• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gray level Histogram

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A Study on the Strain Analysis by Image Processing Technique (part 1: Development of Image Processing Technique with Microcomputer) (화상처리기법을 이용한 변형율해석에 관한 연구 (제1보 마이크로 컴퓨터를 이용한 화상처리기법의 개발))

  • 백인환;신문교
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 1988
  • The image processing system consisted of the microcomputer IBM PC-XT and the graphic board (16 gray level and $640{\times}400$ pixels resolution) has been proposed, and the image processing softwares programmed in the BASIC and in the assembler language have been developed. The programs are consisted of the main menu and the sub menu, that have contained the subroutine for the capture for image data, the determination of region, the histogram, the change of value, the montage, the skeleton, the mask, the moving, the zoom, the disk access and the print. For the application, the photoelastic fringe data have been captured and analyzed. It was seen that the programs are available for the image processing.

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Influence of Cellulase Treatment Conditions on Backstaining of Indigo Denim (셀룰라제 처리조건이 인디고 데님의 재오염에 미치는 영향)

  • 차옥선;양진숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.841-851
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the backstaining generated during cellulase treatment for indigo-dyed denim. The results were as follows. 1. High generating conditions of the backstaining were as same as best conditions for cellulose activity (temperature at 6$0^{\circ}C$, pH at about 4.5~5.5, treatment time at 40 min. and enzyme concentration at 2g/l). And also, liquor ratio, sample weight and repeated-use cycle of liquor had influenced on the backstaining. 2. The backstaining was decreased about 30~40% when various additives, that is, surfactant, anti-backstaining agent (C.M.C) and softners were added. 3. A application of image processing on the backstaining evaluation was more effective than method by reflectance, particullarly in out of level fabrics. In image analysis, the backstainings were measured by histogram between 256 gray levels.

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Robust Method of Video Contrast Enhancement for Sudden Illumination Changes (급격한 조명 변화에 강건한 동영상 대조비 개선 방법)

  • Park, Jin Wook;Moon, Young Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2015
  • Contrast enhancement methods for a single image applied to videos may cause flickering artifacts because these methods do not consider continuity of videos. On the other hands, methods considering the continuity of videos can reduce flickering artifacts but it may cause unnecessary fade-in/out artifacts when the intensity of videos changes abruptly. In this paper, we propose a robust method of video contrast enhancement for sudden illumination changes. The proposed method enhances each frame by Fast Gray-Level Grouping(FGLG) and considers the continuity of videos by an exponential smoothing filter. The proposed method calculates the smoothing factor of an exponential smoothing filter using a sigmoid function and applies to each frame to reduce unnecessary fade-in/out effects. In the experiment, 6 measurements are used for the performance analysis of the proposed method and traditional methods. Through the experiment. it has been shown that the proposed method demonstrates the best quantitative performance of MSSIM and Flickering score and show the adaptive enhancement under sudden illumination change through the visual quality comparison.

Evaluation of the Bone Defect Regeneration after Implantation with Cuttlebone in Rabbit (토끼에서 오적골 이식 후 골 결손부 재생 평가)

  • Won, Sangcheol;Lee, Joo-Myoung;Park, Hyunjung;Seo, Jongpil;Cheong, Jongtae
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.410-416
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    • 2015
  • Bone grafting is widely used to bridge major bone defects or to promote bone union. In the evaluation of bone defect regeneration, 5 mm-diameter defects were created in rabbit calvaria. Concerning biocompatibility, fibrous capsule thickness of CBHA (hydroxyapatite from cuttlebone) was significantly thinner than that of CB (cuttlebone) and CHA (hydroxyapatite from coral) (p < 0.05) at 2 and 4 weeks after implantation. Concerning 12-week total changes of radiologic gray-level histogram, CBHA was significantly higher than CHA (p < 0.05). In the evaluation of bone defect regeneration, bone formation of CHA was significantly higher than that of CB and CBHA (p < 0.05). Based on the clinical and histological results, CBHA would be a safe material for use inside the body and has more effective osteoconduction than CB. It is suggested that CBHA is a valuable bone graft material.

A Multi-thresholding Approach Improved with Otsu's Method (Otsu의 방법을 개선한 멀티 스래쉬홀딩 방법)

  • Li Zhe-Xue;Kim Sang-Woon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.43 no.5 s.311
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2006
  • Thresholding is a fundamental approach to segmentation that utilizes a significant degree of pixel popularity or intensity. Otsu's thresholding employed the normalized histogram as a discrete probability density function. Also it utilized a criterion that minimizes the between-class variance of pixel intensity to choose a threshold value for segmentation. However, the Otsu's method has a disadvantage of repeatedly searching optimal thresholds for the entire range. In this paper, a simple but fast multi-level thresholding approach is proposed by means of extending the Otsu's method. Rather than invoke the Otsu's method for the entire gray range, we advocate that the gray-level range of an image be first divided into smaller sub-ranges, and that the multi-level thresholds be achieved by iteratively invoking this dividing process. Initially, in the proposed method, the gray range of the object image is divided into 2 classes with a threshold value. Here, the threshold value for segmentation is selected by invoking the Otsu's method for the entire range. Following this, the two classes are divided into 4 classes again by applying the Otsu's method to each of the divided sub-ranges. This process is repeatedly performed until the required number of thresholds is obtained. Our experimental results for three benchmark images and fifty faces show a possibility that the proposed method could be used efficiently for pattern matching and face recognition.

Optical Character Recognition for Hindi Language Using a Neural-network Approach

  • Yadav, Divakar;Sanchez-Cuadrado, Sonia;Morato, Jorge
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2013
  • Hindi is the most widely spoken language in India, with more than 300 million speakers. As there is no separation between the characters of texts written in Hindi as there is in English, the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems developed for the Hindi language carry a very poor recognition rate. In this paper we propose an OCR for printed Hindi text in Devanagari script, using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which improves its efficiency. One of the major reasons for the poor recognition rate is error in character segmentation. The presence of touching characters in the scanned documents further complicates the segmentation process, creating a major problem when designing an effective character segmentation technique. Preprocessing, character segmentation, feature extraction, and finally, classification and recognition are the major steps which are followed by a general OCR. The preprocessing tasks considered in the paper are conversion of gray scaled images to binary images, image rectification, and segmentation of the document's textual contents into paragraphs, lines, words, and then at the level of basic symbols. The basic symbols, obtained as the fundamental unit from the segmentation process, are recognized by the neural classifier. In this work, three feature extraction techniques-: histogram of projection based on mean distance, histogram of projection based on pixel value, and vertical zero crossing, have been used to improve the rate of recognition. These feature extraction techniques are powerful enough to extract features of even distorted characters/symbols. For development of the neural classifier, a back-propagation neural network with two hidden layers is used. The classifier is trained and tested for printed Hindi texts. A performance of approximately 90% correct recognition rate is achieved.

Low-Informative Region Detection based on Multi-Layer Perceptron for Automatical Insertion of Virtual Advertisement in Sports Image (스포츠 영상 내에서 자동적인 가상 광고 삽입을 위한 다층퍼셉트론 기반의 저정보 영역 검출)

  • Jung, Jae-Young;Kim, Jong-Ha
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2017
  • Virtual advertisement is an advertising technique that using computer graphic in a media production such as a sports image for inserting product image, logo, advertising slogan, etc. Recently, the image insertion of virtual advertisement is actively spreading due to the satisfaction of technical element for the image insertion of virtual advertisement in sports advertisement by increasing of the image processing technology and the computing performance. In addition, image processing technology for automatic insertion has become an important research field in the virtual advertisement field. In this paper, we propose the method of extracting less-informative region by using image processing technique and machine learning to insert a virtual advertisement automatically in sports image. The proposed method analyzes the brightness level of image through the histogram and extracts the less-informative region using the machine learning method.

An image enhancement Method for extracting multi-license plate region

  • Yun, Jong-Ho;Choi, Myung-Ryul;Lee, Sang-Sun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.3188-3207
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose an image enhancement algorithm to improve license plate extraction rate in various environments (Day Street, Night Street, Underground parking lot, etc.). The proposed algorithm is composed of image enhancement algorithm and license plate extraction algorithm. The image enhancement method can improve an image quality of the degraded image, which utilizes a histogram information and overall gray level distribution of an image. The proposed algorithm employs an interpolated probability distribution value (PDV) in order to control a sudden change in image brightness. Probability distribution value can be calculated using cumulative distribution function (CDF) and probability density function (PDF) of the captured image, whose values are achieved by brightness distribution of the captured image. Also, by adjusting the image enhancement factor of each part region based on image pixel information, it provides a function that can adjust the gradation of the image in more details. This processed gray image is converted into a binary image, which fuses narrow breaks and long thin gulfs, eliminates small holes, and fills gaps in the contour by using morphology operations. Then license plate region is detected based on aspect ratio and license plate size of the bound box drawn on connected license plate areas. The images have been captured by using a video camera or a personal image recorder installed in front of the cars. The captured images have included several license plates on multilane roads. Simulation has been executed using OpenCV and MATLAB. The results show that the extraction success rate is more improved than the conventional algorithms.

Feature Extraction by Line-clustering Segmentation Method (선군집분할방법에 의한 특징 추출)

  • Hwang Jae-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.4 s.107
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    • pp.401-408
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a new class of segmentation technique for feature extraction based on the statistical and regional classification at each vertical or horizontal line of digital image data. Data is processed and clustered at each line, different from the point or space process. They are designed to segment gray-scale sectional images using a horizontal and vertical line process due to their statistical and property differences, and to extract the feature. The techniques presented here show efficient results in case of the gray level overlap and not having threshold image. Such images are also not easy to be segmented by the global or local threshold methods. Line pixels inform us the sectionable data, and can be set according to cluster quality due to the differences of histogram and statistical data. The total segmentation on line clusters can be obtained by adaptive extension onto the horizontal axis. Each processed region has its own pixel value, resulting in feature extraction. The advantage and effectiveness of the line-cluster approach are both shown theoretically and demonstrated through the region-segmental carotid artery medical image processing.

Color Component Analysis For Image Retrieval (이미지 검색을 위한 색상 성분 분석)

  • Choi, Young-Kwan;Choi, Chul;Park, Jang-Chun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.4
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 2004
  • Recently, studies of image analysis, as the preprocessing stage for medical image analysis or image retrieval, are actively carried out. This paper intends to propose a way of utilizing color components for image retrieval. For image retrieval, it is based on color components, and for analysis of color, CLCM (Color Level Co-occurrence Matrix) and statistical techniques are used. CLCM proposed in this paper is to project color components on 3D space through geometric rotate transform and then, to interpret distribution that is made from the spatial relationship. CLCM is 2D histogram that is made in color model, which is created through geometric rotate transform of a color model. In order to analyze it, a statistical technique is used. Like CLCM, GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix)[1] and Invariant Moment [2,3] use 2D distribution chart, which use basic statistical techniques in order to interpret 2D data. However, even though GLCM and Invariant Moment are optimized in each domain, it is impossible to perfectly interpret irregular data available on the spatial coordinates. That is, GLCM and Invariant Moment use only the basic statistical techniques so reliability of the extracted features is low. In order to interpret the spatial relationship and weight of data, this study has used Principal Component Analysis [4,5] that is used in multivariate statistics. In order to increase accuracy of data, it has proposed a way to project color components on 3D space, to rotate it and then, to extract features of data from all angles.