• Title/Summary/Keyword: Heavy deformation

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High Strain-rate Deformation Behavior of NiAl/Ni Micro-laminated Composites (NiAl/Ni 미세적층복합재료의 고속변형거동)

  • Kim Hee-Yeoun;Kim Jin-Young;Jeong Dong-Seok;Enoki Manabu;Hong Soon-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.237-240
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    • 2004
  • High strain-rate deformation behavior of NiAl/Ni micro-laminated composites was characterized by split hopkins on pressure bar(SHPB). When the strain rate increased, the compressive stress of micro-laminated composites were increased a little. When the intermetallic volume fraction increased, the compressive stress of micro-laminated composites increased linearly irrespective of strain rate. Absorbed energy during the quasi-static and SHPB tests was calculated from the integrated area of stress-strain curve. Absorbed energy of micro-laminated composites deviated from the linearity in terms of the intermetallic volume fraction but merged to the value of intermetallic as the strain rate increased. This was due to high tendency of intermetallic layer for the localization of shear deformation at high strain rate. Microstructure showing adibatic shear band(ASB) confirmed that the shear strain calculated from the misalignment angle of each layer increased and ASB width decreased when the intermetallic volume fraction. Simulation test impacted by tungsten heavy alloy cylinder resulted that the absorbed energies multiplied by damaged volume of micro-laminated composites were decreased as the intermetallic volume fraction increased. Fracture mode were changed from delamination to single fracture when the intermetallic volume fraction and this results were good matched with previous results[l] obtained from the fracture tests.

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A study on the simulation of water cooling process for the prediction of plate deformation due to line heating

  • Nomoto, Toshiharu;Jang, Chang-Doo;Ha, Yun-Sok;Lee, Hae-Woo;Ko, Dae-Eun
    • International Journal of Ocean System Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2011
  • In a line heating process for hull forming, the phase of the steel transforms from austenite to martensite, bainite, ferrite, or pearlite depending on the actual speed of cooling following line heating. In order to simulate the water cooling process widely used in shipyards, a heat transfer analysis on the effects of impinging water jet, film boiling, and radiation was performed. From the above simulation it was possible to obtain the actual speed of cooling and volume percentage of each phase in the inherent strain region of a line heated steel plate. Based on the material properties calculated from the volume percentage of each phase, it should be possible to predict the plate deformations due to line heating with better precision. Compared to the line heating experimental results, the simulated water cooling process method was verified to improve the predictability of the plate deformation due to line heating.

The Change of Major Cellular Fatty Acids Composition and Morphology of Escherichia coli Affected by Toxic Substances

  • Jeong In Suk;Seong Hee Kyung;Lee Won Jae
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2004
  • This study was performed to compare the growth rates, cellular fatty acid compositions and morphology by using electron microscope of Escherichia coli (E. coli) grown in various conditions including different concentrations of phenol, CdCl₂ and HgCl₂. Ninety eight E. coli strains were isolated from Naktong river and human feces. The content of unsaturated fatty acids, especially 16:1ω7c and 18:1ωc increased as the concentration of phenol and CdCl₂ increased. The content of unsaturated fatty acid increased up to 50 ppb of HgCl₂, but decreased at 75 ppb of HgCl₂. There were more unsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acid in the presence of toxic substances. However, the ration was reversed when the affected E. coli was transferred to toxic substance free fresh trypticase soy broth medium. Also, by using transmission electron microscope these cells were observed to various morphological deformation by heavy metals and their deposition on the surface. From these results, we suggested that the changes of major fatty acids composition and morphology of E. coli may be considered to indicate contaminated levels of heavy metals or organic solvents. The information presented here may be useful in predicting effects of heavy-metal and organic solvent contamination in streams and provides a basis for further studies of metal or organic solvent effects on microbial communities.

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Ballasting plan optimization for operation of a 2D floating dry dock

  • Yoon, Kyungho;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Yeo, Seungkyun;Hong, Younghwa;Cha, Jihye;Chung, Hyun
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.74 no.4
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    • pp.521-532
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    • 2020
  • A floating dry dock is an advanced structure that can provide a solution for dry dock space shortages. The critical point in floating dock operation is compensating the deflection caused by a heavy payload by adjusting the water level in the ballast system. An appropriate ballasting plan warrants safe and precise construction on a floating dock. Particularly, in the case of a 2D floating dock, ballasting plan evaluation is crucial due to complex deformation modes. In this paper, we developed a method to calculate the optimal ballasting plan for accurate and precise construction on a 2D floating dock. The finite element method was used for considering the flexibility of the floating dock as well as the construction blocks. Through a gradient-based optimization algorithm, the optimal ballasting plan for the given load condition was calculated in semi-real time (5 min). The present method was successfully used for the actual construction of an offshore structure on the 2D floating dock.

Stress Analysis of Gas-Gas Heater in Thermal Power Plant (화력발전용 가스재열기의 응력 해석)

  • Hwang, Suk-Hwan;Choi, Jae-Seung;Lee, Hoo-Gwang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.204-211
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    • 2002
  • Today\`s industrialized plants are required to reduce SOx emitted from stacks at factories, utility power stations, etc. For this purpose, flue gas desulfurization(FGD) system is installed in thermal power plant and gas-gas heater(GGH) is used to play a vital role to reheat the wet treated gas from FGD. The sector plates are located at cold and hot sides of gas-gas heater. They serve as sealing to prevent mixing treated and untreated gases. Therefore, the deformation of the sector plate due to its dead weight and gas pressure should be considered as major factor for the sector plate design. And finite element analysis(FEA) for rotor part in GGH is performed with original model and two weight-reduced models with different diaphragm thickness, respectively. Stress concentrations at rotor diaphragm happen due to the dead weight, pressure difference between treated and untreated gas, and thermal distribution in the rotor. As the thickness of diaphragm is decreased, the stress level is increased. The direction of treated gas and untreated gas flow may affect the stress level.

Evaluation on Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Modified Warm-Mix Asphalt Mixtures for Monsoon Climate Regions (몬순기후형 중온 개질 아스팔트 혼합물의 역학적 물성 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Kanghun
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSES : The main distress of asphalt pavements in monsoon climate regions are caused by water damage and plastic deformation due to repeated rain season and increased heavy vehicle traffic volume. In this study, the mechanical properties of polymer-modified warm mix asphalt (PWMA) materials are evaluated to use in monsoon climate regions such as Indonesia. METHODS : Comprehensive laboratory tests are conducted to evaluate moisture resistance and permanent deformation resistance for three different asphalt mixtures such as the Indonesian conventional hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixture, the polymer-modified asphalt mixture, and the polymer-modified warm mix asphalt (PWMA) mixture. Dynamic immersion test and indirect tensile strength ratio test are performed to evaluate moisture resistance. The wheel tracking test is performed to evaluate rutting resistance. Additionally, the Hamburg wheel tracking test is performed to evaluate rutting and moisture resistances simultaneously. RESULTS :The dynamic immersion test results indicate that the PWMA mixture shows the highest resistance to moisture. The indirect tensile strength ratio test indicates that TSR values of PWMA mixture, Indonesian PMA mixture, and Indonesian HMA mixture show 87.2%, 84.1%, and 67.9%, respectively. The wheel tracking test results indicate that the PWMA mixture is found to be more resistant to plastic deformation than the Indonesian PMA. The dynamic stability values are 2,739 times/mm and 3,150 times/mm, respectively. Moreover, the Hamburg wheel tracking test results indicate that PWMA mixture is more resistant to plastic deformation than Indonesian PMA and HMA mixtures. CONCLUSIONS :Based on limited laboratory test results, it is concluded that rutting resistance and moisture susceptibility of the PWMA mixture is superior to Indonesian HMA and Indonesian PMA mixtures. It is postulated that PWMA mixture would be suitable for climate and traffic conditions in Indonesia.

A 3D ground penetrating radar imaging of the heavy rainfall-induced deformation around a river levee: a case study of Ara River, Saitama, Japan (폭우에 의해 발생된 강 제방 주변 변형의 3차원 GPR 영상화: 일본 사이타마현의 아라강에 대한 현장적용사례)

  • Yokota, Toshiyuki;Inazaki, Tomio;Shinagawa, Shunsuke;Ueda, Takumi
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a three-dimensional ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey carried out around a levee of the Ara River in Saitama, Japan, where deformation of the ground was observed after heavy rainfall associated with the typhoon of September 2007. The high-density 3D GPR survey was conducted as a series of closely adjacent four directional sets of 2D surveys at an area surrounding vertical cracks on the paved road caused by deformations induced by heavy rain. The survey directions of the 2D surveys were 0, 90, 45, and -45 degrees with respect to the paved road and the intervals between lines were less than 0.5 m. The 3D subsurface structure was accurately imaged by the result of data processing using Kirchhoff-type 3D migration. As a result, locations and vertical continuities of the heavy rainfall induced cracks in the paved road were clearly imaged. This will be a great help in considering the generation mechanisms of the cracks. Moreover, the current risk of a secondary disaster was found to be low, as no air-filled cavities were detected by the 3D GPR survey.

Prediction Technology of Reverse Setting Block Shape with Inherent Strain Method and Re-meshing Technology (고유 변형도법과 리메슁 기술을 접목한 블록의 역세팅 형상 예측기술)

  • Hyun, Chung-Min;Choi, Han-Suk;Park, Chang-Woo;Kim, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.425-430
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    • 2017
  • In order to reduce the cost of corrections and time needed for the block assembly process, the reverse setting method is applied for a back-heated block to neutralize deck deformation. The proper reverse setting shape for a back-heated block to correct deformation improved the deck flatness, but an excessive amount of reverse setting could inversely affect the flatness of the block. A prediction method was developed for the proper reverse setting shape using a back-heated block, considering the complex geometry of blocks, thickness of the deck plate, and thermal loading conditions such as welding and back-heating. The prediction method was developed by combining the re-meshing technique and inherent strain-based deformation analysis using the finite element method. Because the flatness deviation was decreased until the lower critical point and thereafter it tended to increase again, the optimum value for which the flatness was the best case was selected by repeatedly calculating the predefined reverse setting values. Based on this analysis and the study of the back-heating deformation of large assembly blocks, including the reverse setting shape, the mechanism for selecting the optimum reverse setting value was identified. The developed method was applied to the actual blocks of a ship, and it was confirmed that the flatness of the block was improved. It is concluded that the developed prediction method can be used to predict the optimum reverse setting shape value of a ship's block, which will reduce the cost of corrections in the construction stage.

Effects of Torsional Flexibility on a Flapping Airfoil (플랩핑 에어포일에 대한 비틀림 유연성의 영향)

  • Cho, Moon-Sung;Bae, Jae-Sung;Kim, Hark-Bong;Kim, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.1146-1151
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the effects of torsional flexibility on a flapping airfoil are investigated. The aerodynamic forces of a torsional flexible flapping airfoil is computed using 2-D unsteady vortex panel method. A typical-section aeroelastic model is used for the aeroelsatic calculation of the flapping airfoil. Torsional flexibility and excitation frequency are considered as main effective parameters. Under heavy airfoil condition , the thrust peak is observed at the points where the frequency ratio is about 0.75. Based on this peak criterion, there exists two different motions. One is an inertia driven deformation motion and the other is an oscillation driven deformation motion. Also, in the thrust peak condition, the phase angle is kept 85 degrees, independent of the torsional flexibility and the excitation frequency.

Simulation of plate deformation due to line heating considering water cooling effects (수냉 효과를 고려한 선상가열에 의한 판 변형의 시뮬레이션)

  • Ko, Dae-Eun;Ha, Yun-Sok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.2470-2476
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    • 2011
  • Inherent strain method, a hybrid method of experimental and numerical, is known to be very efficient in predicting the plate deformation due to line heating. For the simulation of deformation using inherent strain method, it is important to determine the magnitude and the region of inherent strain properly. Because the phase of steel transforms differently depending on the actual speed of cooling following line heating, it should be also considered in determining the inherent strain. A heat transfer analysis method including the effects of impinging water jet, film boiling, and radiation is proposed to simulate the water cooling process widely used in shipyards. From the above simulation it is possible to obtain the actual speed of cooling and volume percentage of each phase in the inherent strain region of a line heated steel plate. Based on the material properties calculated from the volume percentage of each phase, it should be possible to predict the plate deformations due to line heating with better precision.