• Title/Summary/Keyword: Higher Education Model of Private Investigation Study

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Study on the Design of the Standard Model for the Undergraduate Curriculum in Higher Education in Private Investigation Study (탐정학 고등교육 학부과정 표준모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Cheong Kyuong-Hwan;Lee Kyung-Han;Yeom Keon Ryeong
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, the permission for private investigation(PI) industry was implemented in 2020, and many PI associations and education institutions are currently training private investigators in the form of private qualifications. In line with the expansion of PI industry, universities are also establishing and operating private investigation study departments or major courses, and are constantly developing research and programs to provide education that meets the purpose and characteristics. This study compared and analyzed the subjects of various domestic universities that already operate the detective department and suggested the direction necessary for the development of PI market in Korea and the revival of private investigation studies in the future. The contents of the study include the composition of an educational model reflecting the field, the expansion of professors specializing in PI studies, and the development of original subjects in PI studies that break away from subjects such as police science and criminology. It is hoped that suggested direction will be actively reflected to lay the foundation for the development of private investigation studies and private investigation industry.

Bayesian quantile regression analysis of private education expenses for high scool students in Korea (일반계 고등학생 사교육비 지출에 대한 베이지안 분위회귀모형 분석)

  • Oh, Hyun Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1457-1469
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    • 2017
  • Private education expenses is one of the key issues in Korea and there have been many discussions about it. Academically, most of previous researches for private education expenses have used multiple regression linear model based on ordinary least squares (OLS) method. However, if the data do not satisfy the basic assumptions of the OLS method such as the normality and homoscedasticity, there is a problem with the reliability of estimations of parameters. In this case, quantile regression model is preferred to OLS model since it does not depend on the assumptions of nonnormality and heteroscedasticity for the data. In the present study, the data from a survey on private education expenses, conducted by Statistics Korea in 2015 has been analyzed for investigation of the impacting factors for private education expenses. Since the data do not satisfy the OLS assumptions, quantile regression model has been employed in Bayesian approach by using gibbs sampling method. The analysis results show that the gender of the student, parent's age, and the time and cost of participating after school are not significant. Household income is positively significant in proportion to the same size for all levels (quantiles) of private education expenses. Spending on private education in Seoul is higher than other regions and the regional difference grows as private education expenditure increases. Total time for private education and student's achievement have positive effect on the lower quantiles than the higher quantiles. Education level of father is positively significant for midium-high quantiles only, but education level of mother is for all but low quantiles. Participating after school is positively significant for the lower quantiles but EBS textbook cost is positively significant for the higher quantiles.