• 제목/요약/키워드: GyeSaJeon

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.02초

동아시아 수학의 철학적 배경과 교육적 함의: 계사전을 중심으로 (Philosophical Background of East Asian Mathematics and Its Educational Implication with a Focus on GyeSaJeon)

  • 정해남
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.301-313
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    • 2019
  • This paper briefly examines the Book of Changes that is the philosophical background of East Asian ancient mathematics and its collection of complementary(ShíYì), and then examines the structure and contents of GyeSaJeon, which explains the basic principles of Book of Changes as one of ShíYì. GyesaJeon reveals the unique East Asian thought of dealing with numbers in the process of explaining the formation of Eight-Gwae(Bagua) and Sixty-four-Gwae based on Yin-Yang theory. It understands numbers in terms of symbols, not quantitative, and use them to represent characteristics or hierarchy of certain classes, and to explain certain principles. Based on this, the implications of using East Asian mathematics history in the mathematics classroom are discussed.

비증(痺證)에 대(對)한 최근(最近)의 제가학설(諸家學說) 연구(硏究) - 《비증전집(痺證專輯)》 에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) III - (The recent essay of Bijeung - Study of III-)

  • 양태훈;오민석
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.513-545
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    • 2000
  • I. Introduction Bi(痺) means blocking. It can reach at the joints or muscles or whole body and make pains. Numbness and movement disorders. BiJeung can be devided into SilBi and HeoBi. In SilBi there are PungHanSeupBi, YeolBi and WanBi. In HeoBi, there are GiHyeolHeoBi, EumHeoBi and YangHeoBi. The common principle for the treatment of BiJeung is devision of the chronic stage and the acute stage. In the acute stage, BiJeung is usually cured easily but in the chronic stage, it is difficult. In the terminal stage, BiJeung can reach at the internal organs. BiJeung is one kind of symptoms making muscles, bones and jonts feel pain, numbness or edema. For example it can be gout or SLE etc. Many famous doctors studied medical science by their fathers or teachers. So the history of medical science is long. So I studied ${\ll}Bijeungjujip{\gg}$. II. Final Decision 1. BanSuMun(斑秀文) thought that BiJeung can be cured by blocking of blood stream. So he insisted that the important thing to cure BiJeung is to improve the blood stream. He usually used DangGuiSaYeokTang(當歸四逆湯), DangGuiJakYakSanHapORyeongSan, DoHong-SaMulTang(桃紅四物湯), SaMyoSanHapHeuiDongTang and HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 2. JangGeonBu(張健夫) focused on soothing muscles and improving blood seam. So he used many herbs like WiRyeongSeon(威靈仙), GangHwal(羌活), DokHwal(獨活), WooSeul(牛膝), etc. Especially he pasted wastes of the boiled herbs. 3. OSeongNong(吳聖農) introduced four rules to treat arthritis. So he usually used SeoGak-SanGaGam(犀角散加減), BoYanHwanOTang(補陽還五湯), ODuTang(烏頭湯), HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 4. GongJiSin thought disk hernia as one kind of BiJeung. And he said that Pung can hurt upper limbs and Seup can hurt lower limbs. He used to use GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯). 5. LoJiJeong(路志正) introduced four principles to treat BiJeung. He used BangPungTang(防風湯), DaeJinGuTang) for PungBi(風痺), OPaeTang(烏貝湯) for HanBi(寒痺), YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for SeupBi(濕痺) and SaMyoTang(四妙湯), SeonBiTang(宣痺湯), BaekHoGaGyeTang(白虎加桂湯) for YeolBi(熱痺). 6. GangChunHwa(姜春華) discussed herbs. He said SaengJiHwang(生地黃) is effective for PungSeupBi and WiRyungSun(威靈仙) is effective for the joints pain. He usually used SipJeonDaeBoTang(十全大補湯), DangGuiDaeBoTang(當歸大補湯), YoukGunJaTang(六君子湯) and YukMiJiHwanTang(六味地黃湯). 7. DongGeonHwa(董建華) said that the most important thing to treat BiJeung is how to use herbs. He usually used CheonO(川烏), MaHwang(麻黃) for HanBi, SeoGak(犀角) for YeolBi, BiHae) or JamSa(蠶沙) for SeupBi, SukJiHwang(熟地黃) or Vertebrae of Pigs for improving the function of kidney and liver, deer horn or DuChung(杜沖) for improving strength of body and HwangGi(黃?) or OGaPi(五加皮) for improving the function of heart. 8. YiSuSan(李壽山) devided BiJeung into two types(PungHanSeupBi, PungYeolSeupBi). And he used GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for the treatment of gout. And he liked to use HwanGiGyeJiOMulTangHapSinGiHwan 枝五物湯合腎氣丸) for the treat ment of WanBi(頑痺). 9. AnDukHyeong(顔德馨) made YongMaJeongTongDan(龍馬定痛丹)-(MaJeonJa(馬錢子) 30g, JiJaChung 3g, JiRyong(地龍) 3g, JeonGal(全蝎) 3g, JuSa(朱砂) 0.3g) 10. JangBaekYou(張伯臾) devided BiJeung into YeolBi and HanBi. And he focused on improving blood stream. 11. JinMuO(陳茂梧) introduced anti-wind and dampness prescription(HoJangGeun(虎杖根) 15g, CheonChoGeun 15g, SangGiSaeng(桑寄生) 15g, JamSa(蠶絲) 15g, JeMaJeonJa(制馬錢子) 3g). 12. YiChongBo(李總甫) explained basic prescriptions to treat BiJeung. He used SinJeongChuBiEum(新定推痺陰) for HaengBi(行痺), SinJeongHwaBiSan(新定化痺散) for TongBi(痛痺), SinJeongGaeBiTang(新定開痺湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinJeongCheongBiEum(新定淸痺飮) for SeupYeolBi(濕熱痺), SinRyeokTang(腎瀝湯) for PoBi(胞痺), ORyeongSan for BuBi(腑痺), OBiTang(五痺湯) for JangBi(臟痺), SinChakTang(腎着湯) for SingChakByeong(腎着病). 13. HwangJeonGeuk(黃傳克) used SaMu1SaDeungHapJe(四物四藤合制) for the treatment of a acute arthritis, PalJinHpPalDeungTang(八珍合八藤湯) or BuGyeJiHwangTangHapTaDeungTang(附桂地黃湯合四藤湯) for the chronic stage and ByeolGapJeungAekTongRakEum(鱉甲增液通絡飮) for EumHeo(陰虛) 14. GaYeo(柯與參) used HwalRakJiTongTang(活絡止痛湯) for shoulder ache, SoJongJinTongHwalRakTank(消腫鎭痛活絡湯) for YeolBi(熱痺), LiGwanJeolTang(利關節湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinBiTang(腎痺湯) for SinBi(腎痺) and SamGyoBoSinHwan(三膠補腎丸) for back ache. 15. JangGilJin(蔣길塵) liked to use hot-character herbs and insects. And he used SeoGeunLipAnTang(舒筋立安湯) as basic prescription. 16. RyuJangGeol(留章杰) used GuMiGangHwalTang(九味羌活湯) and BangPungTang(防風湯) at the acute stage, ODuTang(烏頭湯) or GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for HanBi of internal organs, YangHwaHaeEungTang(陽和解凝湯) for HanBi, DokHwalGiSaengTang(獨活寄生湯), EuiYiInTang(薏苡仁湯) for SeupBi, YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for GiHeoBi(氣虛痺) and SeongYouTang(聖兪湯) for HyeolHeoBi(血虛痺). 17. YangYuHak(楊有鶴) liked to use SoGyeongHwalHyelTang(疏經活血湯) and he would rather use DoIn(桃仁), HongHwa(紅花), DangGui(當歸), CheonGung(川芎) than insects. 18. SaHongDo(史鴻濤) made RyuPungSeupTang(類風濕湯)-((HwangGi 200g, JinGu 20g, BangGi(防己) 15g, HongHwa(紅花) 15g, DoIn(桃仁) 15g, CheongPungDeung(靑風藤) 20g, JiRyong(地龍) 15g, GyeJi(桂枝) 15g, WoSeul(牛膝) 15g, CheonSanGap(穿山甲) 15g, BaekJi(白芷) 15g, BaekSeonPi(白鮮皮) 15g, GamCho(甘草) 15g).

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장원소(張元素)의 생규(生涯)와 의학사상(醫學思想) (The life and medical idea of Jang Won-So)

  • 김용진;윤창열
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제4권
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    • pp.127-157
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    • 1990
  • Geum-Won dynasty is the era which totalized the every medical attainments of before Song dynasty and appeared some medical practioners who found new medical theory based upon this, and is important time for various developments of the oriental medical theory. At this time of the era, the representative practioners are called the four noted physician of Geum-Won dynasty. Jang Won-So who influenced the formation of the theory of the four noted physcian of Geum-Won dynasty, originated new theory by joining the theory of "Nae-Gyung" with his own medical experience. The results can be summarized as follows after studying his life and idea of medicine. 1. Jang Won-So, courtesy name is Gyeol-Go, came from Yeog-Joo and it is unknown that when he was born and dead, but he lived in 11C. At 27, after failed in a Jin-Sa examination, he started medical study, and widely spreaded his medical art by healing the Yoo Wan-So's Sang-Han disease. 2. There are many Jang Won-So's writings, such as "Eui-Hag-Gye-Won" which is the condensation of his idea of medicine, "Jin-Joo-Nang" which is greatly contributed to development of Herbology, "Jang-Boo-Pyo-Bon-Han-Yeol-Heo-Sil-Yong-Yag-Sig" which is the sample of Jang-Boo-Byun-Jeung-Lon-Chi, and "Yag-Joo-Nan-Gyung" "Gyeol-Go-Ga-Jin" "Gyeol-Go-Joo-Sug-Hwa-Mag-Gyeol" "Gyeol-Go-Bon-Cho" "San-Yog-Bo-Sang-Bang" which are known do not existing. 3. Jang Won-So's study about Jang-Boo-Byun-Jeung was influenced by "Nae-Gyung" "Jung-Jang-Gyung" "So-A-Yag-Jeung-Jig-Gyeol" etc. and outline by Han-Yeol-Heo-Sil and the change and prognosis of the state of disease can be decided by Saeng-Sa-Yeog-Soon, so he contribute to development of lang-Boo-Byun-Jeung-Lon-Chi of posterity. 4. Jang Won-So succeeded and develope the theory of the herbs of Oh-Jang-Go-Yog-Bo-Sa and about Ki-Mi-Seung-Gang-Boo-Chim etc. appeared on "Nae-Gyung", especially invented such as Kwi-Gyung-Lon, In-Gyeung-Bo-Sa-Seol, Jang Boo-Pyo-Bon-Yag-Sig and he enriched the content of pharmacological theory, so he motivated various development of herbalogical theory. 5. Jang Won-So's idea of On-Yang-Bi-Wi directly influence Lee Go's assertion of Bi-Wi-Lon, idea of Go-Geum-I-Gue-Seol presented theological basis of posterior medical practioners formation of prescription, so the way of drug usage greatly developed. 6. Jang Won-So's theory of the lang-Boo-Byun-Jeung and herbology directly influenced to Lee Go, Wang Ho-Go, Na Chen-Ik, lang Byeok etc. so he became the father of Yeog-Soo class and indirectly influenced to Seol Gi, Jo Hen-Ga, lang Gae-Bin, Lee Jung-Jae etc. of Myeng dynasty, so the On-Bo class has been formed. Like this, because, his idea of medicine developed at various aspect and greatly influenced to posterity, Lee Si-Jin said "Since the emergency of "Nae-Gyung", Jang Won-So is the only man who greatly enhance medical principle.", so it is clear that this is not unfounded expression at all.

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Blood Pressure Simulator using An Optimal Controller with Disturbance Observer

  • Kim, Cheol-Han;Han, Gi-Bong;Lee, Hyun-Chul;Kim, Yun-Jin;Nam, Ki-Gon;SaGong, Geon;Lee, Young-Jin;Lee, Kwon-Soon;Jeon, Gye-Rok;Ye, Soo-Young
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • 제5권6호
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    • pp.643-651
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    • 2007
  • The various blood pressure simulators have been proposed to evaluate and improve the performance of the automatic sphygmomanometer. These have some problems such as the deviation of the actual blood pressure waveform, limitation in the blood pressure condition of the simulator, or difficulty in displaying the blood flow. An improved simulator using disturbance observer is proposed to supplement the current problems of the blood pressure simulator. The proposed simulator has an artificial arm model capable of feeding appropriate fluids that can generate the blood pressure waveform to evaluate the automatic sphygmomanometer. A controller was designed and thereafter, simulation was performed to control the output signal with respect to the reference input in the fluid dynamic model using the proposed proportional control valve. To minimize the external fluctuation of pressure applied to the artificial arm, a disturbance observer was designed on the plant. A hybrid controller combined with a proportional controller and feed-forward controller was fabricated after applying a disturbance observer to the control plant. Comparison of the simulations between the conventional proportional controller and the proposed hybrid controller indicated that even though the former showed good control performance without disturbance, it was affected by the disturbance signal induced by the cuff. The latter exhibited an excellent performance under both situations.

불가(佛家) 목우도(牧牛圖)와 유·도(儒·道) 십마도(十馬圖) 비교 연구 - 유불도(儒佛道) 삼가(三家)의 심법(心法)을 중심으로 - (A Comparative Study on Buddhist Painting, MokWooDo (牧牛圖: PA Comparative Study on Buddhist Painting, MokWooDo (牧牛圖: Painting of Bull Keeping) and Confucian/Taoist Painting, SipMaDo (十馬圖: Painting of Ten Horses) - Focused on SimBeop (心法: Mind Control Rule) of the Three Schools: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism -nd Control Rule) of the Three Schools: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism -)

  • 박소현;이정한
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2022
  • 불가의 십우도(十牛圖)는 현재 우리나라 사찰 금당 벽화에서도 자주 보이는 일종의 선종화이다. 송대 이후 발달한 목우도는 마음을 비유한 소와 이를 다스리는 목동을 소재로 하여, 이후 다양한 계층의 사람들이 도화, 게송, 화운시 등 다양한 작품을 남겼다. 이는 비단 한 시대 중국 불가 사상에서만 국한된 현상이 아닌 시대와 사상, 국경을 초월한 범문화적으로 나타난 현상으로 그 영향을 살펴볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 기존 목우도 연구에서 미비했던 유불도 삼가 사상 문화적 측면에서 통섭하고자, 유불도 삼가 사상을 대표할 수 있는 목우도송을 선정하여 각 문헌의 저술 목적, 마음의 수행 방법, 구경지취(究竟旨趣)를 비교하였다. 구체적인 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 불가의 십우도(十牛圖)는 보명의 『목우도』와 곽암의 『심우도』로 대별 된다. 불가의 선종은 깨달음을 통한 해탈을 지향한다. 이에 불가의 『목우도』와 『심우도』는 모두 점수(漸修)의 수행방법으로 수심증도(修心證道)를 위하여 작성되었다. 하지만 이는 선종과 교학의 관점 차이에 따른 강조점이 달라 화제(畫題)와 게송이 달리 나타난다. 둘째, 보명의 『목우도』는 방할기용(棒喝機用)이란 방법을 통해 미목(未牧)에서 쌍민(雙泯)의 진공묘유(眞空妙有)에 이르기까지 수행 과정을 소개하였으며, 그 이면에는 쌍민의 일원상(一圓相)마저도 초월하는 것을 구경처(究竟處)로 삼고 있다. 셋째, 곽암의 『심우도』는 심우(尋牛)에서 입전수수(入鄽垂手)에 이르는 점수(漸修)의 수행 과정을 나타내고 있다. 이는 사교입선(捨敎入禪)을 통해 상구보리(上求菩提), 하화중생(下化衆生)하는 경지에 나아가 중생(衆生)과 함께하는 화광동진(和光同塵)을 구경처(究竟處)로 삼아 모든 중생의 불성(佛性)을 제도하고자 하였다. 넷째, 시미즈 슌류(清水春流)의 『유가십마도(儒家十馬圖)』는 보명의 『목우도』를 차용하여, 유가의 심학의 지취를 설파하는 '원불입유(援佛入儒)'의 특징이 있다. 이는 유가의 학문의 목적인 '학성현, 복기성[學聖賢, 復其性]'을 근거로 '제외안내(制外安內)'의 함양(涵養) 공부를 통해 도(道)와 합일된 군자, 즉 성인(聖人)을 지향한다. 그 구경처(究竟處)는 『중용』의 "상천지재, 무성무취(上天之載, 無聲無臭)"와 합치된다. 다섯째, 원명노인(圓明老人)의 『상승수진삼요(上乘修真三要)』는 보명의 『목우도』를 차용함과 동시에 자신의 지취를 설하기 위해 총 13장의 그림으로 구성되어 '원불입도(援佛入道)'의 특징이 있다. 도교는 양생술을 통한 장생불사의 신선 성취를 목적으로 한다. 이에 반환심성(返還心性)을 통해 심신(心身)을 모두 버리고 태극의 정기로 새롭게 잉태된 성태(聖胎)로 화하여 궁극적으로 '원래 시초인 자금선(紫金仙)을 지향한다는 점이 도교만의 독특한 특징으로 나타난다. 이의 구경처(究竟處)는 지도회홍(至道恢弘)의 도의 속성과 합치되는 법신청정(法身淸淨)이다.