• Title/Summary/Keyword: Heo Nanseolheon

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A Study on the Content and Composition of Digital Character Archive in Works and Subjects: Female Writers in the mid of the Joseon Dynasty (작품·주제형 디지털 인물 아카이브의 콘텐츠와 구성에 관한 연구 - 조선 중기 여류 문인을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hee-Sook;Chang, Woo-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.145-174
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    • 2020
  • The study is aimed at exploring the contents and composition of archive of works and subjects digital figures for works by Shin Saimdang, Heo Nanseolheon and Song Deokbong among female writers during the mid-Joseon Dynasty. To this end, first, to investigate and analyze the theoretical background and the preceding study by studying literature. Second, based on the reason for the character selection, the life of Shin Saimdang, Song Deokbong, and Heo Nanseolhun are analyzed. Third, the works and themes are analyzed through the writings left by Shin Saimdang, Song Deokbong, and Heo Nanseolheon, as well as by various researchers on them. Fourth, it presents the contents and composition of the archive of digital figures in works and subjects with the focus of Shin Saimdang, Song Deokbong and Henan Seolheon.

Diglossia of Literature in the Middle Ages and Literacy Education: - Hwang Jini and Heo Nanseolheon in the 16th century- (중세 양층언어문학과 문식성 교육 - 16세기 허난설헌과 황진이의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • 정소연
    • Journal of Korean Language Education
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    • no.42
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    • pp.323-368
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    • 2018
  • This study is based on the view point of diglossia that Chinese writing held a higher position than Korean language in the Joseon Dynasty, especially during the 16th century. Diglossic writers were focus on and the implication of diglossia in literacy education was examined. In particular, the diglossic literary features of Korean poetry and songs were examined, with a focus on differences in the authors' gender: female(Hwang Jini and Heo Nanseolheon) and male (Lee Hwang, Jeong Cheol and others). In the case of diglossic literature written by male poets, their Hansi and Sijo had quite different subjects. In addition, their Hansi, which was the exclusive property of noblemen, was largely based on their lives. However, the female poet Heo Nanseolheon covered wider range of subjects and used the first-person point of view, even when the content was not based on her actual life. In particular, she wrote Hansi as lyrics for Korean songs and thus, some of her Hansi can be enjoyed through singing. This differs considerably from the work of male diglossic writers. Furthermore, this tendency can be seen in the history of Hansi after the 18th century. Another female poet, Hwang Jini free from Neo-Confucianism, depicted her free thoughts and expressions in Sijo and reflected various poetic speakers' situations in both Sijo and Hansi. This is especially interesting since women were considered to be of lower social class at that time; these two female poets did not just refuse to follow the writing patterns of male noblemen, they also applied the characteristics of Korean poetry and songs to Hansi and disrupted the traditional characteristics of Hansi. In current education, the 2015 revised national curriculum put emphasize on understanding not only the scope of functional literacy, but also the principle for enhancing critical perception with respect to understanding the ways of communication of power and hierarchical structure. This can be considered a good principle, although mainstream literature does not pay attention to it. In addition, it can be applied through self-internalization and an acceptance of literature in school education by using the spoken language culture that students generally prefer in digital media. Highlighting the perception of advantages and characteristics, when minority statuses are linked to artistic freedoms to flout current prevailing values and cultural tendencies, can enhance not only classical literature literacy but also improve students' characteristics and competency.

Comparison of the Rearers of Creative Achievers in the East and the West (창조적 성취자를 키운 동서양 양육자의 특성 비교)

  • Moon, Yeon-Hee;Han, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.395-426
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to delve into parents who turned their children into creative achievers in the East and the West in an attempt to determine the cultural generality and specificity of the rearing of gifted children. The subjects in this study were Western parents, who brought up Marie Curie, Einstein, Edison and Newton, and Eastern parents, who raised Lee Hwang, Lee lee, Jeong Yak-yong and Heo Nanseolheon. To compare their parenting characteristics, common denominators and differences, a variety of data were investigated, including historical records about the parents, biographies, critical biographies, autobiographies and letters. As to the common features of the parenting style of the eight Asian and Western parents, they were talented themselves or capable of educating their children in their talent areas, and provided them with optimal learning environments or chances without pushing them. They accentuated independent spirits and emphasized renovative and open way of thinking. And at least one parent in each family showed absolute support for their child. Regarding differences in parenting style between the East and the West, the Western parents urged their children to develop their talents with more intention, rather the Asian parents prized the well-rounded personality and growth of their children. The former interacted with their children in an horizontal manner, but the latter had a vertical relationship with their children. The former expressed their feelings in an active way, but the latter had their emotion in control. Besides, the Western parents disclosed themselves to their children by showing them even their mistakes or improper behaviors, whereas the Asian parents strived in everyday life to give their children a good example or a good role model.