• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gray levels

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Improvement of Color Quality of Flash Images Utilizing the Same-Scene No-Flash Images (동일 장면 비-플래쉬 영상을 이용한 플래쉬 영상의 색상 개선)

  • Chang, Ho-Seok;Lim, Jin-Young;Jung, Kyeong-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Doo;Kang, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.760-770
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    • 2008
  • Though flash images are in general less noisy and present details better than no-flash images, they may sometimes be unnaturally saturated to white/gray-tone and have ridiculously strong shadows around the foreground objects due to the strong flashlight. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to improve the color quality of the flash images by transfer of the color information of the same-scene no-flash images. The proposed algorithm preserves the vivid edges and the clean details of the flash image while transferring natural colors of the no-flash image, so that it makes the constructed images of the better subjective quality. The performance of the proposed algorithm is verified by experiment which applied to the two types of images with different noise levels.

VFH-based Navigation using Monocular Vision (단일 카메라를 이용한 VFH기반의 실시간 주행 기술 개발)

  • Park, Se-Hyun;Hwang, Ji-Hye;Ju, Jin-Sun;Ko, Eun-Jeong;Ryu, Juang-Tak;Kim, Eun-Yi
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, a real-time monocular vision based navigation system is developed for the disabled people, where online background learning and vector field histogram are used for identifying obstacles and recognizing avoidable paths. The proposed system is performed by three steps: obstacle classification, occupancy grid map generation and VFH-based path recommendation. Firstly, the obstacles are discriminated from images by subtracting with background model which is learned in real time. Thereafter, based on the classification results, an occupancy map sized at $32{\times}24$ is produced, each cell of which represents its own risk by 10 gray levels. Finally, the polar histogram is drawn from the occupancy map, then the sectors corresponding to the valley are chosen as safe paths. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed system, it was tested with a variety of obstacles at indoors and outdoors, then it showed the a'ccuracy of 88%. Moreover, it showed the superior performance when comparing with sensor based navigation systems, which proved the feasibility of the proposed system in using assistive devices of disabled people.

Usefulness of fractal analysis for the diagnosis of periodontitis (치주질환 진단시 프랙탈 분석의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Cha Sang-Yun;Han Won-Jeong;Kim Eun-Kyung
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: To evaluate the usefulness of fractal analysis for diagnosis of periodontitis. Materials and Methods : Each 30 cases of periapical films of male mandibular molar were selected in normal group and patient group which had complete furcation involvement. They were digitized at 300 dpi, 256 gray levels and saved with gif format. Rectangular ROIs (10×20 pixel) were selected at furcation, interdental crest, and interdental middle 1/3 area. Fractal dimensions were calculated three times at each area by mass radius method and were determined using a mean of three measurements. We compared fractal dimensions at furcation and interdental crest area of normal group with those of patient group. And then we compared ratio of fractal dimensions at furcation area, interdental crest area to interdental middle 1/3 area. Results: Fractal dimension at interdental crest area of normal group was 1.979±0.018 and that of patient group 1.971±0.012 (p>0.05). Fractal dimension at furcation area of normal group was 1.986±0.024 and that of patient group 1.974±0.015 (p<0.05). The ratio of fractal dimension at interdental crest area to interdental middle 1/3 of normal group was 1.003±0.015 and that of patient group 0.993±0.018 (p<0.05). The ratio of fractal dimension at furcation area to interdental middle 1/3 of normal group was 1.006±0.018 and that of patient group 0.994±0.018 (p<0.05). Conclusion : The ratio of fractal dimension at interdental crest and furcation area to interdental middle 1/3 area showed a statistically significant difference between normal and patient group. In conclusion, it is thought that fractal analysis might be useful for the diagnosis of periodontitis.

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Detecting the Prostate Contour in TRUS Image using Support Vector Machine and Rotation-invariant Textures (SVM과 회전 불변 텍스처 특징을 이용한 TRUS 영상의 전립선 윤곽선 검출)

  • Park, Jae Heung;Seo, Yeong Geon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.675-682
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    • 2014
  • Prostate is only an organ of men. To diagnose the disease of the prostate, generally transrectal ultrasound(TRUS) images are used. Detecting its boundary is a challenging and difficult task due to weak prostate boundaries, speckle noise and the short range of gray levels. In this paper a method for automatic prostate segmentation in TRUS images using Support Vector Machine(SVM) is presented. This method involves preprocessing, extracting Gabor feature, training, and prostate segmentation. The speckle reduction for preprocessing step has been achieved by using stick filter and top-hat transform has been implemented for smoothing. Gabor filter bank for extraction of rotation-invariant texture features has been implemented. SVM for training step has been used to get each feature of prostate and nonprostate. Finally, the boundary of prostate is extracted. A number of experiments are conducted to validate this method and results shows that the proposed algorithm extracted the prostate boundary with less than 10% relative to boundary provided manually by doctors.

A Texture Classification Based on LBP by Using Intensity Differences between Pixels (화소간의 명암차를 이용한 LBP 기반 질감분류)

  • Cho, Yong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.483-488
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a local binary pattern(LBP) for effectively classifying textures, which is based on the multidimensional intensity difference between the adjacent pixels in the block image. The intensity difference by considering the a extent of 4 directional changes(verticality, horizontality, diagonality, inverse diagonality) in brightness between the adjacent pixels is applied to reduce the computation load as a results of decreasing the levels of histogram for classifying textures of image. And the binary patterns that is represented by the relevant intensities within a block image, is also used to effectively classify the textures by accurately reflecting the local attributes. The proposed method has been applied to classify 24 block images from USC Texture Mosaic #2 of 128*128 pixels gray image. The block images are different in size and texture. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a speedy classification and makes a free size block images classify possible. In particular, the proposed method gives better results than the conventional LBP by increasing the range of histogram level reduction as the block size becomes larger.

The Ultrasonic Image Processing by Peak Value, Time Average and Depth Profile Technique in High Frequency Bandwidth (고주파대역에서 피크값, Time Average 및 Depth Profile 초음파 영상처리)

  • 이종호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics T
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    • v.35T no.3
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, ultrasonic images of 25MHz bandwidth were acquired by applying peak value variation, time average and depth profile algorithm to acoustic microscopy and its performance was compared and analysed with each other. In the time average algorithm, total reflecting pulse wave from a spot on the coin was converted to digital data in time domain and average value of the converted 512 data was calculated in computer. Time average image was displayed by gray levels colour of acquired N x N matrix average data in the scanning area on the sample. This technique having smoothing effects in time domain make developed an ultrasonic image on a highly scattering area. In depth profile technique, time difference between the reference and the reflected signal was detected with minimum resolution performance of 2ns, thus we can acquired real 3 dimensional shape of the scanning area in accordance with relative magnitude. Through these experiments, peak value, time average and depth profile images were analysed and advantages of each algorithm were proposed.

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Radiologic assessment of bone healing after orthognathic surgery using fractal analysis

  • Park Kwan-Soo;Heo Min-Suk;Lee Sam-Sun;Choi Soon-Chul;Park Tae-Won;Jeon In-Seong;Kim Jong-Dae
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : To evaluate the radiographic change of operation sites after orthognathic surgery using the digital image processing and fractal analysis. Materials and Methods : A series of panoramic radiographs of thirty-five randomly selected patients who had undergone mandibular orthognathic surgery (bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy) without clinical complication for osseous healing, were taken. The panoramic radiographs of each selected patient were taken at pre-operation (stage 0), 1 or 2 days after operation (stage 1), 1 month after operation (stage 2), 6 months after operation (stage 3), and 12 months after operation (stage 4). The radiographs were digitized at 600 dpi, 8 bit, and 256 gray levels. The region of interest, centered on the bony gap area of the operation site, was selected and the fractal dimension was calculated by using the tile-counting method. The mean values and standard deviations of fractal dimension for each stage were calculated and the differences among stage 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were evaluated through repeated measures of the ANOVA and paired t-test. Results : The mean values and standard deviations of the fractal dimensions obtained from stage 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 1.658±0.048, 1.580±0.050, 1.607±0.046, 1.624±0.049, and 1.641 ±0.061, respectively. The fractal dimensions from stage 1 to stage 4 were shown to have a tendency to increase (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The tendency of the fractal dimesion to increase relative to healing time may be a useful means of evaluating post-operative bony healing of the osteotomy site.

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Reference dose levels for dental panoramic radiography in Anyang City (안양시에서 치과용 파노라마방사선사진의 참고 선량 수준)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Lee, Jae-Seo;Yoon, Suk-Ja;Kang, Byung-Cheol
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.199-203
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : To measure dose-width product (DWP) values used for dental panoramic radiography in Anyang city, Korea. Materials and Methods : Thirty-six panoramic dental radiographic sets (17 analogue panoramic sets and 19 digital panoramic sets) in 36 dental clinics in Anyang city were included in the study. Each patient's panoramic exposure parameters were simulated and the panoramic radiation doses were measured at the secondary collimator using a Mult-O-Meter (Unfors Instruments, Billdal, Sweden) at each dental clinic during 2006. The third quartile DWP was determined from 310 surface dose measurements on adult. Results : The third quartile DWP for adult panoramic radiograph was 106.7 mGy mm. For analogue and digital panoramic radiograph, 3/4 DWP were 116.8 mGy mm and 72 mGy mm respectively. The overall third quartile DWP of panoramic radiography was 106.7 mGy mm. Conclusion : The measured 3/4 DWPs were higher than the 3/4 DWP of 65 mGy mm recommended by NRPB. Dentists who are operating above the reference dose should lower their panoramic exposure doses below the recommended reference value by changing the exposure parameters and/or their panoramic equipments.

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Model-based Dithering Using Dot Pattern Selection (도트 패턴 선택을 이용한 모델 기반 디더링)

  • Lee, Chae-Soo;Park, Yang-Woo;Uam, Tae-Uk;Jang, Joo-Seok;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2001
  • New methods are proposed for printing a full resolution image on a limited output device. The proposed algorithm uses a dot-pattern database that models overlapping phenomena among neighbor printing dots. To solve the problem of dot-overlap, the gray levels of dot-pattern sets were calculated using a circular dot-overlap model and then measured by a spectrometer. Thereafter, in order to improve the visual quality of the color dithering, the contrast sensitivity function of the human visual system was used. As a result, the optimal dot-pattern can be selected from the database. Consequently, the proposed algorithm can produce high quality images while using low-cost color devices.

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Aerosol-extinction Retrieval Method at Three Effective RGB Wavelengths Using a Commercial Digital Camera (상용 디지털 카메라를 이용한 3가지 유효 RGB 파장에서의 미세먼지 소산계수 산출법)

  • Park, Sunho;Kim, Dukhyeon
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2020
  • In this article, we suggest a new method for measuring an aerosol's extinction coefficient using a commercial camera. For a given image, we choose three pixel-points that are imaged for the same kinds of objects located in similar directions. We suggest and calculate aerosol extinction coefficients from these RGB gray levels and the different distances of the three objects. To compare our measurement results, we also measure extinction coefficients using lidar. Finally, we find that there are meaningful and sensible correlations between these two measurements, with a correlation coefficient of 0.86. We measure the aerosol extinction coefficient at three different RGB wavelengths using the same method. From these aerosol extinction coefficients at three different wavelengths, we find that the Angstrom exponent ranges from 0.7 to 1.6 over a full daytime period. We believe that these Angstrom exponents can give important information about the size of the fine particles.