• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-Tc Superconductor

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Properties of Ceramic Superconductor by Chemical Solution Method (초전도 전류 특성)

  • Lee, Sang-Heon
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.535-537
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    • 2009
  • As a kind of high Tc superconductor application technique, a study on the development of energy storage device system using BiPbSrCaCuO superconductor was performed. Chemical melt process was developed to gabricate the high magnetization superconductor which is needed to develop the energy saving system and the effect of various process variable on the superconducting properties of the specimens were tested and analyzed. Magnetochemical interactions between superconductor and permanent magnet was also experimented.

The Short Circuit Analysis of a Simplified Magnetic Shielding Type High-Tc Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (단순화된 자기차폐형 고온초전도한류기 단락 특성 해석)

  • 이찬주;이승제;장미혜;현옥배;최효상;고태국
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics Conference
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    • 1999.02a
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 1999
  • Nowadays the high-Tc Superconducting Fault current Limiter (SFCL) is one of the superconducting devices which are very closed to commercialization. The most popular model of High-Tc SFCL is a magnetic shielding type. A superconductor of magnetic shielding type SFCL can be stable in the superconducting state, because there is no contact between the superconductor and the normal conductor. But this model needs large place to set up and in a fault condition, mechanical vibrations may happen to damage the superconductor or total device. In this paper, to solve these problems, the simplified model of magnetic shielding type SFCL was introduced.

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Electrical Properties of High Tc Superconductors Using the Pyrolysis Method for Renewed Electric Power Energy

  • Lee Sang-Heon
    • KIEE International Transactions on Electrophysics and Applications
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    • v.5C no.5
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    • pp.217-220
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    • 2005
  • We have fabricated a superconducting YBCO system according to the pyrolysis method and low pressure apparatus. In our experiment, the X-ray diffraction pattern of the non doped YBaCuO layer indicated that the superconductor contained only 90K phase crystal. The critical temperature and critical current density for a thick layer at $650^{\circ}C$ were Tc=90 K and $Jc=6{\times}10^{4}A/cm^2$ at 90K. In low pressure apparatus, the 90 K phase YBaCuO was grown at a lower temperature compared with the normal system. Tc and Jc at $650^{\circ}C$ were Tc = 90 K and $Jc=6{\times}10^{4}A/cm^2$ at 90K.

Junction, Circuit and System Developments for a High-Tc Superconductor Sampler

  • Hidaka, M.;Satoh, T.;Tahara, S.
    • 한국초전도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • v.9
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    • pp.13-15
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    • 1999
  • A Josephson sampler circuit using high-Tc superconductor (HTS) ramp-edge junctions has been designed, fabricated, and experimentally tested. It consists of five ramp-edge junctions with a stacked groundplane and is based on single-flux-quantum (SFQ) operations. The sampler was used to measure current waveforms at picosecond and microampere resolutions. We are developing a system based on the sampler for measuring the current waveform in a room-temperature sample. And measuring current flowing through wiring in a semiconductor large-scale integrated circuit is a promising application for the HTS sampler system.

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Development of Superconducting Bulk for Superconductor Mortor (초전도모터 적용을 위한 벌크개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Heon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.1311_1312
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    • 2009
  • In this article, current state of development of energy storage system using superconductor was summarized. As a result of continuous efforts, high critical current density exceeding $10^4\;A/cm^3$ at 77K and strong levitation capacity have been achieved in Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductor which is fabricated by melting technique. Various applications using the levitation properties of high-Tc superconductor is expected to come true in near future.

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Crystalline Phases and Superconductor Characteristics of the Plasma Sprayed YBa2Cu$\chi$O7-y High Tc Superconductor Thick Film (플라즈마 용사법에 의해 제조된 YBa2Cu$\chi$O7-y(X=3, 3.5, 4) 고온초전도체 후막층의 결정상 및 초전도 특성)

  • 한명섭;서동수
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.152-160
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    • 1992
  • High-Tc superconductor thick films of YBa2Cu$\chi$O7-y (X=3, 3.5, 4) of which thickness varies from 100 $\mu\textrm{m}$ to 200 $\mu\textrm{m}$ were successfully prepared by plasma spraying method, and the characteristics of thick film depending on copper content and heat treatment conditions were investigated. Regardless of heat-treated temperature, the specimens with X=3 were composed of YBa2Cu$\chi$O7-y, Y2BaCuO5 and BaCuO3 phases. The specimens with X=4, however, were composed of YBa2Cu$\chi$O7-y phase at all heat treatment conditions. The specimens with X=4 composition showed the best superconducting characteristics after heat treatment at 925$^{\circ}C$, and the superconducting transition temperature with zero resistivity (Tc,zero) was 87K. The thick film lost superconductivity when the specimens were heat-treated at 950$^{\circ}C$ because of interdiffusion between superconductor elements and bond coating elements and Y2BaCuO5 phase was found was found to be main phase at the interface.

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A Micro Actuator using Meissner Effect of High Tc Superconducting Film (Meissnac)

  • Kim, Yong-Kwon;Katsurai, Makoto;Fujita, Hiroyuki
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1988.11a
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    • pp.349-352
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    • 1988
  • A problem of the surface friction is inevitable in the micro machines. However, the levitation by Meissner effect of high Tc superconductor gives a complete solution to the problem. The repulsive force between permanent magnets and superconductors is utilized to levitate and actuate micro structures without the surface friction. In this paper, a micro actuator using; Meissner effect of high Tc superconducting film (Meissnac) is proposed ; Meissnac is drived by the control of (Sugerconducting/ Normal) states of superconductor. The levitating force and the driving force are analyzed by the numerical method.

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Study of Multi-Step Current Lead (다단 전류도입선 해석)

  • Moon, J.S.;Seol, S.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 2000
  • High-Tc superconducting current leads with multi-step and continually varied cross-sectional area are studied to reduce heat leak into cryostat and material use. Assuming conduction-cooled lead the cross-sectional area is reduced along the heat flow direction according to the increase of critical current density which increases with decreasing temperature. In this study, we also analyze the multi-step cross-sectional area High-Tc current leads. The multi-st데 current leads changes the cross-sectional area to have constant safety-factor at changed section. The heat leak into cryostat, total voume, safety-factor and the temperature profiles are compared to those of the constant safety-factor current leads. The developed methods are applied to the Bi-2223 superconductor sheathed with Ag-Au alloy.

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The Analysis of Normal Zone Propagating Velocity in High Tc Bulk superconductor (벌크형 고온초전도에서의 상전도영역 전파속도 해석)

  • Chu, Yong;Joo, Min-Seok;Kim, Ho-Min;Ko, Tae-Kuk
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07a
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    • pp.184-186
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    • 1996
  • This paper is a study on the analysis of normal zone propagating velocity in high Tc superconductor. Steady-state solution is analyzed based upon the one-dimensional heat transfer equation. This model incorporates the temperature and magnetic field dependent superconductor properties. The analytical results indicate that the propagation velocity is not a linear function of operating current, magnetic field and temperature.

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The recent trend of high-Tc superconductor (고온초전도체의 최근의 개발동향)

  • 오상수;류강식;김상현
    • Electrical & Electronic Materials
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 1994
  • 미국의 ASC(American Superconductor Corp.)에서는 산화물계의 고온초전도선재를 대량생산하기 위한 대규모 투자를 계획하고 있으며 지금은 금속계 초전도선재처럼 장척의 고온초전도선재도 구매할 수 있는 시대로 접어들고 있다. 고온초전도체 벌크 및 박막의 경우도 새로운 프로세스들이 계속 시도되고 최적화 연구가 성과를 거두면서 고성능, 고품질의 재료들이 제조되고 있고 이것들을 이용한 상용화 연구개발이 미국, 일본을 중심으로 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 최근 5년간의 고온초전도 분야에 대한 미국 연방정부의 연구비 투자 상황을 살펴보면 계속 증가추세에 있으며 벤처 비지니스의 민간기업들이 고온초전도체를 상용화하기 위한 많은 투자와 노력을 하고 있다. 고온초전도체는 그 사용 용도에 따라 벌크, 박막, 선재 등 다양한 형태로 만들어지고 있다. 본 고에서는 고온초전도체의 여러 연구분야 중 이론, 물성보다는 주로 응용기술적인 차원에서 재료 형태별로 최근의 연구개발 동향을 살펴보고자 한다.

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