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A study on the welding conditions that affect thermal deformation and mechanical property of Al 5083 non-ferrous alloy for eco-environmental leisure ships

  • Moon, Byung Young;Kim, Kyu Sun;Lee, Ki Yeol
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.1190-1199
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    • 2014
  • As a considerable, experimental approach, an autocarriage type of CO2 welding machine and a MIG(metal inert gas) welding robot in the inert gas atmosphere were utilized in order to realize Al 5083 welding to hull and relevant components of green leisure ships. This study aims at investigating the effect of welding conditions(current, voltage, welding speed, etc.) on thermal deformation that occurs as welding operation and tensile characteristics after welding, by using Al 5083, nonferrous material, applied to manufacturing of eco-environmental leisure ships. With respect to welding condition to minimize the thermal deformation, 150 A and 16 V at the wire-feed rate of 6 mm/sec were acquired in the process of welding Al 5083 through an auto carriage type of CO2 welding feeder. As to tensile characteristics of Al 5083 welding through a MIG welding robot, most of tensile specimens showed the fracture behavior on HAZ(heat affected zone) located at the area joined with weld metal, except for some cases. Especially, for the case of the Al specimen with 5 mm thickness, 284.62 MPa of tensile strength and 11.41 % of elongation were obtained as an actual allowable tensile stress-strain value. Mostly, after acquiring the optimum welding condition, the relevant welding data and technical requirements might be provided for actual welding operation site and welding procedure specification (WPS).

A Study on the forms and the content of heavy metals of deformational Mugil cephelus from the Nagdong River (변형어에 관한 형태 및 중금속함량조사 -낙동강에 누식하는 Mugil Cephalus를 중심으로-)

  • 어은수
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 1982
  • Seventy-seven Mugil cephalus of spinal deformation, living in Hanam, Nogsan, and Myeongji area, the downstreams of the Nagdong River, were collected in order to determine their forms and the levels of heavy metal contamination between March and October, 1981. The specimens were examined by X-ray and content of cadmium, lead, copper, and zinc by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The rate of appearance of deformational fish to the total Mugil cephflus were 4.3% (13 fish), 5.7% (17 fish), relatively high in May and June (dry season). Meanwhile during March and October they were low by 1.0% (3 fish), 2.0% (6 fish). As far as the research areas are concerned, they appeared in larger numbers in downstreams than in upper streams Myeongji (39), Nogsan (25), and Hanam (13). 2. Concerning with fractured parts of vertebraes,86 percent (66 out of 77) had their caudal regions fractured and 72 percent (55) their first to seventh caudal regions fractured. 3. The average levels of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc detected from flesh were 0.26ppm, 2.06ppm, 6.35ppm, 0.85ppm on the other hand, they were 0.22ppm, 1.84ppm, 5.03ppm, 0.93ppm in normal fish. 4. The average levels of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc measured in the bones were 0.39ppm, 2.55ppm, 8.97ppm, 2.73ppm. Meanwhile, from normal fish they were 0.33ppm, 2.25ppm, 7.24ppm, 2.42ppm. 5. Compared with regional heavy metal contamination such as cadium, lead, zinc, Myeongji area had higher contamination content than Nogsan area Nogsan area than Hanam area. 6. Compared with heavy metal contamination level in their tissues, cadmium was highly found in bones Lead and copper were highly detected in viscera. Particularly in skeleton cadmium was 560 times, zinc 160 times in proportion to those in the downstreams of the Nagdong River.

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A Study on the Optimum Clearance Selection of Fuel Pump Journal Bearing with Elasto-hydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis (탄성유체윤활해석에 의한 연료 펌프 저널베어링 최적간극 선정 연구)

  • An, Sung Chan;Lee, Sang Don;Son, Jung Ho;Cho, Yong Joo
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2017
  • The electric controlled marine diesel engine has fuel pump generating the high pressurized fuel for fuel injection to combustion chamber via a common rail. Fuel pump consists of a cam-roller system. Journal bearing installed between a roller and a cam-roller pin is subjected to fluctuating heavy and instant loads by cam lift. First, Kinematic analysis is carried out to predict bearing loads during one cycle acting on the journal bearing. Second, flexible multi-body dynamic analysis and transient elasto-hydrodynamic(EHD) lubrication analysis for journal bearing considering elastic deformation of cam-roller pin, roller and bearing are conducted using AVL EXCITE/PU software to predict lubrication performance. The clearance ratio and journal groove shape providing lubrication oil are important parameter in bearing design having good performance and can be changed easier than other design parameters such as diameter, width, oil supply pressure and bearing material grade. Generally, journal bearing performance is represented by the minimum oil film thickness(MOFT) and peak oil film pressure(POFP). As well as the traditional design parameters(MOFT, POFP), in this study, temperature rise of lubrication oil is also evaluated through the side leakage flow of supplied oil. By the evaluating MOFT, POFP and temperature rise, the optimum bearing clearance ratio is decided.

The behavior of a Cut Slope Stabilized by Use of Piles during Heavy Rain (억지말뚝으로 보강된 절개사면의 강우시 거동)

  • Han, Jung-Geun;Hong, Won-Pyo;Sin, Min-Ho
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 1996
  • An instrumentation system is designed to observe the behavior of slope soil and stabilizing piles during heavy rains. Inclinometers, standpipe piezometers and strain gages are installed into a cut slope reinforced by a row .of piles for an apartment. The horizontal deflection and bending stress developed on the piles can be measured, respectively, by the inclinometers and strain gages installed in piles, while the horizontal deformation of the slope soil can be measured by the inclinometer installed in the soil across the open space between piles. The groundwater level doss not grow so sensitively during heavy rain. The behavior of piles and slope is 서footed by the wetting front, since the driving force of slope increases with the weight of slope soil above the wetting front. The stabilizing piles and the slope soil show elastic behavior during heavy rain.

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A Study on the Overlay Model for Description of Hysteresis Behavior of a Material under Non-isothermal Loading (변온 하중하에 있는 재료의 이력거동 예측을 위한 다층 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Ho;Seo, Dong-Hun;Yeo, Tae-In
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2010
  • The present work focuses on the characterization of material parameters of the Overlay(multilinear hardening) model for analyzing the non-isothermal cyclic deformation. In the previous study, all the parameters were especially based on the Overlay theories, and a simple method was suggested to find out the best material parameters for the isothermal cyclic deformation analysis. Based on the previous research this paper f dther improves the isothermal parameters and suggests how to apply the isothermal parameters to the non-isothermal conditions especially for the description of TMF(Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue) hysteresis behavior. The parameters are determined and calibrated using 400 series stainless steel test data in the reference papers. For the implementation into ABAQUS, a user subroutine is developed by means of ABAQUS/UMAT. The finite element results show good agreement with test for the case of uniaxial non-isothermal cyclic loading, signifying the proposed method can be used in the TMF analysis of the converter-inserted heavy duty muffler system and the stainless steel exhaust-manifold system which are to be done in our future research.

Real-Time Haptic Rendering for Multi-contact Interaction with Virtual Environment (가상현실을 위한 다중 접촉 실시간 햅틱 랜더링)

  • Lee, Kyung-No;Lee, Doo-Yong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.663-671
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents a real-time haptic rendering method for multi-contact interaction with virtual environments. Haptic systems often employ physics-based deformation models such as finite-element models and mass-spring models which demand heavy computational overhead. The haptic system can be designed to have two sampling times, T and JT, for the haptic loop and the graphic loop, respectively. A multi-rate output-estimation with an exponential forgetting factor is proposed to implement real-time haptic rendering for the haptic systems with two sampling rates. The computational burden of the output-estimation increases rapidly as the number of contact points increases. To reduce the computation of the estimation, the multi-rate output-estimation with reduced parameters is developed in this paper. Performance of the new output-estimation with reduced parameters is compared with the original output-estimation with full parameters and an exponential forgetting factor. Estimated outputs are computed from the estimated input-output model at a high rate, and trace the analytical outputs computed from the deformation model. The performance is demonstrated by simulation with a linear tensor-mass model.

Process Design on Fabrication of Large Sized Ring by Mandrel Forging of Hollow Cast Ingot (중공 잉곳을 이용한 대형 링 단조품 제조공정 설계 연구)

  • Lee, S.U.;Lee, Y.S.;Lee, M.W.;Lee, D.H.;Kim, S.S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2010
  • Ring forging process is more appropriate for high-length and thin walled ring, because it utilizes the forging press and hence does not require heavy-duty ring rolling mill. Although ring forging process is very simple and economic for facilities, the process is not efficient because of multi-forging-step and low material utilization. An effective ring forging process is developed using a hollow ingot. When a hollow ingot is used with a workpiece, the ingot can be forged into a final ring without multi-stage pre-forging process, such as, cogging, upsetting, and piercing, etc.. Finally it has advantages of the material utilization and process improvement because a few reheating and forging process are not necessary to make workpiece for ring forging. The important design variables are the applied plastic deformation energy to eliminate cast structure and make uniform properties. In this study, the mechanical properties after forging of hollow cast ingot were investigated from the experiment using circumferential sectional model. Also, the effects of process variables were studied by FEM simulation on the basis of thermo-visco-plastic constitutive equation. Applied strain is different at each position in length direction because diameter of hollow ingot is different in length direction. The different strain distribution become into a narrow gap by additional plastic deformation during diameter extension process.

A Study on Structural Safety of Integrated Machine for Grinding Wheel Forming (연삭 휠 형상 복합가공시스템의 구조 안전성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Suk;An, Beom-Sang;Kim, Jin-Hyeon;Lee, Jong-Chan;Woo, Bong-Geun;Lee, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.84-88
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the structural safety of a heavy-duty integrated machine for grinding wheel forming. Structural analysis was performed to evaluate the structural safety of the base. The base was designed by dividing the single base and detachable base. The analysis conditions were applied to the own weight and the load of component parts. From the structural analysis results, although the stress of the detachable base was decreased, the amount of deformation was increased. If the deformation of the detachable base decreases, it is expected to be safer than the single base.

Simulation of Plate Deformation due to Triangle Heating Using Inherent Strain Method (고유변형도법을 이용한 삼각가열에 의한 판 변형의 시뮬레이션)

  • Jang, Chang-Doo;Ko, Dae-Eun;Ha, Yun-Sok
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.703-709
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    • 2008
  • In the shipyard, line heating and triangle heating are two major processes for forming curved plates in various shapes. While there have been many studies on line heating, triangle heating has been rarely studied due to its complicated heating process with irregular multi-heating paths and highly concentrated heat input. As the triangle heating process is one of the most labor-consuming jobs in shipyards, it is essential to study the automation as well as improvement of triangle heating process in order to increase hull forming productivity. In this study, a pioneering attempt to simulate triangle heating was made. A circular disk-spring model was proposed for elasto-plastic analysis procedure of triangle heating and the inherent strain method was also used to analyze the deformation of plates. Simulation results were compared with those of experiments and showed good agreement. It is shown that the present approach including analysis model used in this study is effective to simulate the triangle heating for plate forming process in shipbuilding.

Measurement of Real Deformation Behavior in C-type Lng Mock-up Tank using Strain Gage (스트레인 게이지를 이용한 C-type LNG Mock-up 탱크 내조 실 변형 거동 측정)

  • Jung, Won-Do;Kim, Tae-Wook;Kim, Jeong-Hyeon;Lee, Do-Young;Chun, Min-Sung;Lee, Jae-Myung
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2016
  • A C-type LNG mock-up tank was constructed to evaluate the durability of the tank and its structural safety. An experimental strain analysis system equipped with strain gages was designed to investigate the structural behavior of the inner tank at a high hydraulic pressure. In addition, the insulation used in the space between the inner tank and outer tank had a compressive strength and the inner tank thickness of the cylindrical shell and hemisphere was 4.0 mm, which was designed to be thinner than the existing rules. The strains on the inner tank were measured with increasing pressure, and these measurements were compared and analyzed at the strain gage attachment points.