• Title/Summary/Keyword: Happiness Level

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Influencing Variables on Life Satisfaction of Korean Elders in Institutions

  • Sung, Ki-Wol
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1093-1110
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    • 2003
  • Purpose. The number of elders in institutions has increased as family supporting systems have changed in Korea. The purpose of this study were to understand the life satisfaction among elders in institutions and to identify the factors influencing on life satisfaction. Methods. The instruments used were Yun(1982)'s scale modified Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale for Happiness(MUNSH) in life satisfaction, ADL and IADL in activity level, Self-rating Depression Scale(SDS) in depression and Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire(NSSQ) scale in social support. Also, Perceived health status was measured by Visual Graphic Rating Scale. The subject of this study is 107 cognitively intact and ambulatory elders in 7 institutions in Daegu city and Kyungpook province. The data have been collected from May 1 to June 30, 2001. For the analysis of collected data, frequency analysis, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used for statistical analysis by SPSS win(version 9.0) program. Results. Life satisfaction for the elders in institutions showed negative correlation with SDS, and positive correlation with activity level. The regression form of the stepwise multiple regression analysis to investigate the influencing factors of life satisfaction for the elders in institutions was expressed by y =90.988-0. 733x1-0.188x2-0.069x3-0.565x4 (xl: SDS x2: Social support x3: Activity level x4: Monthly pocket Money) and 57.9% of varience in life satisfaction was explained by the model. Conclusion. The factors influencing on life satisfaction among the elders in institutions were SDS, social support, activity level and monthly pocket money. According to the results of this study, depression, social support and activity level are considered the prime causal factors for life satisfaction.

An Impact of VR Travel Contents on Emotions in Untact Era (언택트 시대 VR여행콘텐츠가 감정에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Young-Woo;Joo, Jae-Heum
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.1538-1544
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to analyze through empirical experiments for the effects of a 360 degree's VR travel contents on stress in the era of COVID-19, as stress has emerged as social problems due to restrictions on freedom of movement. For the empirical experiment, the hypothesis (Happiness level or Depression level or Arousal level will affect the level of stress after watching VR travel contents) was established. As a result, the depression level was adopted while the others were rejected. In order to relieve stress, it is necessary to be careful not to feel depressed, and it was found that even if we can't travel freely, we can reduce stress somewhat with VR travel contents in the untact era. In other words, the emotional state after watching VR travel contents has changed positively. It is hoped that the results of this study will be of some help to the tourism industry and VR production industry, which have been contracted.

Analysis of Convergent Factors Related to Depression among Some College Women of Health Affiliated Educations (보건계열학과 일부 여대생들의 우울과 관련된 융복합적 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Seung-Hee;Bae, Sang-Yun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2015
  • This study is executed to investigate convergent factors related to depression among some college women of health affiliated educations. It surveyed 419 college women in Honam area during the period from March 9th to April 30th, 2015. The structured self-administered questionary was delivered and they were collected without respondents' personal information. The results of multiple regression analysis show the followings. The depression level of respondents turned out to be significantly higher in following groups: a group that experienced school bullying or violence, a group in which sleeping time is improper, a group in which subjective health status is bad, a group in which subjective happiness is lower, a group in which type A behavior pattern is higher, a group in which job seeking stress is higher, a group in which self esteem is lower, a group in which hopelessness is higher. Their explanatory power was 42.8%. The results indicate that the efforts to prevent bullying and violence experience, to get the proper amount of sleep, to be healthy, to increase subjective happiness and self esteem, to decrease type A behavior pattern, job seeking stress and hopelessness, are required to reduce the depression level of the college women of health affiliated educations.

Effects of Emotional Information on Visual Perception and Working Memory in Biological Motion (정서 정보가 생물형운동자극의 시지각 및 작업기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hannah;Kim, Jejoong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2018
  • The appropriate interpretation of social cues is a crucial ability for everyday life. While processing socially relevant information, beyond the low-level physical features of the stimuli to emotional information is known to influence human cognition in various stages, from early perception to later high-level cognition, such as working memory (WM). However, it remains unclear how the influence of each type of emotional information on cognitive processes changes in response to what has occurred in the processing stage. Past studies have largely adopted face stimuli to address this type of research question, but we used a unique class of socially relevant motion stimuli, called biological motion (BM), which depicts various human actions and emotions with moving dots to exhibit the effects of anger, happiness, and neutral emotion on task performance in perceptual and working memory. In this study, participants determined whether two BM stimuli, sequentially presented with a delay between them (WM task) or one immediately after the other (perceptual task), were identical. The perceptual task showed that discrimination accuracies for emotional stimuli (i.e., angry and happy) were lower than those for neutral stimuli, implying that emotional information has a negative impact on early perceptual processes. Alternatively, the results of the WM task showed that the accuracy drop as the interstimulus interval increased was actually lower in emotional BM conditions than in the neutral condition, which suggests that emotional information benefited maintenance. Moreover, anger and happiness had distinct impacts on the performance of perception and WM. Our findings have significance as we provide evidence for the interaction of type of emotion and information-processing stage.

Impact of Area Characteristics on the Health of Vulnerable Populations in Seoul (지역특성이 취약집단 건강에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Youn-Hee;Cho, Young-Tae
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2008
  • This research examines the effect of area level characteristics on individual health, particularly focusing on the vulnerable populations in Seoul. We consider adult individuals whose family income is under 1.5 million won, who are aged 65 and over, or who have neither spouse nor job but aged 40 and over as vulnerable populations. Using the 2005 Seoul Citizens' Health Interview Survey, we conducted multilevel analyses to simultaneously investigate the effect of area and individual level characteristics on health. Between-area variance of self-rated health status was greater for the elderly population than for all populations. Area material deprivation index and happiness index were associated with the self-rated health of economically disadvantaged populations. Vulnerable populations showed greater between-area variances in emotional health than the same for all populations. Area happiness index, material deprivation index, the proportion of households below poverty line and street safety showed statistically significant association with emotional health. The effect of area characteristics were particularly salient for the emotional health of elderly population and its between area variance was also notable.

The Effect of 40-hour Work Week System on Leisure Life of Workers (주 40시간 근무제가 노동자 여가생활에 미친 영향)

  • Kim, Yoo-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.37-70
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    • 2011
  • The 40-hour work week system has brought positive impact on shortening working hours, eliminating long-time work, increasing leisure-time with family, etc. And this has brought about an increase in leisure-life satisfaction and happiness level. The type of leisure activities has changed from passive activities such as rest to active activities such as sports, tourism. And the 40-hour work week system has positive impact on social activities such as participation in volunteer work and, club activities. Thus all efforts need to be made to establish 40-hour work week system as soon as possible in all workplace. Firstly, 40-hour work week system needs to be introduced to every workplace with less than 5 persons, enlarge 5-day school week system into every primary and secondary school, and create conditions for positive leisure activities. Secondly, labor standards supervision and administration needs to be strengthened to eliminate long-time work over 52 hours per week, below-minimum wage work.

Development and Effect Verification of Well-being Enhancement Program for the Korean Female Elderly Living Alone (한국여성 독거노인을 위한 웰빙 증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과분석)

  • Kyung-Hyun Suh
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.595-615
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to develop well-being enhancement program for the female elderly living alone, and examine its effects. The program was structured by exploring the meaning of life and happiness with focused on self-disclosure, dealing with regret and resentment, forgiveness, gratitude, and resilience. At first, pilot program was applied to 6 female elderly living alone for predicting the effects and modified the program. For verification of the program effect, 11 female elderly living alone were assigned to developed well-being enhancement program, also 11 female elderly living alone were assigned to comparison group who participate in activity-focused program, and 12 female elderly living alone were assigned to control group. Results indicated that regret for interpersonal relations and resentment of the female elderly living alone who participate in well-being enhancement program were reduced after participating the program, while their self-disclosure increased. The female elderly living alone who participate in well-being enhancement program showed lowered level of anxiety, loneliness, and awareness of aging, which were factors of well-bing in senescence. Moreover, their level of negative emotion was decreased, and life satisfaction, positive emotion, and happiness were increased after participating the program. But, all of those enhancement were not found in control group as well as comparison group. These results suggest that well-being enhancement program for the female elderly living alone developed in this study could be utilized in various settings.

The Effects of Adolescent Consumers' Attitudes toward Money and Conspicuous Consumption on Unethical Consumption Behavior in Commercial Transaction (청소년 소비자의 돈에 대한 태도와 과시소비성향이 비윤리적 소비행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Myung-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.509-522
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of adolescent consumers' attitudes toward money and conspicuous consumption on unethical consumption behavior in commercial transactions. The main survey was conducted targeting 290 middle and high school students. As a result of this research, first in the case of adolescent's attitudes toward money, the symbol for happiness and success was 3.11 and the means of control was 1.77 respectively. The level of conspicuous consumption behavior was 2.75 and the level of unethical consumption behavior scored as passive unethical consumption behavior was 1.38 while the active unethical consumption behavior was 2.10. Second, in the case of the attitude toward money as a means of control, it differentiated according to the level of living and the amount of allowance. Conspicuous consumption behavior differentiated according to the amount of allowance and the father's education. Active unethical consumption behavior showed a difference according to the amount of allowance and the father's education. Multiple linear regression analysis conducted to identify relative effects of the variables that affect unethical consumption behavior, in case of passive unethical consumption behavior, showed that conspicuous consumption(${\beta}$=.23, p<.01) and attitudes toward money as a means of control(${\beta}$=.29, p<.001) with an explanatory power of 18%. In the case of active unethical consumption behavior, showed that sex(${\beta}$=.16, p<.05), father's education(${\beta}$=-.15, p<.05), attitudes toward money as means of control(${\beta}$=.18, p<.5) and conspicuous consumption(${\beta}$=.36, p<.001) with an explanatory power of 26%.

Verification of mediating effects of self-esteem in the relationship between level of participation in volunteering activity and mental health of adolescents (청소년의 봉사활동 참여정도와 정신건강과의 관계에서 자아존중감의 매개효과 검증)

  • Kim, Sang woo;Jang, Hye young
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine whether the level of participation in physical activity affects the mental health of adolescents, that is, their subjective well-being. In addition, we would like to see if adolescents can improve their satisfaction with life away from the negative emotions they are currently feeling through physical activities such as hand-help and consolation activities and check if self-esteem has mediating effects in this process. Design: Survey. Methods: The survey was conducted by the surveyor, with a total of 9,041. Results: First, it shows that the higher frequency of adolescents' physical activity leads to higher self-esteem and subjective well-being. Second, it shows that the higher the self-esteem leads to higher subjective well-being felt by adolescents. Third, the level of youth physical activity itself contributes to subjective well-being while also affecting self-esteem, and the self-esteem also affects the subjective well-being that adolescents perceive. Conclusion: It will be necessary to provide programs to enhance subjective well-being for students with poor school life adaptation and satisfaction with life, as well as continuous attention such as organization and counseling of programs in schools to enhance self-esteem. In addition, it is considered that by encouraging and guiding teenagers with low satisfaction with life and low self-esteem to physical activities such as volunteer activities and leisure activities that suit their aptitude, and the adolescents will get away from the negative emotions they are currently feeling and increase their satisfaction with adaptation to school life and life.

Analysis of personality level of students of industrial-field specialized high schools and Meister high schools (공업계열 특성화고 및 마이스터고 학생의 인성 수준 조사 분석)

  • Kim, Minwoong;Kim, Taehoon
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the personality level of industrial-field specialized high schools and Meister high schools. The study objective for this is to analyze the differences per background variable and personality level of students of industrial-field specialized high schools and to analyze the differences per background variable and personality level of students of industrial-field Meister high schools. The study result is as follows. First, students of industrial-field specialized high schools showed personality level above normal in all 10 virtues, but this value fell short of the average for high school students suggested in Hyeon et al(2014). Second, students of industrial-field Meister high schools showed personality level above normal in all 10 virtues, and compared to the average for high school students suggested in Hyeon et al.(2014), categories of consideration and communication, manners, honesty/courage, and justice showed values below average. Third, students of industrial-field specialized high schools and Meister high schools showed differences in personality level according to nurturing style of parents, respect for teachers, stress for academic achievement, and school satisfaction, and additionally, students of Meister high schools showed differences in personality level according to career plans. That is, when the student perceived his/her parents to put higher value on his/her happiness rather than academic achievement, when the student respected the teacher, and when the student was more satisfied with te school life, the student showed higher personality level, and in case of students of Meister high schools, the student with detailed plan for his/her career showed high personality level than the student who has not yet decided on his/her career.