• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gynogenetic fish

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Production of Supermale(YY) and Superfemale(${\Delta}YY$) Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by Sex Reversal and Chromosome Manipulation II. Progeny Tests with Supermale and Superfemale Nile Tilapia (성전환 및 염색체 공학 기법을 이용한 초수컷(YY) 및 초암컷(${\Delta}YY$) 나일틸라피아(Oreochromis niloticus) 생산 II. 생산된 초수컷 및 초암컷 나일틸라피아의 자손검정)

  • Kim Dong Soo;Noh Choong Hwan;Choi Yoon-Hee;Nam Yoon Kwon
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 1996
  • Gynogenetic males induced from sex reversed female (${\Delta}XY$) were crossed with normal female (XX) for analysing their genotypes. The fish tested produced a high percentage of male progenies (93.3 to $100\%$) and were considered as supermales (YY). Superfemales (${\Delta}YY$) were also produced by combination of sex reversal and chromosome manipulation techniques. Superfemale fish can be produced approximetly $90\%$ of male when the fish were crossed with normal male. Chi-square values against an expected 1 : 1 (male : female) ratio were highly significant for both YY males${\times}$ normal females (P<0.01 or P<0.001) and ${\Delta}YY$ females${\times}$normal males (P<0.005 or P<0.001). All male progenies were produced consistently when crossed supermales (YY) with superfemales (${\Delta}YY$).

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