• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hip joint surgery

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Comparison of medical use and medical expenses between participants and non-participants in the home-based care pilot project for rehabilitation patients (재활환자 재택의료 시범사업 참여자와 미참여자의 의료이용 및 진료비 비교)

  • Ji Man Kim;Sang Gyu Lee;Young Geon Ji
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2024
  • Purposes: When rehabilitation services are provided remotely using information and communication technologies to patients living at home, there is an advantage in providing rehabilitation services to individuals in their everyday social and physical environment, which can improve functional outcomes and satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the pilot project by analyzing the outpatient and inpatient medical use and expenses of patients who participated in the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project. Methodology: To analyze the effectiveness of the home-based care pilot project for rehabilitation patients, health insurance claims data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service was used. The subjects of analysis were patients who had undergone major lower extremity joint replacement surgery, including hip, knee, and ankle joint replacement surgery, and patients who had lower extremity fracture surgery, which were the targets of the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project. To compare medical use and expenses between patients participating in the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project and those not participating, chi-square test, t-test, and multiple regression analysis were performed. Findings: As a result of analyzing the number of medical use cases and expenses of patients who participated and those who did not participate in the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project, the average outpatient medical use and outpatient medical expenses per person for participating patients were lower than those for patients who did not participate. The average hospitalization cost per person and the average length of stay per person were also lower than those of patients who did not participate. Practical Implications: Home-based care for rehabilitation patients continues to provide medical services at home, not at medical institutions, and can be expected to reduce readmissions and complications by resolving patients' emergency situations at home or on their own, thereby reducing medical use.

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A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Study of Interface Micromotion in a Non-Cement Total Hip stem (FEM 3차원 모델을 이용한 인공관절 대퇴 Stem 경계면의 미세운동 분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Kon;Choi, Hyung-Yun;Chae, Soo-Won
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 1996
  • In cementless total hip arthroplasty(THA), an initial stability of the femoral component is mandatory to achieve bony inyowth and secondary long term fixation. Primary stability of the femoral component can be obtained by minimizing the magnitude of relative micromotions at bone stem interface. An accurate evaluation of interf'ace micromotion and stress/strain fields in the bone-implant system may be relevant for better understanding of clinical situations and improving THA design. Recently finite element method(FEM) was introduced in'orthopaedic research field due to its unique capacity to evaluate stress in structure of complex shape, loading and material behavior. The authors developed the 3-dimensional finite element model of proximal femur with $Multilock^{TM}$ stem of 1179 blick elements to analyse the micromotions and mechanical behaviors at the bone-stem inteface in early post-operative period for the load simulating single leg stance. The results indicates that the values of relative motion for this well fit stem were $150{\mu}m$ in maximum $82{\mu}m$ in minimum and the largest relative motion was developed in medial region of Proximal femur and in anterior-posterior direction. The motion in the proximal bone was much greater than in the distal bone and the stress pattern showed high stress concentration on the cortex near the tip of the stem. These findings indicate that the loading on the hip joint in the early postoperative situation before achieving bony ingrowth could produce large micromotion of $150{\mu}m$ and clinicaly non-cemented THA patient should not be allowed weight bearing strictly early in the postoperative period.

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Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Mimiking the Bone Tumor of the Fossa Olecrani of Elbow in a 8-year-old Boy - A Case Report - (8세 남아에서 골종양을 닮은 주관절 색소 융모 결절성 활액막염 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Lee, Sang-Yup;Yoon, Min Geun;Seo, Young Hoon;Moon, Myung-Sang
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.138-142
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    • 2012
  • Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare benign proliferative disorder that results in villous hyperplasia and nodule formation in the synovium, tendon sheath and bursa. That most commonly affects the knee and the hip joint in adult. PVNS of the hand, the wrist, the shoulder and the elbow is rare and that of the elbow in children is particularly rarer. An eight-year-old boy had his left elbow pain and a lesion like benign bone tumor in the left fossa olecrani on plain x-ray. During the operation, abnormal synovial hyperplasia in his left elbow joint led us to diagnose PVNS. Therefore, open curettage of the lesion and radical synovectomy was performed. The specimen of the synovectomized tissue revealed PVNS. The left elbow pain subsided after the operation and the child restored a full range of motion of his left elbow. We reported this rare case of PVNS in a child's elbow joint mimicking the bone tumor together with a review of the literature.

Predicted the behavior of the femur according to the loading condition using FEM (유한요소해석을 이용한 하중조건에 따른 대퇴골의 거동예측)

  • Song, Seung-Youp;Choi, Seong Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2013
  • Falling related injuries are categorized as the most serious and common medical problems experienced by the elderly. Hip joint fracture, one of the most serious consequences of falling in the elderly, occurs in only about 1% of falling. In this study, according to the loading conditions, the analysis is the behavior of the femur. The CT images using the commercial program "Mimics" the bones of three-dimensional CAD data generated, and we will analyze the results of finite element analysis. The boundary conditions on the basis of existing research has been simplified. In this paper, the whole femur was assumed to be isotropic linear elastic material. Predicted the behavior of the femur according to the loading condition, it can be help the development of high-precision artificial bones and joints can be treated with surgery and will be able to perform efficiently.

Synovial Chondromatosis of the Subscapular Recess - A Case Report - (견갑하 와의 활액막 연골종증 - 1례 보고 -)

  • Nha Koung Wook;Choo Suk Kyu;Jung Byung Hyun;Suk Seung Yeub;Kim Han Sung
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.196-198
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    • 2001
  • Synovial chondromatosis is the chondroid metaplasia of the synovial membrane, Large joints such as the knee and hip are commonly involved. Synovial chondromatosis very rarely develops within the shoulder joints. We have experienced the synovial chondromatosis developed in the right subscapular recess communicating the shoulder joint of a 30 year-old-female who was diagnosed by plain radiograph, MRI and microscopic findings, and then treated by arthroscopic synovectomy and removal of loose bodies.

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Updated Surgical Techniques and Expanded Indications of Free Vascularized Fibular Graft

  • Park, Jong Woong
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2015
  • Free or pedicled vascularized fibular grafts (VFG) are useful for the reconstruction of large skeletal defects, particularly in cases of scarred or avascular beds, or in patients with combined bone and soft tissue defects. Compared to non-VFG, VEG, which contains living osteocytes and osteoblasts, maintains its own viability and serves as good osteoconductive and osteoinductive graft. Due to its many structural and biological advantages, the free fibular osteo- or osteocutaneous graft is considered the most suitable autograft for the reconstruction of long bone defects in the injured extremity. The traditional indication of VFG is the long bone and soft tissue defect, which cannot be reconstructed using a conventional operative method. Recently, the indications have been widely expanded not only for defects of midtibia, humerus, forearm, distal femur, and proximal tibia, but also for the arthrodesis of shoulder and knee joints. Because of its potential to allow further bone growth, free fibular epiphyseal transfer can be used for the hip or for distal radius defects caused by the radical resection of a tumor. The basic anatomy and surgical techniques for harvesting the VFG are well known; however, the condition of the recipient site is different in each case. Therefore, careful preoperative surgical planning should be customized in every patient. In this review, recently expanded surgical indications of VFG and surgical tips based on the author's experiences in the issues of fixation method, one or two staged reconstruction, size mismatching, overcoming the stress fracture, and arthrodesis of shoulder and knee joint using VFG are discussed with the review of literature.

Sciatic Nerve Injury Following a Delayed Surgical Procedure for the Hamstring Muscle Avulsion from the Ischial Tuberosity - A Case Report - (슬근 좌골 결절 견열 손상의 지연 수술후 발생한 좌골신경 손상 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Kim Hui Taek;Yoo Chong Il;Yun Pyung Ju;Lee Jong Seo
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.75-78
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    • 2002
  • Avulsion of the hamstring tendon from the ischial tuberosity is common in many sports, especially with younger athletes. The injury results from a sudden forceful flexion of the hip joint when the knee is extended and the hamstring muscles powerfully contracted. Early diagnosis and surgical repair with reattachment of avulsed muscles to the ischial tuberosity restore function and correct deformity. But, a delay in the diagnosis and treatment leads to a poor result functionally and clinically. Complication, such as heterotopic ossification and failure of the fixation, etc., were reported following a surgical procedure for this injury. However, sciatic nerve injury has not been reported in the literature. We report our experience of a sciatic nerve palsy after surgery that was performed three months after that the initial injury.

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Application of Gait Analysis to the Patients with Cervical Myelopathy (경척수증 환자에 대한 보행분석의 적용)

  • Yoon, Sang Won;Rhim, Seung Chul;Roh, Sung Woo;Yu, Jong Youn;Ha, Sang Bae
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.528-535
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    • 2000
  • Objective : To investigate objectively the postoperative improvement of gait disturbance in patients with cervical myelopathy through a gait analysis. Patients and Methods : Ten patients who underwent cervical decompression and fusion for cervical myelopathy caused by spondylosis, OPLL, or concomitant hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum were studied. Preoperatively, gait disturbance was present in all patients. The patients were evaluated by gait analysis using three dimensional motion analyzer to collect data of linear and kinematic parameters before surgery, 1 week and 3 months after surgery. Statistical analysis of the related pre-and post-operative data were performed. Results : In the linear parameters, average value of cadence, walking speed, stride length, step time, width and double support were increased postoperatively compare to preoperative value. In the kinematic parameters, average value of knee flexion during initial swing phase, plantar flexion of ankle and range of motion of hip joint were increased as well. These differences were statistically significant(p<0.05). Conclusion : This study suggests that gait analysis can be used as a method of quantitative analysis of postoperative gait improvement in patients with cervical myelopathy.

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Response of Brachial Muscles to Neck Rotation in the Decerebrate Cat (제뇌(除腦) 고양이의 경부(頸部) 회전자극에 대한 상완근(上腕筋)의 반응)

  • Lee, Dong-Sun;Park, Byung-Rim;Kim, Sang-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 1990
  • The role of cervical proprioceptors in the control of body posture was studied in bilaterally labyrinth-ectomized, decerebrate cats. The animals were suspended on hip pins with the neck extended horizontally. With this placement the EMG activities of extensor and flexor muscles of the upper extremities were observed by means of sinusoidal head rotator. The rotator can induce two kinds of neck movement: The one is 'pitch' which describes a rotatory neck motion to transverse axis of the body and mainly occurs at skull-C1 (atlantooccipital) joint and the other is 'roll', side-to-side relation of the neck to longitudinal axis, whose center is C1-C2 (atlanto-axial) joint. The following results were obtained. 1) Responses of EMG activity were closely dependent on the rotatory range of the neck. And the EMG activity was not changed during sustained neck torsion, eliciting a typical tonic neck reflex. 2) On pitching movement, the head-up rotation produced the excitation of bilateral triceps muscles, whereas the head-down rotation produced the inhibition. And the response of bilateral biceps muscles was the opposite to that of triceps. 3) On rolling movement, the side-up rotation of the head produced the excitation of ipsilateral triceps muscles and the inhibition of contralateral ones. And the response of biceps muscles was the opposite to that of triceps. 4) The minimum requirement of motion to evoke EMG activities in the upper extremities was $3.2^{\circ}{\sim}12.5^{\circ}$. These results have shown that the cervical proprioceptors produce tonic discharge on the upper brachial muscles, regulate the EMG activities of those muscles, and are very sensitive to neck rotation. And it can be stated that the cervical proprioceptors may play an important role in the control of body posture and movement.

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Skip Metastasis in Osteosarcoma (Report of 3 cases) (골육종의 도약전이 (3례보고))

  • Rhee, Seung-Koo;Song, Seok-Whan;Kwon, Soon-Yong;Ryoo, Seung-Joon
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 1997
  • From 1980 to 1997, we experienced 3 skip metastasis in femur out of 19 osteosarcoma patients. After diagnostic incisional biopsy and chemotherapy, hip disarticulations for all patients were performed. Still the mechanism of skip metastasis is unclear, but there have been two suggestions including medullary extension through an intraosseous embolism of tumor cells, or trans articular extension along the planes of fascia, capsule, ligaments, and venous channels around joints. The mechanisms of skip metastasis in our cases were not clear, but it was considered as an initial preliminary stage of metachronous osteosarcoma. If there are evidences of skip metastasis, it is strongly recommended to disarticulate proximal to the skip lesion rather than to amputate transmedullary.

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