusion: Results showed five topics in the process of work activities of community health practitioners by time period. The results offer basic data to investigate work activities of these practitioners and enable discussions about the future of community healthcare.

Comparative Analysis of the costumes in the film "The Sword With No Name" and "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" - Focusing on Empress Myeong-seong and Queen Elizabeth I - ("불꽃처럼 나비처럼"과 "ELIZABETH-THE GOLDEN AGE"의 영화의상 비교분석 - 명성황후와 엘리자베스 여왕1세를 중심으로 -)

  • An, Mi-Hwa;Jang, Ae-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.9
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    • pp.60-73
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    • 2011
  • The movie costumes, artistic and figurative, serve to maximize the dramatic conveying effect of the movie's theme, actor's character, and the image of a dramatic situation expressed through clothing. It is considered that research would be meaningful if it studied on how the movie costumes are implied with symbols in order to present a dramatic image depending on the situation. Therefore this research compared, analyzed, and interpreted the historical plays produced on historical backgrounds, "The Sword With No Name" and 'Elizabeth - Golden Age'. In other words, five dramatic situations were extracted in order to compare and analyze the costumes of Empress Myeongseong to the costumes of Queen Elizabeth. The costumes presented according to the storyline and the personalities of the two characters with these five as the basis are compared and analyzed, and the implied symbolic meaning could be interpreted and analogized based on the results. Therefore it is suggested that symbolic meaning, along with the expression of the dramatic atmosphere, needs to be implied in the design of the movie costumes.

The Analysis of the Way of Teaching and Learning Logarithms with a Historical Background in High School Mathematics (학교수학 관점에서 살펴본 로그의 역사적 배경과 교수-학습 방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Cho, Cheong-Soo
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.557-575
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the way of teaching and learning logarithm in high school mathematics and provide practical suggestions for teaching logarithms. For such purpose, it reviewed John Napier's life and his ideas, the effect of logarithms on seventeenth century science, and a logarithmic scale and its methods of calculation. With this reviews, introduction of logarithms with function concept, logarithmic calculation with common logarithms, and the formula of converting to other logarithmic bases were reviewed for finding a new perspective of teaching and learning logarithms in high school mathematics. Through such historical and pedagogical reviews, this paper presented practical suggestions and comments about the way of teaching and learning logarithms in high school mathematics.

A Study on the Fashion Illustration Applied Visual Image of the Traditional Korean Mask (한국의 탈이 지닌 시학적 이미지를 적용한 Fashion Illustration 연구)

  • 주성희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.265-282
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    • 1994
  • The mask used in drama has been reappreciated, and it needs profound and systematic studies in order to form the mask to effective use. In research, the aesthestic values in the masks of he latter period of Chosun(the mideighteenth century-the early nineteenth century) was examined through the analysis of traditional drama in accordance with the historical social background. In the later period of Chosun, the active performance of the mask in company with the occurrence of a popular movement caused by people's self-awakening showed a close relationship between the development of the mask and its historical background the moulding characteristic of the mask was analysed before and after the eighteenth century, and regionally in the south and in the middle and the north. The mask express the quality of art before he eighteenth century. It showed, on the other hand, a strong social nature and a touch of satires on society in the south and a religional interest in he middle and the north. This study shows from the viewpoint of a aesthetics that traditional Korean mask during Chosun period had comfortable and voluminous forms with beauty curved lines and colors and rhythm. The aesthetic values in mask as expressed through the aesthetic characteristics have been classified the beauty of nature the beauty of personality, the beauty of traditions. Visual image with these beauty in masks were expressed into fashion illustration of suits and dresses.

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Case Study for Revitalization of Kueppersmuehle as Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties in Germany (독일 산업.기술문화재 퀴퍼제분소(Kueppersmuehle) 재생계획 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2014
  • In the Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, there are approximately 3,500 industrial buildings under the cultural asset protection and management not only in the Ruhr-region but also state-wide. Unlike traditional cultural assets, industrial assets are closely tied with contemporary life in numerous ways, and have acted as a bridge between the traditional architectural buildings and contemporary architectural buildings, reflecting the overall economical, social and cultural portraits of that time. Reinvestigating them in a new light, granting just and fair values, and preserving and transmitting these modern cultural heritages is a method of preserving the historical and cultural traditions in order to keep own identity and integrity. Nowadays, however, due to various sprawling developments and new development-oriented urban policies, only a select few industrial assets are being protected, the rest facing demolition and damages. In order to better cope with such situation, Korea has officially introduced the Registered Cultural Properties System since 2001, and began acknowledging the historical values of industrial buildings as modern cultural properties. By systematic analysis and deduction of characteristics from successfully recycled precedents such Kueppers Mills at the Innenhafen Duisburg in the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen that have been preserved and recycled as cultural spaces, this paper aims to find and propose suggestions to rehabilitate and recycle the industrial cultural properties in Korea.

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A Study on the Symbolic Expressions Immanent in Designs of Hotel Guest Rooms - Based on the Symbolic Theory of C.G. Jung - (호텔 객실 디자인에 내재된 상징적 표현에 관한 연구 - C.G. Jung의 상징이론을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ah
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2009
  • Contemporary hotels adopt distinctive designs in order to symbolize themes of various spaces they consist of. This phenomenon shows that the importance of spiritual values reflected through themes of spaces is emphasized as much as those of basic functions and structures of hotels. Above all, a variety of expression methods pervading throughout spaces of guest rooms consist of thematic spaces, visualization of emotions, as well as mixture of artistic genres, ones that are originated from unconsciousness of symbolic theory of C.G. Jung and widely perceived as variations of archetype. Meanings of symbolic expressions derived from the analysis of various hotels can be defined by attributes of local cultures as well as propensities of mythicism, which feature local pride enlightened by natural environments, the spirit of the times, historical events and other transcendental and fantastic topics. These symbolic expressions are metaphysical forms that are made unconsciously and such symbols are far beyond mere historical and cultural signs which require us profound and mature methods to approach. It is pleasing to know that we are living in the modern society in which progresses are being made to better understand minds and metal states of human beings. Given such a circumstantial advantage, researches on meanings of symbolic expressions should not be limited to only those of hotel designs, but also those of religious architectures and museums in which spiritual values are emphasized throughout designs of the spaces they consist of.